Fat Nadler Is Whining Again

It is nothing but damage control now, folks. It really is time to move
on, because there really isn't anything to see here, except for a bunch
of liberal parasites crying in their beer.

crying in their beer? that would be Brett 'I like beer' Kavanaugh
It is nothing but damage control now, folks. It really is time to move
on, because there really isn't anything to see here, except for a bunch
of liberal parasites crying in their beer.
Sadly, only some will hear the whole truth. Bet Doug Collins’s doesn’t get air time on the other networks.
Like when MSNBC cut in on Graham's factual statements because they didn't like what he was saying.

Nadler is already in violation of several ethics rules, and should be censured.
We were witness to history right there. Bet the tards lose the house again for real in 2020 :5_1_12024:

Unless the Republicans learned how to play against Democrat media, I will place no bets.

Right, republicans in the Senate better pay attention and start hitting back against the democrats going after Barr. They need to be reminded that TRUMP's re-election is not dependent on theirs.
Exactly why is Nadler allowed to violate parliamentary procedure like Schiff was allowed to violate rules governing his position on The Intelligence Committee?

Nadler just cut off a Congressman's Mic.

Never seen anyone ever do that.
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Nadler was well composed, well spoken, and the Reps (Collins, Gaetz) were screaming like a bunch of second grade little girl ass holes
Nadler was a tyrant and violated several rules right there in the FAUX hearing. Are you kidding me? All he did was read "prepared" statements, then left like the pussy he is. He didn't even have the balls to interview and question Barr himself.

He looked like a Clown Tyrant.
Exactly why is Nadler allowed to violate parliamentary procedure like Schiff was allowed to violate rules governing his position on The Intelligence Committee.

Nadler just cut off a Congressman's Mic.

Never seen anyone ever do that.

Pelosi changed the rules when she became house speaker.
Exactly why is Nadler allowed to violate parliamentary procedure like Schiff was allowed to violate rules governing his position on The Intelligence Committee.

Nadler just cut off a Congressman's Mic.

Never seen anyone ever do that.

Pelosi changed the rules when she became house speaker.
So they could run these hearings like lil dictators? They still have to follow parliamentary procedure rules, and Nadler violated them in front of anyone who was watching.
Put glasses on this guy, cut his hair like Nadler does, and shave his mustache off and you have Nadler's Doppleganger.

Exactly why is Nadler allowed to violate parliamentary procedure like Schiff was allowed to violate rules governing his position on The Intelligence Committee.

Nadler just cut off a Congressman's Mic.

Never seen anyone ever do that.

Pelosi changed the rules when she became house speaker.
So they could run these hearings like lil dictators? They still have to follow parliamentary procedure rules, and Nadler violated them in front of anyone who was watching.

Hope they have hearings all through 2019. They are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

The dweebs didn't like Mueller's report because it didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would.

Now they are grasping at straws and holding hearing after hearing and wasting tax dollars to do so.

They already tried their shit with Barr and wanted another hearing with the man. Barr told em to pound fucking sand.

Voters are watching and I'd bet they don't hang onto the house in 2020.
Exactly why is Nadler allowed to violate parliamentary procedure like Schiff was allowed to violate rules governing his position on The Intelligence Committee.

Nadler just cut off a Congressman's Mic.

Never seen anyone ever do that.

Pelosi changed the rules when she became house speaker.
So they could run these hearings like lil dictators? They still have to follow parliamentary procedure rules, and Nadler violated them in front of anyone who was watching.

Hope they have hearings all through 2019. They are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

The dweebs didn't like Mueller's report because it didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would.

Now they are grasping at straws and holding hearing after hearing and wasting tax dollars to do so.

They already tried their shit with Barr and wanted another hearing with the man. Barr told em to pound fucking sand.

Voters are watching and I'd bet they don't hang onto the house in 2020.

I predicted a Super Majority by 2020 last year. It's typical for an incumbent to lose some traction in his first midterm as a historical trend.

are any of the democrats on the committee old enough to be there?

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Exactly why is Nadler allowed to violate parliamentary procedure like Schiff was allowed to violate rules governing his position on The Intelligence Committee.

Nadler just cut off a Congressman's Mic.

Never seen anyone ever do that.

Pelosi changed the rules when she became house speaker.
So they could run these hearings like lil dictators? They still have to follow parliamentary procedure rules, and Nadler violated them in front of anyone who was watching.

Hope they have hearings all through 2019. They are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

The dweebs didn't like Mueller's report because it didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would.

Now they are grasping at straws and holding hearing after hearing and wasting tax dollars to do so.

They already tried their shit with Barr and wanted another hearing with the man. Barr told em to pound fucking sand.

Voters are watching and I'd bet they don't hang onto the house in 2020.

I predicted a Super Majority by 2020 last year. It's typical for an incumbent to lose some traction in his first midterm as a historical trend.

I think it will depend on if Republicans up for re-election actually show support for TRUMP. Unfortunately we'll be stuck with some never-TRUMPlicans that won't be up for re-election.
Exactly why is Nadler allowed to violate parliamentary procedure like Schiff was allowed to violate rules governing his position on The Intelligence Committee.

Nadler just cut off a Congressman's Mic.

Never seen anyone ever do that.

Pelosi changed the rules when she became house speaker.
So they could run these hearings like lil dictators? They still have to follow parliamentary procedure rules, and Nadler violated them in front of anyone who was watching.

Hope they have hearings all through 2019. They are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

The dweebs didn't like Mueller's report because it didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would.

Now they are grasping at straws and holding hearing after hearing and wasting tax dollars to do so.

They already tried their shit with Barr and wanted another hearing with the man. Barr told em to pound fucking sand.

Voters are watching and I'd bet they don't hang onto the house in 2020.

I predicted a Super Majority by 2020 last year. It's typical for an incumbent to lose some traction in his first midterm as a historical trend.

I think it will depend on if Republicans up for re-election actually show support for TRUMP. Unfortunately we'll be stuck with some never-TRUMPlicans that won't be up for re-election.

Any never-Trumpers leftover from 2016 should be able to meet in a phone booth. Trump has a 95% approval from fellow Republicans, his supreme picks have been outstanding. What can never-Trumpers whine about?
List of Republicans who opposed the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign - Wikipedia
Fat Jerry Nadler’s ‘constitutional crisis’ talk is utter bull.

From the moment the central claim of the Russiagate conspiracy was decimated by the Mueller Report, Democrats have generated a series of manufactured outrages to keep the conspiracy dream alive.

Why the theatrics? Well, the scope of the Trump “collusion” theory has radically contracted from its heyday.

What was once “Donald Trump personally colluded with Vladimir Putin to steal the 2016 election for the Kremlin!” is now “Why won’t the attorney general release the entire unredacted version of a report that exonerates the president of collusion!” It doesn’t have quite the same bite.

So Democrats have moved from conspiracies about Russia to conspiracies about the report debunking the conspiracy.​

And the whole narrative is to distract from what the Obama Administration was doing to its political opponents.

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