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Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

The manager hired and trained the person. Amazing you give no blame to the manager. Must be bad at hiring or training.

You said you have multiple degrees. Give verifiable proof. See how that works? You are really wasting time.
Typical union thug mentality. When the workers fuck up, the unionite blames management. That train has left the station.

Brain's mindset is that if things go poorly, it's always management and never the workers but if things go well, it's never management but only the workers.

And keyboard courage here never blames the manager, it's the workers fault. Of course the manager did the hiring, training, and set the staffing schedule....

When the manager has idiots to work with, there's only so much he/she can do. You expect someone to do a miracle and make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

Who hired the idiots?
The manager who had a lot of work that really needed to get done and couldn't find qualified workers so he had to take what he could get.
Some people choose that line of work.

I have a couple that I rent an apartment to. Both are in their mid 20's. Both work at fast food places. Neither of them try to get a better job because they smoke pot. Better paying jobs likely have drug testing so they never try to go anywhere in life.

It's my hope that as they get older and wiser, they will make a choice between pot and a future in life. Bringing us back to topic: if we ever had a huge minimum wage increase here, it's likely this couple would keep smoking pot into their 30s and even 40's because they would be making better money. Then they will end up nowhere in life.

We all need motivation at times, and increasing minimum wage would only take that motivation away from tens of thousands of people.

There will still be a lot of room for moving up with an increase, it's not going to make anyone rich. What we need is to get people off welfare.

Get people off of government welfare and put them on company welfare? Because that's all it would be you know: company welfare; giving people stuff that they didn't really earn.

Better the company who is using their labor than the tax payer.

No, better the government quit giving them welfare in the first place. They are the people who promote failure.

Then you would need the job creators to make better jobs. Wages are stagnant so there aren't great jobs out there going unfilled.
Yes there are. I have been on the hiring side of IT jobs, and it takes a long time to find the right qualifications in the right person. I've waited months to find the right person. Heck, the position I'm in now was unfilled for nearly a year.
There will still be a lot of room for moving up with an increase, it's not going to make anyone rich. What we need is to get people off welfare.

Get people off of government welfare and put them on company welfare? Because that's all it would be you know: company welfare; giving people stuff that they didn't really earn.

Better the company who is using their labor than the tax payer.

No, better the government quit giving them welfare in the first place. They are the people who promote failure.

Then you would need the job creators to make better jobs. Wages are stagnant so there aren't great jobs out there going unfilled.

Plenty of jobs out there, but you have to put some effort into it. Nobody is going to tap you on the shoulder while working at McDonald's and offer you a great job.
You don't understand. What they want is for someone to tap them on the shoulder and tell them that their job at McDonald's is now a great job. They literally don't WANT to have to look and wait for it.
if the government has been steadily taking more and more money out of the economy,[in taxes] the downturns are more severe, .

the low liberal IQ makes this an absolutely impossible concept for them to grasp. All the liberal can grasp is that when the govt taxes and spends, the spending stimulates the economy. That taxing destimulates the economy eludes them completely. Its almost as if when govt spends the dollar in become magically stimulative and when the private sector spends the money it is somehow not magically stimulative.
Somewhat like trying to fill a swimming pool by pumping water from the deep end into the shallow end.
What do you think is the number one expense for any business?

Show previous increases have had an effect on inflation.
Answer the question. Or shut the fuck up.
Show previous increases had an effect on inflation or stfu.

Minimum wage increase in 2007. CPI average for 2007 was 207.3 For 2008, after the normal lag for the effects to occur, it was 215.303.

Minimum wage increase in 2009. CPI average for 2009 was 214.5. For 2010, after the lag, it was 218.1

When you learn what the number one costs for most businesses is, you'll understand why an increase in minimum wage affects inflation. Until you do, continue to be be stupid.


I know what the number one cost in the food industry is.
If your answer is anything but "labor", your answer would be incorrect.
Labor costs are the highest percentage cost of doing business. As such, labor is a commodity. Supply and demand.
Answer the question. Or shut the fuck up.
Show previous increases had an effect on inflation or stfu.

