Father of slain Muslim US soldier to Donald Trump: 'You have sacrificed nothing and no one'

if the crime is motivated by RELIGION----yes---it could be the religion-----If a Christian decides to storm into a mosque and slit the throat of an iman----it is probably a religion inspired crime
Possibly and, no doubt, true in some cases. 9/11 was largely a religiously inspired crime. OTOH, several of the 9/11 terrorists who had been in the US for a while were well known to not be very religious Muslims since they frequently went drinking and whoring.
if the crime is motivated by RELIGION----yes---it could be the religion-----If a Christian decides to storm into a mosque and slit the throat of an iman----it is probably a religion inspired crime

Gods in Heaven you Lefties are stupid! How many explanations will it take to get it through your stupid heads that, unlike ISLAM, Christianity doesn't instruct Christians to be violent towards others. Therefore it's NOT religion inspired.
if the crime is motivated by RELIGION----yes---it could be the religion-----If a Christian decides to storm into a mosque and slit the throat of an iman----it is probably a religion inspired crime
Possibly and, no doubt, true in some cases. 9/11 was largely a religiously inspired crime. OTOH, several of the 9/11 terrorists who had been in the US for a while were well known to not be very religious Muslims since they frequently went drinking and whoring.

you are a bit naïve-----drinking and whoring in NO WAY marks a muslim as a NON-DEFENDER OF ISLAAAAM---
in fact......its what defenders of islam do.
if the crime is motivated by RELIGION----yes---it could be the religion-----If a Christian decides to storm into a mosque and slit the throat of an iman----it is probably a religion inspired crime

Gods in Heaven you Lefties are stupid! How many explanations will it take to get it through your stupid heads that, unlike ISLAM, Christianity doesn't instruct Christians to be violent towards others. Therefore it's NOT religion inspired.

"god in heaven"-----you are a GENIUS------OF COURSE-----Christians have NEVER done a violent act in the NAME
OF CHRIST in all of history $%#$%#^#^^#^@@!!%@%
#$%^^#%!!%!#$!$%%%%!% NEVAH!!!!!!!!!!!*&*^**&*^**
Gods in Heaven you Lefties are stupid! How many explanations will it take to get it through your stupid heads that, unlike ISLAM, Christianity doesn't instruct Christians to be violent towards others. Therefore it's NOT religion inspired.

Incorrect as anyone who follows history knows. Hint: Google Spanish Inquisition.

For more recent news on Killers for Christ:
Florida Executes Killer Of an Abortion Provider
Nine years after he calmly shot and killed an abortion doctor and his volunteer escort outside a Pensacola clinic, Paul Jennings Hill died by lethal injection here today as his supporters declared him a martyr and warned that his actions might be replicated.

Mr. Hill, a former Presbyterian minister, is the first killer of an abortion provider to be executed in the United States. He had not tried to prevent his death, which took place at Florida State Prison, just after 6 p.m. as lightning jagged across a nearly black sky. But abortion rights advocates fear what Mr. Hill's followers have hinted for months: that his death will cause a new wave of violence against abortion clinics, many of which have operated in relative peace over the last few years.
you are a bit naïve-----drinking and whoring in NO WAY marks a muslim as a NON-DEFENDER OF ISLAAAAM---
in fact......its what defenders of islam do.
"you a bit naive"? Go look in a mirror.

First, the comment lended proof that Islamic terrorists are not necessarily motivated only by religion due to their proven lack of piety.

Second, your remark is a straw man argument, or imply stupid, since I never said any of the terrorists were a "NON-DEFENDER OF ISLAAAAM". Obviously they gave their lives for some cause. Religion, just like the "Troubles" in Ireland, certainly played a part but there other factors as well. To dwell exclusively on the religious factor is "a bit naive".
you are a bit naïve-----drinking and whoring in NO WAY marks a muslim as a NON-DEFENDER OF ISLAAAAM---
in fact......its what defenders of islam do.
"you a bit naive"? Go look in a mirror.

First, the comment lended proof that Islamic terrorists are not necessarily motivated only by religion due to their proven lack of piety.

Second, your remark is a straw man argument, or imply stupid, since I never said any of the terrorists were a "NON-DEFENDER OF ISLAAAAM". Obviously they gave their lives for some cause. Religion, just like the "Troubles" in Ireland, certainly played a part but there other factors as well. To dwell exclusively on the religious factor is "a bit naive".

nope----your post evinces a level of LOGIC but also a complete and utter ignorance of---MUSLIMS. Muslims are not Irish catholics (or protestants) They are a people who by virtue of their RELIGION----however they got to islam----have a very unifying culture. The culture is independent of "piety". My guess is that you have not socialized &/or worked with a whole
lot of muslims...... I have----like hundreds. I am also married to a man who arrived into the world as part of a community
that had lived under Islamic rule for more than 1000 years. ----
but as a child----lots of my neighbors and playmates were Irish catholics. (as a kid, I did not even know that Irish protestants existed or were POSSIBLE) Muslims grow up on the
DEFEND ISLAM principle as the prime directive----in itself that
principle defines one as *)MUSLIM ---with a scimitar on top----
vats of booze and sex orgies----not withstanding.. You should read the koran (no boozing----but sexual virility is like THE MARK OF A GREAT MUSLIM-----muhummad could go at it
for a whole day........and never tire, great guy that he was----
sex with whores is not a sin in islam----only if the whore is a
muslim-----then she should be dead---no penalty in islam for
screwing a non-muslim---unless a muslim owns her. Alcohol IS a sin----but the penalty is on the Christian or Jew who SOLD
the stuff to the muslim----or even gave it to him)
Yep. This one guy...and I mean one guy....has more gumption than 100% of liberals. Fact remains...he is one in light of thousands of Muslims who are terrorists.

