Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

Fast-food workers demanding a $15-an-hour minimum wage walked out in hundreds of cities Tuesday, kicking off a year-long campaign to muster the political power of 64 million low-wage workers in next year's presidential election.

Wow 64 million. We need to get wages up fast. This inequality has slowed our economy.

If those 64 million want their wages up, get their skill level up first.
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

Fast-food workers demanding a $15-an-hour minimum wage walked out in hundreds of cities Tuesday, kicking off a year-long campaign to muster the political power of 64 million low-wage workers in next year's presidential election.

Wow 64 million. We need to get wages up fast. This inequality has slowed our economy.

If those 64 million want their wages up, get their skill level up first.

Then what? Wages are stagnant. That means there aren't good jobs waiting to be filled. They will just be skilled and underemployed.
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

Fast-food workers demanding a $15-an-hour minimum wage walked out in hundreds of cities Tuesday, kicking off a year-long campaign to muster the political power of 64 million low-wage workers in next year's presidential election.

Wow 64 million. We need to get wages up fast. This inequality has slowed our economy.

If those 64 million want their wages up, get their skill level up first.

Then what? Wages are stagnant. That means there aren't good jobs waiting to be filled. They will just be skilled and underemployed.

Yet your answer is to pay them $15/hour?
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

Fast-food workers demanding a $15-an-hour minimum wage walked out in hundreds of cities Tuesday, kicking off a year-long campaign to muster the political power of 64 million low-wage workers in next year's presidential election.

Wow 64 million. We need to get wages up fast. This inequality has slowed our economy.

If those 64 million want their wages up, get their skill level up first.

Then what? Wages are stagnant. That means there aren't good jobs waiting to be filled. They will just be skilled and underemployed.

Yet your answer is to pay them $15/hour?

Well I wouldn't go that high, but a min wage increase seems to be the only option that would actually happen. This growing inequality has slowed our economy, something should be done.
Unions won't prevent automation from eliminating jobs.

The lack of new technology limits automation.

Actually, it's the relative cost of things that limits automation today. Raise labor costs high enough, and automation will replace workers. There are very few low end jobs that cannot be done by automated machines.

And when workers don't have jobs they can't buy things and all that automation isn't doing anything. You can't unemploy your customer base.
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

Fast-food workers demanding a $15-an-hour minimum wage walked out in hundreds of cities Tuesday, kicking off a year-long campaign to muster the political power of 64 million low-wage workers in next year's presidential election.

Wow 64 million. We need to get wages up fast. This inequality has slowed our economy.

If those 64 million want their wages up, get their skill level up first.

Then what? Wages are stagnant. That means there aren't good jobs waiting to be filled. They will just be skilled and underemployed.

Yet your answer is to pay them $15/hour?

Well I wouldn't go that high, but a min wage increase seems to be the only option that would actually happen. This growing inequality has slowed our economy, something should be done.

Like I said, improve your skills and you wages will improve. I keep hearing things about increasing the minimum wage. I have yet to hear what those getting that increase have to do to earn it other than currently make it. In the real world, wages increase because you offer something of value, take on more responsibility, or improve your skills. In the minimum wage world, the only thing that has to be done to get an increase is be making it.
Fast-food workers demanding a $15-an-hour minimum wage walked out in hundreds of cities Tuesday, kicking off a year-long campaign to muster the political power of 64 million low-wage workers in next year's presidential election.

Wow 64 million. We need to get wages up fast. This inequality has slowed our economy.

If those 64 million want their wages up, get their skill level up first.

Then what? Wages are stagnant. That means there aren't good jobs waiting to be filled. They will just be skilled and underemployed.

Yet your answer is to pay them $15/hour?

Well I wouldn't go that high, but a min wage increase seems to be the only option that would actually happen. This growing inequality has slowed our economy, something should be done.

Like I said, improve your skills and you wages will improve. I keep hearing things about increasing the minimum wage. I have yet to hear what those getting that increase have to do to earn it other than currently make it. In the real world, wages increase because you offer something of value, take on more responsibility, or improve your skills. In the minimum wage world, the only thing that has to be done to get an increase is be making it.

Again wages are stagnant. If there were more skilled jobs waiting to be filled wages would be going up. Your solution won't work in our current economy. We will just have skilled and underemployed.
Unions won't prevent automation from eliminating jobs.

The lack of new technology limits automation.

Actually, it's the relative cost of things that limits automation today. Raise labor costs high enough, and automation will replace workers. There are very few low end jobs that cannot be done by automated machines.

