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Fascism and Progressives: An Intimate Relationship

Can any Conservative explain how Fascism is progress? Hitler was not Progressive. Mussolini was not Progressive. They slaughtered millions of people. That is not Progressive in anyone's mind except the right-wing. Only the stupidest people on Earth could believe that Fascism is Progressive. People who believe that Fascists are Progressive don't know what Fascism or Progress actually mean. People who believe that Fascism is Progressive will believe just about anything that they are told. These are the people that Fascists love to use to further their Fascist agenda.

Why does the right-wing think that they can suddenly change all of history?

Because the right-wing is full of the stupidest people on Earth.
I thought we went over this before.

The original Progressive movement was more Conservative, more like the Prolife movement where it is seen as oppressing liberty and choice in trying to seek reform.

Today, the Progressive is used for the liberals, but in two opposite ways:
* the grassroots progressive working toward change by sustainable free enterprise,
but is censored from political media because this is not divisive/negative enough to push
* the corrupted liberal politicians selling themselves as liberal/progressive/Democrat
while the REAL liberal progressives are protesting that these politicians are sell outs
and abusing the black vote, pink vote, and green vote for financial gain and elections.

The media thrives on conflict, on polarizing opposite sides as diametrically as possible.
So you will see a huge split in reality between real progressives and public media image.

Same with Conservative Republicans, Tea Party, etc. Only the most negative are promoted.

The first fascist nation was right here, in America, under the first Progressive President.

1. Here, ....check Woodrow Wilson's America:

a. Had the world’s first modern propaganda ministry
b. Political prisoners by the thousands were harassed, beaten, spied upon and thrown in jail for simply expressing private opinions.
c. The national leader accused foreigners and immigrants of injecting treasonous ‘poison’ into the American bloodstream
d. Newspapers and magazines were closed for criticizing the government
e. Almost 100,000 government propaganda agents were sent out to whip up support for the regime and the war
f. College professors imposed loyalty oaths on their colleagues
g. Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters
h. Leading artists and writers dedicated their work to proselytizing for the government.
http://www.ncpa.org/pdfs/Classical_Liberalism_vs_Modern_Liberal_Conservatism.pdf p. 9

2. Americans of the era saw it as such....and expelled the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals

They were thoroughly rejected by the voters in the election of 1920:

“The United States presidential election of 1920 was dominated by the aftermath of World War I and the hostile reaction to Woodrow Wilson, the Democratic president. Harding's victory remains the largest popular-vote percentage margin (60.3% to 34.1%) in Presidential elections after the so-called "Era of Good Feelings" ended with the victory of James Monroe in the election of 1820. ” United States presidential election, 1920 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“In the 1920 election, he and his running-mate, Calvin Coolidge, defeated Democrat and fellow Ohioan James M. Cox, in what was then the largest presidential popular vote landslide in American history since the popular vote tally began to be recorded in 1824: 60.36% to 34.19%.”
Warren G. Harding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. Obama- using the IRS against political enemies, spying on every citizen, assuming the rights of the legislative branch.....pretty much the textbook definition of a fascist regime.

4. Now this:

a. "Big chill: Feds want to scour Net, media for 'hate speech'

b. If two Democratic lawmakers have their way, Barack Obama’s Justice Department will submit a report for action against any Internet sites, broadcast, cable television or radio shows determined to be advocating or encouraging “violent acts.”

c. ....calls for the Justice Department and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to “analyze information on the use of telecommunications, including the Internet, broadcast television and radio, cable television, public access television, commercial mobile services, and other electronic media, to advocate and encourage violent acts and the commission of crimes of hate.”

d.The bill does not define which actions by broadcasters would be considered to have encouraged violence, seemingly leaving that open to interpretation.

e. The Boston Herald took issue with the bill, calling it “frankly chilling”....seeking to “empower an obscure federal agency to begin scouring the Internet, TV and radio for speech it finds threatening.”
Read more at Big chill: Feds want to scour Net, media for ?hate speech?

Time for the current Americans to open their eyes.
Similarities between the Obama administration and the Wilson Administration:

a. Had the world’s first modern propaganda ministry
b. Political prisoners by the thousands were harassed, beaten, spied upon and thrown in jail for simply expressing private opinions.
c. The national leader accused foreigners and immigrants of injecting treasonous ‘poison’ into the American bloodstream
d. Newspapers and magazines were closed for criticizing the government
e. Almost 100,000 government propaganda agents were sent out to whip up support for the regime and the war
f. College professors imposed loyalty oaths on their colleagues
g. Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters
h. Leading artists and writers dedicated their work to proselytizing for the government.

