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Famous Navy Seal calls for veterans to defend Trump now

It's all in PSD now. You wouldn't believe how they've centralized everything.

It also depends on the size of the command. I served on an FBM submarine. No DKs onboard.

No need for them either! I also served on an boomer.

Good man. Bubbleheads are the best.

USS James Madison SSBN 627 Blue crew

USS John C. Calhoun SSBN -630 Gold Crew
ah....a bubblehead. Boomer, even.

I was a bubblehead, a blackshoe and a Gator!
It's all in PSD now. You wouldn't believe how they've centralized everything.

It also depends on the size of the command. I served on an FBM submarine. No DKs onboard.

No need for them either! I also served on an boomer.

Good man. Bubbleheads are the best.

USS James Madison SSBN 627 Blue crew
Er.....except for Airdales.

Qualified submariners are the best trained sailors in the fleet.

My quals were the toughest training, academically, that I have ever had. I have a BS in secondary education/comprehensive sciences, numerous OSHA and DOT certifications, and training credentials in numerous area of line work (including transmission lines) and other areas in utility construction. None of them even came close to the difficulty of submarine quals. My "dolphins" are something I am very proud of.

American veterans finally have a commander-in-chief who is ready to fight for their rights.

Navy Seal To Vets: Defend Trump Now

Infowars.com is starting an email initiative to show that U.S. veterans stand with president Trump.

As the establishment tries to delegitimize Donald Trump, now is the time to show your support for him.

Send in photos with your Trump gear or signs, as well as other creative ideas to [email protected] and we will get them out to the

Famous Navy SEAL Calls For Veterans To Defend Trump NOW!

Navy SEAL veteran Craig Sawyer gives a live public defense of Trump


Warnings keep coming but people are to hung up on their proud liberal mental illness cloud . Gawd if you liberals would gtf out of that trance.

He wants us vets to defend Trump from what exactly? Criticism? What is Trump doing for veterans? Trump is just another pantywaist like the last 3 who never served. His Vietnam struggle was not getting STD's. Fuck Trump. He isn't worthy of defending.
Good man. Bubbleheads are the best.

USS James Madison SSBN 627 Blue crew
Er.....except for Airdales.

Qualified submariners are the best trained sailors in the fleet.

My quals were the toughest training, academically, that I have ever had. I have a BS in secondary education/comprehensive sciences, numerous OSHA and DOT certifications, and training credentials in numerous area of line work (including transmission lines) and other areas in utility construction. None of them even came close to the difficulty of submarine quals. My "dolphins" are something I am very proud of.
You know the main difference between bubbleheads, black shoes and airdales, right?

Bubbleheads don't do it unless the manuals say to do it.

Blackshoes do it as long as the manuals don't forbid it.

Airdales...it's easier to ask forgiveness after than to ask permission beforehand.

One difference you forgot. The bubbleheads can find the airdales.
Actually, I spent my last 10 years in ASW.....we found you......a lot.

I once had to track my former boomer in ASW exercises on my cruiser. I was the only one who ever found her, and that is because I was a bubblehead to start. I spotted the periscope on radar as my old boat was lining up for a torpedo shot and I dropped an ASROC on her head. Because I knew the tactics, I had her number.
My reply disappeared but here it is. Vets who spit on POWs on election day are worse than Jane Fonda. They deserve no respect.
McCain is the POWs? Looks like Trump was right about that gas bag all along. No one gives a shit about what you respect.

You don't think "...He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” is disrespectful of every POW?

Especially coming from someone who thinks his time is some rich private school is the same as military service?
He was criticizing the gas bag, not all POWs. When did he say his school was like military service?

I might not agree with all his politics, but McCain is 100+ times the man a little dick cheese like yourself is. Same goes for your shitty president.
Whether someone served for 4 years or 30 years, as long as they served they are veterans.
But in McCain's case he is a collaborator and a traitor.

