"Far Right" can't win for GOP? ...BS!

The left of center middle can't win for the GOP - which is why the assclown brigade fights so hard for Jeb or Christie. Only Jeb is a sure thing to lose to Hillary - so it's vital to the assclowns that Jeb be the GOP pick.
There's no such thing as a 'Far-Right'.

One either Recognizes, Respects, Defends and Adheres to the Principles that define America, or one does not and since there's no such thing as "REALLY Recognizing, Respecting, Defending, and Adhering to American Principles, well... you know.

The thing to understand however is that where one runs a campaign resting upon those principles... one wins. And that is because those principles speak to the human soul.
There's no such thing as a 'Far-Right'.
if you say so.....

It's the reasoning that says so Harry. All I did was point it out
Conservatives did have a voice in every election I cited. The more conservative 'voices' weren't nominated.

You claim they could have done better, or even won.


Name who could have won...

No... they didn't have a voice. I didn't claim they could have done better or even won. You're asking me to give you examples of someone who didn't exist and I can't do that.

If Conservatives had someone like Ronald Reagan who could have articulated Conservative philosophy, they would have won in a landslide over Obama or any other liberal lefty. The fact is, they had no such person on the national stage. They had a few who tried but failed because they weren't articulate enough. I can't change reality, it is what it is. Your demands that I present some alternate reality that never happened is kind of stupid.

So someone else wrote this in your OP?

"We've allowed people like John McCain and Mitt Romney to carry the water for Conservatism and along with the left, morph it into some backward ideology that must be defeated, or at the very least, apologized for! Conservatives have an uphill battle to change this dynamic but it can be done, it has been done before.

To the GOP Elites: You better get on board with a solid Conservative or the Democrats will win in 2016. This idea that we have to nominate someone "more moderate" is simply surrendering to the liberal left."

YOU brought up the past elections.

Now I am REALLY confused... Where the fuck did I say we can't bring up past elections?

In 2008 and again in 2012, the GOP nominated a moderate, not a conservative. Probably because the conservatives were either not strong enough voices of conservative philosophy or because the conservative voices were diluted between numerous candidates, none of which stood out among the rest.

My statement was that the GOP didn't nominate a conservative and conservatives haven't had a strong voice. You're taking that statement and wanting me to prove to you that conservatives had a strong voice and could have won the elections. I don't get it... are you not paying attention to what I am saying, or what? Is it that you need desperately for me to be making an idiotic argument that can't be supported because that's the only kind of arguments you can win? What is the deal here?
Far right to me means it's less important to get the budget under control than it is to be able to fire the gays for being gay, and not have any permanent legal status for illegal aliens who've been working for years, and to ban every abortion and even those down with over the counter pills.
You are lying as normal. No conservative demand homosexuals be fired ! Prove it you piece of excrement! Conservatives also dont believe in rewarding criminals like ILLEGAL aliens! Unlike you progressives we dont worship criminals.

Hardcore right wingers say there's no such thing as the hardcore right, hardcore left wingers say there's no such thing as the hardcore left.

Commitment to a hardcore partisan ideology literally distorts perception, so it's quite possible that these people are being perfectly honest.

From their perspective.


AGAIN... (and I plan to keep point this out, over and over and over) It takes about two brain cells to bow up and call someone a name! What you are continuing to FAIL doing is showing something to indicate this "hardcore partisan ideology" that makes the "far right" so "extreme and fanatical" or whatever.

How about presenting some examples of "far right hardcore partisan ideology" for us? Balancing a budget? Controlling illegal immigration? Adhering to the Constitution? What exactly do you have to support your claim?

Not sure what the "CRICKETS" thing is, I'm always more than happy to provide an opinion when asked. And when I say that someone is a "hardcore partisan ideologue", I'm not trying to engage in name-calling. I'm quite serious about each word in that phrase, and you'll never see me calling someone here a nasty name.

So, to answer your question: I am confident that you understand that political opinion lies along a spectrum, from Left to Right. So an example of this would be the use of the term RINO, which generally means a Republican who does not agree with all of the GOP platform. I'm sure you have heard that term, so no doubt I don't need to go into more detail there.