Obama Administration:
a. The Truth Team

b. See IRS targeting scandal

c. N/A

d. See Obama Administration plan to put a government spy in the newsroom:

e. See Obama hiring "tens of thousands of workers" to promote his healthcare plan.

Obamacare Rollout Requiring Tens Of Thousands Of Workers: Analysis

f. See examples of Liberal academia

g. See Obama's czars

h. See the 32 Hollywood stars lined up by the Administration to promote Obamacare:

Obama Lines Up Celebrities To Promote Obamacare
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Two big overlapping Venn Diagram Areas between Progressives and Fascists are:

Each used government power to crush their enemy (NSA, IRS, SS, KGB, etc)

Each blamed some affluent minority for the failure of their ideology (Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%)
Can any Conservative explain how Fascism is progress? Hitler was not Progressive. Mussolini was not Progressive. They slaughtered millions of people. That is not Progressive in anyone's mind except the right-wing. Only the stupidest people on Earth could believe that Fascism is Progressive. People who believe that Fascists are Progressive don't know what Fascism or Progress actually mean. People who believe that Fascism is Progressive will believe just about anything that they are told. These are the people that Fascists love to use to further their Fascist agenda.

Why does the right-wing think that they can suddenly change all of history?

Because the right-wing is full of the stupidest people on Earth.

No I don't think that's the reason. I think it's willful self-delusion. They see the history as it was and find it inconvenient, so the scribes are set to work on a rewrite. Like a grand Hollywood script.

George Orwell put it in the form of the Ministry of Truth. That's only because Al Gore hadn't invented the internet yet. But that's in effect what they're doing. Give 'em an internet connection and everybody becomes Winston Smith.
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Can any Conservative explain how Fascism is progress? Hitler was not Progressive. Mussolini was not Progressive. They slaughtered millions of people. That is not Progressive in anyone's mind except the right-wing. Only the stupidest people on Earth could believe that Fascism is Progressive. People who believe that Fascists are Progressive don't know what Fascism or Progress actually mean. People who believe that Fascism is Progressive will believe just about anything that they are told. These are the people that Fascists love to use to further their Fascist agenda.

Why does the right-wing think that they can suddenly change all of history?

Because the right-wing is full of the stupidest people on Earth.

Explain to the class the difference to the individual in NAZI Germany and Soviet Russia. Supposedly two different political systems and yet I can find little difference between them. If you were a citizen of either country and weren't a member of the ruling class, your life didn't belong to you, it belonged to the State.

Your kids weren't yours, they too belonged to the State....(shades of Hillary there..eh?), your property...well...you didn't have that because you were a serf and serfs don't have property (although, technically Germany was a tad better here, if they wanted your property you had to give it to them, but you were allowed to own property....even as a serf, Soviet Russia, no...it all belonged to the State) your vehicle? Russia you didn't have one, in Germany if they wanted it they took it.

I think you get the idea, there was very little difference between the two (though marginally better under the Germans) and that's why they suffered such horrendous losses as compared to the democratic countries fighting them. Below are the progressives support for the both Stalin and Hitler.....this is from the time.

•H. G. Wells, one of the most influential progressives of the 20th century, said in 1932 that progressives must become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis.” Regarding totalitarianism, he stated: “I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic.” Calling for a “‘Phoenix Rebirth’ of Liberalism” under the umbrella of “Liberal Fascism,” Wells said: “I am asking for a Liberal Fascisti, for enlightened Nazis.”
•The poet Wallace Stevens pronounced himself “pro-Mussolini personally.”
•The eminent historian Charles Beard wrote of Mussolini’s efforts: “Beyond question, an amazing experiment is being made [in Italy], an experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism.”
•Muckraking journalists almost universally admired Mussolini. Lincoln Steffens, for one, said that Italian fascism made Western democracy, by comparison, look like a system run by “petty persons with petty purposes.” Mussolini, Steffens proclaimed reverently, had been “formed” by God “out of the rib of Italy.”
•McClure’s Magazine founder Samuel McClure, an important figure in the muckraking movement, described Italian fascism as “a great step forward and the first new ideal in government since the founding of the American Republic.”
•After having vistited Italy and interviewed Mussolini in 1926, the American humorist Will Rogers, who was informally dubbed “Ambassador-at-Large of the United States” by the National Press Club, said of the fascist dictator: “I’m pretty high on that bird.” “Dictator form of government is the greatest form of government,” Rogers wrote, “that is, if you have the right dictator.”
•Reporter Ida Tarbell was deeply impressed by Mussolini's attitudes regarding labor, affectionately dubbing him “a despot with a dimple.”
•NAACP co-founder W. E. B. DuBois saw National Socialism as a worthy model for economic organization. The establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, he wrote, had been “absolutely necessary to get the state in order.” In 1937 DuBois stated: “there is today, in some respects, more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past.”
•FDR adviser Rexford Guy Tugwell said of Italian fascism: “It's the cleanest, neatest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I've ever seen. It makes me envious.”
•New Republic editor George Soule, who avidly supported FDR, noted approvingly that the Roosevelt administration was “trying out the economics of fascism.”
•Playwright George Bernard Shaw hailed Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies.

