Fbi Report Ends Nra Nonsense About "good Guys With Guns"

I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun, because deputies are scared of shooting a citizen who is shooting a gun while chasing a bad guy who just held him up. As a result, what would otherwise be a slam dunk (shooting somebody to death who is firing a weapon at somebody) is, instead, a life or death decision, which can easily cause a hesitation that could get the wrong guy killed.

Imagine being the cop who shot the guy looking to buy a toy gun in walmart. For that matter, how about the guy who called the cops, saying the guy was "menacing" shoppers. He has since recanted but he should be culpable for that man's death.

And this could have turned out very differently:
Its Post #125

But, yeah, if everyone has a gun, how do you tell the good guys from the bad guys? Its hard enough if you've killed the bad guy but how does the cop live with shooting the wrong person?
You're a volunteer and you don't even carry a gun. Hell, George Zimmerman is a more effective LEO than you are.

It is both my Right and my Responsibility to protect myself, my wife, and our property. I'm not waiting for a cop to show up to save my ass or get my property back. That's an utter waste. Much moreso than not only protecting myself and my property, but removing the criminal from the gene pool on a permanent basis.... something else the Law Enforcement and Legal communities seem to be unable to do.

Again- a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

The nutters try to hide behind name calling but they can't.


How much does having a lawnmower in the house increase the chance of being killed by a lawnmower? How much does having a chainsaw in the house increase the chance of being killed by a chainsaw?

Plus, multiply a small number, as you have with the chance of your own gun killing you, by 5, 6 or even 10, and you get......another very small number.

When your side has to lie to prove your point, don't you feel even a slight bit of shame?


What about that mad coffee pot hiding in your kitchen?


Answer my question. Does owning a lawnmower make it more likely you will be killed by a lawnmower?
Why yes it does. We should ban law mowers. Can you believe that just anyone can go to home depot and purchase a bladed killing machine like that?
I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun, because deputies are scared of shooting a citizen who is shooting a gun while chasing a bad guy who just held him up. As a result, what would otherwise be a slam dunk (shooting somebody to death who is firing a weapon at somebody) is, instead, a life or death decision, which can easily cause a hesitation that could get the wrong guy killed.

Imagine being the cop who shot the guy looking to buy a toy gun in walmart. For that matter, how about the guy who called the cops, saying the guy was "menacing" shoppers. He has since recanted but he should be culpable for that man's death.

And this could have turned out very differently:
Its Post #125

But, yeah, if everyone has a gun, how do you tell the good guys from the bad guys? Its hard enough if you've killed the bad guy but how does the cop live with shooting the wrong person?
How much does having a lawnmower in the house increase the chance of being killed by a lawnmower? How much does having a chainsaw in the house increase the chance of being killed by a chainsaw?

Plus, multiply a small number, as you have with the chance of your own gun killing you, by 5, 6 or even 10, and you get......another very small number.

When your side has to lie to prove your point, don't you feel even a slight bit of shame?


What about that mad coffee pot hiding in your kitchen?


Answer my question. Does owning a lawnmower make it more likely you will be killed by a lawnmower?

Your question proves the 'pubs are dumb' thread.

Or, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I do need to tell you that, unless you are grass, lawnmowers are not weapons.

Question .... If you're using your lawnmower as a weapon, are you shooting your grass to death?

I'm not surprised you are either 1) not getting it, or 2) getting it, but you are too much of a hack to admit it.

Answer my question first, statistically speaking, do you have a greater chance of dying in a lawn mower accident if you own one?

I'm not surprised that you are so desperate to hold on to the idiotic comparison of guns to everything from cars to swimming pools to lawn mowers.

THAT is not the point, has never been the point and never will be the point.

The point is - what do we do about the deaths caused by any of these things.

I am not in favor of banning guns.

Because you will ignore that fact, I'm going to repeat it:


Nonetheless, this graphic nails it --

How about we put all liberals in white padded rooms where they will be safe.
I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun, because deputies are scared of shooting a citizen who is shooting a gun while chasing a bad guy who just held him up. As a result, what would otherwise be a slam dunk (shooting somebody to death who is firing a weapon at somebody) is, instead, a life or death decision, which can easily cause a hesitation that could get the wrong guy killed.

