FBI now says it has the Seth Rich laptop, after saying it did not…but wont release computer files for 66 years.

High level DNC campaign worker is murdered just months before an election, after a leak of damning information harming the D candidate, with no known motive for the murder. Yet FBI and DC police lie initially, calling it a botched robbery. Still no one has been charged and the case is shelved. Then FBI refuses to release evidence to the public for 66 years.

All just standard stuff. Nothing wrong here.
It was and always will be a botched robbery.

Your “evidence” that it wasn’t is that cops “lied” about it saying it was a botched robbery?

Dude… that’s insane
It was and always will be a botched robbery.

Your “evidence” that it wasn’t is that cops “lied” about it saying it was a botched robbery?

Dude… that’s insane

Why don't you think that botched robberies should be investigated? Particularly when the police arrive on the scene while the corpus is still warm?

Aren't you concerned that these thieves didn't get what they wanted, and will do the same with other unarmed people on the street- so its imperative that these murderers get caught?

Or do you and the FBI know that just isn't true, and since the incriminating laptop is in their possession and the snitch is silenced, the public has nothing to worry about from these alleged "botched robbers"?
If I recall correctly, Seth Rich did not die right away but after about an hour in the hospital. He was shot at like 4:30 in the morning after spending time in a bar which closed at 1:30 a.m. I have no idea where he was or what he was doing before he apparently was accosted hours later, fought, was shot in the back and abandoned. This was not an obvious “hit man” job, and could easily have been a robbery gone wrong, where some asshole criminals panicked after killing a victim. Police were there in a matter of minutes so a killer / robber fleeing immediately after an unplanned shooting is reasonable.

The family sued FOX successfully getting a 7 figure award for them spreading conspiratorial stories without evidence. They did not oppose an official investigation, which the police (not FBI) took charge of as was normal in cases like this. The family may even have their own personal reasons to oppose the public looking into their son’s personal life and computer files.

I certainly cannot prove what happened … one way or the other. But those who insist this was a “DNC assassination” of one of their own have no evidence at this point, outside of their imagination and conspiracy weaving.

I don’t trust the FBI, the CIA, or the DNC at all. But then I also don’t trust crazy right wing conspiracists who have convinced themselves there is more here than a robbery gone wrong.
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If I recall correctly, Seth Richards did not die right away but after about an hour in the hospital. He was shot at like 4:30 in the morning after spending time in a bar which closed at 1:30 a.m. I have no idea where he was or what he was doing before he apparently was accosted at that hour, fought, was shot in the back and abandoned. This was not an obvious “hit man” job, and could easily have been a robbery gone wrong, where some asshole criminals panicked after killing a victim. Police were there in a matter of minutes so the killer(s)/ robbers fleeing after an unplanned shooting is reasonable. The family sued FOX successfully getting a 7 figure award for spreading conspiratorial stories without evidence. They did not oppose an investigation, which the police (not FBI) took charge of as was normal in cases like this. The family certainly may have personal reasons to oppose others looking into their son’s personal computer and life.

I certainly cannot prove what happened one way or another. But those who insist this was a DNC assassination of one of their own have no evidence at this point, outside of their imagination and conspiracy weaving.

I don’t trust the FBI, the CIA, or the DNC at all. But then I also don’t trust crazy right wing conspiracists who have convinced themselves there is more here than a robbery gone wrong.

Hard to claim Seth Rich 'fought' his murderer when he was shot in the back twice and no real investigation was conducted.

Hard to say it was a robbery when nothing was stolen.

Hard to definitively declare a motive when the FBI refuses to release the contents of the laptop ... for another 66 years.
If I recall correctly, Seth Rich did not die right away but after about an hour in the hospital. He was shot at like 4:30 in the morning after spending time in a bar which closed at 1:30 a.m. I have no idea where he was or what he was doing before he apparently was accosted hours later, fought, was shot in the back and abandoned. This was not an obvious “hit man” job, and could easily have been a robbery gone wrong, where some asshole criminals panicked after killing a victim. Police were there in a matter of minutes so a killer / robber fleeing immediately after an unplanned shooting is reasonable.

The family sued FOX successfully getting a 7 figure award for them spreading conspiratorial stories without evidence. They did not oppose an official investigation, which the police (not FBI) took charge of as was normal in cases like this. The family may even have their own personal reasons to oppose the public looking into their son’s personal life and computer files.

I certainly cannot prove what happened … one way or the other. But those who insist this was a “DNC assassination” of one of their own have no evidence at this point, outside of their imagination and conspiracy weaving.

I don’t trust the FBI, the CIA, or the DNC at all. But then I also don’t trust crazy right wing conspiracists who have convinced themselves there is more here than a robbery gone wrong.

If the family is really interested in investigating their son's death, they sure don't look like it.

The FBI doesn't look like they even have a lead and are unwilling to look for any.
Don't you just love it when public servants & those that took an oath to uphold the Constitution decide We the People aren't important/smart enough to handle the truth?
Hiding it doesn't make it go away but it does make more people pay attention.

DC, INC is a house of cards that is only held together by illusions of legitimacy & consensus.
When that veil is lifted, the whole thing crashes.

Rich was an honest Democrat who succeeded in partially lifting that veil & he paid the ultimate price for doing so.
He got further than most when attempting to do the right thing in the swamp.

Look at the source. It's crap.
It was and always will be a botched robbery.

Your “evidence” that it wasn’t is that cops “lied” about it saying it was a botched robbery?