"Progressives generally greeted the 1917 Bolshevik revolution in Russia with great enthusiasm, embracing it as a worthy effort to create a socialist utopia. In the 1920s and 1930s, a host of credulous progressive journalists traveled to Russia to chronicle the the revolution's afterglow, so as to inform Americans about the historic significance of what was transpiring there. According to author Jonah Goldberg: “Most liberals saw the Bolsheviks as a popular and progressive movement.... Nearly the entire liberal elite, including much of FDR's Brain Trust, made the pilgrimage to Moscow to take admiring notes on the Soviet experiment.”

One key contributor to this pro-Bolshevik genre was the communist journalist John Reed, author of Ten Days that Shook the World. Reed dismissed concerns about the Red Terror and the mass murder of non-Bolshevists by praising the killers of “this treacherous gang.” Said Reed: “To the wall with them! I say I have learned one mighty expressive word: ‘raztrellyat’ [sic] (execute by shooting).”

Similarly, the intellectual E.A. Ross excused the Bolsheviks' violent campaign of terror on the theory that they did not kill all that many people. (Estimates of the number of deaths by execution range from 50,000 to 200,000.)"


I thought we went over this before.

The original Progressive movement was more Conservative, more like the Prolife movement where it is seen as oppressing liberty and choice in trying to seek reform.

Today, the Progressive is used for the liberals, but in two opposite ways:
* the grassroots progressive working toward change by sustainable free enterprise,
but is censored from political media because this is not divisive/negative enough to push
* the corrupted liberal politicians selling themselves as liberal/progressive/Democrat
while the REAL liberal progressives are protesting that these politicians are sell outs
and abusing the black vote, pink vote, and green vote for financial gain and elections.

"Progressivism" died away a hundred years ago. Those trying to re-invoke the term today are essentially playing the same demagoguery card Joe McCarthy (speaking of fascists) did with the word "Liberal". It's a bullshit tactic.

The media thrives on conflict, on polarizing opposite sides as diametrically as possible.
So you will see a huge split in reality between real progressives and public media image.

Same with Conservative Republicans, Tea Party, etc. Only the most negative are promoted.

Now that, I agree with. Drama is what sells eyeballs. That's the point I keep making whenever some wag posts Fox Noise TV ratings.
And btw since it's being lost in tangents ----- that booga-booga legislation proposed that's gonna bring famine and pestilence, per Whirled Nuts Daily in the OP? It directs that a report from 20 years ago be updated. That's from links in the OP's own linked story.

"A Bill to require the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to update a report on the role of telecommunications, including the Internet, in the commission of hate crimes."

Updating a report!! Oh the horror! :ack-1:

From the same sterling news source of coarse that brought us this gem.
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Can any Conservative explain how Fascism is progress? Hitler was not Progressive. Mussolini was not Progressive. They slaughtered millions of people. That is not Progressive in anyone's mind except the right-wing. Only the stupidest people on Earth could believe that Fascism is Progressive. People who believe that Fascists are Progressive don't know what Fascism or Progress actually mean. People who believe that Fascism is Progressive will believe just about anything that they are told. These are the people that Fascists love to use to further their Fascist agenda.

Why does the right-wing think that they can suddenly change all of history?

Because the right-wing is full of the stupidest people on Earth.

No I don't think that's the reason. I think it's willful self-delusion. They see the history as it was and find it inconvenient, so the scribes are set to work on a rewrite. Like a grand Hollywood script.

George Orwell put it in the form of the Ministry of Truth. That's only because Al Gore hadn't invented the internet yet. But that's in effect what it is.

