Father At School Board Gives Board Members A Reality Check

Why we can’t discuss this topic with conservatives

They ignore decades of research and cling to their homosexual grooming fantasies
Some seem to operate under the delusion that is we would all just butt out and leave the schools alone, all or must of our kids could be affirmed as being gay or transgender in peace. They seem to think that little kids think about these things all the time and it is bad parents who don't encourage them to think about it a lot more in school.

They definitely operate under the delusion that this is somehow an anti-gay or anti-transgender topic.

But then for most leftists, intellectual honesty isn't a strong point. . .
Rightwinger seems to operate under the delusion that is we would all just butt out and leave the schools along, all or must of our kids could just be gay or transgender in peace.

He definitely operates under the delusion that this is somehow an anti-gay or anti-transgender topic.

But then for most leftists, intellectual honesty isn't a strong point. . .

Children know how their parents feel about homosexuality and Transexuals…..they hear it every day

If they could speak to their parents, they certainly would.

To force teachers to out them under theses circumstances is cruel and possibly dangerous.
Children know how their parents feel about homosexuality and Transexuals…..they hear it every day

If they could speak to their parents, they certainly would.

To force teachers to out them under theses circumstances is cruel and possibly dangerous.
Only when you think the state is the proper organization capable of loving and doing the best thing for kids and the parents should have no say whatsoever about it. Again Marx - Hitler - Hamas would all give you a medal for your attitude about that.

Here is what you get with it:

To force teachers to out them under theses circumstances is cruel and possibly dangerous.

Cruel and dangerous to the pedophile teachers. Fuck those teachers. Pedophiles deserve more cruelty than the average person is capable of inflicting.

So do subhuman pieces of shit such as yourself, that openly and unabashedly take the side of pedophiles.
I'm tired of talking about this for the most part, but every once in a while I run across something on this channel that's rather unique and I absolutely love how he puts it here. He's basically saying that parents shouldn't give-in and give their children every little thing that they want and I one hundred percent agree with him.

Even our best schools are circling the drain now. This is why, but not for the reason you think. It is why because my own people have committed Defund the Police on education.

I tried to tell everyone, but grandstanding like this is valued in the 21st century over actual effectiveness. So here we are.
Your motive for denying it is rather obvious.
Yes I am normal. You're just this side of a Taliban hater.
Cruel and dangerous to the pedophile teachers. Fuck those teachers. Pedophiles deserve more cruelty than the average person is capable of inflicting.
More stateements made without proof except the voices in your head.
No Bob, I don't support any type of pedophile of any sex or any religion or any fucking political party. They are all scum.

The onus is on YOU to PROVE it happens.
Spend time in an actual school.
Would you clear the mandatory police background check?
Or you consider that ^^^ a violation of your rights.

Sure, you can find a very rare cases, these typically happen at 'learning centers'.
Again, if SO, you would easily be able to document the crimes you see happening.

But you won't.
I'm calling you out Bob, go out and PROVE your cases.
If 3 weeks isn't enough time, then volunteer longer.
SO why did your party have a massive meltdown over Florida outlawing teaching sexual orientation and gender identity to K-3 graders?
SO why did your party have a massive meltdown over Florida outlawing teaching sexual orientation and gender identity to K-3 graders?
I don't represent any party.
All Politicians are scum.

Certain people believing in different genders or people thinking trump is some god, these don't affect my beliefs.
I think that trump is no God, and I think all things pedophilia are terrible.
The question is..

If a child does not feel safe in revealing his/her sexuality to their parent…….Should the school reject confidentiality and tell them anyway?
If they are going to do that, they need to take their fear to a judge and demonstrate WHY they think the child is better off with his/her parents not knowing.
I don't represent any party.
All Politicians are scum.

Certain people believing in different genders or people thinking trump is some god, these don't affect my beliefs.
I think that trump is no God, and I think all things pedophilia are terrible.
OK. So why did Progressives/liberals Have a massive meltdown over Florida outlawing teaching sexual orientation and gender identity to K-3 graders? You seem to claim it never happens, so why the massive, massive meltdown?
SO why did your party have a massive meltdown over Florida outlawing teaching sexual orientation and gender identity to K-3 graders?
Not my party, but I will make their argument for you, that they knew the law would have the effect of discriminating against LGBT, and attempt to drive them from being discussed at all in Jr High and High School.
If they are going to do that, they need to take their fear to a judge and demonstrate WHY they think the child is better off with his/her parents not knowing.
If you don't know your child is doing this already, its you as a parent who has serious problems.
Not my party, but I will make their argument for you, that they knew the law would have the effect of discriminating against LGBT, and attempt to drive them from being discussed at all in Jr High and High School.
Only if you ignore the language of the law. Your "not my party" are champions at lies, disinformation, propaganda and faux outrage.
If you don't know your child is doing this already, its you as a parent who has serious problems.
If you've ever actually had children of your own, you know that they often do things at school that you're not aware that they are doing, and kids that age are notorious for changing their minds and trying anything to fit in with their peers. Parents should be made aware of this, just like they should be made aware that their child is serving in-school suspension for bad behavior.

It comes down to responsibility. Is the school going to take responsibility for the consequences of the children making these kinds of decisions or will they (yes, they will) dump the child back on the parents to deal with the aftermath? No, it will not.
Even our best schools are circling the drain now. This is why, but not for the reason you think. It is why because my own people have committed Defund the Police on education.

I tried to tell everyone, but grandstanding like this is valued in the 21st century over actual effectiveness. So here we are.

I'm really sorry towards the good schools out there, but right now this is more about what he said. Is any of that wrong?

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