FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

A lot of nothing....If there was anything of substance, one of Muller's goon squad would have leaked something to their dutiful little toadies in the media...You chumps don't have so much as a popcorn fart, and you know it.

IMO they did have good reason to investigate.

Are you really that stupid?

Yes they are
IOW, you two schmucks have nothing but opinions and recriminations of those who question them...Not evidence of anything, by any stretch.

that is all the OP has.

according to multiple press reports the FBI initiated an investigation after The Giant Orange Anus fired Comey & then told the RUSSIANS why he fired Comey.
WHY in Hell would The Giant Orange Anus have any reason whatsoever to discuss any of that with ANY Russians, in The White House?

IMO that is enuff of a reason to investigate.

Fvck Trump ......... he is a dumb azz if for nothing more than running his bloated fvcking mouth, 24/7 ............
If there was anything of substance, one of Muller's goon squad would have leaked something to their dutiful little toadies in the media..
Hahaha....the Trump cultists' last, best hope....a fantasy.....
Another happy head, shoved up the ass of the police state.

I bet Meuller's colon smells like a pine forest in springtime, huh
Mueller doesn't leak. It's not in his job description. And none of your claims are based in fact or proof. You are a hate raged liar, who is naked as a Jay bird to make any sort of intelligent rebuttals to any of these claims of yours. If you had any argument, you and your hood rat Republicans you voted for wouldn't be sitting at the back of the bus by letting the real truth get in front of them. Face it, facts and the truth have kicked your ass.
Got-dammit are you one naive sumbitch!...One of the top traits of partisan hacks everywhere.

And you wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in your tiny little nut sack. :auiqs.jpg:
I think you are the one that is the partisan hack. Prosecutors hate leaks because it makes there job more difficult.
I hope someone reads this sentence besides me. Duh! Of course they do not want to "make their job more difficult" you idiot.
The more information that is available to the public, the easier it is for the defense to argue that their client can't have an impartial jury.
It is also very easy to spoliate that evidence to taint it in a way to obstruct the investigation. Don't you know any damn thing? This is exactly what Trump and his Republican hood rats have been trying to do.
LOL BWK I was actually adding arguments to your points.
A response that doesn't make any sense is always the best distraction the Right can offer.
Again not right wing. I was pointing out that the assertion that Mueller would leak is bogus, precisely because it's against their interest. Can I ask, are you really that hard up to attack people that disagree, or seemingly even those that agree with you?
Hey, I was vehemently opposed to the Patriot Act. The FBI investigation has nothing to do with that Act. It has to do with Trump's conduct. Unlike you and others like you, I will not look the other way if there is reasonable suspicion that fhe COC is compromised.
And now you're all for it, if it gets Trump....FISA was abused to spy on him and you don't GAF....You're an intellectually bankrupt, wormy little hack.
There was/is no evidence of FISA abuse. That is old news where nothing was found. You are lying.
Devin Nunes says ex-top FBI lawyer's testimony is 'absolute proof' of FISA abuse
Washington Examiner

Oct 7, 2018 · "So you want your the evidence of FISA abuse? ... The ex-top lawyer at the FBI, James Baker, told congressional investigators last ...
Devin Nunes, the castrated white house spy? Who cares what he thinks?
Exactly! They used him up like a wet rag and got nothing but humiliation, exposed lies, and obstruction. He should be in jail for his criminal behavior. He took an oath. What a piece of shit he is.
Again not right wing. I was pointing out that the assertion that Mueller would leak is bogus, precisely because it's against their interest. Can I ask are you really that hard up to attack people that disagree, or seemingly even those that agree with you?
It's totally in his interest....His job is to obfuscate and distract the abuses of FISA, NSA spying, and the Patriot Act by his buddies in the FBI....Leaking juicy shit to his lackeys in the media would provide oodles of such cover.....But since he has neither jack nor shit, all he's left with is trying to squeeze a few peripheral characters to try and intimidate them into "composing" for him, which all of them have refused to do.
Got-dammit are you one naive sumbitch!...One of the top traits of partisan hacks everywhere.

