Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

Yes you clearly know nothing about economics. So you think having lots of qualified applicants makes wages go up?

Wages don't go up if people aren't qualified to do a job to the level the employer wants qualifications. A person may get hired but if they don't offer to the level the one hiring wants, they may still get hired but at a lower wage.

The best way to improve your wages is to offer something worth paying. In your mind, especially with the OP, wages should go up for no reason other than those wanting more demanding more.

So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

I know that if someone isn't qualified to do a job, while they may get hired, they won't get as much in salary/wages as someone that is more qualified. You live on what a book says. I live in the real world where things work quite differently.

And you also seem to think lots of qualified applicants raises wages. What is the incentive for an employer to increase wages when they have many qualified applicants?

The incentive is to get the best ones.

They already have lots of qualified applicants. You raise wages when you have trouble finding qualified applicants. Since wages are now stagnant there are few looking to hire skilled workers.
Wages don't go up if people aren't qualified to do a job to the level the employer wants qualifications. A person may get hired but if they don't offer to the level the one hiring wants, they may still get hired but at a lower wage.

The best way to improve your wages is to offer something worth paying. In your mind, especially with the OP, wages should go up for no reason other than those wanting more demanding more.

So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

I know that if someone isn't qualified to do a job, while they may get hired, they won't get as much in salary/wages as someone that is more qualified. You live on what a book says. I live in the real world where things work quite differently.

And you also seem to think lots of qualified applicants raises wages. What is the incentive for an employer to increase wages when they have many qualified applicants?

The incentive is to get the best ones.

They already have lots of qualified applicants. You raise wages when you have trouble finding qualified applicants. Since wages are now stagnant there are few looking to hire skilled workers.

Still fighting the good fight ay? I respect that, but don't spend too much time trying to get through to white Republican dude. He's very greedy and angry. He wants his slaves.

He wishes all poor people would just hurry up and die or be thrown into forced-labor camps like in North Korea and Nazi Germany. Sadly, white Republican dudes are very similar to Nazis. They have a very similar mentality. So you're not gonna get through. But hey, nice try. Hang in there and keep fighting. Peace. :)
So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

I know that if someone isn't qualified to do a job, while they may get hired, they won't get as much in salary/wages as someone that is more qualified. You live on what a book says. I live in the real world where things work quite differently.

And you also seem to think lots of qualified applicants raises wages. What is the incentive for an employer to increase wages when they have many qualified applicants?

The incentive is to get the best ones.

They already have lots of qualified applicants. You raise wages when you have trouble finding qualified applicants. Since wages are now stagnant there are few looking to hire skilled workers.

Still fighting the good fight ay? I respect that, but don't spend too much time trying to get through to white Republican dude. He's very greedy and angry. He wants his slaves.

He wishes all poor people would just hurry up and die or be thrown into forced-labor camps like in North Korea and Nazi Germany. Sadly, white Republican dudes are very similar to Nazis. They have a very similar mentality. So you're not gonna get through. But hey, nice try. Hang in there and keep fighting. Peace. :)

What makes me greedy? Is it that I want to keep what I've earned rather than having it taken and handed to someone that didn't earn it?

I want those who get a wage to earn it and demanding a higher one simply because isn't earning it.
If those looking to be hired don't offer the skills those looking to hire need, wages don't go up.

You're the one that thinks someone offering low skills should simply be handed double what they're making now just because they want it. That proves you don't understand economics.

What is it you think drives up wages then? You really don't understand economics. I suggest you go study.

Wages don't go up if those doing the hiring can't find those qualified to do the job. They don't need to go up if there aren't enough offering what those hiring want in qualifications. If you think wages go up when more jobs that require higher qualifications can't be filled by highly qualified people, you should study.

Yes you clearly know nothing about economics. So you think having lots of qualified applicants makes wages go up?

