FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

And now you're all for it, if it gets Trump....FISA was abused to spy on him and you don't GAF....You're an intellectually bankrupt, wormy little hack.
There was/is no evidence of FISA abuse. That is old news where nothing was found. You are lying.
Devin Nunes says ex-top FBI lawyer's testimony is 'absolute proof' of FISA abuse
Washington Examiner

Oct 7, 2018 · "So you want your the evidence of FISA abuse? ... The ex-top lawyer at the FBI, James Baker, told congressional investigators last ...
Like I said, they don't GAF about police state abuses, as long as they get Trump or anyone else who gets in their way.

As always, the ends justify the means....The notion that the democrats are the party of civil liberties is dead, dead, dead.
Your ranting isn't going to change what the law already has on Trump. And it is a lot.
A lot of nothing....If there was anything of substance, one of Muller's goon squad would have leaked something to their dutiful little toadies in the media...You chumps don't have so much as a popcorn fart, and you know it.

None of which changes the fact that you're 100% behind the police state, NSA spying, abuses of FISA and the Patriot Act, and any other means -legal or not- to get one man....What short-sighted and pathetic little fools you are.
Mueller doesn't leak. It's not in his job description. And none of your claims are based in fact or proof. You are a hate raged liar, who is naked as a Jay bird to make any sort of intelligent rebuttals to any of these claims of yours. If you had any argument, you and your hood rat Republicans you voted for wouldn't be sitting at the back of the bus by letting the real truth get in front of them. Face it, facts and the truth have kicked your ass.
So a President doing something they have the legal constitutional authority to do fire an FBI director means they are working for the Russians wow seriously fucking wow.
No, firing the FBI director and then go on camera and say you did it because you didn't like an investigation into your campaign and ties to Russia implies that. Then inviting the Russian ambassador and a Russian journalist to the the oval office and no one else implies that. Then it coming out that during that meeting you GAVE the Russian code word level intelligence implies that. Happened within days from each other. Furthermore before that several people within the Trump campaign were already under investigation for Russian contacts and then apparently they got a hold of the original letter they wanted to send out for firing Comey, again saying that the Russian investigation was the reason.
Point out where any of that is illegal you might not like it it might be politically inept but not illegal. Better have the FBI get on this right away.
View attachment 239701
You were implying that the FBI investigating Trumps relationship to Russia was unwarranted. I explained why they did it. You now seem to want to move the goalpost to "yes they had reason but nothing he did was illegal." Kind of depends on the conclusion of the investigation don't you think? First, interfering in an investigation IS illegal. Something that is very easily argued because Trump confessed that he fired the head of the agency that was conducting that investigation exactly BECAUSE his agency was conducting that investigation.Second there are multiple statutes that might be applicable IF they would find that Trump indeed was a Russian asset. From something as benign as simple corruption, through money laundering, all the way to treason.
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Mueller doesn't leak. It's not in his job description. And none of your claims are based in fact or proof. You are a hate raged liar, who is naked as a Jay bird to make any sort of intelligent rebuttals to any of these claims of yours. If you had any argument, you and your hood rat Republicans you voted for wouldn't be sitting at the back of the bus by letting the real truth get in front of them. Face it, facts and the truth have kicked your ass.
Got-dammit are you one naive sumbitch!...One of the top traits of partisan hacks everywhere.

And you wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in your tiny little nut sack. :auiqs.jpg:
And it's important to realize that counter intel investigations are not predicated on illegal activity necessarily. They are predicated on someone acting in the interests of a foreign power.
Investigating possible treason is itself an act of high treason? Smells like desperation in here.
It is when it's just a ruse to stage a coup against a lawfully elected President. The FBI had no basis for investigating Trump. None. There are regulations and procedures to be followed when they start investigating people. The can't do it just because they don't like Trump.
Mueller doesn't leak. It's not in his job description. And none of your claims are based in fact or proof. You are a hate raged liar, who is naked as a Jay bird to make any sort of intelligent rebuttals to any of these claims of yours. If you had any argument, you and your hood rat Republicans you voted for wouldn't be sitting at the back of the bus by letting the real truth get in front of them. Face it, facts and the truth have kicked your ass.
Got-dammit are you one naive sumbitch!...One of the top traits of partisan hacks everywhere.

