Father of slain Muslim US soldier to Donald Trump: 'You have sacrificed nothing and no one'

More divisive democrat politics. What difference is it supposed to make for a US soldier to be muslim? Are the democrats once again admitting there is a problem.with islam in that when a muslim actually joins the US military it needs to be pointed out?
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.

Would this soldier or his family be among the Muslims that Trump insists shouldn't be allowed in the country?
Yep. This one guy...and I mean one guy....has more gumption than 100% of liberals. Fact remains...he is one in light of thousands of Muslims who are terrorists.

How many Mulsims serve in the US military? More than 5000 according to the Pentagon.

Should they and their families be banned from the US too? Should the father of the fallen soldier be barred from entering the US?
5,000 out of how many? Sorry your religion promotes terrorism. Background checks and let's kick every fucking one of them out of the military.
More divisive democrat politics. What difference is it supposed to make for a US soldier to be muslim? Are the democrats once again admitting there is a problem.with islam in that when a muslim actually joins the US military it needs to be pointed out?
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.

Would this soldier or his family be among the Muslims that Trump insists shouldn't be allowed in the country?
Yep. This one guy...and I mean one guy....has more gumption than 100% of liberals. Fact remains...he is one in light of thousands of Muslims who are terrorists.

How many Mulsims serve in the US military? More than 5000 according to the Pentagon.

Should they and their families be banned from the US too? Should the father of the fallen soldier be barred from entering the US?
5,000 out of how many? Sorry your religion promotes terrorism. Background checks and let's kick every fucking one of them out of the military.

Background checks for US citizens? And forbidding a person to serve in the military because of their religion? Those may be Republican Values. But they aren't American Values.

And you never did answer my question: Should the 5000 US Muslim solders and their families be banned from the US too? Should the father of the fallen soldier be barred from entering the US?

C'mon. Its your party's proposal. And you can't even give me a straight answer about it.
the really idiot comment made by the father of the fallen soldier was----'You have sacrificed nothing and no one' I cannot
actually "BLAME" him---since he is, clearly, overwhelmed by
the loss of his son------but---he is an ADULT---and he stood up before the world to in order to SPIT his rancor. -----which was nothing more than------" I AM THE BIG TIME SUFFERER AND I AM GOING TO TELL YOU WHAT'S WHAT.....vote for Hillary."---sheeesh----I don't see her as the world's most compassionate--- she seems to be fixated on her own behind. She, publically, spit in the face of a bereaved mother. What does the constitution have to do with all this----and in
what way does the man's dead son relate to a reading of the

Maybe you should comment after you have you have a better understanding of the subject of the OP.
Here's a hint, the father wasn't blaming Trump for his son's death.
Nice display of ignorance and laziness.
the really idiot comment made by the father of the fallen soldier was----'You have sacrificed nothing and no one' I cannot
actually "BLAME" him---since he is, clearly, overwhelmed by
the loss of his son------but---he is an ADULT---and he stood up before the world to in order to SPIT his rancor. -----which was nothing more than------" I AM THE BIG TIME SUFFERER AND I AM GOING TO TELL YOU WHAT'S WHAT.....vote for Hillary."---sheeesh----I don't see her as the world's most compassionate--- she seems to be fixated on her own behind. She, publically, spit in the face of a bereaved mother. What does the constitution have to do with all this----and in
what way does the man's dead son relate to a reading of the

Maybe you should comment after you have you have a better understanding of the subject of the OP.
Here's a hint, the father wasn't blaming Trump for his son's death.
Nice display of ignorance and laziness.

I'm still scratching my head on the mother of one of the dead CIA security guards blaming Hillary 'personally' for the death of her son. Her son didn't even work for the State Department.
Agreed. An excellent speech. His comment about Arlington was especially poignant to me since I have friends buried in National military cemeteries and have visited Arlington several times.