Wages don't go up if people aren't qualified to do a job to the level the employer wants qualifications. A person may get hired but if they don't offer to the level the one hiring wants, they may still get hired but at a lower wage.

The best way to improve your wages is to offer something worth paying. In your mind, especially with the OP, wages should go up for no reason other than those wanting more demanding more.

So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.
What is it you think drives up wages then? You really don't understand economics. I suggest you go study.

Wages don't go up if those doing the hiring can't find those qualified to do the job. They don't need to go up if there aren't enough offering what those hiring want in qualifications. If you think wages go up when more jobs that require higher qualifications can't be filled by highly qualified people, you should study.

Yes you clearly know nothing about economics. So you think having lots of qualified applicants makes wages go up?

Wages don't go up if people aren't qualified to do a job to the level the employer wants qualifications. A person may get hired but if they don't offer to the level the one hiring wants, they may still get hired but at a lower wage.

The best way to improve your wages is to offer something worth paying. In your mind, especially with the OP, wages should go up for no reason other than those wanting more demanding more.

So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

Yes in the real world if you can't find a Cnc operator for the wages offered, you offer more. People see how much is offered and get the proper training. Right now wages are stagnant because there aren't lots of Cnc jobs going unfilled.
Wages don't go up if those doing the hiring can't find those qualified to do the job. They don't need to go up if there aren't enough offering what those hiring want in qualifications. If you think wages go up when more jobs that require higher qualifications can't be filled by highly qualified people, you should study.

Yes you clearly know nothing about economics. So you think having lots of qualified applicants makes wages go up?

Wages don't go up if people aren't qualified to do a job to the level the employer wants qualifications. A person may get hired but if they don't offer to the level the one hiring wants, they may still get hired but at a lower wage.

The best way to improve your wages is to offer something worth paying. In your mind, especially with the OP, wages should go up for no reason other than those wanting more demanding more.

So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

Yes in the real world if you can't find a Cnc operator for the wages offered, you offer more. People see how much is offered and get the proper training. Right now wages are stagnant because there aren't lots of Cnc jobs going unfilled.

To a point but not to the point of someone that is. If there are 100 jobs among how many ever companies that require skills only 50 have, those 50 will make more in wages for having obtained those skills. To a point, anyone going and getting the qualifications will make more.

CNC jobs aren't the only jobs in the world. I bet you think what you believe is the same across the board. That's not the case.
What is it you think drives up wages then? You really don't understand economics. I suggest you go study.

Wages don't go up if those doing the hiring can't find those qualified to do the job. They don't need to go up if there aren't enough offering what those hiring want in qualifications. If you think wages go up when more jobs that require higher qualifications can't be filled by highly qualified people, you should study.

Yes you clearly know nothing about economics. So you think having lots of qualified applicants makes wages go up?

Wages don't go up if people aren't qualified to do a job to the level the employer wants qualifications. A person may get hired but if they don't offer to the level the one hiring wants, they may still get hired but at a lower wage.

The best way to improve your wages is to offer something worth paying. In your mind, especially with the OP, wages should go up for no reason other than those wanting more demanding more.

So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

And only if his skin is black.

Problem is Brian wants that burger flipper to get what amounts to a 100+ % pay increase and has yet to say what that burger flipper has to do in addition to what he/she is doing now to earn it.
Yes you clearly know nothing about economics. So you think having lots of qualified applicants makes wages go up?

Wages don't go up if people aren't qualified to do a job to the level the employer wants qualifications. A person may get hired but if they don't offer to the level the one hiring wants, they may still get hired but at a lower wage.

The best way to improve your wages is to offer something worth paying. In your mind, especially with the OP, wages should go up for no reason other than those wanting more demanding more.

So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

Yes in the real world if you can't find a Cnc operator for the wages offered, you offer more. People see how much is offered and get the proper training. Right now wages are stagnant because there aren't lots of Cnc jobs going unfilled.

