FBI Document Shows Joe Biden Took $5M From Burisma As part of a Bribery Scheme

You are aware that the Deep State has gotten their mitts on the viral videos and will do anything it takes to get rid of the videos or the person who tells them "no." If I disclosed to you who still has copies, the deep state might do bad things to the person or the family of the person who still has copies. I'd have a copy if I were an expert computer genius, but, instead, God gave me art and business math skills, not mechanical, computer, engineering nor calculus skills. That said, if I did have to tell them who she is, they might harm her or a family member, since the Deep State is determined that communism is a much better of system for themselves, and they can easily kill off a village of people who disagree with them on anything the creepsister AOC comes up with and wishes to unilaterally execute her whims that make her have a lot of Benjamins. The Alinsky Method that has been in effect along with teachers in universities that teach teachers to tell their students to tell their families go to hell if they don't let them grow up fast enough, plus they lead them into agnosticism or atheism that begets another generation that prefers safety in a monarchy situation even if somebody dies because the king or queen has a bad day. And the deep state is already executing punitive measures against widows, the eldery, and of course want to expropriate to themselves all dead people's assets before the funeral happens. I really hate that about the Deep Creepy State that already has their goals solidified unless we engage in another war of the states.

You shouldn't criticize people who can't pull up evidence that you and your Deep State promotional teammates have dispersed already.

Oh, and when you get totalitarian power, you better not displease the empire's kingpin or they will treat you like you would like to treat Donald Trump.

Dear Beautress,

Your rebuttal contains several problematic elements.

Lack of evidence: You make several sweeping and serious claims about the existence and actions of the "Deep State" without providing any evidence to support those claims. You rely on vague assertions and conspiracy theories without verifiable facts.

Overgeneralization and stereotypes: You use derogatory language and stereotypes to attack Democrats, liberals, and specific individuals like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). You make sweeping statements about their intentions and beliefs without offering any substantiation.

Incoherent reasoning: You jump between various unrelated topics, making it difficult to follow a coherent line of argument. You combine unrelated concepts such as the "Deep State," communism, agnosticism or atheism, monarchy, and expropriation of assets without providing clear connections or logical reasoning.

Demonization and fear-mongering: Your language used is inflammatory and designed to incite fear and hostility. You portray a dark and dangerous view of the "Deep State" and make unfounded claims about their intentions and actions, creating a narrative of impending doom.

Personal attacks and hostility: You resort to personal attacks and hostility towards those who may question or challenge the claims being made. You create an "us versus them" mentality and promotes a divisive and confrontational tone.

Please take this as constructive commentary on the issues of your reply.

Dear Beautress,

Your rebuttal contains several problematic elements.

Lack of evidence: You make several sweeping and serious claims about the existence and actions of the "Deep State" without providing any evidence to support those claims. You rely on vague assertions and conspiracy theories without verifiable facts.

Overgeneralization and stereotypes: You use derogatory language and stereotypes to attack Democrats, liberals, and specific individuals like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). You make sweeping statements about their intentions and beliefs without offering any substantiation.

Incoherent reasoning: You jump between various unrelated topics, making it difficult to follow a coherent line of argument. You combine unrelated concepts such as the "Deep State," communism, agnosticism or atheism, monarchy, and expropriation of assets without providing clear connections or logical reasoning.

Demonization and fear-mongering: Your language used is inflammatory and designed to incite fear and hostility. You portray a dark and dangerous view of the "Deep State" and make unfounded claims about their intentions and actions, creating a narrative of impending doom.

Personal attacks and hostility: You resort to personal attacks and hostility towards those who may question or challenge the claims being made. You create an "us versus them" mentality and promotes a divisive and confrontational tone.

Please take this as constructive commentary on the issues of your reply.

You know when you lie it does not help you at all. The 1023s you referring to remain unfiled. Right now all you really have is unproven and unverified claims. As oppose the 37-Count Indictment of the Rapist and Traitor that includes 31-Violations of Espionage Act of 1917.
oh the left and the Biden justice dept is trying very very hard to stonewall but the evidence will come out ! the gop led house has no choice but to go full throttle on Biden corruption now that the left has weaponized said justice dept in attempt to take out the leading gop candidate that is beating Biden [biggly] in the polls .
Have you seen and verified it?