Since less than 8% of living Americans have ever served in our military, a figure dwindling every day as we lose more WWII-Vietnam veterans, I doubt most Americans fully appreciate how many Americans have sacrificed themselves for their nation and what it means to take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

the bereaved father could have spit the same speech out at Hillary. She never served in the Military and did not lose a
child to war. In my mind, he was OUT OF ORDER in accusing Trump of having never read the constitution. What was that all about and how does it relate to his "sacrifice" in having a son who joined up?
-----I wonder if he served---or his wife. I served and so did my son. During my son's enlistment he warned me ----not to
go publically NUTS if he gets killed. I do not remember the name of the bereaved mother who-----way back then---about 12 years ago was raising a huge PUBLIC thing about her son
Hillary isn't out there demonizing all Muslims and threatening not to allow them into the country. Khan's son died a hero in service to this country. If Trump had his way, the Khan family and others like them would never have been allowed to immigrate to the USA. While Trump is denigrating the character of Muslims and other immigrant minorities, he is ignoring their contributions and sacrifices to this country. Trump apparently doesn't understand that the Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion, and that Muslims can be patriotic Americans too.
the really idiot comment made by the father of the fallen soldier was----'You have sacrificed nothing and no one' I cannot
actually "BLAME" him---since he is, clearly, overwhelmed by
the loss of his son------but---he is an ADULT---and he stood up before the world to in order to SPIT his rancor. -----which was nothing more than------" I AM THE BIG TIME SUFFERER AND I AM GOING TO TELL YOU WHAT'S WHAT.....vote for Hillary."---sheeesh----I don't see her as the world's most compassionate--- she seems to be fixated on her own behind. She, publically, spit in the face of a bereaved mother. What does the constitution have to do with all this----and in
what way does the man's dead son relate to a reading of the

Maybe you should comment after you have you have a better understanding of the subject of the OP.
Here's a hint, the father wasn't blaming Trump for his son's death.
Nice display of ignorance and laziness.

I'm still scratching my head on the mother of one of the dead CIA security guards blaming Hillary 'personally' for the death of her son. Her son didn't even work for the State Department.

stop scratching-------it is what people do------find someone to BLAME--------I have experience in this area of life----when someone dies-----people want to BLAME it on someone or
something. Long, long ago----my first moribund patient----
dying of lung cancer ---not related to smoking----it was adeno-carcinoma of the lung-----the smoking one is----small cell or oat cell carcinoma--------the husband said to me------"SHE WAS OK UNTIL SHE WENT TO THE DOCTOR......"
Agreed. An excellent speech. His comment about Arlington was especially poignant to me since I have friends buried in National military cemeteries and have visited Arlington several times.

Since less than 8% of living Americans have ever served in our military, a figure dwindling every day as we lose more WWII-Vietnam veterans, I doubt most Americans fully appreciate how many Americans have sacrificed themselves for their nation and what it means to take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

the bereaved father could have spit the same speech out at Hillary. She never served in the Military and did not lose a
child to war. In my mind, he was OUT OF ORDER in accusing Trump of having never read the constitution. What was that all about and how does it relate to his "sacrifice" in having a son who joined up?
-----I wonder if he served---or his wife. I served and so did my son. During my son's enlistment he warned me ----not to
go publically NUTS if he gets killed. I do not remember the name of the bereaved mother who-----way back then---about 12 years ago was raising a huge PUBLIC thing about her son
Hillary isn't out there demonizing all Muslims and threatening not to allow them into the country. Khan's son died a hero in service to this country. If Trump had his way, the Khan family and others like them would never have been allowed to immigrate to the USA. While Trump is denigrating the character of Muslims and other immigrant minorities, he is ignoring their contributions and sacrifices to this country. Trump apparently doesn't understand that the Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion, and that Muslims can be patriotic Americans too.

no doubt---muslims CAN be patriotic americans------and no doubt---SOME can -----be highly educated and highly placed---and still DECIDE TO EMULATE AL NABI-----and murder kaffirin. Sad but true--------it is the religion
More divisive democrat politics. What difference is it supposed to make for a US soldier to be muslim? Are the democrats once again admitting there is a problem.with islam in that when a muslim actually joins the US military it needs to be pointed out?
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.