So what do I mean by "hardcore right wing partisan ideologue"? Well, there are two parts to that: Ideological and behavioral.

Ideological: Easy call here. Off the top of my head: No abortions, no gay marriage, neocon war & foreign policy, total free market healthcare, decrease federal government spending at all costs, constant push for fewer gun laws, constant push for lower personal and corporate income taxes and other taxation, constant push to abolish any number of federal government departments (from education to IRS). Surely you recognize that there are some conservatives who may not push quite as hard or might even disagree with one or two of those positions, thereby moving them toward the Left on the aforementioned "spectrum".

Behavioral: Partisan ideologues on both ends regularly engage in the same dishonest behaviors: Spin, deflection, distortion, denial, hyperbole, straw man arguments and outright lies in a transparent effort to maximize all arguments, data and information on their "side" and to minimize, avoid, ignore all contrary arguments, data and information. Ideology over everything else, from honesty to country. Further, I have become convinced that adherence to a hardcore partisan ideology literally distorts perception, making people truly believe and say things that they would not if they were in a more rational state of mind.

There. I hope that clarifies.


It only clarifies that you can't tell the difference between an ideology and a philosophy. Now you listed some issues which conservative philosophy deals with, but where is the "extremism" in anything you mentioned? For example, which Conservative is advocating that we ban all abortions? What the hell is "neocon war?" ...You mean like bombing Syria?

I know plenty of Conservatives who support a state's right to legislate gay marriage... are they not conservative because of that?
Philosophy vs. ideology is irrelevant in this case. If you want to parse words, that's fine.

And surely you know what I mean by "neocons".

And perhaps you can show me where I used the word "extremism". You put it in quotes; I didn't say that.

You're illustrating what Mudwhistle infers above: Even hardcore partisan ideologues think they're moderates.


All I did was ask you for some examples to back up the rhetoric and you've failed to produce them. And no... Ideology and philosophy are two completely different things and the difference is not irrelevant. That is a fact and it's not "parsing" anything to point it out.

Any time you place the word "FAR" in front of something, it explicitly implies "extreme!" What the fuck else can "extreme" mean?

I am not a partisan ideologue and so far, there has been NO EXAMPLES GIVEN of what this even means in terms of my positions and views. It's all a part of the Rhetoric Campaign... the systematic dismantling of Conservative philosophy in an attempt to morph it into some backward-thinking ideology that can be ridiculed and opposed.

You're failing because you can't cite examples to support your rhetoric! I've asked patiently, over and over... doesn't seem to matter... you guys just keep heaping the rhetoric on hot and heavy without backing it up.

What does "FAR RIGHT" mean? Am I "far right" because I believe our Constitution guarantees us the right to bear arms? That makes me an "extremist radical far right wacko?" Is it my view on Constitutionally limited federal government? Less taxes and more freedom? Please, do tell... what makes me a "far right" conservative?
I answered your question as clearly and completely as I could.

I gave several specific examples.

Clearly you're not going to be satisfied.

Far right to me means it's less important to get the budget under control than it is to be able to fire the gays for being gay, and not have any permanent legal status for illegal aliens who've been working for years, and to ban every abortion and even those down with over the counter pills.
You are lying as normal. No conservative demand homosexuals be fired ! Prove it you piece of excrement! Conservatives also dont believe in rewarding criminals like ILLEGAL aliens! Unlike you progressives we dont worship criminals.
You can't read, as usual. I said to preserve the right for firing gays for being gay.
AGAIN... (and I plan to keep point this out, over and over and over) It takes about two brain cells to bow up and call someone a name! What you are continuing to FAIL doing is showing something to indicate this "hardcore partisan ideology" that makes the "far right" so "extreme and fanatical" or whatever.

How about presenting some examples of "far right hardcore partisan ideology" for us? Balancing a budget? Controlling illegal immigration? Adhering to the Constitution? What exactly do you have to support your claim?

Not sure what the "CRICKETS" thing is, I'm always more than happy to provide an opinion when asked. And when I say that someone is a "hardcore partisan ideologue", I'm not trying to engage in name-calling. I'm quite serious about each word in that phrase, and you'll never see me calling someone here a nasty name.

