FBI agents endorse ex-Rep. Mike Rogers for director

Oh yes, get all lovey dovey now I have the steering wheel. Neither the GOP nor the senile old orange clown has proposed a single real solution. From renewing the drug war to the border wall, all are feel good solutions for simple minds that do not address the real problem. And, given the names that President Obama was called on this board, all I have offered is an accurate description of the present President. The evidence for that can be found in his own statements and tweets.

oh yes lets get all butthurt and now stop asking for cooperation and go into HATE mode cause our side lost...

my point is the same. both sides need to cut that shit out and stop lying, cheating and stealing to get into power, then the same to stay in power, then the same to the other side when they are in power.

all this "payback" mentality crap needs to end.

Rocks wasn't hate driven... Read what he actually said... This administration is continuing down the route of populistic policies which have been proven to be failure... The war on drugs policy of incarceration for even minor offences has backfire massively and has only increased the problem, the border wall is a joke and has been tried in other places in the world, trickle-down economics (that was debunked by a GOP President 25 years ago)....

The list goes on... This is just doing stupid stuff because it has to be the opposite of Obama...

On top of that he is acting like he won the election like Reagan and has a massive mandate. He doesn't, more people wanted someone different...
Oh yes, get all lovey dovey now I have the steering wheel. Neither the GOP nor the senile old orange clown has proposed a single real solution. From renewing the drug war to the border wall, all are feel good solutions for simple minds that do not address the real problem. And, given the names that President Obama was called on this board, all I have offered is an accurate description of the present President. The evidence for that can be found in his own statements and tweets.

oh yes lets get all butthurt and now stop asking for cooperation and go into HATE mode cause our side lost...

my point is the same. both sides need to cut that shit out and stop lying, cheating and stealing to get into power, then the same to stay in power, then the same to the other side when they are in power.

all this "payback" mentality crap needs to end.

Rocks wasn't hate driven... Read what he actually said... This administration is continuing down the route of populistic policies which have been proven to be failure... The war on drugs policy of incarceration for even minor offences has backfire massively and has only increased the problem, the border wall is a joke and has been tried in other places in the world, trickle-down economics (that was debunked by a GOP President 25 years ago)....

The list goes on... This is just doing stupid stuff because it has to be the opposite of Obama...

On top of that he is acting like he won the election like Reagan and has a massive mandate. He doesn't, more people wanted someone different...

yep. he does in fact act like an ass quite often.

but populist policies? that is the pure definition of obama's identity politics. get popular, and have the "voice" of the popular kill off counter opinions and talk.

aka - berkely.

so when the left quits doing it, you'll have a point. til then, they just protest cause it's trump doing it. am i wrong? well who was the lady that said if hillary fired comey she'd support that after what comey did to her but since trump did it, she can't support it.

yea, the left is unbiased. my bad.
The acting guy there now seems like a good guy, real police guy...

the guy in now had a wife who ran for office as a Democrat in VA, and there were a bunch of wingnut conspiracy theories about why Hillary didn't get indicted that involved him.

Besides that, he just denied everything that Biffenfuher said about Comey and the FBI, so he's probably going to go, too.

If the Cheeto is consistent he will probably pick an FBI Director who is either:

  • High donor billionaire who is loyal, Zero Experience in actual law enforcement.
  • Political Appointee who is loyal, Zero Experience in actual law enforcement.
  • Joe Apario or some other tough talking no experience sherriff who he thinks is loyal.
Hopefully the GOP Senate see sense...
fair and common sense? when you didn't get your way. but tell me, has the popular vote mattered for a single president to date?

Um, yeah. Every president elected from 1892 to 2012, with one exception, won the popular vote. So it's kind of a thing.

it is not the medias job to stop anyone from anything. it is their job to report facts, not emotions, for us to decide for ourselves. if you're relying on the media to ensure you get your way, then you're simply not strong enough to do it on your own and the truth, well it seems to scare you.

