Fatherless homes are the problem, not guns.....

Going into the 1960s the U.S. had a declining violent crime rate.....after the democrats pushed the "Great Society," and wrecked poor families.....our violent crime rate began to go up, and went up all the way into the 90s.......

What caused the increase in crime, violent crime in particular.......?

Fatherless homes..

The US white murder rate is comparable to that of the World Bank High Income nations. The US Latino murder rate is comparable to that of the World Bank Lower Middle Income Nations. The US black murder rate is double the World Bank Lower Income nations and also more than double Africa.

But as high as the US black rate is, it doesn’t approach the murder rate in most of the rest of the western hemisphere to the south of the USA. Mexico is worse than black America, Brazil is worse than Mexico, and El Salvador is the nuttiest war zone of them all, almost tripling black America.


Unfortunately, it’s not the economics either, at least not in the United States.

If we take the very crude and direct method, we see that the murder rate falls as average income rises in the United States, but the relationship is steeply nonlinear and we only have three data points.
You’re going to have a very hard time convincing me that a class of folks in the USA who only make $25,000 per year are going to have a murder rate of 155, so the crude analysis fails. Thankfully, Random Critical Analysis did a lot of this heavy lifting for us in 2015, by analyzing county level data . . .
He states, after presenting dozens of similar graphs to cover every possible economic marker available . . .

By now I think it should be pretty clear that the economic conditions of each group are not particularly strong predictors of their victimization rates and that they certainly don’t come close to closing the white-black gap. Even poor “white” counties have homicide rates quite a bit lower than affluent “black” counties with low poverty rates.

Boys Without Fathers

This is your money graph, from the Random Critical Analysis research . . .

There’s your answer. It’s all about single moms and boys with no fathers.

He analyzed the following:

  • Median family income
  • Mean family income
  • Median household income
  • Mean household income
  • Per capita income
  • Family poverty rate
  • Child poverty rate
  • Median worker earnings
  • High school graduation percentage
  • Bachelors degree percentage
  • Unemployment rate
  • Labor force participation rate
  • Median home value
  • Median gross rent
  • Percentage renting
  • Home ownership percentage
…and found nothing as predictive as the single mother rate.
He goes on to note that single motherhood is higher in the black community than other communities, and is not predicted by income or other economic factors, even though the relationship between single motherhood and economics is very close for the white and Latino populations.

Interesting point

What is your plan to increase fatherhood?
Ugh... have you met Mormons?

Make sure you get a receipt for that brainwashing.
I live in Mormon country. True about the brainwashing. A definite cult.

There are two types in my area:

Regular LDS, which is a watered down, modernized version of Mormons.
FLDS (Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints) which still wear traditional garb and still practice polygamy.

Ironically ... the FLDS are very likeable and hard-working people. I trust them more than the standard LDS. I sell them welding supplies, and they have earned my respect, although I, in no way, share their beliefs.
Nope. If you compelled every person to marry their baby-Momma, you'd probably have more murders.
If you got rid of guns, you'd have less murders.

France, the out of wedlock birth rate is close to 70%. Guess what, they have very few gun murders. Why? NO FUCKING GUNS!

Nope....fatherless homes.....create crime and poverty...

France hasn't been destroyed as long as we have.....their criminal gangs are getting out of control too........

Moron...the preferred weapon of drug gangs in France are fully automatic military rifles.....you don't know what the fuck you are talking about....

In 2021, savage inter-gang conflicts resulted in 30 murders or attempted murders recorded between June 15 and September 15 alone. Killings in the southern port city are often linked to the drug trade. Charred bodies have been discovered in car boots and children as young as 14 have been among the victims.

Powerful automatic weapons are also prevalent. In August, the city’s prosecutor said the killings were of “extreme cruelty and a complete lack of humanity” and warned that the victims were only getting younger.

“By every indicator, there's social problems. Even if you fix the education system the kids are still going home to a family that’s barely getting by, with no room to study. Deeper societal problems are all there,” says Mr Downing, who lives in Marseille about four months of the year and has written extensively on the city and French Muslims.

Paris attacks highlight France's gun control problems

The arsenal of weapons deployed by the eight attackers who terrorised Paris on Friday night underlined France’s gun control problems and raised the spectre of further attacks.

The country has extremely strict weapons laws, but Europe’s open borders and growing trade in illegal weapons means assault rifles are relatively easy to come by on the black market.