Thought so, you got nothing but Fake News......AGAIN.
In the right wing noise machine this is a fact. They have proof Joe took $5 million and the MSM is suppressing the "proof." There are two realities.
We knew before Wray agreed to show them, that the Trump indictment was coming....try another excuse! :)
Otherwise y'all knew that Wray wasn't going to be able to hold out forever, and that's why y'all knew that the indictment had to come in hopes to cool the fires on the FBI down eh ? Keep putting the puzzle together for us, you're doing a great job.
You know when you lie it does not help you at all. The 1023s you referring to remain unfiled. Right now all you really have is unproven and unverified claims. As oppose the 37-Count Indictment of the Rapist and Traitor that includes 31-Violations of Espionage Act of 1917.
Oh so you figure that because it's unfilled, that it's not evidentiary material eh ? The rest of your dribble is just nothing burgers you dream about in the day when you sleep.
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You have pictures of crowds that you claim are from Obama's inauguration. That isn't proof.
Probably from Martin Luther Kings march on the mall in the 60s. Obama dam sure wasn't no King, and this no matter how bad he wanted to be him or one.himself.
"An FD-1023 form is used by FBI agents to record unverified reporting from confidential human sources. The form is used to document information as told to an FBI agent, but recording that information does not validate or weigh it against other information known by the FBI."

So in 2020 (interesting timing) a "confidential source" told the FBI stuff they heard from another person in 2015.

we have is 2nd hand info, about money that can't be traced, going to someone that 2nd hand source called the big guy?

Hearsay - five years after the fact, during an election year.
Yeah, totally legit
They need to get him here now. You all seem scared of that.
They need to get him here now. You all seem scared of that.
I am not, I really want to see the evidence or maybe a tape recording of Biden doing something illegal like squeezing a state official for votes or something like that, You know, evidence. Not some guy saying some Russian guy said...
It would be problematic if Trump's administration foreign policy was such that it gave his properties special treatment, or an advantage, or he benefited from policy.
He wasn't taking a paycheck, so why would that be bad ? How did Biden get so filthy rich being a bull shite artist while a senator, VP, and now president ? Oh and don't forget the Pelosi's excetra, excetra, excetra.
I am not, I really want to see the evidence or maybe a tape recording of Biden doing something illegal like squeezing a state official for votes or something like that, You know, evidence. Not some guy saying some Russian guy said...
Well the only way to know is if he's summoned here. He's probably got some great evidence, and if he does they'd probably be putting his life in danger by requesting him.
Trump hoodwinked thousands out of millions for a fake university scam and had to pay $25,000,000 restitution.
Your fake outrage noted.

No wonder you are gullible as hell.

Allegedly. I allege that you stole the Crown Jewels.
You all go back on Trump before he was prez, and then refuse to talk about his record as prez because it'll destroy the narratives. Then when people go back on your king Joe Biden, then y'all go into super defense mode. A bit of hypocrisy maybe ??
You didn't show me proof. You showed me pictures of crowds. I have no proof those are pics of Obama's inauguration. Didn't your daddy tell you not to believe everything you read in the newspaper?


You're delusional. I even showed you a picture from the National Park website which is just one of many photos of his inauguration.

Once again, you prove just how committed you are to Donald Trump. It's scary to see how he has you under his spell like this. You're one of the people he was talking about when he said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any supporters.
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Who said that?

If Vice President Biden was doing business with China, what sort of business was it that they couldn't pay Joe directly? Why was a jumbo payment made to a shell company and then distributed to a number of Biden family members and a payment to an unnamed Biden?

You did. :eusa_doh:

Did you not see the dates YOU posted??

March, 2017.

Who do you think the vice president was in March of 2017?
So I guess Garland is going to use the Trump indictment distraction as a reason not to investigate / go after Biden for taking a $5 million dollar bribe as VP, counting on the leftist MSM to blackout the story and run the Trump distraction in hopes Americans will be too preoccupied and will just forget Biden's crime...
What makes you think the DOJ won't go after him when he's out of office? Just the other day it was one of your kind that said the DOJ does not prosecute a sitting President and to give that person credit they have had long standing policy not to prosecute sitting Presidents.

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