No, I'm a pragmatist. The media's job is to inform. Clearly, there were a bunch of things about Trump that should have disqualified him, but the media gave him a pass because he was good for ratings (and they concluded we'd never be dumb enough to actually elect him.)

The media's JOB is to vet these guys. It's to ask tough questions and come down on them hard when they don't have good answers.

That didn't happen here.

and if health care insurance is being cancelled, why is it just for slack-jawed people?

Well, you see, the people in dun-der Jesusland didn't know that that dun-der Affordable Care Act they were getting insurance under was the same thing as ObamaCare!!! Now they are figuring that out...
1 - but its never been a deciding thing. just a whining point for liberals who lost and are butt-hurt now.

2 - inform yes. tell me how to feel about it - no.

3 - this is just stupid now and insulting for the sake of being insulting so done. have a day.
Oh yes, get all lovey dovey now I have the steering wheel. Neither the GOP nor the senile old orange clown has proposed a single real solution. From renewing the drug war to the border wall, all are feel good solutions for simple minds that do not address the real problem. And, given the names that President Obama was called on this board, all I have offered is an accurate description of the present President. The evidence for that can be found in his own statements and tweets.

oh yes lets get all butthurt and now stop asking for cooperation and go into HATE mode cause our side lost...

my point is the same. both sides need to cut that shit out and stop lying, cheating and stealing to get into power, then the same to stay in power, then the same to the other side when they are in power.

all this "payback" mentality crap needs to end.

Rocks wasn't hate driven... Read what he actually said... This administration is continuing down the route of populistic policies which have been proven to be failure... The war on drugs policy of incarceration for even minor offences has backfire massively and has only increased the problem, the border wall is a joke and has been tried in other places in the world, trickle-down economics (that was debunked by a GOP President 25 years ago)....

The list goes on... This is just doing stupid stuff because it has to be the opposite of Obama...

On top of that he is acting like he won the election like Reagan and has a massive mandate. He doesn't, more people wanted someone different...

yep. he does in fact act like an ass quite often.

but populist policies? that is the pure definition of obama's identity politics. get popular, and have the "voice" of the popular kill off counter opinions and talk.

aka - berkely.

so when the left quits doing it, you'll have a point. til then, they just protest cause it's trump doing it. am i wrong? well who was the lady that said if hillary fired comey she'd support that after what comey did to her but since trump did it, she can't support it.

yea, the left is unbiased. my bad.


Obama in fairness was trying something new for America but was well and truly tried aboard with some major success.. Obama's policies are general fare in Europe and he could see the success and failures there (and there was failures too, eg France and Race Ghettos).

America has really screwed the pooch on objective politics... Republicans have there RINO and Democrats have Berkely and Bernie or Bust... It is team sports/tribal and too many are trying to be the number one fan/ultimate warrior...

Compromise is weakness..
Oh yes, get all lovey dovey now I have the steering wheel. Neither the GOP nor the senile old orange clown has proposed a single real solution. From renewing the drug war to the border wall, all are feel good solutions for simple minds that do not address the real problem. And, given the names that President Obama was called on this board, all I have offered is an accurate description of the present President. The evidence for that can be found in his own statements and tweets.

oh yes lets get all butthurt and now stop asking for cooperation and go into HATE mode cause our side lost...

my point is the same. both sides need to cut that shit out and stop lying, cheating and stealing to get into power, then the same to stay in power, then the same to the other side when they are in power.

all this "payback" mentality crap needs to end.

Rocks wasn't hate driven... Read what he actually said... This administration is continuing down the route of populistic policies which have been proven to be failure... The war on drugs policy of incarceration for even minor offences has backfire massively and has only increased the problem, the border wall is a joke and has been tried in other places in the world, trickle-down economics (that was debunked by a GOP President 25 years ago)....

The list goes on... This is just doing stupid stuff because it has to be the opposite of Obama...