And when workers don't have jobs they can't buy things and all that automation isn't doing anything. You can't unemploy your customer base.
So you DO acknowledge the effects of increasing labor costs. If there were no effects, you wouldn't be pumping your own gas today. You do because labor costs exceeded that for automated gas pumps. The same is happening in grocery stores, with self checkout slowly replacing cashiers. It is inevitable for automation to replace labor if the cost of labor goes high enough. It used to be that an auto assembly line had hundreds, if not thousands, of men working on them. Now there's a handful. Same thing.
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

Fast-food workers demanding a $15-an-hour minimum wage walked out in hundreds of cities Tuesday, kicking off a year-long campaign to muster the political power of 64 million low-wage workers in next year's presidential election.

Wow 64 million. We need to get wages up fast. This inequality has slowed our economy.

If those 64 million want their wages up, get their skill level up first.

Then what? Wages are stagnant. That means there aren't good jobs waiting to be filled. They will just be skilled and underemployed.

Yet your answer is to pay them $15/hour?

Well I wouldn't go that high, but a min wage increase seems to be the only option that would actually happen. This growing inequality has slowed our economy, something should be done.
A large part of the slowdown in the economy is the obscene amount of money the government takes out of it every year.
Unions won't prevent automation from eliminating jobs.

The lack of new technology limits automation.

Actually, it's the relative cost of things that limits automation today. Raise labor costs high enough, and automation will replace workers. There are very few low end jobs that cannot be done by automated machines.

And when workers don't have jobs they can't buy things and all that automation isn't doing anything. You can't unemploy your customer base.
So you DO acknowledge the effects of increasing labor costs. If there were no effects, you wouldn't be pumping your own gas today. You do because labor costs exceeded that for automated gas pumps. The same is happening in grocery stores, with self checkout slowly replacing cashiers. It is inevitable for automation to replace labor if the cost of labor goes high enough. It used to be that an auto assembly line had hundreds, if not thousands, of men working on them. Now there's a handful. Same thing.

Yes I acknowledge that most of the min wage employers would be unemploying their own customer base. That is bad business. Most of any Walmart raise increases probably come right back in sales.
Fast-food workers demanding a $15-an-hour minimum wage walked out in hundreds of cities Tuesday, kicking off a year-long campaign to muster the political power of 64 million low-wage workers in next year's presidential election.

Wow 64 million. We need to get wages up fast. This inequality has slowed our economy.

If those 64 million want their wages up, get their skill level up first.

Then what? Wages are stagnant. That means there aren't good jobs waiting to be filled. They will just be skilled and underemployed.

Yet your answer is to pay them $15/hour?

Well I wouldn't go that high, but a min wage increase seems to be the only option that would actually happen. This growing inequality has slowed our economy, something should be done.
A large part of the slowdown in the economy is the obscene amount of money the government takes out of it every year.

I don't really think that is it with our current economy. Bush gave all those tax breaks and we still went into recession. It's the inequality dragging us down. Our middle class is getting weak and that's what separated us from other countries.
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

Fast-food workers demanding a $15-an-hour minimum wage walked out in hundreds of cities Tuesday, kicking off a year-long campaign to muster the political power of 64 million low-wage workers in next year's presidential election.

Wow 64 million. We need to get wages up fast. This inequality has slowed our economy.

If those 64 million want their wages up, get their skill level up first.
When they can barely eek out a living, how are they supposed to raise their skill level up?
If you want to be paid $15 an hour then go learn a skill that merits you being paid $15 an hour. A twelve year old can be trained to flip burgers. If these people were smart enough to realize they are only fighting for themselves to be replaced by automated kiosks they wouldn't be flipping burgers in the first place.

Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

Fast-food workers demanding a $15-an-hour minimum wage walked out in hundreds of cities Tuesday, kicking off a year-long campaign to muster the political power of 64 million low-wage workers in next year's presidential election.

Wow 64 million. We need to get wages up fast. This inequality has slowed our economy.

If those 64 million want their wages up, get their skill level up first.
When they can barely eek out a living, how are they supposed to raise their skill level up?

The same way the rest of us did.
If those 64 million want their wages up, get their skill level up first.

Then what? Wages are stagnant. That means there aren't good jobs waiting to be filled. They will just be skilled and underemployed.

Yet your answer is to pay them $15/hour?

Well I wouldn't go that high, but a min wage increase seems to be the only option that would actually happen. This growing inequality has slowed our economy, something should be done.
A large part of the slowdown in the economy is the obscene amount of money the government takes out of it every year.

I don't really think that is it with our current economy. Bush gave all those tax breaks and we still went into recession. It's the inequality dragging us down. Our middle class is getting weak and that's what separated us from other countries.

The recession wasn't caused by the tax cuts despite what you've been brainwashed to believe.

