Fauci admits masks and mask mandates were essentially useless

Remember, the left wanted to imprison people for not wearing masks. They wanted to take their children away for failure to comply. People lost their jobs, businesses, and homes because they didn't wear a mask to the satisfaction of the fascists. And it was all bullshit.


This was his caught RED handed lie
He says he was eating
There is no food in his hands
The flimsy masks that so many folks were sucked into wearing were in all reality made for keeping direct breath contact from surgical tools during cleaning. To use a mask that would have been effective @ preventing inhalation of airborne pathogens one would need a respirator outfitted with filters such as the respirator(or similar) illustrated in the below link. When equipped with organic vapor cartridge filters & pre-filters(optional) these respirator masks are 100% effective @ trapping any airborne pathogens. We used these style of respirators in drag racing(they are still used) as they are effective in blocking/trapping Toluene/Xylene & even Nitro-Methane based fuel fumes. I last used mine in 1980 after the Mt. St. Helens eruption just inundated us with ash(worked great!).

I keep over a dozen of these respirator bodies on hand from small to Large along with several boxes of filter cartridges & pre-filters for my family members just in case we get worked over again from another volcanic eruption. I suggest for everyone to have one on hand along with filters/pre-filters or just purchase chem-stacks for one never knows when disaster will strike(could save ones life!) If you purchase one I suggest the "comfo classic" brand respirator body as they are way more comfortable to wear than than the North brand respirator mask bodies.

I think if the CDC backed by Trump had fought to get cloth masks made to their specifications and banned the sale of the worthless stuff, it might have made a real difference. Of course the problem was time was of the essence and the CDC thought anything was better than nothing. I'm not sure about that.

A medical respirator would have been ideal but totally impractically for use by the public. N95 masks had been proven to be effective in the lab and in the field. They were a good choice for the public. Of course shortages were a big problem.
Title is a lie. He didn't say they were essentially useless. He stated they were about 10 percent effective unless you wore an n95 mask, then it was better.

The tweet, that embarrassingly is your news source, is also a lie. Fauci did not say they were a failure nor did he imply it.

Thread fail.
Stop it, stop it, pure bullshit
If parachutes only worked 10% of the time, how many people would skydive?

If you you had to jump from an airplane and had to choose between using a parachute with a 10 percent chance of working or none at all, which would you pick?
I think if the CDC backed by Trump had fought to get cloth masks made to their specifications and banned the sale of the worthless stuff, it might have made a real difference. Of course the problem was time was of the essence and the CDC thought anything was better than nothing. I'm not sure about that.

A medical respirator would have been ideal but totally impractically for use by the public. N95 masks had been proven to be effective in the lab and in the field. They were a good choice for the public. Of course shortages were a big problem.
No, no, no masks don’t stop viruses
If we had a million jumping out of burning planes, 10% would have save a hundred thousand.
Really? You think airlines would invest hundreds of millions of dollrs for such a scenario, or would they consider that useless?

Dont bother to answer cuz I asked you to think…..
No, no, no masks don’t stop viruses
Wearing an N95 or KN95 mask reduces the odds of testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 by 83%. That's because the filtering material will block droplets that carry the virus.
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And your didn't want people to see the actual interview because watching doesn't admit what your said he admitted. So instead of linking to the New York Times you linked to a Twitter gamer.

Why don't you dispute what I'm posting with some facts of your own? Show us how masks actually are effective, and how Fauci didn't say they weren't.


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