Where are you getting this information? It sounds like bullshit to me.
Third, John McCain has been actively interfering with investigations into the possible survival of POWs from Vietnam, Laos and the Soviet Union.

Why Has John McCain Blocked Info on MIAs?

John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, worked very hard to hide from the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn’t return home. Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus the war hero people would logically imagine to be a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books.

Almost as striking is the manner in which the mainstream press has shied from reporting the POW story and McCain’s role in it, even as McCain has made his military service and POW history the focus of his presidential campaign. Reporters who had covered the Vietnam War have also turned their heads and walked in other directions. McCain doesn’t talk about the missing men, and the press never asks him about them.

The sum of the secrets McCain has sought to hide is not small. There exists a telling mass of official documents, radio intercepts, witness depositions, satellite photos of rescue symbols that pilots were trained to use, electronic messages from the ground containing the individual code numbers given to airmen, a rescue mission by a Special Forces unit that was aborted twice by Washington and even sworn testimony by two defense secretaries that "men were left behind." This imposing body of evidence suggests that a large number–probably hundreds–of the US prisoners held in Vietnam were not returned when the peace treaty was signed in January 1973 and Hanoi released 591 men, among them Navy combat pilot John S. McCain.

The Pentagon had been withholding significant information from POW families for years. What’s more, the Pentagon’s POW/MIA operation had been publicly shamed by internal whistleblowers and POW families for holding back documents as part of a policy of "debunking" POW intelligence even when the information was obviously credible. The pressure from the families and Vietnam veterans finally produced the creation, in late 1991, of a Senate "Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs." The chair was John Kerry, but McCain, as a POW, was its most pivotal member. In the end, the committee became part of the debunking machine.

Included in the evidence that McCain and his government allies suppressed or tried to discredit is a transcript of a senior North Vietnamese general’s briefing of the Hanoi Politburo, discovered in Soviet archives by an American scholar in the 1990s. The briefing took place only four months before the 1973 peace accords. The general, Tran Van Quang, told the Politburo members that Hanoi was holding 1,205 American prisoners but would keep many of them at war’s end as leverage to ensure getting reparations from Washington.

Throughout the Paris negotiations, the North Vietnamese tied the prisoner issue tightly to the issue of reparations. Finally, in a February 1, 1973, formal letter to Hanoi’s premier, Pham Van Dong, Nixon pledged $3.25 billion in "postwar reconstruction" aid. The North Vietnamese, though, remained skeptical about the reparations promise being honored (it never was). Hanoi thus held back prisoners–just as it had done when the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 and withdrew their forces from Vietnam. France later paid ransoms for prisoners and brought them home.

McCains fiery temper he let lose at families of POWs trying to pursue information on missing relatives became legendary.

Why members of POW/MIA families despise McCain
McCain was advised (Nov. 11, 1992) that Dolores Apodaca Alfond, chairwoman of the National Alliance of POW/MIA Families (her pilot brother Capt. Victor J. Apodaca is missing in action in North Vietnam), was offering testimony critical of the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs. He rushed into the hearing room to confront her.

Award winning journalist Sydney Schanberg described the scene. "His face [McCain] angry and his voice very loud, he accused her of making 'allegations ... that are patently and totally false and deceptive.'

"Making a fist, he shook his index finger at her and said she had insulted an emissary to Vietnam sent by President Bush. He said she had insulted other MIA families with her remarks. And then he said, through clenched teeth: 'And I am sick and tired of you insulting mine and other people's [patriotism] who happen to have different views than yours.'