Would this soldier or his family be among the Muslims that Trump insists shouldn't be allowed in the country?
If he's a US soldier he's already in the country.
More divisive democrat politics. What difference is it supposed to make for a US soldier to be muslim? Are the democrats once again admitting there is a problem.with islam in that when a muslim actually joins the US military it needs to be pointed out?
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.

Would this soldier or his family be among the Muslims that Trump insists shouldn't be allowed in the country?
Yep. This one guy...and I mean one guy....has more gumption than 100% of liberals. Fact remains...he is one in light of thousands of Muslims who are terrorists.

How many Mulsims serve in the US military? More than 5000 according to the Pentagon.

Should they and their families be banned from the US too? Should the father of the fallen soldier be barred from entering the US?
5,000 out of how many? Sorry your religion promotes terrorism. Background checks and let's kick every fucking one of them out of the military.

Background checks for US citizens? And forbidding a person to serve in the military because of their religion? Those may be Republican Values. But they aren't American Values.

And you never did answer my question: Should the 5000 US Muslim solders and their families be banned from the US too? Should the father of the fallen soldier be barred from entering the US?

C'mon. Its your party's proposal. And you can't even give me a straight answer about it.
If the father is not a US citizen he certainly deserves extra vetting if he's muslim. Like how Obama closed the border to Iraqis a few years back.
thank God his son wasn't stationed as embassy security in Bhengazi...........

Hillary did not sacrifice 4 people. Also if Bush/Cheney had not started the war in Iraq, under false pretenses his son would not of been there, how many died due to Bush/Cheney, thousands.

Bush got his "false pretenses" from the CIA, FBI and these two as well as a few dozen other Democrats.

“Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particular grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source[/QUOTE]
Is Bush running for Pres?


then go fuck yourself, she let them die and you don't care
In all fairness how could trump with his tiny hands and fingers pull a trigger. "This gun is huuuge".
I missed the presentation by the Muslim. Did the Mulsim mention he regrets so many Muslims are assaulting, raping, and murdering folks in Europe and now in the USA? How do we know his Paki offspring was not planning to do what so many Muslims do after training by the US military?
I missed the presentation by the Muslim. Did the Mulsim mention he regrets so many Muslims are assaulting, raping, and murdering folks in Europe and now in the USA? How do we know his Paki offspring was not planning to do what so many Muslims do after training by the US military?

you have information that the ethnicity of the KHANS is Pakistani? The fallen soldier---seems to have been born in some country of the UAE-----they COULD have been Pakistani
migrants to the UAE----and thence to the USA.
I missed the presentation by the Muslim. Did the Mulsim mention he regrets so many Muslims are assaulting, raping, and murdering folks in Europe and now in the USA? How do we know his Paki offspring was not planning to do what so many Muslims do after training by the US military?
No but, I'll remind you, that cops and thugs and murderers and rapist and mass murderers all born here are doing the exact same things...next fuckin stupid response!!
I wonder if Trump, quintessential scumbag, wanted to "hit" this man as well? I wonder if he wanted to "hit him so hard he would never recover?"

What would hurt more...Trump punching him....or hilary ignoring his requests for help if he or his son were guarding the Bhengazi embassy............?

Hmmm...getting punched by Trump....or killed by muslim terrorists after hilary refused to send you help........

I wonder which one hurts more....?
Benghazi was blamed on the CIA not on Hillary by the Congressional Committee.
Save your breath, unless you like talking to brick walls, here!!
More divisive democrat politics. What difference is it supposed to make for a US soldier to be muslim? Are the democrats once again admitting there is a problem.with islam in that when a muslim actually joins the US military it needs to be pointed out?
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.

Would this soldier or his family be among the Muslims that Trump insists shouldn't be allowed in the country?
Yep. This one guy...and I mean one guy....has more gumption than 100% of liberals. Fact remains...he is one in light of thousands of Muslims who are terrorists.

How many Mulsims serve in the US military? More than 5000 according to the Pentagon.