So, to answer your question: I am confident that you understand that political opinion lies along a spectrum, from Left to Right. So an example of this would be the use of the term RINO, which generally means a Republican who does not agree with all of the GOP platform. I'm sure you have heard that term, so no doubt I don't need to go into more detail there.

So what do I mean by "hardcore right wing partisan ideologue"? Well, there are two parts to that: Ideological and behavioral.

Ideological: Easy call here. Off the top of my head: No abortions, no gay marriage, neocon war & foreign policy, total free market healthcare, decrease federal government spending at all costs, constant push for fewer gun laws, constant push for lower personal and corporate income taxes and other taxation, constant push to abolish any number of federal government departments (from education to IRS). Surely you recognize that there are some conservatives who may not push quite as hard or might even disagree with one or two of those positions, thereby moving them toward the Left on the aforementioned "spectrum".

Behavioral: Partisan ideologues on both ends regularly engage in the same dishonest behaviors: Spin, deflection, distortion, denial, hyperbole, straw man arguments and outright lies in a transparent effort to maximize all arguments, data and information on their "side" and to minimize, avoid, ignore all contrary arguments, data and information. Ideology over everything else, from honesty to country. Further, I have become convinced that adherence to a hardcore partisan ideology literally distorts perception, making people truly believe and say things that they would not if they were in a more rational state of mind.

There. I hope that clarifies.


It only clarifies that you can't tell the difference between an ideology and a philosophy. Now you listed some issues which conservative philosophy deals with, but where is the "extremism" in anything you mentioned? For example, which Conservative is advocating that we ban all abortions? What the hell is "neocon war?" ...You mean like bombing Syria?

I know plenty of Conservatives who support a state's right to legislate gay marriage... are they not conservative because of that?
Philosophy vs. ideology is irrelevant in this case. If you want to parse words, that's fine.

And surely you know what I mean by "neocons".

And perhaps you can show me where I used the word "extremism". You put it in quotes; I didn't say that.

You're illustrating what Mudwhistle infers above: Even hardcore partisan ideologues think they're moderates.


All I did was ask you for some examples to back up the rhetoric and you've failed to produce them. And no... Ideology and philosophy are two completely different things and the difference is not irrelevant. That is a fact and it's not "parsing" anything to point it out.

Any time you place the word "FAR" in front of something, it explicitly implies "extreme!" What the fuck else can "extreme" mean?

I am not a partisan ideologue and so far, there has been NO EXAMPLES GIVEN of what this even means in terms of my positions and views. It's all a part of the Rhetoric Campaign... the systematic dismantling of Conservative philosophy in an attempt to morph it into some backward-thinking ideology that can be ridiculed and opposed.

You're failing because you can't cite examples to support your rhetoric! I've asked patiently, over and over... doesn't seem to matter... you guys just keep heaping the rhetoric on hot and heavy without backing it up.

What does "FAR RIGHT" mean? Am I "far right" because I believe our Constitution guarantees us the right to bear arms? That makes me an "extremist radical far right wacko?" Is it my view on Constitutionally limited federal government? Less taxes and more freedom? Please, do tell... what makes me a "far right" conservative?
I answered your question as clearly and completely as I could.

I gave several specific examples.

Clearly you're not going to be satisfied.

You try so hard to act like you are not a liberal but every time you take their positions with no evidence to back it up....Now you are saying you have when anyone who can read sees that you didn't. You are not all that moderate....I know you think of yourself as but your not really/.... Most libertarians are like this as well.
Far right to me means it's less important to get the budget under control than it is to be able to fire the gays for being gay, and not have any permanent legal status for illegal aliens who've been working for years, and to ban every abortion and even those down with over the counter pills.
You are lying as normal. No conservative demand homosexuals be fired ! Prove it you piece of excrement! Conservatives also dont believe in rewarding criminals like ILLEGAL aliens! Unlike you progressives we dont worship criminals.
You can't read, as usual. I said to preserve the right for firing gays for being gay.
There no such right you lying piece of shit ! Prove that there are!
Another post... still no examples of what is meant by "FAR RIGHT!"