Minimum wage increase in 2007. CPI average for 2007 was 207.3 For 2008, after the normal lag for the effects to occur, it was 215.303.

Minimum wage increase in 2009. CPI average for 2009 was 214.5. For 2010, after the lag, it was 218.1

When you learn what the number one costs for most businesses is, you'll understand why an increase in minimum wage affects inflation. Until you do, continue to be be stupid.


I know what the number one cost in the food industry is.

Untitled Document

Consumer Price Index Data from 1913 to 2015 | US Inflation Calculator

If you did, you'd show it.

Already posted it.
Posted what?.....All you have done in this thread is post childish retorts.
Our culture says presently that hamburger flipping is a high school job or an older person on Social Security that just wants some spending money. If they want a living wage, people will finally learn that they are going to have to finish school a learn a skill. We as a country have to force kids to finish school and make something of themselves. If we pay $15 for a hamburger flipper, we are enabling people to achieve less.

Earlier in our history, it was not unusual for people to work 2-3 jobs to make ends meet. Then irt was a given that if you didn't finish school or get a trade, then you could plan on working multiple jobs.
Labor costs are typically the second-highest cost in the food service industry, after food and beverage costs. Keeping labor costs under control is one of the most important factors of a restaurant's profitability. Fortunately, restaurant owners can control the cost of labor to help increase and improve the profitability of their restaurants.

Food Service Industry: Labor Cost Standards

See quote.
Dude. I was an assistant manager of a sports bar that had 20 plus employees. Part of my job was to analyze costs. Our goal was to keep labor at 30% or lower.
No other expense made up a larger percentage of doing business. Not even close.
Our culture says presently that hamburger flipping is a high school job or an older person on Social Security that just wants some spending money. If they want a living wage, people will finally learn that they are going to have to finish school a learn a skill. We as a country have to force kids to finish school and make something of themselves. If we pay $15 for a hamburger flipper, we are enabling to achieve less.
Skills? Education? Experience? HOW DARE YOU.....
Our culture says presently that hamburger flipping is a high school job or an older person on Social Security that just wants some spending money. If they want a living wage, people will finally learn that they are going to have to finish school a learn a skill. We as a country have to force kids to finish school and make something of themselves. If we pay $15 for a hamburger flipper, we are enabling to achieve less.
Skills? Education? Experience? HOW DARE YOU.....

That is what I am expecting from liberals. I'm ready! :)
if the government has been steadily taking more and more money out of the economy,[in taxes] the downturns are more severe, .

the low liberal IQ makes this an absolutely impossible concept for them to grasp. All the liberal can grasp is that when the govt taxes and spends, the spending stimulates the economy. That taxing destimulates the economy eludes them completely. Its almost as if when govt spends the dollar in become magically stimulative and when the private sector spends the money it is somehow not magically stimulative.
Somewhat like trying to fill a swimming pool by pumping water from the deep end into the shallow end.
yep teaching a liberal economics is like teaching a goldfish calculus
Our culture says presently that hamburger flipping is a high school job or an older person on Social Security that just wants some spending money. If they want a living wage, people will finally learn that they are going to have to finish school a learn a skill. We as a country have to force kids to finish school and make something of themselves. If we pay $15 for a hamburger flipper, we are enabling people to achieve less.

Earlier in our history, it was not unusual for people to work 2-3 jobs to make ends meet. Then irt was a given that if you didn't finish school or get a trade, then you could plan on working multiple jobs.

That's one of the arguments that they don't get. Increasing minimum wage only gives kids more pot money because only a small percentage of those people are actually trying to make a living off of those jobs.

Those on the left believe that minimum wage is some sort of anchor on American families. The way they express their concerns, you would think that 25% of our adult population was making minimum wage.
You were offered your chance. You don't get another one. You proved first you were scared. Stop pretending you aren't. If you were going to take me up on the offer, you would have done it the FIRST time it was offered. Unlike your mommy, you get one chance. Tell you what, send her. She'll be a better foe.

Keep running coward.