To a point but not to the point of someone that is. If there are 100 jobs among how many ever companies that require skills only 50 have, those 50 will make more in wages for having obtained those skills. To a point, anyone going and getting the qualifications will make more.

CNC jobs aren't the only jobs in the world. I bet you think what you believe is the same across the board. That's not the case.

So with stagnant wages the companies aren't out there looking for jobs. If they were wages would be going up. That is my point. They are not gong up so the jobs aren't out there.
Wages don't go up if those doing the hiring can't find those qualified to do the job. They don't need to go up if there aren't enough offering what those hiring want in qualifications. If you think wages go up when more jobs that require higher qualifications can't be filled by highly qualified people, you should study.

Yes you clearly know nothing about economics. So you think having lots of qualified applicants makes wages go up?

Wages don't go up if people aren't qualified to do a job to the level the employer wants qualifications. A person may get hired but if they don't offer to the level the one hiring wants, they may still get hired but at a lower wage.

The best way to improve your wages is to offer something worth paying. In your mind, especially with the OP, wages should go up for no reason other than those wanting more demanding more.

So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

And only if his skin is black.

Problem is Brian wants that burger flipper to get what amounts to a 100+ % pay increase and has yet to say what that burger flipper has to do in addition to what he/she is doing now to earn it.

Ceos keep getting more and more increases to do the exact same job. You are ok with that I assume?
Wages don't go up if people aren't qualified to do a job to the level the employer wants qualifications. A person may get hired but if they don't offer to the level the one hiring wants, they may still get hired but at a lower wage.

The best way to improve your wages is to offer something worth paying. In your mind, especially with the OP, wages should go up for no reason other than those wanting more demanding more.

So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

Yes in the real world if you can't find a Cnc operator for the wages offered, you offer more. People see how much is offered and get the proper training. Right now wages are stagnant because there aren't lots of Cnc jobs going unfilled.

To a point but not to the point of someone that is. If there are 100 jobs among how many ever companies that require skills only 50 have, those 50 will make more in wages for having obtained those skills. To a point, anyone going and getting the qualifications will make more.

CNC jobs aren't the only jobs in the world. I bet you think what you believe is the same across the board. That's not the case.

So with stagnant wages the companies aren't out there looking for jobs. If they were wages would be going up. That is my point. They are not gong up so the jobs aren't out there.

Companies don't look for jobs. Potential employees do. Companies offer jobs.
So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

Yes in the real world if you can't find a Cnc operator for the wages offered, you offer more. People see how much is offered and get the proper training. Right now wages are stagnant because there aren't lots of Cnc jobs going unfilled.

To a point but not to the point of someone that is. If there are 100 jobs among how many ever companies that require skills only 50 have, those 50 will make more in wages for having obtained those skills. To a point, anyone going and getting the qualifications will make more.

CNC jobs aren't the only jobs in the world. I bet you think what you believe is the same across the board. That's not the case.

So with stagnant wages the companies aren't out there looking for jobs. If they were wages would be going up. That is my point. They are not gong up so the jobs aren't out there.

Companies don't look for jobs. Potential employees do. Companies offer jobs.

That doesn't change the point at all. Companies aren't offering jobs or wages would be increasing. See doesn't change it at all.
Yes you clearly know nothing about economics. So you think having lots of qualified applicants makes wages go up?

Wages don't go up if people aren't qualified to do a job to the level the employer wants qualifications. A person may get hired but if they don't offer to the level the one hiring wants, they may still get hired but at a lower wage.

The best way to improve your wages is to offer something worth paying. In your mind, especially with the OP, wages should go up for no reason other than those wanting more demanding more.

So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

And only if his skin is black.

Problem is Brian wants that burger flipper to get what amounts to a 100+ % pay increase and has yet to say what that burger flipper has to do in addition to what he/she is doing now to earn it.

Ceos keep getting more and more increases to do the exact same job. You are ok with that I assume?

They do? How many CEO's do you know well enough to know exactly what they do?

