Fauci admits masks and mask mandates were essentially useless

And your didn't want people to see the actual interview because watching doesn't admit what your said he admitted. So instead of linking to the New York Times you linked to a Twitter gamer.
When facts are right in front of them they perversely seek fallacy to quell their wishes
Fauci provided these insights prior to 2020 in an interview ... and since then, independent, clinical studies continue to prove what many of us already knew ... useless.

Even the CDC published material about the efficacy of masks, especially if you didn't handle / maintain them properly (e.g. wearing the same mask more than once, washing hands, touching your face, etc.) ... All basic things the sheeple adopted as their new religious symbol.
the fact they were porous didn't help them.
All about compliance with almost zero about health
50,000 died from this otherwise routine virus. Numerics were deliberately manipulated to make the count fakely higher.
All about compliance with almost zero about health
50,000 died from this otherwise routine virus. Numerics were deliberately manipulated to make the count fakely higher.
actually it was about elite's power over people. Them shaking their fingers you will do as they say. Hey elites? Let's go Brandon.
Remember, the left wanted to imprison people for not wearing masks. They wanted to take their children away for failure to comply. People lost their jobs, businesses, and homes because they didn't wear a mask to the satisfaction of the fascists. And it was all bullshit.


Title is a lie. He didn't say they were essentially useless. He stated they were about 10 percent effective unless you wore an n95 mask, then it was better.

The tweet, that embarrassingly is your news source, is also a lie. Fauci did not say they were a failure nor did he imply it.

Thread fail.
Got to hand it to Fauci, he point blank predicted "Trump will face a pandemic."
Then bam, there was a pandemic.
Guy's a prophet......

Title is a lie. He didn't say they were essentially useless. He stated they were about 10 percent effective unless you wore an n95 mask, then it was better.

The tweet, that embarrassingly is your news source, is also a lie. Fauci did not say they were a failure nor did he imply it.

Thread fail.
10% is useless, Simp.
Fauci is going back to his ORIGINAL STATEMENTS that masks are largely ineffective with Covid. Then he changed his tune and said you MUST wear a mask. Then it was one mask wasn't enough, you have to wear TWO masks. All that did was create division, anger and stress among the people which was the real goal for mask mandates.
Here is the actually quote in the April 2023 interview of Facci by David Wallace Wells
“From a broad public-health standpoint, at the population level, masks work at the margins — maybe 10 percent. But for an individual who religiously wears a mask, a well-fitted KN95 or N95, it’s not at the margin. It really does work. But I think anything that instigated or intensified the culture wars just made things worse. And I have to be honest with you, David, when it comes to masking, I don’t know.”

There two ways to look the effectiveness
1. In the lab - Facci, being a scientist looked at the scientific evidence and it showed that N95 masks worked very well. Surgical mask provide a good deal of protection, but the protection does not last long so they have to be changed often. Cloth masks manufactured to the CDC recommendations provided good protection. From a scientist standpoint, the country should have been wearing masks.

2. Use by the public - Facci did not consider the fact that wearing masks would become a political issue. First, Trump refused to wear a mask and made negative comments. Governors and mayors in red states followed Trump's lead. Since masks were inconvenient and often not that comfortable, the pollical expedient thing to do was to make mask wearing a personal choice. In a few states there were strong mask requirements and other states wearing masks was an option and in some places it was illegible. Trump refused to mandate mask wearing. Legal issues kept the CDC from mandating that cloth masks be manufacture to their specification.

So where masks could have saved lots of lives, the nation chose to follow the politics and their personal preferences. The result was the nation believed to be the most advanced in public health, had an astounding number of over a million dead. So yes, effectiveness of masks as low as 10% in use in the country was probably about right. Not because the masks the CDC recommend did not work but rather because the nation chose not to use them.
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Remember, the left wanted to imprison people for not wearing masks. They wanted to take their children away for failure to comply. People lost their jobs, businesses, and homes because they didn't wear a mask to the satisfaction of the fascists. And it was all bullshit.


Well duh, cause masks didn't stop unclean people from picking their noses, touching their mouths, and then touching everything else without washing their hands. Mask mandates were gov't sponsored security blanket that create more and more division.

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