FBI agents endorse ex-Rep. Mike Rogers for director

If by that you are referring to the God-Emperor, I beg to differ.

You can beg to differ all day, guy.

here's the reality though.
1) 54% of the population didn't want your guy.
2) A lot of the 46% who did are already regretting their decision, now that they are finding out that their health coverage is getting cancelled.
3) Some time between now and then, we WILL have another recession. (In fact, we are probably overdue for one.)
4) Trump clearly lacks the political finese to navigate these things. Anger might get you into the White House, but it won't keep you there if you don't produce results.

These guys provided you with the liberal reality?


Prepare for major butthurt come 2020. It will be an epic landslide, or in other words, a Trumpslide.

You are basically whining that Trump is not a socialist Marxist democrat, but my dear, that's exactly why he was chosen.
Prepare for major butthurt come 2020. It will be an epic landslide, or in other words, a Trumpslide.

You are basically whining that Trump is not a socialist Marxist democrat, but my dear, that's exactly why he was chosen.

No, not really. Trump is already massively unpopular and that's with things going well. No recession, no major wars, nobody coming back in boxes... and the guy can't crack 35%.

Imagine what he's going to be like when things get really bad... which they always do.
Prepare for major butthurt come 2020. It will be an epic landslide, or in other words, a Trumpslide.

You are basically whining that Trump is not a socialist Marxist democrat, but my dear, that's exactly why he was chosen.

No, not really. Trump is already massively unpopular and that's with things going well. No recession, no major wars, nobody coming back in boxes... and the guy can't crack 35%.

Imagine what he's going to be like when things get really bad... which they always do.

How many times have we heard this story before, during the election season?

Way too many. November 9th will look like a small achievement compared to the coming Trumpslide. Delusions are such wonderful thing, especially when combined with the trademark liberal arrogance.
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and Trump never had a chance to actually win the election

He didn't win the election. He lost by 3 million votes.

it's funny, if not irritating as hell, to me when liberals start moving the goalposts around depending on where their "kick" goes.

rest assured, trump won the election. he's in the white house, usually, is he not? he's got hollywood up in arms and foaming at the mouth and likely all other orifices as well. he's not putting up with self-serving twists on stories and his tweets, well they're troll baits of the highest magnitude.

i suppose you can console yourself in whatever it takes to keep you warm and load up on hope and hate for the next 4 years to get you through. many of us had to do that for obama but you likely didn't care then. all was good screw the "other" side. they're just being unreasonable.

much like the left is now.


there can be no greater show of hypocrisy than this. watergate comparisons are useless cause the left has already normalized words like racism, nazi, hitler and the like for no other reason than they have bad connotations and like a child they went for the worst comparison they could think of to satisfy an emotional state of mind, not a realistic one.

so as you look around and your hate festers, i suppose, just keep reminding yourself of those "3 million votes" and let that keep you warm.

even in the back of *your* mind you know the ec is the only vote that matters, and when you have a moment, please let me know who won that one.
If the goal of the left is to destroy the trust that America has in every facet of our country, I think they've been doing a great job.
How many times have we heard this story before, during the election season?

Way too many. November 9th will look like a small achievement compared to the coming Trumpslide. Delusions are such wonderful thing, especially when combined with the trademark liberal arrogance.

Guy, you won on a fluke of a bad system, not because the people wanted you. I think if anything, Trump won because a lot of people figured that there was no way everyone else would be stupid enough to vote for him, and they either stayed home or voted for third party slugs...

Which is unfortunately we still do it this way.

It becomes more and more obvious every day Trump has no business in the White House, with "Alternative Facts" and "You'd better hope I didn't tape you!"

It's almost like the guy wants to be impeached.
it's funny, if not irritating as hell, to me when liberals start moving the goalposts around depending on where their "kick" goes.

rest assured, trump won the election. he's in the white house, usually, is he not? he's got hollywood up in arms and foaming at the mouth and likely all other orifices as well. he's not putting up with self-serving twists on stories and his tweets, well they're troll baits of the highest magnitude.

Dude, the point is, THE PEOPLE SAID NO!!!

Now, you can spin it any way you want, but usually, the guy who gets the most votes wins. that's just simple fairness and common sense.

Now we have a bunch of slack jaws wondering why their health insurance is being cancelled.
i suppose you can console yourself in whatever it takes to keep you warm and load up on hope and hate for the next 4 years to get you through. many of us had to do that for obama but you likely didn't care then. all was good screw the "other" side. they're just being unreasonable.

Here's the thing. Obama won the popular vote. In fact, he got the two highest vote totals in American History.

Trump didn't. Most people said no.
Prepare for major butthurt come 2020. It will be an epic landslide, or in other words, a Trumpslide.

You are basically whining that Trump is not a socialist Marxist democrat, but my dear, that's exactly why he was chosen.