How many Mulsims serve in the US military? More than 5000 according to the Pentagon.

Should they and their families be banned from the US too? Should the father of the fallen soldier be barred from entering the US?
5,000 out of how many? Sorry your religion promotes terrorism. Background checks and let's kick every fucking one of them out of the military.

Background checks for US citizens? And forbidding a person to serve in the military because of their religion? Those may be Republican Values. But they aren't American Values.

And you never did answer my question: Should the 5000 US Muslim solders and their families be banned from the US too? Should the father of the fallen soldier be barred from entering the US?

C'mon. Its your party's proposal. And you can't even give me a straight answer about it.
If the father is not a US citizen he certainly deserves extra vetting if he's muslim. Like how Obama closed the border to Iraqis a few years back.
Closing the borders to a country is a tad different than closing it to a religion.
Not at all. They're people and their affiliation is the criteria.
if the crime is motivated by RELIGION----yes---it could be the religion-----If a Christian decides to storm into a mosque and slit the throat of an iman----it is probably a religion inspired crime

Gods in Heaven you Lefties are stupid! How many explanations will it take to get it through your stupid heads that, unlike ISLAM, Christianity doesn't instruct Christians to be violent towards others. Therefore it's NOT religion inspired.
Usually, I just make jokes at ignorance. But sometimes I don't. When someone has out tarded the truly tarted right wing tards, I have to take steps:

Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. “The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him.” (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)

That is just one of many, many passages in the Bible of violence against others.
So don't say such idiocy again.

I didn't know Trump sent the mans son to war. There is no longer a draft, so he must have volunteered. This man has an argument with the Muslims that killed his son.
Did you watch the speech? The father isn't blaming the government for his son's death......that was NOT the topic of his speech.

I must admit I did not, but I have seen parts of it since. What I gathered is he is against Trump's temporary ban on Muslim immigrants until they can be properly vetted. If there had been a ban when he came to the US, his son would still be alive. How ironic is that?
Yeah, and the servicemen that he saved would now be dead. How ironic is that?
Typical arrogant, entitled, filthy muslim crybaby. I'm HAPPY its insidious, cousin-inbreeding spawn was "made good," (in a war HILLARY SUPPORTED); muslim parents deserve the grief of a dead child more than any demographic on earth. Why those ass-lifting, vomitous imitations of real lifeforms!
Typical arrogant, entitled, filthy muslim crybaby. I'm HAPPY its insidious, cousin-inbreeding spawn was "made good," (in a war HILLARY SUPPORTED); muslim parents deserve the grief of a dead child more than any demographic on earth. Why those ass-lifting, vomitous imitations of real lifeforms!

you need not wax GROSS ....... Mr Khan will probably regret that he decided to attack Trump with a whine over his personal
Typical arrogant, entitled, filthy muslim crybaby. I'm HAPPY its insidious, cousin-inbreeding spawn was "made good," (in a war HILLARY SUPPORTED); muslim parents deserve the grief of a dead child more than any demographic on earth. Why those ass-lifting, vomitous imitations of real lifeforms!
Are you Irosie's sock?
Typical arrogant, entitled, filthy muslim crybaby. I'm HAPPY its insidious, cousin-inbreeding spawn was "made good," (in a war HILLARY SUPPORTED); muslim parents deserve the grief of a dead child more than any demographic on earth. Why those ass-lifting, vomitous imitations of real lifeforms!

Wow. Seek help, maggot.
Typical arrogant, entitled, filthy muslim crybaby. I'm HAPPY its insidious, cousin-inbreeding spawn was "made good," (in a war HILLARY SUPPORTED); muslim parents deserve the grief of a dead child more than any demographic on earth. Why those ass-lifting, vomitous imitations of real lifeforms!
Are you Irosie's sock?

I don't wear socks
Not even compression socks?

absolutely not------I tried once because I had a job with lots of standing-----I thought that the compression things would make
the situation more comfortable-------they are sheeer hell

I didn't know Trump sent the mans son to war. There is no longer a draft, so he must have volunteered. This man has an argument with the Muslims that killed his son.
Did you watch the speech? The father isn't blaming the government for his son's death......that was NOT the topic of his speech.

I must admit I did not, but I have seen parts of it since. What I gathered is he is against Trump's temporary ban on Muslim immigrants until they can be properly vetted. If there had been a ban when he came to the US, his son would still be alive. How ironic is that?
Yeah, and the servicemen that he saved would now be dead. How ironic is that?

What story did they make up that said he saved some servicemen's lives?

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