Father Son Team Up to Kill

Tell the per capita bullshit to the families of police officers who were killed by whites. I'm sure they'll care all about your percentages and creative hand wringing math

Blah blah blah, caption sucks dick, blah blah blah.

You are losing this and no matter how hard you try, you won't recover.
Is this a problem with white culture? Why are they going around killing people? These 2 killed an elderly couple and shot some cops.

Bodies found in pickup after shootout with W. Va. cops

Then they need to pay the price. Stop being a racist piece of shit, doesn't matter what race you are, thug is thug.

Congrats you are the FIRST and ONLY person to refer to these two as thugs.
Between Planned Parenthood and white cops' pistols, we got a pretty good handle on keeping the porch monkeys under some sort of control.... what ain't aborted from the jump can be taken care of late-term, eh?
Tell the per capita bullshit to the families of police officers who were killed by whites. I'm sure they'll care all about your percentages and creative hand wringing math

Blah blah blah, caption sucks dick, blah blah blah.

You are losing this and no matter how hard you try, you won't recover.

Aww, all out of bullshit and now you've started calling names? :rofl:

U mad?
No this whole thread is about a father and son going on a crime spree and shooting two cops then getting arrested instead of shot full of holes.

What is wrong with whites where this is acceptable behavior? Why does their culture permit such thuggery?

Why are you excusing this behavior? You're part of the problem

Can you find me one "white community leader" defending any of this? Any one making excuses for the 2 bodies in the car of the perpetrators?

Again, your fail snark attempt is fail, and all it does is make you feel better and not resolve anything. That is a progressive policy feature, not a bug.
Ever watch Fox News or listen to Rush Limbaugh...silence is far from condemnation. Willful ignorance, deflection and refusing to report the truth...is a defense in itself. I think there have been 4 cops killed by white people since the recent NYPD assassination...but are you talking about that or blaming blacks for crimes in the ghetto.

Never, I get all my news from various internet sources.

What i am talking about is this thread being an obvious "gotcha" post that does nothing to solve the real issues in the black community, which were the root of the issues in both the Brown and the Garner incidents.
Like the countless 'Gotcha' posts your ilk continually posts on this forum?? :lmao: Justify away. If you check so many sources, why haven;t you posted any of the tragedies caused by your white ilk? Surely when whites kill more cops than all of the races combined, there is a problem in the white community. Why do you care about the black ghetto community more than the white community? Why do you hold blacks to a higher standard than whites.

Got hate?

Because the per captia ratio in black communities in all crime catagories are higher, and getting rid of that issue would make black lives easier, and is easier to diagnose because of the smaller sample set that is urban blacks.

How is wanting to help people hating them?

The true haters are you guys, who pull this smoke and mirrors crap to hide the real issues, and keep the status quo ante.
:lol: Who is pulling smoke and mirrors. The discussion was about white savages going on yet another killing spree...and YOU are the one pointing your stinky little finger at blacks. How pathetic is that red herring?

And how dare you say my life is hard...you know nothing about me. The last murder in my area...done by a white person. The last robbery suspect, a white person. The last bunch of kids arrested for breaking into cars in the neighborhood - white (and let go because they were white). My neighborhood...racially mixed - mostly military. Across the street, a white trailer park filled with crackheads, meth dealers, pedophiles and thieves. We tried to fight the zoning...but everyone seemed to think whites don't break the law....now, because of these savages, property values have plummeted

You seem to think that blacks only live in the ghetto. I guess I should make the same assumption that whites only live in trailers.
Can you find me one "white community leader" defending any of this? Any one making excuses for the 2 bodies in the car of the perpetrators?

Again, your fail snark attempt is fail, and all it does is make you feel better and not resolve anything. That is a progressive policy feature, not a bug.
Ever watch Fox News or listen to Rush Limbaugh...silence is far from condemnation. Willful ignorance, deflection and refusing to report the truth...is a defense in itself. I think there have been 4 cops killed by white people since the recent NYPD assassination...but are you talking about that or blaming blacks for crimes in the ghetto.

Never, I get all my news from various internet sources.