Imagine being the cop who shot the guy looking to buy a toy gun in walmart. For that matter, how about the guy who called the cops, saying the guy was "menacing" shoppers. He has since recanted but he should be culpable for that man's death.

And this could have turned out very differently:
Its Post #125

But, yeah, if everyone has a gun, how do you tell the good guys from the bad guys? Its hard enough if you've killed the bad guy but how does the cop live with shooting the wrong person?
Again- a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

The nutters try to hide behind name calling but they can't.


How much does having a lawnmower in the house increase the chance of being killed by a lawnmower? How much does having a chainsaw in the house increase the chance of being killed by a chainsaw?

Plus, multiply a small number, as you have with the chance of your own gun killing you, by 5, 6 or even 10, and you get......another very small number.

When your side has to lie to prove your point, don't you feel even a slight bit of shame?


What about that mad coffee pot hiding in your kitchen?


Answer my question. Does owning a lawnmower make it more likely you will be killed by a lawnmower?
Why yes it does. We should ban law mowers. Can you believe that just anyone can go to home depot and purchase a bladed killing machine like that?

Hey Luddy! someone answered my question!! maybe you can too?

Well, Gee, Anathema, I will refund my entire salary to you. However, you might be disappointed, because I serve for free as a volunteer....

You're a volunteer and you don't even carry a gun. Hell, George Zimmerman is a more effective LEO than you are.

It is both my Right and my Responsibility to protect myself, my wife, and our property. I'm not waiting for a cop to show up to save my ass or get my property back. That's an utter waste. Much moreso than not only protecting myself and my property, but removing the criminal from the gene pool on a permanent basis.... something else the Law Enforcement and Legal communities seem to be unable to do.

Again- a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

that is because the fraudulent study included homes where the owners DID NOT OWN A GUN but the INTRUDER brought a weapon and shot an occupant. 432 out of 436 incidents
What's truly amazing is that you posted that actually thinking people would believe you.

And TazMeBro (Mod and Staff Member), I don't really give a rat's ass if you do or not. However, it is really no big deal. I patrol with a partner in a squad car 6 hours per week on Mondays, and work in the office 4 hours per week on Thursdays. I do not get paid. I wear a uniform, and carry a radio, not a gun. I have been doing it for 4 years. It is my service to my community.

What do you do for your community?[/QUOTE]
I wouldn't trust you with a firearm either
Actually, guns are used at least 500,000 times a year to save lives and stop crimes...and up to 3 million times a year...according to a CDC report commisioned by obama that looked at 19 studies on the subject of defensive uses of guns...

The most famous study, by Dr. Gary Kleck, who began the study as an anti gunner researcher, found 2.5 million times a year where a gun is used to save lives and stop violent crimes...

In his research he posted the results of 13 studies...one of the studies did not post how many times...the other 12 were at least 700,000 times a year and as high as 3 million times a year...these studies took place over a period of 20 years....

So hufpo is lying....

Here's how these incidents ended. More than half (56 percent) were terminated by the shooter who either took his or her own life, simply stopped shooting or fled the scene.

Do you know why they took their own life, stopped shooting or fled...because they were confronted by armed good guys...sandy hook, the theater shooter in Colorado, the shooters in Columbine...Ft. hood, both times, the navy yard, pearl mississipi, the Smokey Mountain law School, ...they all stopped shooting, took their own life or fled...because the good guys either shot them or were closing in or ordered them to surrender...

the hufpo are just gun grabbing liars...
13 gun studies, not including Kleck's or Lott's or the justice dept. from 95

You will have to go to the link to get the numbers...they don't post for some reason...but here are 13 gun studies again...before you count Kleck's, Lott's, obama's or the justice department's...

