Fauci Dismisses Science From Mayo Clinic

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Here we go again. At best, you can say that the experts often disagree with each other, which means we never know which science to believe. Once again, these people only accept the science they want to accept and deny the science that conflicts with their pre-conceived agenda.

Are you unfamiliar with how things are done in the world of science?

"That study … is a pre-print study, it hasn’t been fully peer-reviewed," Fauci said
This kinda enforces the idea that Fauci is compromised. This isn't a Fox News study, it's a Mayo Clinic study.

Right now I trust Fox News as much as Fauci.
Are you unfamiliar with how things are done in the world of science?

"That study … is a pre-print study, it hasn’t been fully peer-reviewed," Fauci said
Fauci is a deep state shill. A little truth is sold to us all. A lot of truth may be denied and met with resistance because of the lies after the desired results are achieved from agendas. So the people who Push Prog agendas on TV everyday can start their real beliefs by giving up their lives willingly and that incudes suicide live on Television.
Fauci is a deep state shill. A little truth is sold to us all. A lot of truth may be denied and met with resistance because of the lies after the desired results are achieved from agendas. So the people who Push Prog agendas on TV everyday can start their real beliefs by giving up their lives willingly and that incudes suicide live on Television.
It has everything to do with peer reviews not your mortal sense of duty to play echo chamber.
It has everything to do with peer reviews not your mortal sense of duty to play echo chamber.
It is a matter of beliefs then. To watch blue cities be vaporized is a truth as yours are to kill Non Progs. And the obnoxious red necks bad enough, deserve the same.
Are you unfamiliar with how things are done in the world of science?
"That study … is a pre-print study, it hasn’t been fully peer-reviewed," Fauci said
Fauci doesn’t recognize a lot of settled science. According to him naturally acquired immunity isn’t a thing. But somehow vaccine immunity is(even though vaccines rely on the bodies own natural immune systems). He doesn’t recognize that masks don’t work for airborne respiratory viruses, even though before COVID it’s been tested over, and over, and over with the same results of masks don’t work for airborne viruses. He also doesn’t recognize outpatient treatment at the onset of symptoms as a thing. Apparently we collectively forgot how to treat inflammation and cytokine storms. Instead it’s go back home with no meds, and only come back in when you’re on deaths bed, then we’ll give you treatments that are too late to use. He also doesn’t recognize that no, this is not the first airborne respiratory virus, out of the trillions of viruses that came before it, where it’s spread asymptomatically. I mean all the data is there, but I guess fauci just doesn’t have time to look at it, huh?
Are you unfamiliar with how things are done in the world of science?

Fauci doesn’t recognize a lot of settled science. According to him naturally acquired immunity isn’t a thing. But somehow vaccine immunity is(even though vaccines rely on the bodies own natural immune systems). He doesn’t recognize that masks don’t work for airborne respiratory viruses, even though before COVID it’s been tested over, and over, and over with the same results of masks don’t work for airborne viruses. He also doesn’t recognize outpatient treatment at the onset of symptoms as a thing. Apparently we collectively forgot how to treat inflammation and cytokine storms. Instead it’s go back home with no meds, and only come back in when you’re on deaths bed, then we’ll give you treatments that are too late to use. He also doesn’t recognize that no, this is not the first airborne respiratory virus, out of the trillions of viruses that came before it, where it’s spread asymptomatically. I mean all the data is there, but I guess fauci just doesn’t have time to look at it, huh?
P.S. some other things I forgot to mention that fauci doesn’t recognize. He doesn’t seem to remember that his NIH was in fact funding gain of function research against the orders of the Obama regime that carried over into the trump regime. He also doesn’t want to recognize that our entire medical ethics system is based on informed consent, and “get this vaccine or else you’re fired”, or “or else you’ll be punished by the government” is not at all informed consent.
I could be wrong but he seems dismissive to me.
Exactly, I would have expected a real medical leader to say, he'd investigate the findings and discuss the subject with them and come to a joint conclussion. Except he doesn't. He seems fearful of anyone's research.
It has everything to do with peer reviews not your mortal sense of duty to play echo chamber.
Covid evolves quickly. We will never get a handle on it if we sit here waiting for peer reviewed hard science. That type of science is already months and years old by the time it comes out and is no longer applicable because things have changed. You can't fight Covid by waiting months and years for the hard science.

Example: Most everyone could figure out that the virus was spreading by aerosols early on and yet we had to wait months for that hard science. Meanwhile, we were told that it isn't spread by aerosols and that we didn't need masks because that was the "hard science" while even the simple minded could tell that that was not true. Covid spread around the world like a wildfire while we sat with our thumbs up our asses waiting for the hard science. By then it was too late, so just blame it all on Trump.

Several studies have shown that Delta is spreading by the vaccinated just as much as it is by the unvaccinated and that the vaccines are not stopping the spread of Delta. Again, while we and Fauci sit around with our thumbs up our asses waiting for this hard science to come out the virus spreads and that is exactly what we are doing and then we blame the spread on the unvaccinated when, in reality, the vaccinated are spreading it just as much because the vaccines are not as effective as fighting Delta as they were the original strains. But, let's sit around doing nothing, waiting for the hard science to tell us what the Mayo Clinic already found out.
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