What i am talking about is this thread being an obvious "gotcha" post that does nothing to solve the real issues in the black community, which were the root of the issues in both the Brown and the Garner incidents.
Like the countless 'Gotcha' posts your ilk continually posts on this forum?? :lmao: Justify away. If you check so many sources, why haven;t you posted any of the tragedies caused by your white ilk? Surely when whites kill more cops than all of the races combined, there is a problem in the white community. Why do you care about the black ghetto community more than the white community? Why do you hold blacks to a higher standard than whites.

Got hate?

Because the per captia ratio in black communities in all crime catagories are higher, and getting rid of that issue would make black lives easier, and is easier to diagnose because of the smaller sample set that is urban blacks.

How is wanting to help people hating them?

The true haters are you guys, who pull this smoke and mirrors crap to hide the real issues, and keep the status quo ante.
:lol: Who is pulling smoke and mirrors. The discussion was about white savages going on yet another killing spree...and YOU are the one pointing your stinky little finger at blacks. How pathetic is that red herring?

And how dare you say my life is hard...you know nothing about me. The last murder in my area...done by a white person. The last robbery suspect, a white person. The last bunch of kids arrested for breaking into cars in the neighborhood - white (and let go because they were white). My neighborhood...racially mixed - mostly military. Across the street, a white trailer park filled with crackheads, meth dealers, pedophiles and thieves. We tried to fight the zoning...but everyone seemed to think whites don't break the law....now, because of these savages, property values have plummeted

You seem to think that blacks only live in the ghetto. I guess I should make the same assumption that whites only live in trailers.

Nice little rant there, but nothing to back it up, and based on most of your posts, its probably bullshit.

Considering the source of the post (caption/asplicas) they don't give a rats ass about 1)the cops or 2) the perps, what they care about is scoring brownie points in their sad little racial game, and that's all.
Tell the per capita bullshit to the families of police officers who were killed by whites. I'm sure they'll care all about your percentages and creative hand wringing math

Blah blah blah, caption sucks dick, blah blah blah.

You are losing this and no matter how hard you try, you won't recover.

Aww, all out of bullshit and now you've started calling names? :rofl:

U mad?

Consider it a sorbet, to clear the palate.
Ever watch Fox News or listen to Rush Limbaugh...silence is far from condemnation. Willful ignorance, deflection and refusing to report the truth...is a defense in itself. I think there have been 4 cops killed by white people since the recent NYPD assassination...but are you talking about that or blaming blacks for crimes in the ghetto.

Never, I get all my news from various internet sources.

What i am talking about is this thread being an obvious "gotcha" post that does nothing to solve the real issues in the black community, which were the root of the issues in both the Brown and the Garner incidents.
Like the countless 'Gotcha' posts your ilk continually posts on this forum?? :lmao: Justify away. If you check so many sources, why haven;t you posted any of the tragedies caused by your white ilk? Surely when whites kill more cops than all of the races combined, there is a problem in the white community. Why do you care about the black ghetto community more than the white community? Why do you hold blacks to a higher standard than whites.

Got hate?

Because the per captia ratio in black communities in all crime catagories are higher, and getting rid of that issue would make black lives easier, and is easier to diagnose because of the smaller sample set that is urban blacks.

How is wanting to help people hating them?

The true haters are you guys, who pull this smoke and mirrors crap to hide the real issues, and keep the status quo ante.
:lol: Who is pulling smoke and mirrors. The discussion was about white savages going on yet another killing spree...and YOU are the one pointing your stinky little finger at blacks. How pathetic is that red herring?

And how dare you say my life is hard...you know nothing about me. The last murder in my area...done by a white person. The last robbery suspect, a white person. The last bunch of kids arrested for breaking into cars in the neighborhood - white (and let go because they were white). My neighborhood...racially mixed - mostly military. Across the street, a white trailer park filled with crackheads, meth dealers, pedophiles and thieves. We tried to fight the zoning...but everyone seemed to think whites don't break the law....now, because of these savages, property values have plummeted

You seem to think that blacks only live in the ghetto. I guess I should make the same assumption that whites only live in trailers.

Nice little rant there, but nothing to back it up, and based on most of your posts, its probably bullshit.