Folks... they can't answer you on this! It's all rhetoric!
Here is an example of all it takes to be far Right, it's that simple!

Feb 20, 2015
RUSH: All you need to know is Obama wants it; you should oppose it. It's that simple.

Okay... So to you, "far right" means anyone who is in opposition to Obama on any issue!

Glad you clarified your rhetoric, now we understand! :D
No, far right means a mindless knee jerk opposition to anything that does not conform to the CON$ervoFascist Ideology, but you knew that already and are just too dishonest to admit it, thus your Straw Man. Dishonesty is also a strict requirement of the CON$ervoFascist ideology.
Far right to me means it's less important to get the budget under control than it is to be able to fire the gays for being gay, and not have any permanent legal status for illegal aliens who've been working for years, and to ban every abortion and even those down with over the counter pills.

Name one Conservative in this country who has advocated discrimination against homosexuals for being homosexual? Tell me how the belief that we should enforce immigration laws already on the books is "far right" or anything other than common sense? Where are these conservatives who advocate an all-out ban on ALL abortions and contraception?

You see... what the left has done (with help from the establishment GOP) is pervert Conservatism into this litany of imaginary extremism that doesn't exist in reality. Conservatives have a broad range of views on these issues, they don't follow an ideological template the way liberals do.
Far right to me means it's less important to get the budget under control than it is to be able to fire the gays for being gay, and not have any permanent legal status for illegal aliens who've been working for years, and to ban every abortion and even those down with over the counter pills.

Name one Conservative in this country who has advocated discrimination against homosexuals for being homosexual? Tell me how the belief that we should enforce immigration laws already on the books is "far right" or anything other than common sense? Where are these conservatives who advocate an all-out ban on ALL abortions and contraception?

You see... what the left has done (with help from the establishment GOP) is pervert Conservatism into this litany of imaginary extremism that doesn't exist in reality. Conservatives have a broad range of views on these issues, they don't follow an ideological template the way liberals do.
Um I actually do believe abortion should be illegal....It is killing a innocent baby. As for the contraception...I just want the cheap bastards to pay for their own and stop stealing out of my wallet for it.
AGAIN... (and I plan to keep point this out, over and over and over) It takes about two brain cells to bow up and call someone a name! What you are continuing to FAIL doing is showing something to indicate this "hardcore partisan ideology" that makes the "far right" so "extreme and fanatical" or whatever.

How about presenting some examples of "far right hardcore partisan ideology" for us? Balancing a budget? Controlling illegal immigration? Adhering to the Constitution? What exactly do you have to support your claim?

Not sure what the "CRICKETS" thing is, I'm always more than happy to provide an opinion when asked. And when I say that someone is a "hardcore partisan ideologue", I'm not trying to engage in name-calling. I'm quite serious about each word in that phrase, and you'll never see me calling someone here a nasty name.

So, to answer your question: I am confident that you understand that political opinion lies along a spectrum, from Left to Right. So an example of this would be the use of the term RINO, which generally means a Republican who does not agree with all of the GOP platform. I'm sure you have heard that term, so no doubt I don't need to go into more detail there.

So what do I mean by "hardcore right wing partisan ideologue"? Well, there are two parts to that: Ideological and behavioral.

Ideological: Easy call here. Off the top of my head: No abortions, no gay marriage, neocon war & foreign policy, total free market healthcare, decrease federal government spending at all costs, constant push for fewer gun laws, constant push for lower personal and corporate income taxes and other taxation, constant push to abolish any number of federal government departments (from education to IRS). Surely you recognize that there are some conservatives who may not push quite as hard or might even disagree with one or two of those positions, thereby moving them toward the Left on the aforementioned "spectrum".

Behavioral: Partisan ideologues on both ends regularly engage in the same dishonest behaviors: Spin, deflection, distortion, denial, hyperbole, straw man arguments and outright lies in a transparent effort to maximize all arguments, data and information on their "side" and to minimize, avoid, ignore all contrary arguments, data and information. Ideology over everything else, from honesty to country. Further, I have become convinced that adherence to a hardcore partisan ideology literally distorts perception, making people truly believe and say things that they would not if they were in a more rational state of mind.