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Table 1

Survey:FieldBorduaCambridge ReportsDMIaDMIbHartOhio
Year of Interview1976197719781978197819811982
Population CoveredNoninst. AdultsNoninst. AdultsNoninst. AdultsRegistered votersRegistered votersRegistered voters"Residents"
Gun Type CoveredHandgunsAll gunsHandgunsAll gunsAll gunsHandgunsHandguns
Recall Period:Ever/1, 2 yrs.EverEverEverEver5 yrs.Ever
Excluded Uses Against AnimalsNoNoNoNoYesYesNo
Excluded Military, Police Uses?YesNoNoYesYesYesNo
Defensive question asked of:All RsAll RsProtection hgun ownersAll RsAll RsAll RsRs in hgun households
Defensive question refers to:RespondentRespondentRespondentHouseholdHouseholdHouseholdRespondent
% Who Used1.4/3/8.6[a]5.01815746.5
% Who Fired Gun2.9n.a.126n.a.n.a.2.6
Implied number of def. gun uses
[Page 183]

Table 1 (continued)

Survey:Time/CNNMauserGallupGallupL.A. TimesTarrance
Year of Interview198919901991199319941994
Population Covered"Firearm owners"ResidentsNoninst. AdultsNoninst. AdultsNoninst. AdultsNoninst. Adults
Gun Type CoveredAll gunsAll gunsAll gunsAll gunsAll gunsAll guns
Recall Period:Ever5 yrs.EverEverEver5 yrs.
Excluded Uses Against AnimalsNoYesNoNoNoYes
Excluded Military, Police Uses?YesYesNoYesYesYes
Defensive question asked of:Gun ownersAll RsRs in hgun hshldsGun ownersAllAll
Defensive question refers to:RespondentHshld.RespondentRespondentRespondentRespondent/
% Who Usedn.a.3.798118[c]1/2[d]
% Who Fired Gun9-16en.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.
Implied number of def. gun uses
Source: Gary, Kleck and Marc Gertz, "Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun," Table 1, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1995, Vol. 86 No. 1.
I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun, because deputies are scared of shooting a citizen who is shooting a gun while chasing a bad guy who just held him up. As a result, what would otherwise be a slam dunk (shooting somebody to death who is firing a weapon at somebody) is, instead, a life or death decision, which can easily cause a hesitation that could get the wrong guy killed.

Imagine being the cop who shot the guy looking to buy a toy gun in walmart. For that matter, how about the guy who called the cops, saying the guy was "menacing" shoppers. He has since recanted but he should be culpable for that man's death.

And this could have turned out very differently:
Its Post #125

But, yeah, if everyone has a gun, how do you tell the good guys from the bad guys? Its hard enough if you've killed the bad guy but how does the cop live with shooting the wrong person?
How much does having a lawnmower in the house increase the chance of being killed by a lawnmower? How much does having a chainsaw in the house increase the chance of being killed by a chainsaw?

Plus, multiply a small number, as you have with the chance of your own gun killing you, by 5, 6 or even 10, and you get......another very small number.

When your side has to lie to prove your point, don't you feel even a slight bit of shame?


What about that mad coffee pot hiding in your kitchen?


Answer my question. Does owning a lawnmower make it more likely you will be killed by a lawnmower?

Your question proves the 'pubs are dumb' thread.

Or, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I do need to tell you that, unless you are grass, lawnmowers are not weapons.

Question .... If you're using your lawnmower as a weapon, are you shooting your grass to death?

I'm not surprised you are either 1) not getting it, or 2) getting it, but you are too much of a hack to admit it.

Answer my question first, statistically speaking, do you have a greater chance of dying in a lawn mower accident if you own one?

I'm not surprised that you are so desperate to hold on to the idiotic comparison of guns to everything from cars to swimming pools to lawn mowers.

THAT is not the point, has never been the point and never will be the point.

The point is - what do we do about the deaths caused by any of these things.

I am not in favor of banning guns.

Because you will ignore that fact, I'm going to repeat it:


Nonetheless, this graphic nails it --


Again you show yourself to be not only a lying sack of shit, but epically stupid as well.

Banning guns is EXACTLY what you want. Every single thing you are for, every policy and law leads to one conclusion: banning guns.

You're an idiot and a liar.
Here are the numbers that go with the studies...this now includes obama's CDC study of gun self defense...the year of the study and the total number of times a gun was used to save a life or stop a crime is listed...the studies are both done from private and government research over a close to 30 year period....

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys



DMIa 1978...2,141,512







L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,682

Tarrance... 1994... 764,036

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million
(Subsequent to Kleck's study, the Department of Justice sponsored a survey in 1994 titled, Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms (text,PDF). Using a smaller sample size than Kleck's, this survey estimated 1.5 million DGU's annually.)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
.(Lawrence Southwick, Jr.,Guns and Justifiable Homicide: Deterrence and Defense-concludes there are at least 400,000 "fewer violent crimes due to civilian self-defense use of guns" and at least "800,000 violent crimes are deterred each year because of gun ownership and use by civilians.")

