Fascism and the left wing

Then you all need to read history. Cause all fascist governments are left.

So should we just take your word for it, or are you going to present a case?

Why??? You have the proof right in histpory.....Nazi IE socialists Communists alone are too of the largest offenders. We all know you will ignore this cause it shows you to be in support of Fascism.
Let me reinforce it that. The capitalist, FDR, saved capitalism in America. His banking legislation, overwhelmingly approved and enacted on by Congress, saved the banking industry instead of having it nationalized.

Every time someone calls FDR a "socialist" or "communist", understand that individual is either ignorant, mentally feeble, malignantly motivated, or a combination of part or all three.

What he is not is accurate.

No the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor saved America from the depression....FDR just made it last longer.

Are you trying to say that FDR didn't spend enough money on the New Deal and he should have spent more as if we were at war?
Let me reinforce it that. The capitalist, FDR, saved capitalism in America. His banking legislation, overwhelmingly approved and enacted on by Congress, saved the banking industry instead of having it nationalized.

Every time someone calls FDR a "socialist" or "communist", understand that individual is either ignorant, mentally feeble, malignantly motivated, or a combination of part or all three.

What he is not is accurate.

No the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor saved America from the depression....FDR just made it last longer.

Are you trying to say that FDR didn't spend enough money on the New Deal and he should have spent more as if we were at war?

No I am saying he spent far to fucking much.
Ok, you are 'mentally feeble'.

I was talking about capitalism and the banking industry.

I was not talking about what ended the Depression.

If you are this slow, really, please read more slowly and for content,

Let me reinforce it that. The capitalist, FDR, saved capitalism in America. His banking legislation, overwhelmingly approved and enacted on by Congress, saved the banking industry instead of having it nationalized.

Every time someone calls FDR a "socialist" or "communist", understand that individual is either ignorant, mentally feeble, malignantly motivated, or a combination of part or all three.

What he is not is accurate.

No the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor saved America from the depression....FDR just made it last longer.
No the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor saved America from the depression....FDR just made it last longer.

Are you trying to say that FDR didn't spend enough money on the New Deal and he should have spent more as if we were at war?

No I am saying he spent far to fucking much.

Yet your argument seems to be that it took war time spending to end the depression and FDR didn't do that, he spent too little. So should FDR have spent more or spent less to end the depression? Or perhaps you are putting forth the proposition that presidents should not be involved in economic depressions?
Ok, you are 'mentally feeble'.

I was talking about capitalism and the banking industry.

I was not talking about what ended the Depression.

If you are this slow, really, please read more slowly and for content,

Let me reinforce it that. The capitalist, FDR, saved capitalism in America. His banking legislation, overwhelmingly approved and enacted on by Congress, saved the banking industry instead of having it nationalized.

Every time someone calls FDR a "socialist" or "communist", understand that individual is either ignorant, mentally feeble, malignantly motivated, or a combination of part or all three.

What he is not is accurate.

No the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor saved America from the depression....FDR just made it last longer.
FDR was a progressive you lying piece of shit and yes he USED socialism like social security and Medicare but mostly he was like all progressives just a racist fascist.
In other words, a clique of neo-fascist far right neanderthals have been engaging in one vast jerk off since they got their asses kicked in the 1960s.

Thanatos is one of those neanderthals.

Recognized dictionaries are where we begin for actual, honest inquiries of matters.

Thanatos wants to change the meanings of words.

Thanatos will not be allowed to so dishonest.

Thenatos -

History is definitely enough for me.

History is also found in dictionaries, respected historical books by highly qualified experts, in encyclopedias and academic texts.

In other words, a clique of Marxist intellectuals have been engaging in one vast propaganda circle jerk ever since WW II. One commie professor says Hitler was a right-winger, then another cites him in a paper, then a third cites both of them and so on and so on and so on. It's a colossal fraud. The one thing they don't do is examine the economic policies the Nazis actually implemented. In fact, most of these nimrods don't understand the slightest thing about economics.