How is the far extremes on the Right different from the far extremes on the Left?
Don't they both become so intolerant, they push similar tactics as each other?
Can any Conservative explain how Fascism is progress? Hitler was not Progressive. Mussolini was not Progressive. They slaughtered millions of people. That is not Progressive in anyone's mind except the right-wing. Only the stupidest people on Earth could believe that Fascism is Progressive. People who believe that Fascists are Progressive don't know what Fascism or Progress actually mean. People who believe that Fascism is Progressive will believe just about anything that they are told. These are the people that Fascists love to use to further their Fascist agenda.

Why does the right-wing think that they can suddenly change all of history?

Because the right-wing is full of the stupidest people on Earth.

Your depth of ignorance knows no bounds......

...let me guess: you're a grad of government schooling?

1. Stalin and the Soviet Union couldn't have become what it did without the unbridled aid of Franklin Roosevelt.


Mussolini, Hitler, Franklin Roosevelt.....peas in a pod.

Not that it will do much good for one of your meager abilities....but here is your tutorial:

2. In 1933, Fascism was celebrating its eleventh year in power, in Italy, and the election of the National Socialists in Germany represented an unmitigated defeat for liberal democracy in Europe’s largest industrialized nation.

a. At the beginning of the same month, FDR was inaugurated as President. And before Congress went into recess it granted powers to Roosevelt unprecedented in peacetime. From Congressional hearings, 1973: “Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency.” Freedomsite.net

3. The National Socialists hailed these ‘relief measures’ in ways you will recognize:

a. May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”

b. And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

c. And “[Roosevelt], too demands that collective good be put before individual self-interest. Many passages in his book ‘Looking Forward’ could have been written by a National Socialist….one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy.”

d. The paper also refers to “…the fictional appearance of democracy.”

4. English and French commentators routinely depicted Roosevelt as akin to Mussolini. A more specific reason why, in 1933, the New Deal was often compared with Fascism was that with the help of a massive propaganda campaign, Italy had transitioned from a liberal free-market system to a state-run corporatist one. And corporatism was considered by elitists and intellectuals as the perfect response to the collapse of the liberal free-market economy, as was the national self-sufficiency of the Stalinist Soviet Union. The National Recovery Administration was comparable to Mussolini’s corporatism as both had state control without actual expropriation of private property.

a. Mussolini wrote a book review of Roosevelt’s “Looking Forward,” in which he said “…[as] Roosevelt here calls his readers to battle, is reminiscent of the ways and means by which Fascism awakened the Italian people.”
Popolo d’Italia, July 7, 1933.

b. In 1934, Mussolini wrote a review of “New Frontiers,” by FDR’s Sec’y of Agriculture, later Vice-President, Henry Wallace:
“Wallace’s answer to what America wants is as follows: anything but a return to the free-market, i.e., anarchistic economy. Where is America headed? This book leaves no doubt that it is on the road to corporatism, the economic system of the current century.” Marco Sedda, Il politico, vol. 64, p. 263.

5. Comparisons of the New Deal with totalitarian ideologies were provided from all sides. A Republican senator described the NRA as having gone “too far in the Russian direction,” and a Democrat accused FDR of trying “to transplant Hitlerism to every corner of this country.”
Schivelbusch, “Three New Deals,” p. 27.

Perhaps, now, you'll begin to understand that you are as dumb as asphalt.
Can any Conservative explain how Fascism is progress? Hitler was not Progressive. Mussolini was not Progressive. They slaughtered millions of people. That is not Progressive in anyone's mind except the right-wing. Only the stupidest people on Earth could believe that Fascism is Progressive. People who believe that Fascists are Progressive don't know what Fascism or Progress actually mean. People who believe that Fascism is Progressive will believe just about anything that they are told. These are the people that Fascists love to use to further their Fascist agenda.

Why does the right-wing think that they can suddenly change all of history?

Because the right-wing is full of the stupidest people on Earth.


No. Leftists are the most historically ignorant or willfully ignorant fools around.

Progressivism is socialism, ya damn fool. It is statist collectivism.

It sure as hell isn't the classical liberalism on which this nation was founded.

Good luck with these punks, PC. I have no more stomach for these pathological liars, political sociopaths and narcissistic thugs.
A swing and a miss, the first progressive was Abe Lincoln, he sought to end slavery through emancipation by buying the slaves and shipping them back to Africa...Bonds were sold but the South rejected the offer..