"By this time, tears were running down Alfond's cheeks. She reached into her handbag for a handkerchief. She tried to speak: 'The family members have been waiting for years -- years! And now you're shutting down.' He kept interrupting her. She tried to say, through tears, that she had issued no insults. He kept talking over her words. He said she was accusing him and others of 'some conspiracy without proof, and some cover-up.' She said she was merely seeking 'some answers. That is what I am asking.' He ripped into her for using the word 'fiasco.' She replied: 'The fiasco was the people that stepped out and said we have written the end, the final chapter to Vietnam.' 'No one said that,' he shouted. 'No one said what you are saying they said, Ms. Alfond.' And then, his face flaming pink, he stalked out of the room, to shouts of disfavor from members of the audience."

video of the incident here:

There was another situation, sadly not captured on video, where McCain was physically abusive to some family members who were trying to learn about their missing family members. He even shoved a woman in a wheelchair:

In 1996, McCain encountered a group of POW/MIA family members outside a Senate hearing room. The family members were some of the same who worked tirelessly during the Vietnam War to make sure Hanoi released all U.S. POWs - including POW McCain.

McCain immediately began quarreling with the POW/MIA family members, who were eager to question him on the issue of what happened to their loved ones.

Instead of showing courtesy and appropriate compassion by answering their questions, the Arizona senator pushed through the group, shoving them out of his way, nearly toppling the wheelchair of POW/MIA mother Jane Duke Gaylor. Her son, Charles Duke, a civilian worker in Vietnam, is among 2,300 American POWs and MIAs still unaccounted for by the communists.

John McCain has been a shill for global multinational corporations and has tried to prefent any impediments to the corporations like Nike from moving into Vietname to exploit cheap Vietnamese labor.

So what you're saying is that in six Senate campaigns and two (or three?) runs for President, one as the nominee, no body of credible evidence has been presented by either investigative journalists, the military, or any political rival establishing McCain's alleged treason or any of the other nonsense of which you accuse him . . . but you believe it's true because among thousands of POW/MIA families there are a handful of conspiracy theorist nutjobs who can't accept reality and who blame McCain for that?

I honor their families' sacrifice to this country and I sympathize with their grief, but that doesn't make them anymore right. The behavior described in your quote is the understandable frustration and anger of a patriot unfairly assailed and unjustly accused. And I have no doubt whatsoever that the story about him almost knocking over a woman in a wheelchair is grossly misrepresented - how convenient that it's not on video.

None of this is proof of anything but your willful ignorance.

John McCain still can't lift his arms to comb his own hair because of how badly he was tortured and broken in service to this country. You are simply scum for suggesting he is anything other than a patriot.

eta: I say those things despite disagreeing with his politics 90%+ and believing that his choice of Palin as running mate was both negligent to his duties as a potential Commander-in-Chief and terribly destructive to political discourse in our country. Some things come before partisan politics no matter how passionate; one of those things is honoring the men and women who risk & lay down their lives for their fellow citizens - no matter how ill-advised the military action in which they are called to duty.
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John McCain still can't lift his arms to comb his own hair because of how badly he was tortured and broken in service to this country.
McCain's arms and leg were broken because he failed to properly tuck in before hitting the eject button and got them broken in exit, not from torture, dimwit.
I once had to track my former boomer in ASW exercises on my cruiser. I was the only one who ever found her, and that is because I was a bubblehead to start. I spotted the periscope on radar as my old boat was lining up for a torpedo shot and I dropped an ASROC on her head. Because I knew the tactics, I had her number.
When I worked at Dahlgren, some old submariners told me that you can actually track the direction and speed of a sub by referencing its periscope pings. Seems that the captains usually wanted to take pics of their kills before firing enough that they left a trail of sorts.

Amateurs like to talk about how many aircraft a carrier has, or how many missiles, but probably the most critical element is that little thing that the ships drag behind them, lol.
McCain's arms and leg were broken because he failed to properly tuck in before hitting the eject button and got them broken in exit, not from torture, dimwit.

Nope. Why have you bought into the lies?

What John McCain Went Through as a POW

Lol, even a McCain supporter recognises that he broke his arms and leg on ejection.