Anyone who thinks the Dictionary is the final authority on a political or economic issue is simply an idiot.

I very often find posters like Amazed are 100% sure they have the facts which prive that history as we know it is false, but struggle to find anyone else who agrees with them.

Perceptions are not facts.

Unfortunately for your belief, the issue of whether a given ideology is socialist is one of economics. Numerous economists have pointed out that the Nazis wanted a command economy. In other words, they wanted socialism. They immediately started implementing their version of socialism the day they gained power. Here's what Ludwig von Mises, and eminent economist, has to say on the subject:

"Yet it is clear that both systems, the German and the Russian, must be considered from an economic point of view as socialist."

- Ludwig von Mises "Omnipotent Government" P178 -
Are you trying to say that FDR didn't spend enough money on the New Deal and he should have spent more as if we were at war?

No I am saying he spent far to fucking much.

Yet your argument seems to be that it took war time spending to end the depression and FDR didn't do that, he spent too little. So should FDR have spent more or spent less to end the depression? Or perhaps you are putting forth the proposition that presidents should not be involved in economic depressions?

Shocking that...It took government getting out of industry to save it....Who would have thunk it....It did help that war costs so much.
Your opinion is not evidence or proof.

Give us your evidence.

Then you all need to read history. Cause all fascist governments are left.

So should we just take your word for it, or are you going to present a case?

Why??? You have the proof right in histpory.....Nazi IE socialists Communists alone are too of the largest offenders. We all know you will ignore this cause it shows you to be in support of Fascism.
Read more slowly, please, because you are cognitively impaired. Let me show you below.

FDR was progressive, yes, and so were both Bushes as well as Regan, as is Obama, and as will be Romney if elected.

Progressive does not mean socialist. You do know that, right?

Social Security is a paid for program by workers and business, it is not socialism.

FDR had nothing to do with medicaid.

Please read more slowly. Concentrate.

Ok, you are 'mentally feeble'.

I was talking about capitalism and the banking industry.

I was not talking about what ended the Depression.

If you are this slow, really, please read more slowly and for content,

No the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor saved America from the depression....FDR just made it last longer.
FDR was a progressive you lying piece of shit and yes he USED socialism like social security and Medicare but mostly he was like all progressives just a racist fascist.
So you admit you don't know American history, particularly Great Depression and World War II history, Thanatos.

I accept your surrender.
BriPat -

Then thank God we have you here to refute the past 60 years of history.

You mean thanks for refuting 60 years of Marxist bullshit.

You're welcome.

Yes....unfortunately that is fantasy. History is not "Marxist bullshit" except in your fevered imagination.

You simply lack the education and knowledge of politics to build a strong case here, and certainly not one strong enough to refute accepted history. And let's face it, on this thread you haven't even gone through the motions of presenting a case. Where are the links? The sources?

One of the things I notice here is how much you rely on assumptions - assumptions which you would know were false if you had actually studied politics in any form.

For instance, you say that the definining element of government is economics, whereas anyone who ever attended a class in Politics 101 knows that party politics are defined by two central pillars - economic policy AND social policy. The positions on class, minority rights, the environment, energy, crime and the military are all massively important - but have little to do with the economy directly.

So what this all boils down to is that you are not smart enough and have not studied enough to really participate in this debate.

Are their other subjects you have studied?
You can't admit that FDR saved American banking and capitalism instead of nationalizing them.

You can't admit that you did not know that SS is paid for by workers and businesses.

You can't admit that you thought FDR started Medicaid, not Johnson thirty years later.

You can't admit you have much to learn and little to contribute.

Typical far righty extremist thug.

So you admit you don't know American history, particularly Great Depression and World War II history, Thanatos.

I accept your surrender.

I admit you are wrong but that is not new....
The far right extremist thugs try to redefine accepted traditional political and historical terms and meanings.


Because the facts argue against an extremist far right interpretation of history.

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