Considering the source of the post (caption/asplicas) they don't give a rats ass about 1)the cops or 2) the perps, what they care about is scoring brownie points in their sad little racial game, and that's all.
LOL...justify away. You are what you are...just embrace your hate or return to fantasy land and think the Hobbitt is gonna save your soul.
Never, I get all my news from various internet sources.

What i am talking about is this thread being an obvious "gotcha" post that does nothing to solve the real issues in the black community, which were the root of the issues in both the Brown and the Garner incidents.
Like the countless 'Gotcha' posts your ilk continually posts on this forum?? :lmao: Justify away. If you check so many sources, why haven;t you posted any of the tragedies caused by your white ilk? Surely when whites kill more cops than all of the races combined, there is a problem in the white community. Why do you care about the black ghetto community more than the white community? Why do you hold blacks to a higher standard than whites.

Got hate?

Because the per captia ratio in black communities in all crime catagories are higher, and getting rid of that issue would make black lives easier, and is easier to diagnose because of the smaller sample set that is urban blacks.

How is wanting to help people hating them?

The true haters are you guys, who pull this smoke and mirrors crap to hide the real issues, and keep the status quo ante.
:lol: Who is pulling smoke and mirrors. The discussion was about white savages going on yet another killing spree...and YOU are the one pointing your stinky little finger at blacks. How pathetic is that red herring?

And how dare you say my life is hard...you know nothing about me. The last murder in my area...done by a white person. The last robbery suspect, a white person. The last bunch of kids arrested for breaking into cars in the neighborhood - white (and let go because they were white). My neighborhood...racially mixed - mostly military. Across the street, a white trailer park filled with crackheads, meth dealers, pedophiles and thieves. We tried to fight the zoning...but everyone seemed to think whites don't break the law....now, because of these savages, property values have plummeted

You seem to think that blacks only live in the ghetto. I guess I should make the same assumption that whites only live in trailers.

Nice little rant there, but nothing to back it up, and based on most of your posts, its probably bullshit.

Considering the source of the post (caption/asplicas) they don't give a rats ass about 1)the cops or 2) the perps, what they care about is scoring brownie points in their sad little racial game, and that's all.
LOL...justify away. You are what you are...just embrace your hate or return to fantasy land and think the Hobbitt is gonna save your soul.

No hate here, just facts determined from observation.

Amazing how the PC Police choose to ignore the ongoing wholesale slaughter of young black men due to gang related violence and point this stuff out.

Oh, that's right, no political advantage there.


I would say they just don't get it, but the problem is they DO get it, and that's what is disturbing.

Amazing how the PC Police choose to ignore the ongoing wholesale slaughter of young black men due to gang related violence and point this stuff out.

Oh, that's right, no political advantage there.

It gets pointed out everyday on this forum. Yet, white crime is ignored. When a white kills a cop...NO OUTRAGE...if a black kills a cop, it is the end of democracy. You idiots are so fuull of shit with your race baiting and hate, it is pathetic. You destroy true conservatism by making every thing about the evil black man.

Whites have killed more cops in 2014 than any race combined...yet you ignore that HUGE issue as your ilk are going on shooting rampages, just because there is a President of a darker hue.

Amazing how the PC Police choose to ignore the ongoing wholesale slaughter of young black men due to gang related violence and point this stuff out.

Oh, that's right, no political advantage there.


Amazing you ignored the thread, the OP and 10 pages of discussion to bring up black people.

THAT is Amazing

Amazing how the PC Police choose to ignore the ongoing wholesale slaughter of young black men due to gang related violence and point this stuff out.

Oh, that's right, no political advantage there.

It gets pointed out everyday on this forum. Yet, white crime is ignored. When a white kills a cop...NO OUTRAGE...if a black kills a cop, it is the end of democracy. You idiots are so fuull of shit with your race baiting and hate, it is pathetic. You destroy true conservatism by making every thing about the evil black man.

Whites have killed more cops in 2014 than any race combined...yet you ignore that HUGE issue as your ilk are going on shooting rampages, just because there is a President of a darker hue.

Obviously because white crimes are good crimes

Amazing how the PC Police choose to ignore the ongoing wholesale slaughter of young black men due to gang related violence and point this stuff out.

Oh, that's right, no political advantage there.