Should they and their families be banned from the US too? Should the father of the fallen soldier be barred from entering the US?
5,000 out of how many? Sorry your religion promotes terrorism. Background checks and let's kick every fucking one of them out of the military.
How do you plan to do that?

And the far left proves they do not understand the Constitution!

But leave it to them to use the death of someone to prove their ignorance.

What, pray tell, does "the far left" not understand about the Constitution in this case? I know I'm going to regret asking you this, as you are a few fries short of a happy meal....but what the heck?

How about freedom of speech? Leftards are only for "free speech" just as long as it is the kind of speech that they approve of....and they certainly have a bug up their ass about the rights of Americans to bear arms like this current liberal/marxist POS that currently resides on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.They are not above staging fake mass shootings like Sandy Hook, Aurora, Charleston and the Pulse Club in Orlando, Florida in a piss poor attempt to sway the dumbed down masses and play on their stupidity and ignorance. Does that help???
Dude, please get a life....no one has takin your guns in the 8 years that man has been in the white house, now have they? You nuts have got to stop, so help me, white people are just insane, there is no other words to describe your ignorance, none
Agreed. An excellent speech. His comment about Arlington was especially poignant to me since I have friends buried in National military cemeteries and have visited Arlington several times.

Since less than 8% of living Americans have ever served in our military, a figure dwindling every day as we lose more WWII-Vietnam veterans, I doubt most Americans fully appreciate how many Americans have sacrificed themselves for their nation and what it means to take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

the bereaved father could have spit the same speech out at Hillary. She never served in the Military and did not lose a
child to war. In my mind, he was OUT OF ORDER in accusing Trump of having never read the constitution. What was that all about and how does it relate to his "sacrifice" in having a son who joined up?
-----I wonder if he served---or his wife. I served and so did my son. During my son's enlistment he warned me ----not to
go publically NUTS if he gets killed. I do not remember the name of the bereaved mother who-----way back then---about 12 years ago was raising a huge PUBLIC thing about her son
Hillary isn't out there demonizing all Muslims and threatening not to allow them into the country. Khan's son died a hero in service to this country. If Trump had his way, the Khan family and others like them would never have been allowed to immigrate to the USA. While Trump is denigrating the character of Muslims and other immigrant minorities, he is ignoring their contributions and sacrifices to this country. Trump apparently doesn't understand that the Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion, and that Muslims can be patriotic Americans too.
So many RW posters here who hate the 1st Amendment of the Constitution and want a guy for President who is promising to ignore the 1st Amendment.
the really idiot comment made by the father of the fallen soldier was----'You have sacrificed nothing and no one' I cannot
actually "BLAME" him---since he is, clearly, overwhelmed by
the loss of his son------but---he is an ADULT---and he stood up before the world to in order to SPIT his rancor. -----which was nothing more than------" I AM THE BIG TIME SUFFERER AND I AM GOING TO TELL YOU WHAT'S WHAT.....vote for Hillary."---sheeesh----I don't see her as the world's most compassionate--- she seems to be fixated on her own behind. She, publically, spit in the face of a bereaved mother. What does the constitution have to do with all this----and in
what way does the man's dead son relate to a reading of the

Maybe you should comment after you have you have a better understanding of the subject of the OP.
Here's a hint, the father wasn't blaming Trump for his son's death.
Nice display of ignorance and laziness.

I'm still scratching my head on the mother of one of the dead CIA security guards blaming Hillary 'personally' for the death of her son. Her son didn't even work for the State Department.

stop scratching-------it is what people do------find someone to BLAME--------I have experience in this area of life----when someone dies-----people want to BLAME it on someone or
something. Long, long ago----my first moribund patient----
dying of lung cancer ---not related to smoking----it was adeno-carcinoma of the lung-----the smoking one is----small cell or oat cell carcinoma--------the husband said to me------"SHE WAS OK UNTIL SHE WENT TO THE DOCTOR......"
Lovely anecdote.....so, what does that have to do with the OP?

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