Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

And come on greedy white Republican dudes. It's not like $15 an hr is even that much money in today's America. It's actually peanuts. And these workers aren't demanding it of Government. They're demanding it of their Employer.

So it's really none of your business, unless you're connected with McDonalds in some way. Otherwise, it's between the employee and employer. So quit bitchin and let them sort it out.
Why do you want to appear to support Ron Paul? He isn't a communist, you know.
Flipping burgers is easy and takes no skill but if i flipped burgers for 8 hours every day for years i would go insane. It must be the most boring, brain cell killing job ever. I don't know if they deserve 15 dollars every hour but in a society you can't have only doctors and lawyers. Let mcdonalds decide if they deserve 15 dollars.
Flipping burgers is easy and takes no skill but if i flipped burgers for 8 hours every day for years i would go insane. It must be the most boring, brain cell killing job ever. I don't know if they deserve 15 dollars every hour but in a society you can't have only doctors and lawyers. Let mcdonalds decide if they deserve 15 dollars.
The truth is, you speak English too well to flip burgers. My first job was McDonalds and I wanted to be back in the grill area, but my boss said I was more valuable up front, the illegals stayed in the back where English wasn't required. That was 24 years ago, but I'm sure nothing has changed.
And come on greedy white Republican dudes. It's not like $15 an hr is even that much money in today's America. It's actually peanuts. And these workers aren't demanding it of Government. They're demanding it of their Employer.

So it's really none of your business, unless you're connected with McDonalds in some way. Otherwise, it's between the employee and employer. So quit bitchin and let them sort it out.
Why do you want to appear to support Ron Paul? He isn't a communist, you know.

Quite the opposite, Ron Paul is a student of Austrian Economics and has consistently argued against wage price controls.

"Fast-food workers across the county have recently held a number of high profile protests to agitate for higher wages. These protests have been accompanied by efforts to increase the wages mandated by state and local minimum wage laws, as well as a renewed push in some states and localities to pass “living wage” laws. President Obama has proposed raising the federal minimum wage to ten dollars an hour.

Raising minimum wages by government decree appeals to those who do not understand economics. This appeal is especially strong during times of stagnant wages and increased economic inequality. But raising the minimum wage actually harms those at the bottom of the income ladder. Basic economic theory teaches that when the price of a good increases, demand for that good decreases. Raising the minimum wage increases the price of labor, thus decreasing the demand for labor. So an increased minimum wage will lead to hiring freezes and layoffs. Unskilled and inexperienced workers are the ones most often deprived of employment opportunities by increases in the minimum wage
." -- Ron Paul, Economic Policy Journal, December 2013
He doesnt see it ever day ever since he got fired for pissing into it.

They do work hard. Just because you greedy white Republican dudes don't see that, doesn't mean it isn't so. $15 an hr is peanuts in today's America. They're not asking for the world. America won't collapse because some struggling workers make a few more bucks. I promise.
So maybe you got fired because you cant read.

And they're not demanding more money from the Government. They're demanding more money from their Employer. So it's none of your business. It's between them and their Employer.

But hey, if you think the jobs are so easy, you can always hop your fat ass on a grill and start flipping. If you guys would start doing that, we wouldn't have to listen to your constant bitchin & moanin about paying Americans a decent wage. Get your fat asses to work and do it yourselves. No one wants to be your slave. Sorry bout that.

Why should I care about a small subset of the population that underachieves in life?
There will always be ne'er do wells in society,giving them more unearned money wont change that.

They wanna be paid a decent wage. And they're not demanding it from Government. They're demanding it from their Employer. So it's none of your business. It's between them and McDonalds.

That's the big problem with you white Republican dudes. You continue confusing Corporatism with Capitalism. You don't have to worship and defend shite corporations like Walmart and McDonalds to prove you're a 'Good Capitalist.'

They wanna be paid more than they're worth without increasing their knowledge, work level, or usefulness. In fact, we're seeing evidence in Seattle - that great shining beacon of "We can deny reality" to you leftist fucknuts - that they actually want to DECREASE their work level and usefulness. Now that they've got their $15 an hour, many of them are demanding to decrease their hours so that they'll still have the same take-home pay and be able to continue collecting government benefits.

Furthermore, shitforbrains, they're demanding it from the government, because they're demanding an increase in the minimum wage, which is a legally-set level, and it's not their employers who pass laws.

If someone as ignorant as you is their champion, I can only assume they're worth even less money than I originally thought.
They wanna be paid a decent wage. And they're not demanding it from Government. They're demanding it from their Employer. So it's none of your business. It's between them and McDonalds.