No, not really. Trump is already massively unpopular and that's with things going well. No recession, no major wars, nobody coming back in boxes... and the guy can't crack 35%.

Imagine what he's going to be like when things get really bad... which they always do.
he's massively unpopular in the media sure.

who controls the polling, results, redoing the polls, redoing the results, the headlines they put on the stories and the twists they feel like doing that day.

it's painfully obvious they hate trump with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns. it's just as obvious if not more so they have zero problem abuse their platform, just like hollywood, to tell everyone else how they feel about it.

if both sides would put the same energy and focus into fixing problems that they do saying the other side is to blame, imagine then what we could do.
The second coming of Jesus won't save the GOP in 2020.

Right, poopoobrain. Last three elections, House > total win for GOP, Dems take a bath. Senate > huge win for GOP, Dems get soaked. President > Hillary Made For Prime Time crashes and burns on the order of 38 electoral college votes, with Trump taking 200 counties that Obama had previously won, and Trump takes the White House easy.

In the 4 months in office, Trump has had a list of great things done for the country long as your arm. Course, you wouldn't know because your MSNBC and CNN doesn't tell you about them. All of the so-called chaos and disorder of these past four months hasn't been Trump's doing but 100% the Democrats!

By the end of this year, among a thousand other things, we will likely have a better, revamped healthcare system and soon after that, a new, better tax code. By the time four years are up, if Trump gets even half of his stuff done, this country will be revolutionized, back on track firing on all 8 cylinders big time. People making money again. People will be carrying Trump on their shoulders. Who does the Dems have to run against him, cuckoo for Cocopuffs Elizabeth Warren? Maybe that wooden puppet Maxine Waters or strident Chuckie Schumer? If you think the Dems stand a chance, you are in mental meltdown, like the rest of your party, but you go right on believing it!!!

it's funny, if not irritating as hell, to me when liberals start moving the goalposts around depending on where their "kick" goes.

rest assured, trump won the election. he's in the white house, usually, is he not? he's got hollywood up in arms and foaming at the mouth and likely all other orifices as well. he's not putting up with self-serving twists on stories and his tweets, well they're troll baits of the highest magnitude.

Dude, the point is, THE PEOPLE SAID NO!!!

Now, you can spin it any way you want, but usually, the guy who gets the most votes wins. that's just simple fairness and common sense.

Now we have a bunch of slack jaws wondering why their health insurance is being cancelled.

fair and common sense? when you didn't get your way. but tell me, has the popular vote mattered for a single president to date?

if so, show it to me. if not, tell me why now that doesn't include your anger-boner against trump.

and if their healthcare is being cancelled now - who's policies are still in effect and which insurance companies bailed on obama's watch / program?

so far, all of them.

and if health care insurance is being cancelled, why is it just for slack-jawed people?
i suppose you can console yourself in whatever it takes to keep you warm and load up on hope and hate for the next 4 years to get you through. many of us had to do that for obama but you likely didn't care then. all was good screw the "other" side. they're just being unreasonable.

Here's the thing. Obama won the popular vote. In fact, he got the two highest vote totals in American History.

Trump didn't. Most people said no.


again - when has popular vote mattered to elect a president?

situation anger is extreme bias. period.

get over it. he's president.
he's massively unpopular in the media sure.

who controls the polling, results, redoing the polls, redoing the results, the headlines they put on the stories and the twists they feel like doing that day.

it's painfully obvious they hate trump with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns. it's just as obvious if not more so they have zero problem abuse their platform, just like hollywood, to tell everyone else how they feel about it.

if both sides would put the same energy and focus into fixing problems that they do saying the other side is to blame, imagine then what we could do.

I think it's the oppossite.

The media didn't do enough to stop Trump before the election. He was good for ratings, so they'd have 10 minutes of an empty podium rather than spend time talking about issues.

Who wants to listen to boring old Jeb Bush talk about Common Core when we can have Trump call Mexican's rapists?

Here's the thing, 54% of us voted against Trump. The media didn't tell us to do that, we knew this was a bad idea.

But because of a bad system, we went along with a bad idea because no one had the integrity to say "No".
he's massively unpopular in the media sure.

who controls the polling, results, redoing the polls, redoing the results, the headlines they put on the stories and the twists they feel like doing that day.

it's painfully obvious they hate trump with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns. it's just as obvious if not more so they have zero problem abuse their platform, just like hollywood, to tell everyone else how they feel about it.

if both sides would put the same energy and focus into fixing problems that they do saying the other side is to blame, imagine then what we could do.

I think it's the oppossite.

The media didn't do enough to stop Trump before the election.

not even going to go on reading the rest, sorry.

it is not the medias job to stop anyone from anything. it is their job to report facts, not emotions, for us to decide for ourselves. if you're relying on the media to ensure you get your way, then you're simply not strong enough to do it on your own and the truth, well it seems to scare you.
Prepare for major butthurt come 2020. It will be an epic landslide, or in other words, a Trumpslide.