I'm OK with those doing the paying doing it the way they see fit. What I'm not OK with is people like you thinking it's your place to determine how much of someone else's money they should spend on what.
Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

Yes in the real world if you can't find a Cnc operator for the wages offered, you offer more. People see how much is offered and get the proper training. Right now wages are stagnant because there aren't lots of Cnc jobs going unfilled.

To a point but not to the point of someone that is. If there are 100 jobs among how many ever companies that require skills only 50 have, those 50 will make more in wages for having obtained those skills. To a point, anyone going and getting the qualifications will make more.

CNC jobs aren't the only jobs in the world. I bet you think what you believe is the same across the board. That's not the case.

So with stagnant wages the companies aren't out there looking for jobs. If they were wages would be going up. That is my point. They are not gong up so the jobs aren't out there.

Companies don't look for jobs. Potential employees do. Companies offer jobs.

That doesn't change the point at all. Companies aren't offering jobs or wages would be increasing. See doesn't change it at all.

Companies must be offering jobs and filling them. The Obama administration keeps saying the unemployment rate is going down. To do that, someone has to be getting hired.
Wages don't go up if people aren't qualified to do a job to the level the employer wants qualifications. A person may get hired but if they don't offer to the level the one hiring wants, they may still get hired but at a lower wage.

The best way to improve your wages is to offer something worth paying. In your mind, especially with the OP, wages should go up for no reason other than those wanting more demanding more.

So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

And only if his skin is black.

Problem is Brian wants that burger flipper to get what amounts to a 100+ % pay increase and has yet to say what that burger flipper has to do in addition to what he/she is doing now to earn it.

Ceos keep getting more and more increases to do the exact same job. You are ok with that I assume?

They do? How many CEO's do you know well enough to know exactly what they do?

I'm OK with those doing the paying doing it the way they see fit. What I'm not OK with is people like you thinking it's your place to determine how much of someone else's money they should spend on what.

Ah so for them it is ok. The job of ceo hasn't changed, just the pay has increased dramatically. You seem to be a hypocrite, shocking.
Yes in the real world if you can't find a Cnc operator for the wages offered, you offer more. People see how much is offered and get the proper training. Right now wages are stagnant because there aren't lots of Cnc jobs going unfilled.

To a point but not to the point of someone that is. If there are 100 jobs among how many ever companies that require skills only 50 have, those 50 will make more in wages for having obtained those skills. To a point, anyone going and getting the qualifications will make more.

CNC jobs aren't the only jobs in the world. I bet you think what you believe is the same across the board. That's not the case.

So with stagnant wages the companies aren't out there looking for jobs. If they were wages would be going up. That is my point. They are not gong up so the jobs aren't out there.

Companies don't look for jobs. Potential employees do. Companies offer jobs.

That doesn't change the point at all. Companies aren't offering jobs or wages would be increasing. See doesn't change it at all.

Companies must be offering jobs and filling them. The Obama administration keeps saying the unemployment rate is going down. To do that, someone has to be getting hired.

Yes. So if people are hired and wages are stagnant that means there aren't jobs offered that aren't being filled.
So you don't know anything about supply and demand obviously. Go learn some economics.

Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

And only if his skin is black.

Problem is Brian wants that burger flipper to get what amounts to a 100+ % pay increase and has yet to say what that burger flipper has to do in addition to what he/she is doing now to earn it.

Ceos keep getting more and more increases to do the exact same job. You are ok with that I assume?

They do? How many CEO's do you know well enough to know exactly what they do?

I'm OK with those doing the paying doing it the way they see fit. What I'm not OK with is people like you thinking it's your place to determine how much of someone else's money they should spend on what.

Ah so for them it is ok. The job of ceo hasn't changed, just the pay has increased dramatically. You seem to be a hypocrite, shocking.

Since those doing the paying determine who gets what, it's OK for that reason and none of my business.