That's the big problem with you white Republican dudes. You continue confusing Corporatism with Capitalism. You don't have to worship and defend shite corporations like Walmart and McDonalds to prove you're a 'Good Capitalist.'
Sure, no problem, McDonalds should be free to fire every one 'em and replace 'em if they refuse to work for prevailing market wages, the supply of willing labor that has the skill set required to do their jobs is virtually unlimited, good ole SUPPLY and DEMAND.

Speaking on a personal level, my 19-year-old would be THRILLED to be able to get a part-time minimum wage job. Although he loves his little brother and does not want to entirely give up providing child care, getting out and earning his own spending money is a very exciting idea to him. So if any of the spoiled, lazy "special snowflakes" at the McDonald's down the street from our new house are feeling too put-upon, he'll be happy to relieve them of their "abusive" job. And I have no doubt he'd be a much better value for the money.
Just out of curiosity, if you took a poll of 1,000 McDonald's employees and asked "who pays your salary?", I wonder how many would get it right.
My bet, Ronald McDonald wins by a narrow margin over the Hamburgler and the customer receives less than 5 votes.

Even the ones who are vaguely in touch with reality probably don't fully realize that their employer is actually the owner of their individual franchise, not McDonald's Corporation. I've worked for franchise operations in the past, and I can tell you my co-workers rarely had any idea just how independent and "small-business" their stores truly were.
Just out of curiosity, if you took a poll of 1,000 McDonald's employees and asked "who pays your salary?", I wonder how many would get it right.
My bet, Ronald McDonald wins by a narrow margin over the Hamburgler and the customer receives less than 5 votes.

Even the ones who are vaguely in touch with reality probably don't fully realize that their employer is actually the owner of their individual franchise, not McDonald's Corporation. I've worked for franchise operations in the past, and I can tell you my co-workers rarely had any idea just how independent and "small-business" their stores truly were.

Good point Cecilie, most people do seem to assume that all the McDonalds outlets are corporate owned and thus use McDonalds margins to reinforce their argument for higher wages when in fact the majority are franchisees (upwards of 80%) and operate as small/medium businesses with narrow margins and significant existential risks.
I don't know if any lefties have commented on the rampant use of the term "slaves" on this thread.

What an insult to the real slaves who suffered in our history, and who continue to suffer in other parts of the world. Of course, since paulitician and his use of the term support their position on evil corporations, they must be pretending not to see it.

Real slaves had no choice but to work where they did; real slaves couldn't quit their "jobs" if they didn't like the way they were treated; real slaves were abused physically and psychologically; real slave women were raped constantly; real slaves were forced to work in horrific conditions every single day; real slaves worked in chains, literally.

But the constant use of the term "slaves" on this thread is cool with the PC Police, because they are nasty, dishonest hypocrites.

'Economic Slavery' is bad as well. Many (not all) people find their government offers NO SOLUTION to poverty, to having to go on social programs to survive - no opportunity to get off of them, become independent, self-sufficient...and many find their dependency growing, and before too long they are handing over their vote and saying 'thank you for these crumbs' instead of demanding to know when the REAL help is coming - real help such as bringing jobs back,

Our government does not provide programs to get people OFF of these programs, do not partner with companies to create job training/producing programs. It's all designed to keep people UN-Successful and addicted to the government...for the politicians and party's own benefit.

There is more than just 1 type of slavery and prisons. Some come without bars, shackles, and chains. .

This is the second-biggest pile of blathering bullshit I've read so far today. Congratulations.

Let me advance the radical notion that it's not the government's job to "provide a solution to poverty", or "provide programs to people", or "create job training". The government doesn't - and shouldn't - run the economy, and the more it tries, the more it becomes a giant impediment to the economy. And if you think you're "a slave without shackles and chains" simply because someone isn't taking you by the hand, wiping your little nosey, and then carefully walking you through a tutorial on "How to get your shit together", then you really are a fragile little flower too precious for this world, and we'll probably all be better off when you're out of it, and out of our way.
Just out of curiosity, if you took a poll of 1,000 McDonald's employees and asked "who pays your salary?", I wonder how many would get it right.
My bet, Ronald McDonald wins by a narrow margin over the Hamburgler and the customer receives less than 5 votes.

Even the ones who are vaguely in touch with reality probably don't fully realize that their employer is actually the owner of their individual franchise, not McDonald's Corporation. I've worked for franchise operations in the past, and I can tell you my co-workers rarely had any idea just how independent and "small-business" their stores truly were.

Good point Cecilie, most people do seem to assume that all the McDonalds outlets are corporate owned and thus use McDonalds margins to reinforce their argument for higher wages when in fact the majority are franchisees (upwards of 80%) and operate as small/medium businesses with narrow margins and significant existential risks.

