FBI just seized the cell phone of House Freedom Caucus chair, Scott Perry, pursuant to a search warrant this afternoon....FBI just getting warmed up.

Just how did FDR and LBJ weaponize both the organizations?

Begin your education here.

Don't break the law then...no one is above the law.

Such a platitude.

• Eric Holder was above the law. He was found in contempt of Congress yet no attempt was made to indict him as the US Attorney for DC appointed by Øbama did nothing.

• Hillary Clinton and her aides were above the law. Hillary Clinton's emails were under Congressional subpoena. Hillary and her aides destroyed the emails. Yet neither Hillary nor her aides were held accountable.
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Provoke an assassination of Trump.

And the DemonRats are readying 87,000 IRS Gestapo and leftoids think this is all good.

Who are the actual fascists here? Democrats.
Heard ex felon Bernie Kerik's stupid rant, right?

Another Trump defender who's a criminal but who's surprised?
Provoke an assassination of Trump.

And the DemonRats are readying 87,000 IRS Gestapo and leftoids think this is all good.

Who are the actual fascists here? Democrats.
Who wants to assassinate trump?
And 87,000 IRS Gestapo waiting to be hired.
Con-cerned? You'd think hiring people to help would be a good thing... unless one is breaking the law.
Nope, I heard nothing from Kerik. Do you hear him in your head?
No, I heard a news story that Kerik made that accusation. Other then that I ignore shitbag lowlifes like Kerik. Especially ones that Trump pardons.
Such a platitude.

• Eric Holder was above the law. He was found in contempt of Congress yet no attempt was made to indict him as the US Attorney for DC appointed by Øbama did nothing.

• Hillary Clinton and her aides were above the law. Hillary Clinton's emails were under Congressional subpoena. Hillary and her aides destroyed the emails. Yet neither Hillary nor her aides were held accountable.
whataboutism whataboutism whataboutism whataboutism whataboutism whataboutism whataboutism whataboutism
Who wants to assassinate trump?

They are trying to wind people up, unstable people, perhaps someone like yourself.

Con-cerned? You'd think hiring people to help would be a good thing... unless one is breaking the law.

How about the lawbreakers on our Southern Border every day? That is where we need help and 87,000 BP agents would be much better than 87,000 IRS Gestapo.
whataboutism whataboutism whataboutism whataboutism whataboutism whataboutism whataboutism whataboutism

Oh, so pointing out Democrats who were above the law is whataboutism? My, you are silly.
You really think Garland and Wray would authorize a surprise search on a former president's home for a "fishing expedition?" REALLY?

Garland is not an enabler like Barr was. He is the most deliberate and careful AG we have had in years. Garland has a lot more than what we can see. trump may be whining and grifting off the raid, but he knows he is in trouble.
Yeah, deliberate and careful....................like when he labelled parents at school board meetings "DOMESTIC TERRORISTS"?
Begin your education here.

The article hardly proves that FDR weaponized the IRS and Paula Jones?
They are trying to wind people up, unstable people, perhaps someone like yourself.

How about the lawbreakers on our Southern Border every day? That is where we need help and 87,000 BP agents would be much better than 87,000 IRS Gestapo.

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