A police investigation is underway after two people were shot dead, and a third burnt alive on Saturday evening in the southern French city of Marseille. It's the fourth death linked to gun violence this week, a phenomenon which the Mayor Benoît Payan says is out of control.

"In Marseille, you can buy a Kalachnikov as easy as buying a pain au chocolat," he said.

"This has to stop, and the Interior Minister, who is aware of the problem, must make it a key objective."
"If people are being killed by Kalachnikov rifles, it's because they are too easily sold throughout the city."

Three dead in Marseille shootout: 'guns are too easy to buy' says mayor

Reports of 'heavy gunfire' on the streets of French city of Nimes | Daily Mail Online

Machine-gun shots have been heard on the streets of a French city this evening as it was claimed a 'shootout' took place between rival gangs.

Repeated 'heavy gunfire' bursts were let off in the city of Nimes in southern France after armed men were seen in the area.

Social media videos showed several people running through the street as shots rang out at around 8.30pm.

Initial reports suggested the shooting could have been linked to gangs operating in the area.

Residents in a suburb of Pissevin district in the city claimed gang members shot at a building occupied by a rival group.

Reports of gunfire in the district have been on the rise in recent months, according to local media
Nope. If you compelled every person to marry their baby-Momma, you'd probably have more murders.
If you got rid of guns, you'd have less murders.

France, the out of wedlock birth rate is close to 70%. Guess what, they have very few gun murders. Why? NO FUCKING GUNS!


The figures, published in a report by the statistical service of the French Ministry of the Interior (SSMSI) on Tuesday, January 31st, indicated a sharp rise in crimes involving violence against people, with crimes like domestic violence, sexual violence, and assault and battery outside of the family increasing by 17%, 11%, and 14%, respectively, the French news outlet BFMTV reports.

Homicides have also risen markedly. Authorities recorded a total of 948 homicides last year, 69 more than were registered in 2021, representing an increase of 7.8% year over year.

Similarly, the SSMSI states that instances of thefts without violence, home burglaries, and thefts of vehicles or vehicle accessories “increased markedly in 2022” after having declined precipitously during the COVID-19 pandemic. Home burglaries and vehicle thefts jumped by 11% and 9%, respectively, compared to the previous year.

Interesting point

What is your plan to increase fatherhood?

I don't know.....after decades of the democrat party destroying the family, getting it back together is going to take a lot of creativity and work...
I don't know.....after decades of the democrat party destroying the family, getting it back together is going to take a lot of creativity and work...

What destroyed the family?

Manufacturing jobs leaving our cities. Used to be low skilled jobs that paid well in our cities. A man could buy a home and raise a family.
Once those jobs left, men were left with no way to support a family. Good paying legal jobs were replaced with illegal jobs which sent more men to prison.
Authorities recorded a total of 948 homicides last year

Hmmm... 948 homicides compared to our 25,000.

Yeah, I'll take France's model.

I live in Mormon country. True about the brainwashing. A definite cult.

There are two types in my area:

Regular LDS, which is a watered down, modernized version of Mormons.
FLDS (Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints) which still wear traditional garb and still practice polygamy.

Ironically ... the FLDS are very likeable and hard-working people. I trust them more than the standard LDS. I sell them welding supplies, and they have earned my respect, although I, in no way, share their beliefs.

I've found Mormons to be the most smile in your face, stab you in the back mother fuckers I've met in my life. We need to throw a big fence around Utah and turn it into a Cult Deprogramming Camp.
Hmmm... 948 homicides compared to our 25,000.

Yeah, I'll take France's model.

I've found Mormons to be the most smile in your face, stab you in the back mother fuckers I've met in my life. We need to throw a big fence around Utah and turn it into a Cult Deprogramming Camp.
Utah isn't nearly as saturated with Mormons as it was in days gone by. With Newsom destroying California ... there are more California license plates around here than Utah plates. Arizona, Texas, Idaho, and other red or mostly red states are seeing massive amounts of fleeing Californians as well. I just hope they don't drag their cancerous votes with them. They created the cesspool they're desperately fleeing. Please don't create a cesspool here too.

There is a Mormon church on every other street corner, but their power and influence is diminishing. The only good thing about them is that they still lean towards Constitutionalism and patriotism. That's why I fled Denver, CO (another cesspool) and moved to Utah.