On top of that he is acting like he won the election like Reagan and has a massive mandate. He doesn't, more people wanted someone different...

yep. he does in fact act like an ass quite often.

but populist policies? that is the pure definition of obama's identity politics. get popular, and have the "voice" of the popular kill off counter opinions and talk.

aka - berkely.

so when the left quits doing it, you'll have a point. til then, they just protest cause it's trump doing it. am i wrong? well who was the lady that said if hillary fired comey she'd support that after what comey did to her but since trump did it, she can't support it.

yea, the left is unbiased. my bad.


Obama in fairness was trying something new for America but was well and truly tried aboard with some major success.. Obama's policies are general fare in Europe and he could see the success and failures there (and there was failures too, eg France and Race Ghettos).

America has really screwed the pooch on objective politics... Republicans have there RINO and Democrats have Berkely and Bernie or Bust... It is team sports/tribal and too many are trying to be the number one fan/ultimate warrior...

Compromise is weakness..

he was trying to force socialism as quickly as he could. he went after every far-left ideal and tried hard to normalize it. i can think of no other admin ANYWHERE and in ANY TIME that got into the day to day happenings of life in america as he did to push his narrative.

trayvon could be my son
the cops acted stupidly
come to the whitehouse, clockboy...

he chimed in every social situation early, and with a slant to his and liberal views.

both sides are busy normalizing extremes. i would agree with that that.

compromise is strength cause first you have to admit the other side has something valid to offer. if you don't think they do, then we already vastly disagree.
Yeah, and if the Democrats would have run a halfway candidate in 2016 we wouldn't be having this discussion. The GOP screwed up 2016, and the Democrats screwed up worse than the GOP. Amazing how freaking stupid both parties were.

Guy, your misogyny is not an excuse for letting this happen.

We treated "Choosing Leader of the Free World" like "Picking the Winner of American Idol". That's on us, Not Mrs. Clinton.

Yep, you sure did, you marched out a huge loser and you lost, the Republicans put out a huge loser and won, maybe next time you will make a better choice in the primaries instead of the Democratic Party picking your loser. The GOP also screwed up, they didn't handle Trump correctly right out of the gate.

You can blame me all you want but my vote didn't hurt Clinton at all, I know you like to throw blame at others rather than accept responsibility but my state voted Clinton by a good margin. Again, she was terrible, Trump was terrible and we got a terrible President.

Hope your party learned its lesson but I doubt it.
Yeah, and if the Democrats would have run a halfway candidate in 2016 we wouldn't be having this discussion. The GOP screwed up 2016, and the Democrats screwed up worse than the GOP. Amazing how freaking stupid both parties were.

Guy, your misogyny is not an excuse for letting this happen.

We treated "Choosing Leader of the Free World" like "Picking the Winner of American Idol". That's on us, Not Mrs. Clinton.

You got that, Clinton was running to be the President of the US but America wanted a reality tv with reality star...

By the way, the apprentice ratings were in the toilet by its final season with Trump...

Lol! You run a terrible candidate and then blame others? Both those two had very large unlike ability ratings. Why would you choose candidates with those types of numbers?

The Democrats wanted Clinton and it was decided that no one else would run. The GOP allowed Trump to dictate the tempo of the campaign and his followers could not see he was a bull in a China shop.
Prepare for major butthurt come 2020. It will be an epic landslide, or in other words, a Trumpslide.

You are basically whining that Trump is not a socialist Marxist democrat, but my dear, that's exactly why he was chosen.

No, not really. Trump is already massively unpopular and that's with things going well. No recession, no major wars, nobody coming back in boxes... and the guy can't crack 35%.

Imagine what he's going to be like when things get really bad... which they always do.
he's massively unpopular in the media sure.

who controls the polling, results, redoing the polls, redoing the results, the headlines they put on the stories and the twists they feel like doing that day.

it's painfully obvious they hate trump with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns. it's just as obvious if not more so they have zero problem abuse their platform, just like hollywood, to tell everyone else how they feel about it.

if both sides would put the same energy and focus into fixing problems that they do saying the other side is to blame, imagine then what we could do.
What the senile old orange clown and the GOP have offered are not solutions, but problems that would further excaberate the existing problem. The party in power must offer real solutions, and be ready to rethink those solutions if serious flaws are pointed out. The party out of power has a duty to examine those solutions, support them if they actually address the problem, point out the flaws if they do not.