There. I hope that clarifies.


It only clarifies that you can't tell the difference between an ideology and a philosophy. Now you listed some issues which conservative philosophy deals with, but where is the "extremism" in anything you mentioned? For example, which Conservative is advocating that we ban all abortions? What the hell is "neocon war?" ...You mean like bombing Syria?

I know plenty of Conservatives who support a state's right to legislate gay marriage... are they not conservative because of that?
Philosophy vs. ideology is irrelevant in this case. If you want to parse words, that's fine.

And surely you know what I mean by "neocons".

And perhaps you can show me where I used the word "extremism". You put it in quotes; I didn't say that.

You're illustrating what Mudwhistle infers above: Even hardcore partisan ideologues think they're moderates.


All I did was ask you for some examples to back up the rhetoric and you've failed to produce them. And no... Ideology and philosophy are two completely different things and the difference is not irrelevant. That is a fact and it's not "parsing" anything to point it out.

Any time you place the word "FAR" in front of something, it explicitly implies "extreme!" What the fuck else can "extreme" mean?

I am not a partisan ideologue and so far, there has been NO EXAMPLES GIVEN of what this even means in terms of my positions and views. It's all a part of the Rhetoric Campaign... the systematic dismantling of Conservative philosophy in an attempt to morph it into some backward-thinking ideology that can be ridiculed and opposed.

You're failing because you can't cite examples to support your rhetoric! I've asked patiently, over and over... doesn't seem to matter... you guys just keep heaping the rhetoric on hot and heavy without backing it up.

What does "FAR RIGHT" mean? Am I "far right" because I believe our Constitution guarantees us the right to bear arms? That makes me an "extremist radical far right wacko?" Is it my view on Constitutionally limited federal government? Less taxes and more freedom? Please, do tell... what makes me a "far right" conservative?
I answered your question as clearly and completely as I could.

I gave several specific examples.

Clearly you're not going to be satisfied.


You didn't give ANY valid examples. You threw out left wing rhetorical talking points like you're fucking Joe Biden, but you didn't back anything up with facts. Your'e absolutely right, I am not going to be satisfied with empty rhetoric... not today, not tomorrow, not next week!
Um I actually do believe abortion should be illegal....It is killing a innocent baby. As for the contraception...I just want the cheap bastards to pay for their own and stop stealing out of my wallet for it.

Okay... So you are a Conservative who doesn't think abortion should be legal... is THAT what makes you a Conservative? Because, I am a Conservative as well and I disagree with your viewpoint on that. I think abortions should be rare and strongly restricted, but I also believe the people and their respective states have the right to regulate abortion at the state level.

We agree on contraception, I don't think the government should be paying for it. That's a far cry from the viewpoint that contraception should be banned or outlawed, isn't it?

You actually have helped to make my point, that Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology. We can have a difference of opinion on abortion or any other issue, and still be Conservatives. We're not confined to a rigid ideology where we must march in lockstep together, that's not what Conservative philosophy is about.
lol, Rush has been for decades one of the loudest voices claiming the GOP needs to move further to the right to win presidential elections.

He is a major faction in radicalizing conservatives.
And Bossy is simply mindlessly parroting his MessiahRushie's claim that there is no voice for CON$ervoFascism.

January 12, 2015
RUSH: There are a lot of Republicans who are craving leadership right now. You know how many Republican conservatives there are in this country who would just kill for a candidate who could articulate conservatism the same way they do it?

I said last week, and I'm gonna repeat it here again, if such a candidate came along, a leadership, elected politician, elected office type politician, not a commentator, not a pundit, not a radio or TV person. I'm talking about somebody in elective politics who can come along and can articulate conservatism as the average American understands it, this guy could win in a landslide.

These people have been waiting for years for somebody to come along and simply say what they already know to be true, somebody to simply articulate what they already think and what they already feel. And they resent being told that what they think and what they feel is extremist and dangerous and is tiny, minority, and so forth. Because they aren't. They are the backbone of America. They are the ones that make America work. They're the ones that are totally invested in saving this country as founded. And they have nobody in elected politics who talks like they believe. They have nobody saying things they believe in.
Another post... still no examples of what is meant by "FAR RIGHT!"

