FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

Hey, I was vehemently opposed to the Patriot Act. The FBI investigation has nothing to do with that Act. It has to do with Trump's conduct. Unlike you and others like you, I will not look the other way if there is reasonable suspicion that fhe COC is compromised.
And now you're all for it, if it gets Trump....FISA was abused to spy on him and you don't GAF....You're an intellectually bankrupt little hack.
Are you that dense you can't understand my simple point. It went so far over your head, you will need to contact SETI to grasp it.
FY, hack.
osted on this thread. The evidence that has been provided leaves no wiggle room for Trump do get out of. There simply is no where for him to go. When you get caught lying about private polling data that Manafort provided to Russia on behalf of Trump to his benefit in the election, there simply is no where for Trump to go. It proves the illegality of this election. And nothing you can find legally can change that.
The fact that the FBI was alarmed enough to open an investigation into the Trump national security threat may not be evidence in itself, though I suspect there is much that has not been released, it should be enough for any person that values country over party or person to question their support for this individual. Trump's pre- and post election conduct and statements is more than enough evidence to raise reasonable suspicion of Trump's motives. At least to rational actors.
Show the damn evidence. Everything else has been leaked, but the evidence.
Seems from your post that the bar just can't get any lower for reasonable suspicion. At least to rational actors
It's already been posted on this thread. The evidence that has been provided leaves no wiggle room for Trump to get out of. There simply is no where for him to go. When you get caught lying about private polling data that Manafort provided to Russia on behalf of Trump to his benefit in the election, there simply is no where for Trump to go. It proves the illegality of this election. And nothing you can find legally can change that.
Show where Trump is guilty in the eyes of the law of anything, go ahead, do it.
Please don't give me Stormy Daniels
I already did with the links I posted. You just can't deal with reality.
The mods advised me that I posted it five times. If you aren't lazy, you'll find it for yourself.
osted on this thread. The evidence that has been provided leaves no wiggle room for Trump do get out of. There simply is no where for him to go. When you get caught lying about private polling data that Manafort provided to Russia on behalf of Trump to his benefit in the election, there simply is no where for Trump to go. It proves the illegality of this election. And nothing you can find legally can change that.
Show the damn evidence. Everything else has been leaked, but the evidence.
Seems from your post that the bar just can't get any lower for reasonable suspicion. At least to rational actors
It's already been posted on this thread. The evidence that has been provided leaves no wiggle room for Trump to get out of. There simply is no where for him to go. When you get caught lying about private polling data that Manafort provided to Russia on behalf of Trump to his benefit in the election, there simply is no where for Trump to go. It proves the illegality of this election. And nothing you can find legally can change that.
Show where Trump is guilty in the eyes of the law of anything, go ahead, do it.
Please don't give me Stormy Daniels
I already did with the links I posted. You just can't deal with reality.
The mods advised me that I posted it five times. If you aren't lazy, you'll find it for yourself.
And that didn't show evidence. It was an opinion, not evidence.
Hardly, it was based on what Trump said, i.e. that he wanted the Russia investigation stopped. That changed the dynamic from simple collusion during the election to the protection of a rival power by an elected official who's supposed to be protecting us.
Komrade, you are so full of shit, they can smell you at the N.Y. Simes.....These political operatives leading the FBI should be tried for treason. Their job at the FBI is not to run a coup against the sitting president based on ridiculous rumors. They should be tried and hanged. Starting with Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller.
Not rumors, that's the REAL fake news. It was based on Trump's own words. Read some factual accounts of what happened, instead of spreading conspiracy theories.
Link let's see who reported it!
Rubbish and trash. This is the new right-wing talking point as it is the second thread on this topic. Anything to avoid the fact that Trump was considered a national security threat. Pitiful.