And you wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in your tiny little nut sack. :auiqs.jpg:
I think you are the one that is the partisan hack. Prosecutors hate leaks because it makes there job more difficult.
I hope someone reads this sentence besides me. Duh! Of course they do not want to "make their job more difficult" you idiot.
The more information that is available to the public, the easier it is for the defense to argue that their client can't have an impartial jury.
It is also very easy to spoliate that evidence to taint it in a way to obstruct the investigation. Don't you know any damn thing? This is exactly what Trump and his Republican hood rats have been trying to do.
LOL BWK I was actually adding arguments to your points.
A response that doesn't make any sense is always the best distraction the Right can offer.
Again not right wing. I was pointing out that the assertion that Mueller would leak is bogus, precisely because it's against their interest. Can I ask, are you really that hard up to attack people that disagree, or seemingly even those that agree with you?
I take being called a "partisan hack" somewhat in disagreement with my views. Not sure how you see that as agreeing with me?
Again not right wing. I was pointing out that the assertion that Mueller would leak is bogus, precisely because it's against their interest. Can I ask are you really that hard up to attack people that disagree, or seemingly even those that agree with you?
It's totally in his interest....His job is to obfuscate and distract the abuses of FISA, NSA spying, and the Patriot Act by his buddies in the FBI....Leaking juicy shit to his lackeys in the media would provide oodles of such cover.....But since he has neither jack nor shit, all he's left with is trying to squeeze a few peripheral characters to try and intimidate them into "composing" for him, which all of them have refused to do.
According to who? You? There you go again with the lying and the made up facts. There is no such thing as doing things for his buddies. If it were true, you would have produced the proof. Stop being a cry baby and a sore loser. It's pathetic.
According to who? You? There you go again with the lying and the made up facts. There is no such thing as doing things for his buddies. If it were true, you would have produced the proof. Stop being a cry baby and a sore loser. It's pathetic.
You really have NFI about the incestuous relationships between Meuller, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Weissman, and the rest of that establishment Stasi goon squad, do you?

I'd bet you'd be all up on who those people are, and the stench of their long crooked history, if they were after a player for your team....But they're not, so you don't GAF.

As pointed out earlier; the ends justify the means....Democrats uber alles.
Investigating possible treason is itself an act of high treason? Smells like desperation in here.
It is when it's just a ruse to stage a coup against a lawfully elected President. The FBI had no basis for investigating Trump. None. There are regulations and procedures to be followed when they start investigating people. The can't do it just because they don't like Trump.

IMO they did have good reason to investigate.

Are you really that stupid?
Your opinion isn't worth jack shit.
I think you are the one that is the partisan hack. Prosecutors hate leaks because it makes there job more difficult.
I hope someone reads this sentence besides me. Duh! Of course they do not want to "make their job more difficult" you idiot.
The more information that is available to the public, the easier it is for the defense to argue that their client can't have an impartial jury.
It is also very easy to spoliate that evidence to taint it in a way to obstruct the investigation. Don't you know any damn thing? This is exactly what Trump and his Republican hood rats have been trying to do.
LOL BWK I was actually adding arguments to your points.
A response that doesn't make any sense is always the best distraction the Right can offer.
Again not right wing. I was pointing out that the assertion that Mueller would leak is bogus, precisely because it's against their interest. Can I ask, are you really that hard up to attack people that disagree, or seemingly even those that agree with you?
I take being called a "partisan hack" somewhat in disagreement with my views. Not sure how you see that as agreeing with me?
Since I wasn't the one calling you such, but rather me calling Oddball that, I was agreeing with you.
According to who? You? There you go again with the lying and the made up facts. There is no such thing as doing things for his buddies. If it were true, you would have produced the proof. Stop being a cry baby and a sore loser. It's pathetic.
You really have NFI about the incestuous relationships between Meuller, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Weissman, and the rest of that establishment Stasi goon squad, do you?