And you wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in your tiny little nut sack. :auiqs.jpg:
I think you are the one that is the partisan hack. Prosecutors hate leaks because it makes their job more difficult. The more information that is available to the public, the easier it is for the defense to argue that their client can't have an impartial jury.
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Investigating possible treason is itself an act of high treason? Smells like desperation in here.
It is when it's just a ruse to stage a coup against a lawfully elected President. The FBI had no basis for investigating Trump. None. There are regulations and procedures to be followed when they start investigating people. The can't do it just because they don't like Trump.

IMO they did have good reason to investigate.

Are you really that stupid?
Mueller doesn't leak. It's not in his job description. And none of your claims are based in fact or proof. You are a hate raged liar, who is naked as a Jay bird to make any sort of intelligent rebuttals to any of these claims of yours. If you had any argument, you and your hood rat Republicans you voted for wouldn't be sitting at the back of the bus by letting the real truth get in front of them. Face it, facts and the truth have kicked your ass.
Got-dammit are you one naive sumbitch!...One of the top traits of partisan hacks everywhere.

And you wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in your tiny little nut sack. :auiqs.jpg:
Your posts are the gifts that keep on giving. Your claims still go no where, because you are a liar for one, and the claims can't be proven. Which is why you haven't proven them. Your own posts speak for the bankrupt abilities absent of any rebuttals to defend your points.
I think you are the one that is the partisan hack. Prosecutors hate leaks because it makes there job more difficult. The more information that is available to the public, the easier it is for the defense to argue that their client can't have an impartial jury.
Yeah, right...Just keep your head shoved up the ass of the police state...The ends justify the means, rube.
Your posts are the gifts that keep on giving. Your claims still go no where, because you are a liar for one, and the claims can't be proven. Which is why you haven't proven them. Your own posts speak for the bankrupt abilities absent of any rebuttals to defend your points.
Just listen to who is saying someone else's claims can't be proven....We've gone nearly two years, and you freaks have exactly two things: jack & shit......That and "any day now....any day now....any day now...." :auiqs.jpg:

I think you are the one that is the partisan hack. Prosecutors hate leaks because it makes there job more difficult. The more information that is available to the public, the easier it is for the defense to argue that their client can't have an impartial jury.
Yeah, right...Just keep your head shoved up the ass of the police state...The ends justify the means, rube.
Oddball, insulting a person and calling them names tells me one thing. Guess what ...... It's not, "I'm talking to a stable genius who has lots of interesting things to say."
Mueller doesn't leak. It's not in his job description. And none of your claims are based in fact or proof. You are a hate raged liar, who is naked as a Jay bird to make any sort of intelligent rebuttals to any of these claims of yours. If you had any argument, you and your hood rat Republicans you voted for wouldn't be sitting at the back of the bus by letting the real truth get in front of them. Face it, facts and the truth have kicked your ass.
Got-dammit are you one naive sumbitch!...One of the top traits of partisan hacks everywhere.

And you wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in your tiny little nut sack. :auiqs.jpg:
I think you are the one that is the partisan hack. Prosecutors hate leaks because it makes there job more difficult.
I hope someone reads this sentence besides me. Duh! Of course they do not want to "make their job more difficult" you idiot.
The more information that is available to the public, the easier it is for the defense to argue that their client can't have an impartial jury.
It is also very easy to spoliate that evidence to taint it in a way to obstruct the investigation. Don't you know any damn thing? This is exactly what Trump and his Republican hood rats have been trying to do.
A lot of nothing....If there was anything of substance, one of Muller's goon squad would have leaked something to their dutiful little toadies in the media...You chumps don't have so much as a popcorn fart, and you know it.

IMO they did have good reason to investigate.

Are you really that stupid?