Being considered a "National Security Threat" by the Obama/Clinton Crime Cartel is a high compliment. But, it was illegal and some people need to be tried for Sedition and perhaps Treason.
Hey, I was vehemently opposed to the Patriot Act. The FBI investigation has nothing to do with that Act. It has to do with Trump's conduct. Unlike you and others like you, I will not look the other way if there is reasonable suspicion that fhe COC is compromised.
And now you're all for it, if it gets Trump....FISA was abused to spy on him and you don't GAF....You're an intellectually bankrupt, wormy little hack.
There was/is no evidence of FISA abuse. That is old news where nothing was found. You are lying.
osted on this thread. The evidence that has been provided leaves no wiggle room for Trump do get out of. There simply is no where for him to go. When you get caught lying about private polling data that Manafort provided to Russia on behalf of Trump to his benefit in the election, there simply is no where for Trump to go. It proves the illegality of this election. And nothing you can find legally can change that.
It's already been posted on this thread. The evidence that has been provided leaves no wiggle room for Trump to get out of. There simply is no where for him to go. When you get caught lying about private polling data that Manafort provided to Russia on behalf of Trump to his benefit in the election, there simply is no where for Trump to go. It proves the illegality of this election. And nothing you can find legally can change that.
Show where Trump is guilty in the eyes of the law of anything, go ahead, do it.
Please don't give me Stormy Daniels
I already did with the links I posted. You just can't deal with reality.
The mods advised me that I posted it five times. If you aren't lazy, you'll find it for yourself.
And that didn't show evidence. It was an opinion, not evidence.
There is no such thing as evidence of lying being an opinion. Manafort's lawyers did not contest the claim, erasing any possibility of this being an opinion. Get a clue.
Hey, I was vehemently opposed to the Patriot Act. The FBI investigation has nothing to do with that Act. It has to do with Trump's conduct. Unlike you and others like you, I will not look the other way if there is reasonable suspicion that fhe COC is compromised.
And now you're all for it, if it gets Trump....FISA was abused to spy on him and you don't GAF....You're an intellectually bankrupt, wormy little hack.
There was/is no evidence of FISA abuse. That is old news where nothing was found. You are lying.
Devin Nunes says ex-top FBI lawyer's testimony is 'absolute proof' of FISA abuse
Washington Examiner

Oct 7, 2018 · "So you want your the evidence of FISA abuse? ... The ex-top lawyer at the FBI, James Baker, told congressional investigators last ...
Hey, I was vehemently opposed to the Patriot Act. The FBI investigation has nothing to do with that Act. It has to do with Trump's conduct. Unlike you and others like you, I will not look the other way if there is reasonable suspicion that fhe COC is compromised.
And now you're all for it, if it gets Trump....FISA was abused to spy on him and you don't GAF....You're an intellectually bankrupt, wormy little hack.
There was/is no evidence of FISA abuse. That is old news where nothing was found. You are lying.
Devin Nunes says ex-top FBI lawyer's testimony is 'absolute proof' of FISA abuse
Washington Examiner

Oct 7, 2018 · "So you want your the evidence of FISA abuse? ... The ex-top lawyer at the FBI, James Baker, told congressional investigators last ...
Like I said, they don't GAF about police state abuses, as long as they get Trump or anyone else who gets in their way.

As always, the ends justify the means....The notion that the democrats are the party of civil liberties is dead, dead, dead.
Hey, I was vehemently opposed to the Patriot Act. The FBI investigation has nothing to do with that Act. It has to do with Trump's conduct. Unlike you and others like you, I will not look the other way if there is reasonable suspicion that fhe COC is compromised.
And now you're all for it, if it gets Trump....FISA was abused to spy on him and you don't GAF....You're an intellectually bankrupt, wormy little hack.
There was/is no evidence of FISA abuse. That is old news where nothing was found. You are lying.
Devin Nunes says ex-top FBI lawyer's testimony is 'absolute proof' of FISA abuse
Washington Examiner

Oct 7, 2018 · "So you want your the evidence of FISA abuse? ... The ex-top lawyer at the FBI, James Baker, told congressional investigators last ...
That claim by Nunes was blown away by Trump to let DOJ look into it. The fact that Nunes got caught making up stories about the investigation from the beginning, put Nunes in the safe space he needed to go to. Which was out of mind, out of body, and out of the building. Nunes blew his chance at being credible when he went and concocted a make believe story. This is what Republicans in Congress do best.
HIGH TREASON: NY Times Reveals Formation of Active FBI Coup Against President Trump