I'd bet you'd be all up on who those people are, and the stench of their long crooked history, if they were after a player for your team....But they're not, so you don't GAF.

As pointed out earlier; the ends justify the means....Democrats uber alles.
How does it feel odd one supporting a fn traitor like trump?? What does that make you??
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Rubbish and trash. This is the new right-wing talking point as it is the second thread on this topic. Anything to avoid the fact that Trump was considered a national security threat. Pitiful.
anything to think that he is.

rubbidh. :)
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According to who? You? There you go again with the lying and the made up facts. There is no such thing as doing things for his buddies. If it were true, you would have produced the proof. Stop being a cry baby and a sore loser. It's pathetic.
You really have NFI about the incestuous relationships between Meuller, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Weissman, and the rest of that establishment Stasi goon squad, do you?

I'd bet you'd be all up on who those people are, and the stench of their long crooked history, if they were after a player for your team....But they're not, so you don't GAF.

As pointed out earlier; the ends justify the means....Democrats uber alles.
And you produce nothing for verification. You are foaming at the keyboard with lies and hate. Post after post, you make yourself into an idiot by not backing up what you say. Do you enjoy it when someone like me systematically breaks you down into smaller and smaller pieces, totally dismantling your statements that look like empty egg shells?
How does it feel odd one supporting a fn traitor like trump?? What does that make you??
I'm in opposition to the police state, the Patriot Act, the sham that is the FISA star chamber, NSA spying, militarization of police, etcetera, just as I have always been....And you can ask anyone who knows me if that's true ....That my adherence to these principles lands me on the side of the Cheeto is incidental.

If anyone is a traitor, it's nattering jackasses like you, who throw civil liberties to the wind when it suits your perverted politics.
And you produce nothing for verification. You are foaming at the keyboard with lies and hate. Post after post, you make yourself into an idiot by not backing up what you say. Do you enjoy it when someone like me systematically breaks you down into smaller and smaller pieces, totally dismantling your statements that look like empty egg shells?
What would you accept as evidence?
I know that a lot of the posters on this board and some on this thread are actually Russian bots...but some on this thread are not and they will have to look themselves in the mirror when this is all over and ask themselves how they could be so stupid...so unpatriotic

THEY are going to have to live with this...I wouldn't want to be them

EDIT: Johnlaw can take a stab at this as well - another low IQ leftist spewing "Russia" bullshit.

I know that you are mentally unstable and filled with hatred for America and Americans.

The "Russian bots" shit is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Look, you're a democrat and a traitor because you're stupid. You lack the cognitive skill requisite to grasp even simple concepts.

Even so, the first time I saw the party float a trial balloon that Hillary lost, despite the rigging of the election by Barack Mugabe, because "Russians posted memes on fascistbook," I laughed and thought "even democrats aren't stupid enough to buy that shit."

But here you are.

Seriously leach, explain this. In the broccoli stalk that processes the rudimentary commands that substitute for thought with you, do you imagine that "Russians" who were your friends and allies for decades, but abandoned Communism and are now enemies of the party, put up memes and people saw them, then they were powerless to do anything but vote for Trump? Is that really the story you sheep have been trained to believe? "4 legs good, Russian memes bad, bahh, bahhhh"

That's not the way Russian interference would work. If someone wanted to get the Russians involved, they would fly to Moscow and ask them to attack, the way Teddy Kennedy did in 1984. Open and outright treason, but you Stalinists love him for it. But memes? Yes I get that you are truly that dumb..

"On 9-10 May of this year," the May 14 memorandum explained, "Sen. Edward Kennedy's close friend and trusted confidant [John] Tunney was in Moscow." (Tunney was Kennedy's law school roommate and a former Democratic senator from California.) "The senator charged Tunney to convey the following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov."