Folks... they can't answer you on this! It's all rhetoric!
Here is an example of all it takes to be far Right, it's that simple!

Feb 20, 2015
RUSH: All you need to know is Obama wants it; you should oppose it. It's that simple.

Okay... So to you, "far right" means anyone who is in opposition to Obama on any issue!

Glad you clarified your rhetoric, now we understand! :D
No, far right means a mindless knee jerk opposition to anything that does not conform to the CON$ervoFascist Ideology, but you knew that already and are just too dishonest to admit it, thus your Straw Man. Dishonesty is also a strict requirement of the CON$ervoFascist ideology.

Give us 10 examples of "CON$ervoFascist Ideology" so we know what the hell you're accusing us of here?

I'm going to bet 1) you can't come up with 10 things, and 2) the things you come up with are not indicative of what I support as a Conservative.

What you have going for you is your mouth, and that's it. As long as you have a forum to run your mouth and spew baseless rhetoric, that's what you are going to do.

"FASCISM" is when you tell the American people that you have a pen and phone and you will enact your own legislation by executive order, bypassing congress and the people.
lol, Rush has been for decades one of the loudest voices claiming the GOP needs to move further to the right to win presidential elections.

He is a major faction in radicalizing conservatives.
And Bossy is simply mindlessly parroting his MessiahRushie's claim that there is no voice for CON$ervoFascism.

January 12, 2015
RUSH: There are a lot of Republicans who are craving leadership right now. You know how many Republican conservatives there are in this country who would just kill for a candidate who could articulate conservatism the same way they do it?

I said last week, and I'm gonna repeat it here again, if such a candidate came along, a leadership, elected politician, elected office type politician, not a commentator, not a pundit, not a radio or TV person. I'm talking about somebody in elective politics who can come along and can articulate conservatism as the average American understands it, this guy could win in a landslide.

These people have been waiting for years for somebody to come along and simply say what they already know to be true, somebody to simply articulate what they already think and what they already feel. And they resent being told that what they think and what they feel is extremist and dangerous and is tiny, minority, and so forth. Because they aren't. They are the backbone of America. They are the ones that make America work. They're the ones that are totally invested in saving this country as founded. And they have nobody in elected politics who talks like they believe. They have nobody saying things they believe in.

I don't listen to Rush, but thanks for pointing out that he agrees with the OP 100%.
I'm going to bet 1) you can't come up with 10 things, and 2) the things you come up with are not indicative of what I support as a Conservative.

Here is a better idea. Seeing as how this is your thread and you are a stated conservative, to facilitate conversation, wouldn't it be better if you listed the 10 conservative things you believe in?
. As for the contraception...I just want the cheap bastards to pay for their own and stop stealing out of my wallet for it.

Dude, it was pretty well established yesterday that with your income and dependents, you are in the 47% who don't pay any taxes.

Remember? Yesterday?
. As for the contraception...I just want the cheap bastards to pay for their own and stop stealing out of my wallet for it.

Dude, it was pretty well established yesterday that with your income and dependents, you are in the 47% who don't pay any taxes.

Remember? Yesterday?
Dude again you are talking out of your ass..... Way to go for the personal insult though like a good little zombie.
I'm going to bet 1) you can't come up with 10 things, and 2) the things you come up with are not indicative of what I support as a Conservative.

Here is a better idea. Seeing as how this is your thread and you are a stated conservative, to facilitate conversation, wouldn't it be better if you listed the 10 conservative things you believe in?

It's not a better idea. It is my thread and I am a conservative but we don't seem to have any problem facilitating conversation, the thread is very hot with commentary.

Myself, along with other Conservatives have been accused of being "far right" among other things, and so far, there has been absolutely nothing presented to demonstrate this rhetoric. I challenged this accusation, I don't need to present anything.

What would be a better idea would be you addressing my challenge and offering some evidence to back your claims, but that's not happening because you can't come up with anything. So instead, in true liberal fashion, you want to defer, distract, change subjects and run away like the POS coward you are.

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