I say the same thing for those you demand get a $15/hour wage. If the one paying wants to pay that much, fine. I won't say a word. It's their money. When the government mandates it, that's the problem. I have the same outlook for either end. It's not my business.

You keep saying the job of a ceo hasn't changed yet you've provide absolutely no examples or support to back it up.
Only in the world of politics could you hire a unqualified, inempt community organizer a position of leadership..

But Brian in the real world of the private sector you can not just hire a burger flipper to opperate a CNC say.just because you can not find anyone else.

And only if his skin is black.

Problem is Brian wants that burger flipper to get what amounts to a 100+ % pay increase and has yet to say what that burger flipper has to do in addition to what he/she is doing now to earn it.

Ceos keep getting more and more increases to do the exact same job. You are ok with that I assume?

They do? How many CEO's do you know well enough to know exactly what they do?

I'm OK with those doing the paying doing it the way they see fit. What I'm not OK with is people like you thinking it's your place to determine how much of someone else's money they should spend on what.

Ah so for them it is ok. The job of ceo hasn't changed, just the pay has increased dramatically. You seem to be a hypocrite, shocking.

Since those doing the paying determine who gets what, it's OK for that reason and none of my business.

I say the same thing for those you demand get a $15/hour wage. If the one paying wants to pay that much, fine. I won't say a word. It's their money. When the government mandates it, that's the problem. I have the same outlook for either end. It's not my business.

You keep saying the job of a ceo hasn't changed yet you've provide absolutely no examples or support to back it up.

Since there is no reason to believe it has changed and that was your claim, you need to support it. With no evidence we can assume it hasn't.
To a point but not to the point of someone that is. If there are 100 jobs among how many ever companies that require skills only 50 have, those 50 will make more in wages for having obtained those skills. To a point, anyone going and getting the qualifications will make more.

CNC jobs aren't the only jobs in the world. I bet you think what you believe is the same across the board. That's not the case.

So with stagnant wages the companies aren't out there looking for jobs. If they were wages would be going up. That is my point. They are not gong up so the jobs aren't out there.

Companies don't look for jobs. Potential employees do. Companies offer jobs.

That doesn't change the point at all. Companies aren't offering jobs or wages would be increasing. See doesn't change it at all.

Companies must be offering jobs and filling them. The Obama administration keeps saying the unemployment rate is going down. To do that, someone has to be getting hired.

Yes. So if people are hired and wages are stagnant that means there aren't jobs offered that aren't being filled.

You contradict yourself. On one hand, you say companies aren't offering job or wages would be increasing. On the other hand, you say the unemployment rate has been going done. If unemployment is going down, companies have to be offering jobs,otherwise, it wouldn't go down. Which one is it. You say jobs aren't being offered yet support the claim that unemployment is going down which is a sign jobs are being offered. It can't be both. Either jobs are not being offered or jobs are being offered.
So with stagnant wages the companies aren't out there looking for jobs. If they were wages would be going up. That is my point. They are not gong up so the jobs aren't out there.

Companies don't look for jobs. Potential employees do. Companies offer jobs.

That doesn't change the point at all. Companies aren't offering jobs or wages would be increasing. See doesn't change it at all.

Companies must be offering jobs and filling them. The Obama administration keeps saying the unemployment rate is going down. To do that, someone has to be getting hired.

Yes. So if people are hired and wages are stagnant that means there aren't jobs offered that aren't being filled.

You contradict yourself. On one hand, you say companies aren't offering job or wages would be increasing. On the other hand, you say the unemployment rate has been going done. If unemployment is going down, companies have to be offering jobs,otherwise, it wouldn't go down. Which one is it. You say jobs aren't being offered yet support the claim that unemployment is going down which is a sign jobs are being offered. It can't be both. Either jobs are not being offered or jobs are being offered.

Jobs are being offered at stagnant wages. Many employed are now underemployed. You really need to study economics

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