Dude… that’s insane
You execute a guy to steal from him, but you somehow fail to even take his wallet or watch or anything. Sure that works as long as you ignore all the other evidence.
If I recall correctly, Seth Rich did not die right away but after about an hour in the hospital. He was shot at like 4:30 in the morning after spending time in a bar which closed at 1:30 a.m. I have no idea where he was or what he was doing before he apparently was accosted hours later, fought, was shot in the back and abandoned. This was not an obvious “hit man” job, and could easily have been a robbery gone wrong, where some asshole criminals panicked after killing a victim. Police were there in a matter of minutes so a killer / robber fleeing immediately after an unplanned shooting is reasonable.

The family sued FOX successfully getting a 7 figure award for them spreading conspiratorial stories without evidence. They did not oppose an official investigation, which the police (not FBI) took charge of as was normal in cases like this. The family may even have their own personal reasons to oppose the public looking into their son’s personal life and computer files.

I certainly cannot prove what happened … one way or the other. But those who insist this was a “DNC assassination” of one of their own have no evidence at this point, outside of their imagination and conspiracy weaving.

I don’t trust the FBI, the CIA, or the DNC at all. But then I also don’t trust crazy right wing conspiracists who have convinced themselves there is more here than a robbery gone wrong.
Conversely, claiming there is nothing inappropriate here and discounting any nefarious motives, is just as dumb.

Who here has claimed with certainty it was a DNC hit?
He never does. I suspect it’s a troll bot sent by Twitter before Elon.

These conspiracy theories kill your brain cells.

These conspiracy theories kill your brain cells.

You don’t have any brain cells. You’re a bot.
Why don't you think that botched robberies should be investigated? Particularly when the police arrive on the scene while the corpus is still warm?

Aren't you concerned that these thieves didn't get what they wanted, and will do the same with other unarmed people on the street- so its imperative that these murderers get caught?

Or do you and the FBI know that just isn't true, and since the incriminating laptop is in their possession and the snitch is silenced, the public has nothing to worry about from these alleged "botched robbers"?

You get your news from Gateway Pundit.
What choice do the FBI have here?

Mr. Rich's parents are suing anyone in sight who has the impunity of actually trying to solve their son's death.

They are more than satisfied that it was just a botched robbery where the criminals forgot to take anything, and it should never be solved as the shooters actually didn't profit from the event.

That's their story.

The FBI is keeping the laptop in safe keeping so that no one official actually looks into this alleged homicide again- at least for 66 more years.
Its only copies of Seth laptop.... Someone has the original files and laptops, and it is not the fbi....so, perhaps other means are available?

Just out of curiosity, for what purpose would the DNC or Clinton have to assassinate Seth Rich for hacking in to the DNC email records? What purpose would it serve? What benefit would have warranted that...? Seriously....
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The parents don't want the files of their son released. That is from your article....
I know. I read it.
He was never a criminal investigated by law enforcement, he was a murder victim.
I know. I never suggested he was a criminal. What either of your first two bullet points has to do with the FBI response to the FOIL request is unstated and unclear.
The FBI does not have his lap top. They have files from his lap top that were sent to them.... The article did not say by whom?
I believe I said that.
The FBI asked to release 500 pages a month... This was 6 weeks ago, according to your article...
I believe I said that, too.
And the article lacked in journalistic standards imho.
That’s ok. You’re entitled to your opinion. Although it’s neither here nor there.
At the end where it mentioned the GRU, it should have reported the evidence and proof the FBI had that the try did it.
English is really preferable.
Seth Rich was dead, when Clinton campaign manager John Podesta was hacked....
In addition to that, Seth did not have access to the Clinton campaign or Podesta files, Seth worked for the DNC.
I know. But thanks for noting it. For whatever reason.
Also, why would Clinton or the DNC murder him days before their convention? For what purpose? To bring ALL OF THE ATTENTION to themselves as assasins? :rofl: please think.
You should give some consideration to that whole “thinking” thing.
I know. I read it.

I know. I never suggested he was a criminal. What either of your first two bullet points has to do with the FBI response to the FOIL request is unstated and unclear.

I believe I said that.

I believe I said that, too.

That’s ok. You’re entitled to your opinion. Although it’s neither here nor there.

English is really preferable.


I know. But thanks for noting it. For whatever reason.

You should give some consideration to that whole “thinking” thing.
So what is your take on Seth Rich, and why are we still talking about this right wing conspiracy that was made up out of thin air, 6 and a half years later? Do you actually believe Seth stole the dnc and Clinton campaign emails, after he was dead, and not the traced and tracked GRU, with Gucifer2 passing it on to wikileaks and Roger Stone?
So what is your take on Seth Rich, and why are we still talking about this right wing conspiracy that was made up out of thin air,
I don’t share your biased presumptions.
6 and a half years later?
There’s no statute of limitations on murder.
Do you actually believe Seth stole the dnc and Clinton campaign emails, after he was dead,
I don’t believe the murdered victim did anything after his death.
and not the traced and tracked GRU, with Gucifer2 passing it on to wikileaks and Roger Stone?
I believe that you shouldn’t blindly accept everything you read.

You’re showing a lot of concern about a case you supposedly consider to be beneath further notice.
Why don't you think that botched robberies should be investigated? Particularly when the police arrive on the scene while the corpus is still warm?

Aren't you concerned that these thieves didn't get what they wanted, and will do the same with other unarmed people on the street- so its imperative that these murderers get caught?

Or do you and the FBI know that just isn't true, and since the incriminating laptop is in their possession and the snitch is silenced, the public has nothing to worry about from these alleged "botched robbers"?
Who says it wasn't investigated?

Many murders go unsolved.

And murder is not an FBI concern dumbass

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