True. And not many people realize that, while the corporation offers a great deal of support to the franchise owners, operating capital is not a part of it.

Whatever McDonald's Corp's profit margin is or isn't, the individual franchises operate on slim profit margins, as do most restaurants. If they're forced to increase labor costs - which are already the largest single cost in their budget - by twice as much per hour, it will wipe out that profit margin, at the very least, and thus wipe out any reason for the franchise owner to invest his own time and money in operating the business.
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

When people aren't paid enough to live at least at the poverty line, they go on public assistance. Which is our tax dollars.

A person who works a job should not be making poverty wages. It wasn't like
that in prior decades.

The taxpayers shouldn't subsidize filthy rich corporations so that the ceos and executives can make billions of dollars.

If they're making money then they can pay their employees and stop forcing us tax payers to do it.
It owes its several $Billions to those slave workers it's abused for so many years.

It owes them nothing. Not a dime, not a free Big Mac. Nothing.

So you're saying that you have no problem with Americans being on welfare?

Wow most conservatives hate welfare and want it abolished.

Now you have no problem with welfare as long as it benefits the filthy rich.

You might want to review your belief system and pick which you want. Do you want a welfare state that supports the filthy rich or do you want everyone to stand on their own two feet?

The filthy rich certainly aren't standing on their own two feet when they use tax dollars to pay their employees.
When people aren't paid enough to live at least at the poverty line, they go on public assistance. Which is our tax dollars.

A person who works a job should not be making poverty wages. It wasn't like
that in prior decades.

The taxpayers shouldn't subsidize filthy rich corporations so that the ceos and executives can make billions of dollars.

If they're making money then they can pay their employees and stop forcing us tax payers to do it.
So, too much government involvement means we need even more government? If subsidies weren't there companies would need to pay more for the help. Plus, if you're trying to raise a family on minimum wage you're doing it wrong.

I've had poor paying jobs starting and had room mates, including military. Who entitled anyone to an income anyway? If you are in a job for years and still making poverty pay rates, you can be replaced by anyone they can snag off the streets. That isn't the corporations fault, or the taxpayers.
The filthy rich certainly aren't standing on their own two feet when they use tax dollars to pay their employees.
That isn't how they get rich. You think so because you're an economic retard and won't ever be a threat to their enterprises.
McDonalds has made $Billions off the blood, sweat, and tears of their slave workers. So it gets no sympathy from me. It's time for McDonalds to do some good for a change.

feeding and employing billions is not good????
Can a liberal be 100% stupid??

Oh yeah, thanks for the rampant obesity McDonalds. You're awesome.

So don't eat there. My God, everything in the freaking world is someone else's responsibility and fault to you, isn't it? What, precisely, do YOU ever take responsibility for?
Oh yeah, thanks for the rampant obesity McDonalds. You're awesome.
Paul=dumbest liberal here by far=restaurants, farmers, supermarkets enslave their workers and are responsible for obesity so need libNazicommie like Paul to control everything!! Hail Paul our new lib Nazi savior!!

Liberalism is pure ignorance!
So you're saying that you have no problem with Americans being on welfare?

We don't owe them that either.

You do realize that if a person can't feed themselves or pay their rent with the wages they have the employer won't be able have employees to work in their business?

If the government didn't subsidize wages then people won't accept such low wages. The law of supply and demand will force that employer to raise wages to get people to work for them.

I've seen it happen. I used to work for a large home improvement company that opened new stores in a west coast state in the mid 90s. They offered minimum wage to the new employees. No one applied for a job when they were told the low wages. The only way they could get people to apply and work there was to offer wages higher than the minimum wage.

People aren't going to waste their time working at a job if they aren't going to be able to support themselves. Employers aren't going to have employees if they don't offer wages that will be enough for people to live on.

So you can either waste tax dollars on subsidizing wages so that filthy rich corporations can become even more filthy rich or wages need to be increased.

It's impossible to have a healthy economy with such low wages nor can America remain a superpower and leading democracy in the world if we have to keep wasting tax dollars so filthy rich people can get even more rich and if we keep millions of Americans in poverty.

If you take away a person's ability to eat, have a roof over their heads and ability to support themselves many resort to crime and eventually people will rise up and revolt. It happened in Egypt and other middle eastern nations in the last 8 years.
If the government didn't subsidize wages then people won't accept such low wages. The law of supply and demand will force that employer to raise wages to get people to work for them.
... and thus we get to yet another example of how government intervention in the economy causes negative unintended consequences, requiring even further government intervention and thus more unintended consequences, it's a vicious cycle.

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