You are basically whining that Trump is not a socialist Marxist democrat, but my dear, that's exactly why he was chosen.

No, not really. Trump is already massively unpopular and that's with things going well. No recession, no major wars, nobody coming back in boxes... and the guy can't crack 35%.

Imagine what he's going to be like when things get really bad... which they always do.
he's massively unpopular in the media sure.

who controls the polling, results, redoing the polls, redoing the results, the headlines they put on the stories and the twists they feel like doing that day.

it's painfully obvious they hate trump with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns. it's just as obvious if not more so they have zero problem abuse their platform, just like hollywood, to tell everyone else how they feel about it.

if both sides would put the same energy and focus into fixing problems that they do saying the other side is to blame, imagine then what we could do.
What the senile old orange clown and the GOP have offered are not solutions, but problems that would further excaberate the existing problem. The party in power must offer real solutions, and be ready to rethink those solutions if serious flaws are pointed out. The party out of power has a duty to examine those solutions, support them if they actually address the problem, point out the flaws if they do not.

What we had for eight years was the GOP blindly opposing anything that President Obama suggested. Simply blind obstruction without reason. In politics, you have 'owe me's', negative and positive. And the GOP definetely made a lot of negatvie 'owe me's' in the last eight years. Proposing non-solutions, as they have with the health care and tax reform, will only harden the opposition.
Prepare for major butthurt come 2020. It will be an epic landslide, or in other words, a Trumpslide.

You are basically whining that Trump is not a socialist Marxist democrat, but my dear, that's exactly why he was chosen.

No, not really. Trump is already massively unpopular and that's with things going well. No recession, no major wars, nobody coming back in boxes... and the guy can't crack 35%.

Imagine what he's going to be like when things get really bad... which they always do.
he's massively unpopular in the media sure.

who controls the polling, results, redoing the polls, redoing the results, the headlines they put on the stories and the twists they feel like doing that day.

it's painfully obvious they hate trump with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns. it's just as obvious if not more so they have zero problem abuse their platform, just like hollywood, to tell everyone else how they feel about it.

if both sides would put the same energy and focus into fixing problems that they do saying the other side is to blame, imagine then what we could do.
What the senile old orange clown and the GOP have offered are not solutions, but problems that would further excaberate the existing problem. The party in power must offer real solutions, and be ready to rethink those solutions if serious flaws are pointed out. The party out of power has a duty to examine those solutions, support them if they actually address the problem, point out the flaws if they do not.

What we had for eight years was the GOP blindly opposing anything that President Obama suggested. Simply blind obstruction without reason. In politics, you have 'owe me's', negative and positive. And the GOP definetely made a lot of negatvie 'owe me's' in the last eight years. Proposing non-solutions, as they have with the health care and tax reform, will only harden the opposition.

again - got no real use for talking to people who are just insulting the other side. they tend to never listen to counter views, other thoughts or even possibilities.

instead they obsess over orange skin, tweets, and twisting anything people do to being wrong, even if they wanted it done before he did it.

i stand by what i said. put down the anger and find a way to work together. both sides.
Oh yes, get all lovey dovey now I have the steering wheel. Neither the GOP nor the senile old orange clown has proposed a single real solution. From renewing the drug war to the border wall, all are feel good solutions for simple minds that do not address the real problem. And, given the names that President Obama was called on this board, all I have offered is an accurate description of the present President. The evidence for that can be found in his own statements and tweets.
Oh yes, get all lovey dovey now I have the steering wheel. Neither the GOP nor the senile old orange clown has proposed a single real solution. From renewing the drug war to the border wall, all are feel good solutions for simple minds that do not address the real problem. And, given the names that President Obama was called on this board, all I have offered is an accurate description of the present President. The evidence for that can be found in his own statements and tweets.

oh yes lets get all butthurt and now stop asking for cooperation and go into HATE mode cause our side lost...

my point is the same. both sides need to cut that shit out and stop lying, cheating and stealing to get into power, then the same to stay in power, then the same to the other side when they are in power.

all this "payback" mentality crap needs to end.
Yeah, and if the Democrats would have run a halfway candidate in 2016 we wouldn't be having this discussion. The GOP screwed up 2016, and the Democrats screwed up worse than the GOP. Amazing how freaking stupid both parties were.

Guy, your misogyny is not an excuse for letting this happen.

We treated "Choosing Leader of the Free World" like "Picking the Winner of American Idol". That's on us, Not Mrs. Clinton.

You got that, Clinton was running to be the President of the US but America wanted a reality tv with reality star...

By the way, the apprentice ratings were in the toilet by its final season with Trump...

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