The inequality is a problem. Higher incomes not only pay higher taxes, they pay at a higher percentage. It's disingenuous for you bleeding hearts to talk about inequality as a problem then support an unequal tax system. You don't mind some people paying more and contributing more but you raise hell when that same group happens to have more.
If those 64 million want their wages up, get their skill level up first.

Then what? Wages are stagnant. That means there aren't good jobs waiting to be filled. They will just be skilled and underemployed.

Yet your answer is to pay them $15/hour?

Well I wouldn't go that high, but a min wage increase seems to be the only option that would actually happen. This growing inequality has slowed our economy, something should be done.

Like I said, improve your skills and you wages will improve. I keep hearing things about increasing the minimum wage. I have yet to hear what those getting that increase have to do to earn it other than currently make it. In the real world, wages increase because you offer something of value, take on more responsibility, or improve your skills. In the minimum wage world, the only thing that has to be done to get an increase is be making it.

Again wages are stagnant. If there were more skilled jobs waiting to be filled wages would be going up. Your solution won't work in our current economy. We will just have skilled and underemployed.

Speak for yourself. My pay has more than doubled in the last 10 years.
Then what? Wages are stagnant. That means there aren't good jobs waiting to be filled. They will just be skilled and underemployed.

Yet your answer is to pay them $15/hour?

Well I wouldn't go that high, but a min wage increase seems to be the only option that would actually happen. This growing inequality has slowed our economy, something should be done.
A large part of the slowdown in the economy is the obscene amount of money the government takes out of it every year.

I don't really think that is it with our current economy. Bush gave all those tax breaks and we still went into recession. It's the inequality dragging us down. Our middle class is getting weak and that's what separated us from other countries.

The recession wasn't caused by the tax cuts despite what you've been brainwashed to believe.

The inequality is a problem. Higher incomes not only pay higher taxes, they pay at a higher percentage. It's disingenuous for you bleeding hearts to talk about inequality as a problem then support an unequal tax system. You don't mind some people paying more and contributing more but you raise hell when that same group happens to have more.

Didn't claim it was caused by the tax cuts, but they didn't stop the recession from happening which is the claim of the right.
Then what? Wages are stagnant. That means there aren't good jobs waiting to be filled. They will just be skilled and underemployed.

Yet your answer is to pay them $15/hour?

Well I wouldn't go that high, but a min wage increase seems to be the only option that would actually happen. This growing inequality has slowed our economy, something should be done.

Like I said, improve your skills and you wages will improve. I keep hearing things about increasing the minimum wage. I have yet to hear what those getting that increase have to do to earn it other than currently make it. In the real world, wages increase because you offer something of value, take on more responsibility, or improve your skills. In the minimum wage world, the only thing that has to be done to get an increase is be making it.

Again wages are stagnant. If there were more skilled jobs waiting to be filled wages would be going up. Your solution won't work in our current economy. We will just have skilled and underemployed.

Speak for yourself. My pay has more than doubled in the last 10 years.

And you are statistically insignificant in a country of over 300 million.
Yet your answer is to pay them $15/hour?

Well I wouldn't go that high, but a min wage increase seems to be the only option that would actually happen. This growing inequality has slowed our economy, something should be done.

Like I said, improve your skills and you wages will improve. I keep hearing things about increasing the minimum wage. I have yet to hear what those getting that increase have to do to earn it other than currently make it. In the real world, wages increase because you offer something of value, take on more responsibility, or improve your skills. In the minimum wage world, the only thing that has to be done to get an increase is be making it.

Again wages are stagnant. If there were more skilled jobs waiting to be filled wages would be going up. Your solution won't work in our current economy. We will just have skilled and underemployed.

Speak for yourself. My pay has more than doubled in the last 10 years.

And you are statistically insignificant in a country of over 300 million.

What I am is just one example of a statistically significant number that have done the same. What I am is someone that has proven it can be done.
Well I wouldn't go that high, but a min wage increase seems to be the only option that would actually happen. This growing inequality has slowed our economy, something should be done.

Like I said, improve your skills and you wages will improve. I keep hearing things about increasing the minimum wage. I have yet to hear what those getting that increase have to do to earn it other than currently make it. In the real world, wages increase because you offer something of value, take on more responsibility, or improve your skills. In the minimum wage world, the only thing that has to be done to get an increase is be making it.

Again wages are stagnant. If there were more skilled jobs waiting to be filled wages would be going up. Your solution won't work in our current economy. We will just have skilled and underemployed.

Speak for yourself. My pay has more than doubled in the last 10 years.

And you are statistically insignificant in a country of over 300 million.

What I am is just one example of a statistically significant number that have done the same. What I am is someone that has proven it can be done.

Poverty, Wages Remain Stagnant Despite Economic Recovery

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