What we had for eight years was the GOP blindly opposing anything that President Obama suggested. Simply blind obstruction without reason. In politics, you have 'owe me's', negative and positive. And the GOP definetely made a lot of negatvie 'owe me's' in the last eight years. Proposing non-solutions, as they have with the health care and tax reform, will only harden the opposition.

again - got no real use for talking to people who are just insulting the other side. they tend to never listen to counter views, other thoughts or even possibilities.

instead they obsess over orange skin, tweets, and twisting anything people do to being wrong, even if they wanted it done before he did it.

i stand by what i said. put down the anger and find a way to work together. both sides.

What insults...

Lets make it clear there are people here who end nearly all their arguments with personal insults, Rocks is not doing that.
What insults...

Lets make it clear there are people here who end nearly all their arguments with personal insults, Rocks is not doing that.

"senile old clown"

when you talk of the other leadership in insulting mannerism, i've yet to see someone really be objective in what they see. i know it's habit and i know it's hard NOT to at times. but in my experience when i see people this most things will get eventually twisted to support their openly stated views of senility.

only been here a few hours. we'll see if i'm wrong. if so, got no problem apologizing if someone took offense to what i say.
What insults...

Lets make it clear there are people here who end nearly all their arguments with personal insults, Rocks is not doing that.

"senile old clown"

when you talk of the other leadership in insulting mannerism, i've yet to see someone really be objective in what they see. i know it's habit and i know it's hard NOT to at times. but in my experience when i see people this most things will get eventually twisted to support their openly stated views of senility.

only been here a few hours. we'll see if i'm wrong. if so, got no problem apologizing if someone took offense to what i say.

Can you honestly say Trump hasn't said worse about other people... Is this a case of judging the President of the US to one standard and a board member to another?

Trump's behaviour has been disgusting at times considering the office he holds, himself and the people he promotes have lower the tone and to blame Rocks for fighting at that level is a double standard..
What insults...

Lets make it clear there are people here who end nearly all their arguments with personal insults, Rocks is not doing that.

"senile old clown"

when you talk of the other leadership in insulting mannerism, i've yet to see someone really be objective in what they see. i know it's habit and i know it's hard NOT to at times. but in my experience when i see people this most things will get eventually twisted to support their openly stated views of senility.

only been here a few hours. we'll see if i'm wrong. if so, got no problem apologizing if someone took offense to what i say.

Can you honestly say Trump hasn't said worse about other people... Is this a case of judging the President of the US to one standard and a board member to another?

Trump's behaviour has been disgusting at times considering the office he holds, himself and the people he promotes have lower the tone and to blame Rocks for fighting at that level is a double standard..

never said he hasn't. just said people who lead off and talk in insults i tend to ignore cause most of what they say - either side - will be to reinforce that view. not be open about things.
What insults...

Lets make it clear there are people here who end nearly all their arguments with personal insults, Rocks is not doing that.

"senile old clown"

when you talk of the other leadership in insulting mannerism, i've yet to see someone really be objective in what they see. i know it's habit and i know it's hard NOT to at times. but in my experience when i see people this most things will get eventually twisted to support their openly stated views of senility.

only been here a few hours. we'll see if i'm wrong. if so, got no problem apologizing if someone took offense to what i say.

Can you honestly say Trump hasn't said worse about other people... Is this a case of judging the President of the US to one standard and a board member to another?

Trump's behaviour has been disgusting at times considering the office he holds, himself and the people he promotes have lower the tone and to blame Rocks for fighting at that level is a double standard..

never said he hasn't. just said people who lead off and talk in insults i tend to ignore cause most of what they say - either side - will be to reinforce that view. not be open about things.

Unfortunately one side decided that insulting like that still leaves you good enough to be President.

