FBI Document Shows Joe Biden Took $5M From Burisma As part of a Bribery Scheme

Phony impeachments live on in the diseased minds of leftists.

Oh, come on. You Russia Collusion'ist conspiracy theory groupies are hilarious.

Oh? Quote me saying Trump colluded with Russia...
73% ROR on 401k returns, -19% for Biden
1. Why Wasn’t Hillary Clinton Charged?

Many Republicans responded to the indictment by equivocating Trump’s actions with Hillary Clinton’s email controversy and complaining that she was never charged. Abrams explained that Trump is accused of a conspiracy to hide his classified documents from the FBI after receiving a subpoena, whereas the Clinton prosecutors “determined that the evidence and facts showed a ‘lack of intent to communicate classified information on unclassified systems,’ especially since ‘none of the emails Clinton received were properly marked to inform her of the classified status of the information.'”

Abrams agreed it was “wrong” of Clinton to have the server, but he emphasized that prosecutors didn’t believe they could prove the corrupt intent necessary to secure a conviction against the former secretary of state. He explained:

The inspector general concluded there was no evidence that Clinton or anyone else intended to conceal, remove or destroy the emails from government systems. As for the claim of acid washing, it’s actually just an inaccurate reference to an open-source software program that happens to be called BleachBit.
Now, if you go through every piece of evidence, as the prosecutors and the inspector general did — from the phone that was destroyed to the emails — they didn’t believe there was evidence of corrupt intent. And that is what the law requires.
And to those who say ‘Come on! Comey and the FBI clearly had it out for Trump and not for Hillary Clinton. They protected her, just as the former president said.’ The problem with that, of course, is that James Comey announced 11 days before the election that they were reopening the Clinton investigation, even though it turned out there was nothing new. And most importantly, the FBI never leaked that there was an ongoing Russia investigation of Donald Trump, which would have significantly hurt his campaign. If the FBI wanted to help Clinton and hurt Trump, you don’t announce the reopening of the Clinton investigation right before the election, and you do announce that the Trump campaign is being investigated for its contacts with the Russians. Except that’s not what happened.

Dan Abrams
You said I did. Either you can prove that or once again, you're caught making shit up again.

Your choice...
I never claimed you made a specific post about the Russia collusion hoax.

Try paying attention. Your silly melodrama is just more flailing around over your hurt feelings.
"Allegedly Paid". In other words no actual evidence of single fucking thing.

You no proof a damn thing and you know it. You are trying and failing at hanging everything on the word "Allegedly".


"An adverb used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there no proof".

Come back when you have actual, factual evidence, right now you have nothing.
I never claimed you made a specific post about the Russia collusion hoax.

Try paying attention. Your silly melodrama is just more flailing around over your hurt feelings.

The hell you didn't. You grouped me with them...

Oh, come on. You Russia Collusion'ist conspiracy theory groupies are hilarious.

Now everyone here sees ... not only do you make shit up, you run from your own posts because you lack the character needed to own your bullshit when caught.
The hell you didn't. You grouped me with them...

Now everyone here sees ... not only do you make shit up, you run from your own posts because you lack the character needed to own your bullshit when caught.
So, no. Your shrill screeching is an emotional reaction to your failure to support your claim.

Now everyone here sees your hurt feelings are the result of your ineptitude.
So, no. Your shrill screeching is an emotional reaction to your failure to support your claim.

Now everyone here sees your hurt feelings are the result of your ineptitude.

Easy to prove...

I’ve seen no evidence to date that trump colluded with Russia in regards to them hacking Democrats. So no, I have not made any such accusation. Like most others, I’m waiting for Mueller to release his report on the matter before I render a judgement on it.
I’ve said all along that I couldn’t say whether or not Trump colluded with Russia until Mueller’s report came out. It’s out and it proves Trump did not collude with Russia. I’ve always had faith in Mueller to conduct a full and fair investigation into the matter and I abide by his findings.
So? I've said all along I would wait until Mueller's report came out before rendering a judgement of guilt or innocence and I posted Mueller's report exonerated trump after it was released.

See that? I proved again you made up shit. Seems that's pretty much all you do.
I proved you made up the bullshit I was a "Russia Collusion'ist conspiracy theory groupie."

Now I'm showing everyone here you lie to coverup your lies. You know, like a typical conservative.
You proved you're hysterical when your feelings are hurt.

You have shown everyone here that your silly melodrama is pointless.
Can Jim Jordan order the Capitol Police or US Marshals to arrest Biden for treason??
That's exactly what needs to happen... I've thought this way for quite a while now. Otherwise is there not a "fail stop" when the nation succumbs to a tyrannical failed government ??

If not, then why not ? I mean I bet that the leftist damned sure wished that there would have been a fail stop, otherwise if they new that they were 100% right about Trump. Right ? In their case they'd be wrong about Trump, just as they've been proven wrong everytime they came at Trump, but that doesn't matter to them.

Now if the Republican majority is right about Biden being compromised, and this all due to alledged bribes being taken, then yes a fail safe method to protect the nation should be activated of course. The 25th amendment would be a great starting point.

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