I'm here and have been here. You had your chance and refused. You don't get another. I don't give pussies but one. Send your mother. She'll be a better foe or should I say MO FO.

Make all the excuses you want, you are still running. Coward.

I can't run from someone that had his chance first, refused, and thinks he gets a second one. What do you not get about that boy. You don't want what you'd get.

Your keyboard courage is amazingly funny even when you are running. Bravo. You are like my own jester.
You have an inflated view of yourself
Get people off of government welfare and put them on company welfare? Because that's all it would be you know: company welfare; giving people stuff that they didn't really earn.

Better the company who is using their labor than the tax payer.

No, better the government quit giving them welfare in the first place. They are the people who promote failure.

Then you would need the job creators to make better jobs. Wages are stagnant so there aren't great jobs out there going unfilled.

Plenty of jobs out there, but you have to put some effort into it. Nobody is going to tap you on the shoulder while working at McDonald's and offer you a great job.
You don't understand. What they want is for someone to tap them on the shoulder and tell them that their job at McDonald's is now a great job. They literally don't WANT to have to look and wait for it.

Or try for it.

When the economy began to improve, my employer started to look for more help. He found people willing to take the job, but none that could pass a drug test.

The same thing happened with my father's former union. They sent out letters to their retirees asking them to find young people willing to start a career in bricklaying. It is tough work, but it pays well, has great benefits, and you sit home on unemployment all winter. They too found people willing to do the job, but none that could pass the drug test either.

Next thing you know, the left will protest companies performing drug tests on their employees because it leaves out a lot of poor people that really want to work.
I don't do anything with them. People bring these problems on themselves. I'm just stating a fact.

If it's one thing you liberals hate, it's the philosophy of Action/Reaction. You see, when somebody takes an action on somebody else, it usually produces a reaction. Liberals only believe in action. They believe that when you do something to somebody else, they will just sit there and take it.

Of course there is no truth to that. We have countless examples, one of them being jobs moving overseas. You keep taxing those job producers, keep supporting unions that overpay workers, keep creating expensive regulation after regulation, and the job creators move the hell out of the state or country.

Oh you'll pay. You'd be much better off keeping them employed and paying em a livable wage. We'll all benefit in the end.
And you're okay with higher prices on everything, and the poor unable to afford things they now can?

Min wage has increased many times. Show that has happened. Link?

There has never been any noticeable negative impact on the economy when the Minimum Wage has been raised. Greedy white Republican dude always cries 'Sky is Falling', but as usual, he's lying.
And if we bumped it this time to $8.50/hr, the sky wouldn't fall either. That's not what you want, though, and what you want would be catastrophic. Some 62% of the workers in this country make less than $20/hr. Raise the MW to $15/hr and every one of them would either get a big raise or demand one when all of a sudden they were making just a little over MW. Where's that money going to come from?

McDonalds Workers aren't asking anything of Government. Their fight is with their Employer. It has nothing to do with the Minimum Wage. You have no dog in the fight. It's between them and their Employer.
I can't run from someone that had his chance first, refused, and thinks he gets a second one. What do you not get about that boy. You don't want what you'd get.

Your keyboard courage is amazingly funny even when you are running. Bravo. You are like my own jester.

Again, son, you had our chance and ran to your mommy. Now, you think acting brave will make up for that cowardice. You don't get another chance. When you failed to act, you proved you weren't worth dealing with. I can show proof of where you refused. With that proof, it's all I need to know you won't show.

Still talking while you run away, that is classic. You are a hero to all pathetic Internet tough guys. You are working on legendary loser status. Please continue.

Post #895 was your answer. It says you aren't going to take time out from work to do what I said you could do to prove your claim. In other words, YOU said "No" when offered the challenge. It's in black and white puss.

Yes and you said you have degrees and refuse to prove it puss. And now you are running away. Are you a democrat mocking republicans? No real person can be this stupid. You realize I'm just mocking you right?
Running away.. As if you get to decide when a discussion is concluded.
Hey paper pulp between the ears, no intelligent person is going to continue arguing with an emoting irrational shill such as yourself.
Oh you'll pay. You'd be much better off keeping them employed and paying em a livable wage. We'll all benefit in the end.
And you're okay with higher prices on everything, and the poor unable to afford things they now can?