He was also going to introduce prohibition on alcohol, but died before implementing.

The next progressive movement was the Women's Suffrage movement...

Now for the World Nut Daily article....

You see progressive means that it is a religious, political or social movement or idea to promote the welfare of the nation or the masses...In reality, Jesus Christ was a progressive.

THe WND, like many posters on USMB are diligently ignorant of the different modes of political positions and tries to roll all those nasty sounding names into one breakfast bun for the masses to eat and swallow their misinformation..

We know for a fact that this nations govt. along with many, most and if not all state govts. are heavily influenced by lobbyist and other monied interests, many, if not all legislation and political moves are made to repay those that donate their money to candidates and parties..All the while wedge issues are put out in public to cause the common citizen into a frenzy of McGuffin political tiffs to allow back door deals of those in power...
If you take the time to notice, there has been no change in reality of political positions by each side, once you strip away the wedge issues..
Wake up and smell the roses before you smell the stench of a decaying great nation..
Can any Conservative explain how Fascism is progress? Hitler was not Progressive. Mussolini was not Progressive. They slaughtered millions of people. That is not Progressive in anyone's mind except the right-wing. Only the stupidest people on Earth could believe that Fascism is Progressive. People who believe that Fascists are Progressive don't know what Fascism or Progress actually mean. People who believe that Fascism is Progressive will believe just about anything that they are told. These are the people that Fascists love to use to further their Fascist agenda.

Why does the right-wing think that they can suddenly change all of history?

Because the right-wing is full of the stupidest people on Earth.

No I don't think that's the reason. I think it's willful self-delusion. They see the history as it was and find it inconvenient, so the scribes are set to work on a rewrite. Like a grand Hollywood script.

George Orwell put it in the form of the Ministry of Truth. That's only because Al Gore hadn't invented the internet yet. But that's in effect what it is.

How is the far extremes on the Right different from the far extremes on the Left?
Don't they both become so intolerant, they push similar tactics as each other?

I'm referring there to the idea of revising history. You know, as we see incessantly around here -- "FDR created the Depression"... "Democratic Party invented slavery and/or the KKK" .... "Clinton caused 9/11" .... O'bama caused 2008 recession" .... "Hitler was a leftist/liberal" etc etc ad nauseum.

You're not familiar with 1984?
Can any Conservative explain how Fascism is progress? Hitler was not Progressive. Mussolini was not Progressive. They slaughtered millions of people. That is not Progressive in anyone's mind except the right-wing. Only the stupidest people on Earth could believe that Fascism is Progressive. People who believe that Fascists are Progressive don't know what Fascism or Progress actually mean. People who believe that Fascism is Progressive will believe just about anything that they are told. These are the people that Fascists love to use to further their Fascist agenda.

Why does the right-wing think that they can suddenly change all of history?

Because the right-wing is full of the stupidest people on Earth.

Your depth of ignorance knows no bounds......

...let me guess: you're a grad of government schooling?

1. Stalin and the Soviet Union couldn't have become what it did without the unbridled aid of Franklin Roosevelt.

You mean Fred Koch?

Not to be confused with Prescott Bush --- oh wait, that was Nazi Germany, never mind.
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The progressive U.S. President Woodrow Wilson was a devoted disciple of the German philosopher Georg Hegel, whose ideas – most notably his view of history as an evolutionary, unfolding process where conflicting forces constantly battle in order to bring about change and progress – also had a profound influence on Karl Marx. Mussolini, for his part, carried with him a medallion of Marx. Progressives commonly saw Mussolini’s project and Lenin’s as linked enterprises. The progressive muckraking journalist Lincoln Steffens referred to the “Russian-Italian” method as if the two were flip sides of the same coin. Steffens and his fellow progressives generally saw Mussolini, Lenin, and Stalin as three men pursuing a similar objective: the fundamental transformation of corrupt and outdated societies. As Jonah Goldberg observes, “The reason so many progressives were intrigued by both Mussolini’s and Lenin’s 'experiments' is simple: they saw their reflection in the European looking glass.”

-From westwall's link
The first fascist nation was right here, in America, under the first Progressive President.