On Friday The New York Times [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/11/u...-inquiry.html] published the latest Deep State leak that the FBI investigated US President Trump after he fired crooked Director James Comey.... The liberal media wants you to believe TRUMP is a foreign spy and that crooked James Comey is a hero.... The report reveals the Deep State FBI opened an investigation on President Trump after he fired James Comey in March 2017. The investigation was launched based on unverified rumors.... The New York Times admitted in their report that there is no evidence that the Trump campaign EVER had any contact with Russian government officials. The New York Times buried this nugget in the 9th paragraph in their sensational report....“No evidence has emerged publicly that Mr. Trump was secretly in contact with or took direction from Russian government officials.” These political operatives leading the FBI should be tried for treason. Their job at the FBI is not to run a coup against the sitting president based on ridiculous rumors. They should be tried and hanged.... What they did is no different than some coup d’état in a banana republic. It’s time to shut down the FBI.

I don't believe any of this is going to come out. It's like the lies about the JFK assassination. All right thinking people will agree to continue the lie because to admit that the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats led by LBJ and conspirators in the CIA and FBI murdered the president of the United States would have toppled the system. Sure Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK. He was the patsy in all this.
It's sad day when the highest levels of our law enforcement officials are found to be seditious criminals.
Meanwhile Obama's "legacy" will be protected to the bitter, bitter end by the same cabal.

So, what are the main details of this claimed 'coup?'

I haven't heard about anyone attempting to remove Trump from office so, please fill US in on the main points.

AS A SIDE NOTE: we do have a CT section; that's where the thread belongs, IMO.
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Hey, I was vehemently opposed to the Patriot Act. The FBI investigation has nothing to do with that Act. It has to do with Trump's conduct. Unlike you and others like you, I will not look the other way if there is reasonable suspicion that fhe COC is compromised.
And now you're all for it, if it gets Trump....FISA was abused to spy on him and you don't GAF....You're an intellectually bankrupt, wormy little hack.
There was/is no evidence of FISA abuse. That is old news where nothing was found. You are lying.
Devin Nunes says ex-top FBI lawyer's testimony is 'absolute proof' of FISA abuse
Washington Examiner

Oct 7, 2018 · "So you want your the evidence of FISA abuse? ... The ex-top lawyer at the FBI, James Baker, told congressional investigators last ...
Like I said, they don't GAF about police state abuses, as long as they get Trump or anyone else who gets in their way.

As always, the ends justify the means....The notion that the democrats are the party of civil liberties is dead, dead, dead.
Your ranting isn't going to change what the law already has on Trump. And it is a lot. Trump will get Trump. Not some non-existent police state.
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Hey, I was vehemently opposed to the Patriot Act. The FBI investigation has nothing to do with that Act. It has to do with Trump's conduct. Unlike you and others like you, I will not look the other way if there is reasonable suspicion that fhe COC is compromised.
And now you're all for it, if it gets Trump....FISA was abused to spy on him and you don't GAF....You're an intellectually bankrupt, wormy little hack.
There was/is no evidence of FISA abuse. That is old news where nothing was found. You are lying.
Devin Nunes says ex-top FBI lawyer's testimony is 'absolute proof' of FISA abuse
Washington Examiner

Oct 7, 2018 · "So you want your the evidence of FISA abuse? ... The ex-top lawyer at the FBI, James Baker, told congressional investigators last ...
Like I said, they don't GAF about police state abuses, as long as they get Trump or anyone else who gets in their way.

As always, the ends justify the means....The notion that the democrats are the party of civil liberties is dead, dead, dead.
Your ranting isn't going to change what the law already has on Trump. And it is a lot.
A lot of nothing....If there was anything of substance, one of Muller's goon squad would have leaked something to their dutiful little toadies in the media...You chumps don't have so much as a popcorn fart, and you know it.

None of which changes the fact that you're 100% behind the police state, NSA spying, abuses of FISA and the Patriot Act, and any other means -legal or not- to get one man....What short-sighted and pathetic little fools you are.

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