I Spent Years as a POW with John McCain, and His Finger Should Not Be Near the Red Button

What are John McCain's war injuries

John McCain Is No "Hero POW"

To relate the event, McCain later recalled that he was "flying right over the heart of Hanoi in a dive at about 4,500 feet, when a Russian missile the size of a telephone pole came upthe sky was full of themand blew the right wing off my Skyhawk dive bomber. It went into an inverted, almost straight-down spin. -U.S. News and World Report, May 14, 1973 article written by former POW John McCain

"I pulled the ejection handle, and was knocked unconscious by the force of the ejection--the air speed was about 500 knots. I didn't realize it at the moment, but I had broken my right leg around the knee, my right arm in three places and my left arm. I regained consciousness just before I landed by parachute in a lake right in the center of Hanoi, one they called the Western Lake. My helmet and my oxygen mask had been blown off. "I hit the water and sank to the bottom . . . I did not feel any pain at the time, and I was able to rise to the surface. I took a breath of air and started sinking again." -U.S. News and World Report, May 14, 1973 article written by former POW John McCain

After bobbing up and down, he was eventually pulled from the water by Vietnamese who had swam out to get him.

A mob gathered on shore and McCain was bayoneted in the foot and his shoulder was smashed with a rifle butt. He was put on a truck and taken to Hanoi's main prison.

After being periodically slapped around for "three or four days" by his captors who wanted military information from him, +McCain called for an officer on his fourth day of captivity. He told the officer, "O.K., I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital." -U.S. News and World Report,+ May 14, 1973 article written by former POW John McCain

McCain was taken to Gai Lam military hospital normally unavailable to American POWS. (U.S. government documents)

"Demands for military information were accompanied by threats to terminate my medical treatment if I McCain did not cooperate. Eventually, I gave them my ship's name and squadron number, and confirmed that my target had been the power plant." Page 193-194, Faith of My Fathers by John McCain.

Nov. 9, 1967 (U.S. government documents) Hanoi press began quoting him giving specific military information.

One report dated read, "To a question of the correspondent, McCain answered: 'My assignment to the Oriskany, I told myself, was due to serious losses in pilots, which were sustained by this aircraft carrier (due to its raids on the North Vietnam territory - VNA) and which necessitated replacements. From 10 to 12 pilots were transferred like me from the Forrestal to the Oriskany. Before I was shot down, we had made several sorties. Altogether, I made about 23 flights over North Vietnam.'"

In that report, +McCain was quoted describing the number of aircraft in his flight, information about rescue ships, and the order of which his attack was supposed to take place. +

Through the Freedom of Information Act, the U.S. Veteran Dispatch acquired a declassified Department of Defense (DOD) transcript of an interview prominent French television reporter Francois Chalais had with McCain.

Chalais told of his private interview with POW McCain in a series titled Life in Hanoi, which was aired in Europe. In the series, Chalais said his meeting with McCain was "a meeting which will leave its mark on my life."

"My meeting with John Sidney McCain was certainly one of those meetings which will affect me most profoundly for the rest of my life. I had asked the North Vietnamese authorities to allow me to personally interrogate an American prisoner. They authorized me to do so. When night fell, they took me-without any precautions or mystery+to a hospital near the Gia Lam airport reserved for the North Vietnamese military. +(passage omitted) The officer who receives me begins: I ask you not to ask any questions of political nature. If this man replies in a way unfavorable to us, they will not hesitate to speak of 'brainwashing' and conclude that we threatened him.

"'This John Sidney McCain is not an ordinary prisoner. His father is none other than Admiral Edmond John McCain, commander in chief of U.S. naval forces in Europe. (passage omitted)'"

+". . . Many visitors came to talk to me John McCain. Not all of it was for interrogation. +Once a famous North Vietnamese writer-an old man with a Ho Chi Minh beard-came to my room, wanting to know all about Ernest Hemingway . . . Others came to find out about life in the United States. They figured because my father had such high military rank that I was of the royalty or governing circle . . . +One of the men who came to see me, whose picture I recognized later, was Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, the hero of Dienbienphu." +U.S. News and World Report, May 14, 1973 article written by former POW John McCain