1. Here, ....check Woodrow Wilson's America:

a. Had the world’s first modern propaganda ministry
b. Political prisoners by the thousands were harassed, beaten, spied upon and thrown in jail for simply expressing private opinions.
c. The national leader accused foreigners and immigrants of injecting treasonous ‘poison’ into the American bloodstream
d. Newspapers and magazines were closed for criticizing the government
e. Almost 100,000 government propaganda agents were sent out to whip up support for the regime and the war
f. College professors imposed loyalty oaths on their colleagues
g. Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters
h. Leading artists and writers dedicated their work to proselytizing for the government.
http://www.ncpa.org/pdfs/Classical_Liberalism_vs_Modern_Liberal_Conservatism.pdf p. 9

2. Americans of the era saw it as such....and expelled the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals

They were thoroughly rejected by the voters in the election of 1920:

“The United States presidential election of 1920 was dominated by the aftermath of World War I and the hostile reaction to Woodrow Wilson, the Democratic president. Harding's victory remains the largest popular-vote percentage margin (60.3% to 34.1%) in Presidential elections after the so-called "Era of Good Feelings" ended with the victory of James Monroe in the election of 1820. ” United States presidential election, 1920 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“In the 1920 election, he and his running-mate, Calvin Coolidge, defeated Democrat and fellow Ohioan James M. Cox, in what was then the largest presidential popular vote landslide in American history since the popular vote tally began to be recorded in 1824: 60.36% to 34.19%.”
Warren G. Harding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. Obama- using the IRS against political enemies, spying on every citizen, assuming the rights of the legislative branch.....pretty much the textbook definition of a fascist regime.

4. Now this:

a. "Big chill: Feds want to scour Net, media for 'hate speech'

b. If two Democratic lawmakers have their way, Barack Obama’s Justice Department will submit a report for action against any Internet sites, broadcast, cable television or radio shows determined to be advocating or encouraging “violent acts.”

c. ....calls for the Justice Department and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to “analyze information on the use of telecommunications, including the Internet, broadcast television and radio, cable television, public access television, commercial mobile services, and other electronic media, to advocate and encourage violent acts and the commission of crimes of hate.”

d.The bill does not define which actions by broadcasters would be considered to have encouraged violence, seemingly leaving that open to interpretation.

e. The Boston Herald took issue with the bill, calling it “frankly chilling”....seeking to “empower an obscure federal agency to begin scouring the Internet, TV and radio for speech it finds threatening.”
Read more at Big chill: Feds want to scour Net, media for ?hate speech?

Time for the current Americans to open their eyes.

And if the neocons are restored to power, this changes how?
A swing and a miss, the first progressive was Abe Lincoln, he sought to end slavery through emancipation by buying the slaves and shipping them back to Africa...Bonds were sold but the South rejected the offer..

He was also going to introduce prohibition on alcohol, but died before implementing.

The next progressive movement was the Women's Suffrage movement...

Now for the World Nut Daily article....

You see progressive means that it is a religious, political or social movement or idea to promote the welfare of the nation or the masses...In reality, Jesus Christ was a progressive.

THe WND, like many posters on USMB are diligently ignorant of the different modes of political positions and tries to roll all those nasty sounding names into one breakfast bun for the masses to eat and swallow their misinformation..

We know for a fact that this nations govt. along with many, most and if not all state govts. are heavily influenced by lobbyist and other monied interests, many, if not all legislation and political moves are made to repay those that donate their money to candidates and parties..All the while wedge issues are put out in public to cause the common citizen into a frenzy of McGuffin political tiffs to allow back door deals of those in power...
If you take the time to notice, there has been no change in reality of political positions by each side, once you strip away the wedge issues..
Wake up and smell the roses before you smell the stench of a decaying great nation..

Yes, yes, we know. Abe Lincoln, Jesus Christ, Albert Einstein, Moses, Abraham, Gandhi and Mother Teresa were all Progressives
No I don't think that's the reason. I think it's willful self-delusion. They see the history as it was and find it inconvenient, so the scribes are set to work on a rewrite. Like a grand Hollywood script.

George Orwell put it in the form of the Ministry of Truth. That's only because Al Gore hadn't invented the internet yet. But that's in effect what it is.

How is the far extremes on the Right different from the far extremes on the Left?
Don't they both become so intolerant, they push similar tactics as each other?

I'm referring there to the idea of revising history. You know, as we see incessantly around here -- "FDR created the Depression"... "Democratic Party invented slavery and/or the KKK" .... "Clinton caused 9/11" .... O'bama caused 2008 recession" .... "Hitler was a leftist/liberal" etc etc ad nauseum.

You're not familiar with 1984?

History needs constant revision because most of it is nothing more than the propaganda of the victors.

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