Yes they are
Mueller doesn't leak. It's not in his job description. And none of your claims are based in fact or proof. You are a hate raged liar, who is naked as a Jay bird to make any sort of intelligent rebuttals to any of these claims of yours. If you had any argument, you and your hood rat Republicans you voted for wouldn't be sitting at the back of the bus by letting the real truth get in front of them. Face it, facts and the truth have kicked your ass.
Got-dammit are you one naive sumbitch!...One of the top traits of partisan hacks everywhere.

And you wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in your tiny little nut sack. :auiqs.jpg:
I think you are the one that is the partisan hack. Prosecutors hate leaks because it makes their job more difficult.
I hope someone reads this sentence besides me. Duh! Of course they do not want to "make their job more difficult" you idiot.
The more information that is available to the public, the easier it is for the defense to argue that their client can't have an impartial jury.
It is also very easy to spoliate that evidence to taint it in a way to obstruct the investigation. Don't you know any damn thing? This is exactly what Trump and his Republican hood rats have been trying to do.
LOL BWK I was actually adding arguments to your points.
Your posts are the gifts that keep on giving. Your claims still go no where, because you are a liar for one, and the claims can't be proven. Which is why you haven't proven them. Your own posts speak for the bankrupt abilities absent of any rebuttals to defend your points.
Just listen to who is saying someone else's claims can't be proven....We've gone nearly two years, and you freaks have exactly two things: jack & shit......That and "any day now....any day now....any day now...." :auiqs.jpg:

View attachment 239725
Poor thing! Ranting and crying like a baby because the lies, didn't help you or Trump, and the law and the truth buried you as well.

But ha, if it's any help, our thoughts and prayers are with you.
A lot of nothing....If there was anything of substance, one of Muller's goon squad would have leaked something to their dutiful little toadies in the media...You chumps don't have so much as a popcorn fart, and you know it.

IMO they did have good reason to investigate.

Are you really that stupid?

Yes they are
IOW, you two schmucks have nothing but opinions and recriminations of those who question them...Not evidence of anything, by any stretch.
So a President doing something they have the legal constitutional authority to do fire an FBI director means they are working for the Russians wow seriously fucking wow.
No, the article clearly states that it was his many other comments and actions that led to this.
Mueller doesn't leak. It's not in his job description. And none of your claims are based in fact or proof. You are a hate raged liar, who is naked as a Jay bird to make any sort of intelligent rebuttals to any of these claims of yours. If you had any argument, you and your hood rat Republicans you voted for wouldn't be sitting at the back of the bus by letting the real truth get in front of them. Face it, facts and the truth have kicked your ass.
Got-dammit are you one naive sumbitch!...One of the top traits of partisan hacks everywhere.

And you wouldn't know the truth if it kicked you in your tiny little nut sack. :auiqs.jpg:
I think you are the one that is the partisan hack. Prosecutors hate leaks because it makes there job more difficult.
I hope someone reads this sentence besides me. Duh! Of course they do not want to "make their job more difficult" you idiot.
The more information that is available to the public, the easier it is for the defense to argue that their client can't have an impartial jury.
It is also very easy to spoliate that evidence to taint it in a way to obstruct the investigation. Don't you know any damn thing? This is exactly what Trump and his Republican hood rats have been trying to do.
LOL BWK I was actually adding arguments to your points.
A response that doesn't make any sense is always the best distraction the Right can offer.
Hey, I was vehemently opposed to the Patriot Act. The FBI investigation has nothing to do with that Act. It has to do with Trump's conduct. Unlike you and others like you, I will not look the other way if there is reasonable suspicion that fhe COC is compromised.
And now you're all for it, if it gets Trump....FISA was abused to spy on him and you don't GAF....You're an intellectually bankrupt, wormy little hack.
There was/is no evidence of FISA abuse. That is old news where nothing was found. You are lying.
Devin Nunes says ex-top FBI lawyer's testimony is 'absolute proof' of FISA abuse
Washington Examiner

Oct 7, 2018 · "So you want your the evidence of FISA abuse? ... The ex-top lawyer at the FBI, James Baker, told congressional investigators last ...
Devin Nunes, the castrated white house spy? Who cares what he thinks?

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