It gets pointed out everyday on this forum. Yet, white crime is ignored. When a white kills a cop...NO OUTRAGE...if a black kills a cop, it is the end of democracy. You idiots are so fuull of shit with your race baiting and hate, it is pathetic. You destroy true conservatism by making every thing about the evil black man.

Whites have killed more cops in 2014 than any race combined...yet you ignore that HUGE issue as your ilk are going on shooting rampages, just because there is a President of a darker hue.

It gets pointed out every day on this forum?

By the Left?

Links? Got links?


Amazing how the PC Police choose to ignore the ongoing wholesale slaughter of young black men due to gang related violence and point this stuff out.

Oh, that's right, no political advantage there.

It gets pointed out everyday on this forum. Yet, white crime is ignored. When a white kills a cop...NO OUTRAGE...if a black kills a cop, it is the end of democracy. You idiots are so fuull of shit with your race baiting and hate, it is pathetic. You destroy true conservatism by making every thing about the evil black man.

Whites have killed more cops in 2014 than any race combined...yet you ignore that HUGE issue as your ilk are going on shooting rampages, just because there is a President of a darker hue.

Obviously because white crimes are good crimes

I can always count on the PC Police to distort my words.

If you folks couldn't lie, you couldn't post.

Like the countless 'Gotcha' posts your ilk continually posts on this forum?? :lmao: Justify away. If you check so many sources, why haven;t you posted any of the tragedies caused by your white ilk? Surely when whites kill more cops than all of the races combined, there is a problem in the white community. Why do you care about the black ghetto community more than the white community? Why do you hold blacks to a higher standard than whites.

Got hate?

Because the per captia ratio in black communities in all crime catagories are higher, and getting rid of that issue would make black lives easier, and is easier to diagnose because of the smaller sample set that is urban blacks.

How is wanting to help people hating them?

The true haters are you guys, who pull this smoke and mirrors crap to hide the real issues, and keep the status quo ante.
:lol: Who is pulling smoke and mirrors. The discussion was about white savages going on yet another killing spree...and YOU are the one pointing your stinky little finger at blacks. How pathetic is that red herring?

And how dare you say my life is hard...you know nothing about me. The last murder in my area...done by a white person. The last robbery suspect, a white person. The last bunch of kids arrested for breaking into cars in the neighborhood - white (and let go because they were white). My neighborhood...racially mixed - mostly military. Across the street, a white trailer park filled with crackheads, meth dealers, pedophiles and thieves. We tried to fight the zoning...but everyone seemed to think whites don't break the law....now, because of these savages, property values have plummeted

You seem to think that blacks only live in the ghetto. I guess I should make the same assumption that whites only live in trailers.

Nice little rant there, but nothing to back it up, and based on most of your posts, its probably bullshit.

Considering the source of the post (caption/asplicas) they don't give a rats ass about 1)the cops or 2) the perps, what they care about is scoring brownie points in their sad little racial game, and that's all.
LOL...justify away. You are what you are...just embrace your hate or return to fantasy land and think the Hobbitt is gonna save your soul.

No hate here, just facts determined from observation.
Opinions determined from personal observations and stereotypes are not facts. The willful ignorance of the white community failure and only focusing on blacks when the breakdown of family is an American issue...certainly hate!

Amazing how the PC Police choose to ignore the ongoing wholesale slaughter of young black men due to gang related violence and point this stuff out.

Oh, that's right, no political advantage there.

It gets pointed out everyday on this forum. Yet, white crime is ignored. When a white kills a cop...NO OUTRAGE...if a black kills a cop, it is the end of democracy. You idiots are so fuull of shit with your race baiting and hate, it is pathetic. You destroy true conservatism by making every thing about the evil black man.

Whites have killed more cops in 2014 than any race combined...yet you ignore that HUGE issue as your ilk are going on shooting rampages, just because there is a President of a darker hue.

White crime is treated as just that, crime.

True racists LOVE black on black crime, because it reduces the population. True racists LOVE the fact that black women have kids with multiple men, and need the government to help them support them. It vindicates all their positions, and makes them feel special about their own usually miserable lives.

Whites are too varied of a grouping to consider causes and remedies on a blanket basis. We do know, however the problems with the Urban Black community, and discussions on how to change that can bear fruit.

Unless of course, assholes like you guys focus on gotcha crap like this.

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