For the record ... there are huge amounts of Mormons in Arizona, Idaho, and other states as well.
I've found Mormons to be the most smile in your face, stab you in the back mother fuckers I've met in my life. We need to throw a big fence around Utah and turn it into a Cult Deprogramming Camp.
That is what creeped me out when I visited Salt Lake City
The people with a constant grin on their face.
Hmmm... 948 homicides compared to our 25,000.

Yeah, I'll take France's model.

I've found Mormons to be the most smile in your face, stab you in the back mother fuckers I've met in my life. We need to throw a big fence around Utah and turn it into a Cult Deprogramming Camp.

Yeah......their drug gangs are just starting....and they don't commit murder as often, yet....but the trend is going up, not down.....we had low gun crime in the 1950s and then it exploded in the 60s with the destruction of the family and the introduction of drugs ....

And you failed to point out the fact they use fully automatic military rifles in France........the preferred weapon of their drug gangs....and Sweden....? They like hand grenades too.....

Tell me....are fully automatic military rifles and hand grenades banned in Sweden?
Hmmm... 948 homicides compared to our 25,000.

Yeah, I'll take France's model.

I've found Mormons to be the most smile in your face, stab you in the back mother fuckers I've met in my life. We need to throw a big fence around Utah and turn it into a Cult Deprogramming Camp.
I forgot to address the "smile in your face" "backstabber" comment. You're actually right about that.

When I moved here ... I started working for a local welding supply company as their branch manager. I worked with a LDS Mormon. He was the Sales Rep. He was really happy that I was here because of my extensive knowledge and experience in the industry. He raved about me to everyone he spoke with.

But when I found myself disgruntled about how the company was run as well as a piss poor wage, I gave notice and took a job with their main competitor. When I gave my three-week notice ... this dude wouldn't talk to me and would only offer a sneer. I didn't care because I didn't like or trust him anyway. But on my very last day ... he put a nail under my tire. That was the most petty and uncivilized "goodbye" the ass could come up with. It also gave the LDS folks a black eye (in my book).
I forgot to address the "smile in your face" "backstabber" comment. You're actually right about that.

When I moved here ... I started working for a local welding supply company as their branch manager. I worked with a LDS Mormon. He was the Sales Rep. He was really happy that I was here because of my extensive knowledge and experience in the industry. He raved about me to everyone he spoke with.

But when I found myself disgruntled about how the company was run as well as a piss poor wage, I gave notice and took a job with their main competitor. When I gave my three-week notice ... this dude wouldn't talk to me and would only offer a sneer. I didn't care because I didn't like or trust him anyway. But on my very last day ... he put a nail under my tire. That was the most petty and uncivilized "goodbye" the ass could come up with. It also gave the LDS folks a black eye (in my book).

One guy........and you blame the entire LDS community?
Yeah......their drug gangs are just starting....and they don't commit murder as often, yet....but the trend is going up, not down.....we had low gun crime in the 1950s and then it exploded in the 60s with the destruction of the family and the introduction of drugs ....

And you failed to point out the fact they use fully automatic military rifles in France........the preferred weapon of their drug gangs....and Sweden....? They like hand grenades too.....

Tell me....are fully automatic military rifles and hand grenades banned in Sweden?
Do you think that gangs in France are just starting? Ahem...
Do you think that gangs in France are just starting? Ahem...

They are becoming more and more violent......

Again....going into the 1960s our gangs were nowhere near as violent and didn't commit murder as often.....now, with the decades and decades of single parent homes, boys have become more and more violent.

France is behind the U.S. because they had to recover from the war.........they didn't have the same focused destruction of the family that we had starting in the 1960s........

Now, with the social welfare state in France having reached critical mass.......and the importation of violent 3rd world males who don't respect French law or customs....violence is going to escalate.....
They are becoming more and more violent......

Again....going into the 1960s our gangs were nowhere near as violent and didn't commit murder as often.....now, with the decades and decades of single parent homes, boys have become more and more violent.

France is behind the U.S. because they had to recover from the war.........they didn't have the same focused destruction of the family that we had starting in the 1960s........

Now, with the social welfare state in France having reached critical mass.......and the importation of violent 3rd world males who don't respect French law or customs....violence is going to escalate.....
You must be insane or totally stupid to think US gangs were not violent in the 1960s. We have had murderous gangs in the US since the 19th century get real.



Your narrative about fatherless families is not correlating with the stats on crime in the US, crime is dropping and has been for several decades. The pandemic was the start of higher crimes but not in all areas of crime.
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