Fauci needs to be investigated

It's the requirement.....not to torture Beagles, but to use them in testing of new medicines etc....

That requirement, should be changed by the medical and scientific teams that made the decision many many many, moons ago to use dogs!
Great. This should be investigated. This is unacceptable. Fauci is a monster as are those who did this with him.
Fauci needs to be sealed in a clear, epoxy coffin, with one small 2 inch hole at the head and one at the foot...........driven out into the middle of the desert, placed in the middle of nowhere, and left there.

What are the holes for, you might ask?
Anything thats looking for food.........spiders, scorpions, snakes, rats.........
Great. This should be investigated. This is unacceptable. Fauci is a monster as are those who did this with him.
For decades silly one. Fauci isn't to blame.... No investigation needed.... Just find another animal/guinea pig to use or another way without animal testing for safety if possible.
You know…it is convenient to demonize Fauci for this, but it ignores two things. One, was he personally involved in selecting those grants involving dogs? And two, the real issue. Why is the US still using dogs for experiments? And why has everyone been silent until now? Does only matter if Fauci is somehow attached?

You know…it is convenient to demonize Fauci for this, but it ignores two things. One, was he personally involved in selecting those grants involving dogs? And two, the real issue. Why is the US still using dogs for experiments? And why has everyone been silent until now? Does only matter if Fauci is somehow attached?

He the director is he not?
You know…it is convenient to demonize Fauci for this, but it ignores two things. One, was he personally involved in selecting those grants involving dogs? And two, the real issue. Why is the US still using dogs for experiments? And why has everyone been silent until now? Does only matter if Fauci is somehow attached?
The NIH gives out the money for the Gov't grants............so he is king of the grants.........So everyone has to go to him for money that was really never his to give out.........No wonder he is arrogant prick.

Gain of Function testing is INSANE......and when it wasn't allowed here they just moved it to Wuhan because HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE KING...........Gain of Function is in a nut shell BIOLOGICAL WARFARE.........playing God with Genetics......

Covid is probably the result of them playing with the virus........It came from a specific place that did this type of research.........and low and BEHOLD a virus 10 times what happens in normal nature shows up from here.

But the were being Angels there right.........sure......And we can power the world with pixie dust too........

This is monstrous. I am a huge dog person and this to me is unforgivable. I am glad the USDA is investigating this. Dogs are awesome companions who provide unconditional love. Fauci and his cohorts were torturing Beagles. This is pure evil. Don’t care what side of the political aisle you’re on.
This is a stupid report. It does not give the dates for the Tunisian sandfly experiment, which is for human disease, linking sandflies in the United States, Mexico, Central America, South America. Humans are also animals, so reifying dogs In this thread is stupid and arrogant. The report contradicts itself as it attempts to be modern and does not go back far enough in time to have been professionally researched.
Does that means he knows about every single thing done by the NIH?

By this standard whomever was POTUS at the time should be blamed as well.
He certainly knows about dog torture. Do you believe he doesn’t? Honestly.

This is monstrous. I am a huge dog person and this to me is unforgivable. I am glad the USDA is investigating this. Dogs are awesome companions who provide unconditional love. Fauci and his cohorts were torturing Beagles. This is pure evil. Don’t care what side of the political aisle you’re on.
I Like to think of myself as an Animal Lover...
I don't Have the words to Express my Feelings on Animal Torture
I think the Punishment should fit the crime.
Does that means he knows about every single thing done by the NIH?

By this standard whomever was POTUS at the time should be blamed as well.
So according to you, nothing to see here?

I would like to see all your posts calling for the investigation of ALL medical (and other) studies that involve animal testing.
Your search button is broken? Your strawman won’t work. Live in the present.

This is monstrous. I am a huge dog person and this to me is unforgivable. I am glad the USDA is investigating this. Dogs are awesome companions who provide unconditional love. Fauci and his cohorts were torturing Beagles. This is pure evil. Don’t care what side of the political aisle you’re on.

Not to mention Fauci has presided over the deaths of more than 800,000 Americans from Covid, and he still has no legitimate plan for dealing with it. In fact, he's actively killing people by refusing to call out Joe Biden's Big Lie that vaccinated people can't spread Covid.
So according to you, nothing to see here?

Of course there is something to see, something that needs to stop. just not sure that Facui himself ordered the test be done. Do you think that the Secretary of Veterans Affairs personally knows everything that happens in the budget he signs off on?

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