Kennedy's message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. "The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations," the memorandum stated. "These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign."

Kennedy made Andropov a couple of specific offers.

First he offered to visit Moscow. "The main purpose of the meeting, according to the senator, would be to arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA." Kennedy would help the Soviets deal with Reagan by telling them how to brush up their propaganda.

Then he offered to make it possible for Andropov to sit down for a few interviews on American television. "A direct appeal ... to the American people will, without a doubt, attract a great deal of attention and interest in the country. ... If the proposal is recognized as worthy, then Kennedy and his friends will bring about suitable steps to have representatives of the largest television companies in the USA contact Y.V. Andropov for an invitation to Moscow for the interviews. ... The senator underlined the importance that this initiative should be seen as coming from the American side."}

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit

You democrats have always been fucking traitors.
Did we meet in an hotel room to discuss how to tear hill down with russian spies like jr did with drumph knowledge?

No, you fucking flew to Moscow and asked that they go to war with us, you fucking traitor.

Or do you mean Mugabe? Queer Barry had his CIA recruit foreign spy Christopher Steele to work with Russia to fabricate dirt on Trump, which the corrupt FBI paid Steel for and then used to try and alter the 2016 election.

Do you deny any of that, traitor? It's all documented fact. WE know that Barry Mugabe Obama was involved because the texts between traitor Peter Strzok and traitor Lisa Page put it in their texts that he did.

Just who started the research? Certainly not Clinton.

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

Are you STILL lying about the Washington Free Beacon, even after being corrected DOZENS of times.

You Stalinists are pathological sociopaths.
I hope someone reads this sentence besides me. Duh! Of course they do not want to "make their job more difficult" you idiot. It is also very easy to spoliate that evidence to taint it in a way to obstruct the investigation. Don't you know any damn thing? This is exactly what Trump and his Republican hood rats have been trying to do.
LOL BWK I was actually adding arguments to your points.
A response that doesn't make any sense is always the best distraction the Right can offer.
Again not right wing. I was pointing out that the assertion that Mueller would leak is bogus, precisely because it's against their interest. Can I ask, are you really that hard up to attack people that disagree, or seemingly even those that agree with you?
I take being called a "partisan hack" somewhat in disagreement with my views. Not sure how you see that as agreeing with me?
Since I wasn't the one calling you such, but rather me calling Oddball that, I was agreeing with you.
Okay, got it. My apologies, It gets confusing sometimes. I'll try and be more alert to that next time.
LOL BWK I was actually adding arguments to your points.
A response that doesn't make any sense is always the best distraction the Right can offer.
Again not right wing. I was pointing out that the assertion that Mueller would leak is bogus, precisely because it's against their interest. Can I ask, are you really that hard up to attack people that disagree, or seemingly even those that agree with you?
I take being called a "partisan hack" somewhat in disagreement with my views. Not sure how you see that as agreeing with me?
Since I wasn't the one calling you such, but rather me calling Oddball that, I was agreeing with you.
Okay, got it. My apologies, It gets confusing sometimes. I'll try and be more alert to that next time.
No problem it's happened to me before to.
And you produce nothing for verification. You are foaming at the keyboard with lies and hate. Post after post, you make yourself into an idiot by not backing up what you say. Do you enjoy it when someone like me systematically breaks you down into smaller and smaller pieces, totally dismantling your statements that look like empty egg shells?
What would you accept as evidence?

Don't waste your breath.
And you produce nothing for verification. You are foaming at the keyboard with lies and hate. Post after post, you make yourself into an idiot by not backing up what you say. Do you enjoy it when someone like me systematically breaks you down into smaller and smaller pieces, totally dismantling your statements that look like empty egg shells?
What would you accept as evidence?

Don't waste your breath.
Oh, I want to hear it...I have my suspicions, but I want to hear what evidence that any of them would accept, which would show to them what corrupt slime that their Stasi heroes are.

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