FBI Raids Mar-A-Lago- Is Civil War the Dem Plan to Stop the Midterm Massacre?

I'm sure there will be scattered instances of right-wing terrorism, which every Trump cult fascist here will be cheering as they rub themselves. Why? Because they're violent unstable fascists.

But Civil War? No. They're much too cowardly. Plus, most of them actually know that they're lying themselves. They only lie because all the other cultists are lying, and because lying gives them a sick pervy tingle up the leg. Trump cult sexual deviant freaks literally get off on lying.

My weapons are purely defensive. But should the occasion ever arise that some left-wing jackwad wants to start murdering people, I won't hesitate to shoot the fucker twice in the chest and once in the face, and then go home and eat dinner with my family, like nothing ever happened.

Fuck around and find out.
My weapons are purely defensive. But should the occasion ever arise that some left-wing jackwad wants to start murdering people, I won't hesitate to shoot the fucker twice in the chest and once in the face, and then go home and eat dinner with my family, like nothing ever happened.

Fuck around and find out.
Clean off your keyboard now, perv boi.
The lower Progs go the lower the bar is set. We will see if the Repub congress will do the same things if elected in November. There are many Repub voters tired of their inactions when in power. Repub voters keep going to the well and we keep getting the old soft shoe. The men and women elected want to be in politics and have to step it up to get low.
You're assuming Trump is innocent. He did do what they accuse him of doing. They raided his place because they want to retrieve the stuff he took.

Remember you accused Clinton of this? He didn't do it but if he did and they raided his home, you'd love it.

Just like you loved seizing Hillary's laptop or phone and going thru her shit. Or Hunter's laptop. No difference. President shouldn't be above the law.

And it's insane you are making threats for political payback. Assuming this is political because it's an election year. Trump is a criminal and so far he's still your front runner. This is how Hitler rose to power. Your party has been taken over by the likes of you and Proud Boys.
If you were swallowing Trump's campaign lies, not you.

Remember candidate Trump, to sound different than the rest of the Republicans, and to appeal to guys like you, he said he would raise taxes on “some very wealthy” people, and he will eliminate or change “unfair deductions” that favor the wealthy.

Did he do that?
As a candidate, the one time I believed what he was saying was when he admitted Bush lied us into Iraq.
You're making shit up again. Provide links to Trump campaigning on raising taxes.
My weapons are purely defensive. But should the occasion ever arise that some left-wing jackwad wants to start murdering people, I won't hesitate to shoot the fucker twice in the chest and once in the face, and then go home and eat dinner with my family, like nothing ever happened.

Fuck around and find out.
These moves by the FBI are designed to get rightwingers to do that.
They made all kinds of reckless accusations last year about white supremacists....and now they're trying to create them.
Meanwhile black teens are going around big cities attacking everyone and these degenerate folks in Washington act like it's not happening.

You are a stupid son of a bitch. Up till 45 all Presidents have been allowed to have classified documents many of his personal writings that eventually would be declassified and used in the Presidential Libraries, but hey, all President Trump needs to do is point out the 33,000 classified documents that were on Hitlery' s Private server and Sandy Burgler who walked out on the Federal Record Center with classified documents in his socks.

Berger: It’s All About the Socks

Ah yes, Sandy Berger... caught with copies of archived documents. For which he was investigated and convicted.

Great example ya got there, Spunky.
My weapons are purely defensive. But should the occasion ever arise that some left-wing jackwad wants to start murdering people, I won't hesitate to shoot the fucker twice in the chest and once in the face, and then go home and eat dinner with my family, like nothing ever happened.

Fuck around and find out.
Another Billy Badass hiding behind his guns. The chances that you actually have a family are nil.
Donny is the first Pres to have the FBI raid his house. He sets the standard in everything he does.
Another Billy Badass hiding behind his guns. The chances that you actually have a family are nil.

Of course I have a family, Mr. Apartment Dweller.

As well as a three bedroom, two bath, two car garage on 100 acres of wooded land, with a spring-fed creek running through it, and 65 miles either way from a big city.

Enjoy your roaches and bedbugs.
You're making shit up again. Provide links to Trump campaigning on raising taxes.
He said it on 60 minutes as a candidate. I remember saying to myself "damn I like a lot of the shit this guy is saying"

I also liked it when he said out loud Bush lied us into Iraq. He said that on the campaign trail too.

Trump said a lot of things I liked. I just didn't fall for his bs. I knew he's a con man. And I'm not the type to buy into this Make America White Again bullshit even though I'm technically white. When I grew up your kind told my dad to go back to his own country and stop stealing their jobs. So I know the only reason I am cool with you guys is I don't have an accent.
He said it on 60 minutes as a candidate. I remember saying to myself "damn I like a lot of the shit this guy is saying"

I also liked it when he said out loud Bush lied us into Iraq. He said that on the campaign trail too.

Trump said a lot of things I liked. I just didn't fall for his bs. I knew he's a con man. And I'm not the type to buy into this Make America White Again bullshit even though I'm technically white. When I grew up your kind told my dad to go back to his own country and stop stealing their jobs. So I know the only reason I am cool with you guys is I don't have an accent.
My kind?
You mean Southern Democrats?

My kind was born in Montana. My half brother's and sisters are half Native-American.

My wife is Seminole and African-American.

My Aunt Jason is from South Korea.

My Uncle Frank is Lakota Indian living on the Blackfoot Reservation in Montana.

Seems I'm also part Cherokee.

My direct ancestors are folks like Abraham Lincoln and Daniel Boone. My Grandmother was Jennie Boone.
My Mom's Grandmother was Elsie Dundom, an immigrant from Zuid-Holland, Netherlands who could barely speak English.

My kind? LOL.
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My kind?
You mean Southern Democrats?

My kind was born in Montana. My half brother's and sisters are half Native-American.

My wife is Seminole and African-American.

My Aunt Jason is from South Korea.

My Uncle Frank is Lakota Indian living on the Blackfoot Reservation in Montana.

Seems I'm also part Cherokee.

My direct ancestors are folks like Abraham Lincoln and Daniel Boone. My Grandmother was Jenny Boone.
My Mom's Grandmother was Elsie Dundom, an immigrant from Zuid-Holland, Netherlands who could barely speak English.

My kind? LOL.
You vote for Trump? Yea, your kind. You and Ben Carson and Caitlyn Jenner

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