FBI Document Shows Joe Biden Took $5M From Burisma As part of a Bribery Scheme

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View attachment 793052
Joe Biden playing golf with Hunter's Burisma co-workers he claimed he NEVER MET...
Trump hoodwinked thousands out of millions for a fake university scam and had to pay $25,000,000 restitution.
Your fake outrage noted.
No wonder Wray risked Contempt of Congress charges to keep this hidden.
No wonder you are gullible as hell.

Allegedly. I allege that you stole the Crown Jewels.
In case you are so stupid you do not know what your premise is, I will tell you:

The premise is that you ASSUME VP Biden was selling something.

Why would anyone be paying VP Biden millions of dollars if he had nothing to sell?
Will you send that meme to all the right wingers who name call on this forum? Or are you bothered only with someone on the left does it? Your fake complaint noted
Why would anyone be paying VP Biden millions of dollars if he had nothing to sell?
Your question has an assumed premise (that Biden was paid millions of dollars) that's called a loaded question.

Prove your premise.

I'll give you an example of a loaded question:

How long have you had trouble getting an erection?

Now do you understand what a loaded question is?
So I guess Garland is going to use the Trump indictment distraction as a reason not to investigate / go after Biden for taking a $5 million dollar bribe as VP, counting on the leftist MSM to blackout the story and run the Trump distraction in hopes Americans will be too preoccupied and will just forget Biden's crime...

Read the damn article, It says 'allegedly'.

I allege that you have sex with animals.

Anyone an allege anything and the document in question does NOT prove the claim.

One thing I know about Republicans and those on the right, they have no clue as to what constitutes proof.
Who below your post clicked the fake news icon ? How is this photo faked in their opinion ? Are they just clicking the fake news icon as a hopeful distraction, otherwise are they in here attempting to tamp down any rhetoric that is leading us to know what we as rational minded citizen's already know ?
I've also noticed this people on the platform hitting the disagree emoji even if they are wrong and they know it when they do it . It's all an attempt to distract when the fact's begin hitting them like a ton of brick's (you know when they claim Russian misinformation and other such a bull shite like they've done in the past).

Then so obviously, they quickly pounce on the super weak case concerning a supposed or alledged rape case that failed to produce the evidence of rape against Trump, yet immediately start calling him a rapist even if the case failed to prove rape. I wish that they would be honest for one second in their live's, and just tell the truth as to why they really hate Trump, and why they hate his policies in which were absolutely right for the majority of all Americans who were attempting to live a good decent honest life in America.

Don't they (the left), know that we as American's see right through their failed bull shite ?

Okay, he's a sex abuser. that better?

Now, repeat after me:

Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America
Suck on this:
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Enough to come to the conclusion it was a farce.

so you watched it for five minutes. Brilliant.

Almost all of the testimonies given were by Trump's associates.

All of the texts emails were from Trump's close associates.

And almost all of the testimonies by Trumps hard core believers pled the 5th.

So, in your lexicon, hard evidence is a 'farce'.

I hope you don't work in any job where honesty and facts are important.
Stupid the shit happened while Biden was vp
AI: Credible news organizations have found no evidence to corroborate Bobulinski’s claims about a role in the proposed venture for Joe Biden. Joe Biden’s financial documents show no indication of involvement in his son’s business dealings in China12. The Wall Street Journal reviewed Bobulinski’s documents and found no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden or that he was active in his family’s foreign business endeavors, as Bobulinski claimed1.
As said, that proposed business deal with Bobulinski and hunter and a Chinese company that fell thru, took place after Joe Biden had left office. I2017.

A former associate of Hunter Biden has televised his grievances about former Vice President Joe Biden, telling Fox News host Tucker Carlson that the elder Biden was more involved in his son’s overseas business dealings than he has let on.

Tony Bobulinski claimed that emails, text messages and audio recordings he released show the Democratic presidential nominee was entangled in a 2017 venture involving a Chinese firm.

No credible news outlets have reported any wrongdoing or role held by Joe Biden
Correct: ... credible news organizations have found no evidence to corroborate Bobulinski’s claims about a role in the proposed venture for Joe Biden. Joe Biden’s financial documents show no indication of involvement in his son’s business dealings in China12. The Wall Street Journal reviewed Bobulinski’s documents and found no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden or that he was active in his family’s foreign business endeavors, as Bobulinski claimed1.
That was an educated guess based on Biden's penchant for groping little girls.

And you wonder why Democrats hold the right in contempt. There is no evidence of that. Your mind is in the gutter.

Trump has to pay $5 million, he was held liable for sex abuse and defamation, not to mention
he has been accused by 25 women of sex abuse, one was a child who claim he raped her with Epstein, and we have
photos of Trump hanging out with Epstein, we have tape of Trump bragging about sexually harassing and abusing women and another tape of him bragging about barging into teen pageant participant's dressing rooms in their various stages of dress because 'he owns the place and has a right to'.

Your fake outrage is noted.

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