Vietnamese doctors operate (early December 1967) on McCain's Leg. Later that month, six weeks after he was shot down, McCain was taken from the hospital and delivered to a POW camp, Room No. 11 in "The Plantation" and into the hands of two other U.S. POWs, Air Force majors George "Bud" Day and Norris Overly. They helped further nurse him along until he was eventually able to walk by himself. --Faith of My Fathers by John McCain

McCain, Day and Overly, were relocated (early January 1968) to "another end of the camp, a place we called 'the Corn Crib.'" A group of "obviously senior" Communist Party members visited and talked with McCain. --Faith of My Fathers by John McCain

Overly was offered and he accepted early release. He was released February 16. --Faith of My Fathers by John McCain

Overly was released with David Matheny and John Black. "They were the first three POW's to be released by the North Vietnamese." U.S. News and World Report, May 14, 1973 article written by former POW John McCain

In March, Day was "relocated" to another cell.--Faith of My Fathers by John McCain. A month later, McCain was "moved into another building, the largest cell block in the camp, 'the Warehouse.'" Day was moved to another prison (the Zoo). McCain began solitary confinement.--Faith of My Fathers by John McCain

For nearly two years, McCain's communist handlers kept him isolated from other U.S. prisoners. Because they considered him a "special prisoner," McCain became the target of intense indoctrination and psychological programs the communists had perfected during the Korean War.

The communists were very much aware that POW McCain would be under great psychological pressure not to do or say anything that would tarnish his famous military family and they considered that to be the key to eventually breaking and then "turning" him. McCain's handlers kept meticulous records of his behavior, including his personal strengths, weaknesses and any special favors he may have accepted while under the pressure of isolation.

McCain's interrogators considered him a "special prisoner." They believed that because he came from a "royal family," he would, when finally released, return to the United States to some important military or government job.

Because he was kept isolated from other U.S. prisoners during these years of captivity, no one, except McCain and his captors, know exactly to what he was subjected or how he responded. Most information in the public record detailing McCain's experience with the North Vietnamese during this time frame came from McCain and McCain only.
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John McCain still can't lift his arms to comb his own hair because of how badly he was tortured and broken in service to this country.
McCain's arms and leg were broken because he failed to properly tuck in before hitting the eject button and got them broken in exit, not from torture, dimwit.
I said tortured & broken IN SERVICE TO THIS COUNTRY - fucknut. That obviously includes his injuries from ejecting.

I know all the details of John McCain's story; he visited my high school and inspired me to enter into public service. He was my Congressman.

You are not fit to be smegma at the end of John McCain's dick.
John McCain still can't lift his arms to comb his own hair because of how badly he was tortured and broken in service to this country.
McCain's arms and leg were broken because he failed to properly tuck in before hitting the eject button and got them broken in exit, not from torture, dimwit.
I said tortured & broken IN SERVICE TO HIS COUNTRY - fucknut.

I know all the details of John McCain's story; he visited my high school and inspired me to enter into public service. He was my Congressman.

You are not fit to be smegma at the end of John McCain's dick.
Lol, none of that changes the basic fact that McCain was a collaborator who stopped investigations into POW sightings, idiot.

John McCain still can't lift his arms to comb his own hair because of how badly he was tortured and broken in service to this country.
McCain's arms and leg were broken because he failed to properly tuck in before hitting the eject button and got them broken in exit, not from torture, dimwit.
I said tortured & broken IN SERVICE TO HIS COUNTRY - fucknut.

I know all the details of John McCain's story; he visited my high school and inspired me to enter into public service. He was my Congressman.

You are not fit to be smegma at the end of John McCain's dick.
Lol, none of that changes the basic fact that McCain was a collaborator who stopped investigations into POW sightings, idiot.

No wonder you suck Trump's cock - facts and lies are indistinguishable to you.

I don't listen to brainless ideologues, waste of my time. You get to join the other rejects on the ignore list. Buh-bye!

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