FBI lost count of how many Paid Informants were at Capitol on Jan. 6 — Later performed audit to figure out exact number

Today’s D.C. National Guard remains strong with more than 2,700 Soldiers and Airmen available to execute its missions. D.C. National Guard Soldiers and Airmen resides within the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia, and are proud to be from the communities in which we protect and serve.

The D.C National Guard was formed in 1802 by President Thomas Jefferson to defend the newly created District of Columbia. As such, the Commanding General of the D.C. National Guard is subordinate solely to the President of the United States. This authority to activate the D.C. National Guard has been delegated, by the President, to the Secretary of Defense and further delegated to the Secretary of the Army. The D.C. National Guard is the only National Guard unit, out of all of the 54 states and territories, which reports only to the President.

That's from the NG website

Oh and there aren't 20,000 or even 10,000 NG troops to be HAD
More evidence of a set-up. There were so many they lost count. The government and medias narrative is unraveling. At least the Gestapo was meticulous about record-keeping.

Are you suggesting the FBI should not have "paid informants"?

And what is a "paid informant"? Might simply be someone who committed a crime, and gives information to the FBI every so often....

Surely you want the police to know what's going on.
The District of Columbia National Guard is the branch of the United States National Guard based in the District of Columbia. It comprises both the D.C. Army National Guard and the D.C. Air National Guard components.

The President of the United States is the commander-in-chief of the District of Columbia National Guard. Command is exercised through the secretary of defense and the commanding general, Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ), District of Columbia National Guard. The Secretary of Defense has delegated his command authority to the secretary of the Army for the District of Columbia Army National Guard and the secretary of the Air Force for the District of Columbia Air National Guard.[2] The District of Columbia National Guard is commanded by a major general with a brigadier general as his or her adjutant general. The mayor of the District of Columbia, the United States Marshal for the District of Columbia, or the National Capital Service director may request the commander-in-chief to aid them in suppressing insurrection and enforcement of the law; however, there is no chain of authority from the District of Columbia to the D.C. National Guard.[3]

Various people can REQUEST the NG...Only the President/SecDef can order it. All requests go through them
So what? Are you saying those assholes care about the law? Try again.
No I am not. The set up is as obvious as the fraud. You do not believe your eyes and ears. You are no one to give advice or medical opinions.
And the election was stolen right ...you fucking dope
More evidence of a set-up. There were so many they lost count. The government and medias narrative is unraveling. At least the Gestapo was meticulous about record-keeping.

You mean the FBI had undercover agents in Trump's private militials like the Proud Boys & Oath Keepers? The same ones who marauded thru the Capital hunting for Pence, Pelosi & others? The same mob who beat police officers to within an inch of their life?

Cry me a river, window licker.

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