Lets make it clear the Media had a bias, it was towards car crash TV... Trump was good TV and that is why he got way more extra coverage... Good TV does not necessarily make a good President.
Why wouldn't the FBI director come from within the ranks?


That is what I said... Next in line... He hasn't a hope though, his wife is a democrat and he said Comey was respected in the FBI...

Both reasons of he will not be considered but both reasons the GOP should pick him... If they want to add fuel to the fire then give Trump another yes man...
Unfortunately one side decided that insulting like that still leaves you good enough to be President.

Lets make it clear the Media had a bias, it was towards car crash TV... Trump was good TV and that is why he got way more extra coverage... Good TV does not necessarily make a good President.

deflection. i'm not talking about nor to the President. i'm talking back to someone who is leading off with insults to someone. their right i suppose. their call. whether i agree or not is not grounds to stop them from doing it.

but when they do that i can see its' pointless to talk to them cause they will lead off with hate and when pushed, simply become very unreasonable in conversations and it just gets ugly. so when people *i am talking to* resort to insulting the other side right off the bat, i simply walk away from that usually.

my right also.
Unfortunately one side decided that insulting like that still leaves you good enough to be President.

Lets make it clear the Media had a bias, it was towards car crash TV... Trump was good TV and that is why he got way more extra coverage... Good TV does not necessarily make a good President.

deflection. i'm not talking about nor to the President. i'm talking back to someone who is leading off with insults to someone. their right i suppose. their call. whether i agree or not is not grounds to stop them from doing it.

but when they do that i can see its' pointless to talk to them cause they will lead off with hate and when pushed, simply become very unreasonable in conversations and it just gets ugly. so when people *i am talking to* resort to insulting the other side right off the bat, i simply walk away from that usually.

my right also.

In the eight year of Obama, I never once called him anything but Obama, though I rarely agreed, he was still the President and I respect the office.
Unfortunately one side decided that insulting like that still leaves you good enough to be President.

Lets make it clear the Media had a bias, it was towards car crash TV... Trump was good TV and that is why he got way more extra coverage... Good TV does not necessarily make a good President.

deflection. i'm not talking about nor to the President. i'm talking back to someone who is leading off with insults to someone. their right i suppose. their call. whether i agree or not is not grounds to stop them from doing it.

but when they do that i can see its' pointless to talk to them cause they will lead off with hate and when pushed, simply become very unreasonable in conversations and it just gets ugly. so when people *i am talking to* resort to insulting the other side right off the bat, i simply walk away from that usually.

my right also.

In the eight year of Obama, I never once called him anything but Obama, though I rarely agreed, he was still the President and I respect the office.

oh i'm sure in anger i let a few things slip. just in general i don't like hack names. it's like being in jr high all over again.
What insults...

Lets make it clear there are people here who end nearly all their arguments with personal insults, Rocks is not doing that.

"senile old clown"

when you talk of the other leadership in insulting mannerism, i've yet to see someone really be objective in what they see. i know it's habit and i know it's hard NOT to at times. but in my experience when i see people this most things will get eventually twisted to support their openly stated views of senility.

only been here a few hours. we'll see if i'm wrong. if so, got no problem apologizing if someone took offense to what i say.

Can you honestly say Trump hasn't said worse about other people... Is this a case of judging the President of the US to one standard and a board member to another?

Trump's behaviour has been disgusting at times considering the office he holds, himself and the people he promotes have lower the tone and to blame Rocks for fighting at that level is a double standard..

never said he hasn't. just said people who lead off and talk in insults i tend to ignore cause most of what they say - either side - will be to reinforce that view. not be open about things.

Unfortunately one side decided that insulting like that still leaves you good enough to be President.

Lets make it clear the Media had a bias, it was towards car crash TV... Trump was good TV and that is why he got way more extra coverage... Good TV does not necessarily make a good President.

So what was the reasoning when the left kept calling Bush names? Chimp seemed real popular. Did Bush call people names? What is the justification?

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