Min wage has increased many times. Show that has happened. Link?

There has never been any noticeable negative impact on the economy when the Minimum Wage has been raised. Greedy white Republican dude always cries 'Sky is Falling', but as usual, he's lying.
And if we bumped it this time to $8.50/hr, the sky wouldn't fall either. That's not what you want, though, and what you want would be catastrophic. Some 62% of the workers in this country make less than $20/hr. Raise the MW to $15/hr and every one of them would either get a big raise or demand one when all of a sudden they were making just a little over MW. Where's that money going to come from?

McDonalds Workers aren't asking anything of Government. Their fight is with their Employer. You have no dog in the fight. It's between them and their Employer.
Bullshit....They are demanding government intervene on their behalf.
And you're okay with higher prices on everything, and the poor unable to afford things they now can?

Min wage has increased many times. Show that has happened. Link?

There has never been any noticeable negative impact on the economy when the Minimum Wage has been raised. Greedy white Republican dude always cries 'Sky is Falling', but as usual, he's lying.
And if we bumped it this time to $8.50/hr, the sky wouldn't fall either. That's not what you want, though, and what you want would be catastrophic. Some 62% of the workers in this country make less than $20/hr. Raise the MW to $15/hr and every one of them would either get a big raise or demand one when all of a sudden they were making just a little over MW. Where's that money going to come from?

McDonalds Workers aren't asking anything of Government. Their fight is with their Employer. You have no dog in the fight. It's between them and their Employer.
Bullshit....They are demanding government intervene on their behalf.

Nothing to do with the Minimum Wage. You're mistaken. It's between them and their Employer. You have no dog in the fight.
Better the company who is using their labor than the tax payer.

No, better the government quit giving them welfare in the first place. They are the people who promote failure.

Then you would need the job creators to make better jobs. Wages are stagnant so there aren't great jobs out there going unfilled.

Plenty of jobs out there, but you have to put some effort into it. Nobody is going to tap you on the shoulder while working at McDonald's and offer you a great job.
You don't understand. What they want is for someone to tap them on the shoulder and tell them that their job at McDonald's is now a great job. They literally don't WANT to have to look and wait for it.

Or try for it.

When the economy began to improve, my employer started to look for more help. He found people willing to take the job, but none that could pass a drug test.

The same thing happened with my father's former union. They sent out letters to their retirees asking them to find young people willing to start a career in bricklaying. It is tough work, but it pays well, has great benefits, and you sit home on unemployment all winter. They too found people willing to do the job, but none that could pass the drug test either.

Next thing you know, the left will protest companies performing drug tests on their employees because it leaves out a lot of poor people that really want to work.

Leave it to the liberals and that is exactly what will happen.
Oh you'll pay. You'd be much better off keeping them employed and paying em a livable wage. We'll all benefit in the end.
And you're okay with higher prices on everything, and the poor unable to afford things they now can?

Min wage has increased many times. Show that has happened. Link?

There has never been any noticeable negative impact on the economy when the Minimum Wage has been raised. Greedy white Republican dude always cries 'Sky is Falling', but as usual, he's lying.
And if we bumped it this time to $8.50/hr, the sky wouldn't fall either. That's not what you want, though, and what you want would be catastrophic. Some 62% of the workers in this country make less than $20/hr. Raise the MW to $15/hr and every one of them would either get a big raise or demand one when all of a sudden they were making just a little over MW. Where's that money going to come from?

McDonalds Workers aren't asking anything of Government. Their fight is with their Employer. It has nothing to do with the Minimum Wage. You have no dog in the fight. It's between them and their Employer.
It's more than that. Many people here are responding and are customers to fast food restaurants. Ask them if thy are willing to pay $15.00 for a small hamburger fries and drink. I think they will lose customers left and right. McDonalds is a favorite for people with three kids and two parents to feed on the way to a ball game.

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