Obama's CDC...

from slate.com an article on CDC obama's era...500-3 million defensive gun uses

Handguns suicides mass shootings deaths and self-defense Findings from a research report on gun violence.

7. Guns are used for self-defense often and effectively. “Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year … in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008,” says the report. The three million figure is probably high, “based on an extrapolation from a small number of responses taken from more than 19 national surveys.”
gain- a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Dude, you don't even know what that number comes from do you...the study was debunked years ago...it is an anti gun study with as much accuracy as the hufpo piece...
Here is some info. on that number of 43%...

Again- a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Nine Myths Of Gun Control

* Myth #5 The "Friends and Family fallacy"

It is common for the public health advocates of gun bans to claim that most murders are of "friends and family". The medical literature includes many such false claims, that "most [murderers] would be considered law abiding citizens prior to their pulling the trigger" [9]and "most shootings are not committed by felons or mentally ill people, but are acts of passion that are committed using a handgun that is owned for protection." [10]
Not only do the data show that acquaintance and domestic homicide are a minority of homicides, [11] but the FBI's definition of acquaintance and domestic homicide requires only that the murderer knew or was related to the decedent. That dueling drug dealers are acquainted does not make them "friends". Over three- quarters of murderers have long histories of violence against not only their enemies and other "acquaintances," but also against their relatives. [12,13,14,15] Oddly, medical authors have no difficulty recognizing the violent histories of murderers when the topic is not gun control - "A history of violence is the best predictor of violence." [16] The perpetrators of acquaintance and domestic homicide are overwhelmingly vicious aberrants with long histories of violence inflicted upon those close to them. This reality belies the imagery of "friends and family" murdering each other in fits of passion simply because a gun was present "in the home."

* Myth #6 "A homeowner is 43 times as likely to be killed or kill a family member as an intruder"

To suggest that science has proven that defending oneself or one's family with a gun is dangerous, gun prohibitionists repeat Dr. Kellermann's long discredited claim: "a gun owner is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than an intruder." [17] This fallacy , fabricated using tax dollars, is one of the most misused slogans of the anti-self-defense lobby.
The honest measure of the protective benefits of guns are the lives saved, the injuries prevented, the medical costs saved, and the property protected not Kellermann's burglar or rapist body count. Only 0.1% (1 in a thousand) of the defensive uses of guns results in the death of the predator. [3] Any study, such as Kellermann' "43 times" fallacy, that only counts bodies will expectedly underestimate the benefits of gun a thousand fold. Think for a minute. Would anyone suggest that the only measure of the benefit of law enforcement is the number of people killed by police? Of course not. The honest measure of the benefits of guns are the lives saved, the injuries prevented, the medical costs saved by deaths and injuries averted, and the property protected. 65 lives protected by guns for every life lost to a gun. [2]
Kellermann recently downgraded his estimate to "2.7 times," [18] but he persisted in discredited methodology. He used a method that cannot distinguish between "cause" and "effect." His method would be like finding more diet drinks in the refrigerators of fat people and then concluding that diet drinks "cause" obesity.

Also, he studied groups with high rates of violent criminality, alcoholism, drug addiction, abject poverty, and domestic abuse . From such a poor and violent study group he attempted to generalize his findings to normal homes. Interestingly, when Dr. Kellermann was interviewed he stated that, if his wife were attacked, he would want her to have a gun for protection.[19] Apparently, Dr. Kellermann doesn't even believe his own studies.
Given the broad range of results these must not be very accurate surveys. If it was really happening so much it would make the news more. Shootings make exciting news.

Here are the numbers that go with the studies...this now includes obama's CDC study of gun self defense...the year of the study and the total number of times a gun was used to save a life or stop a crime is listed...the studies are both done from private and government research over a close to 30 year period....

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys



DMIa 1978...2,141,512







L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,682

Tarrance... 1994... 764,036

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million
(Subsequent to Kleck's study, the Department of Justice sponsored a survey in 1994 titled, Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms (text,PDF). Using a smaller sample size than Kleck's, this survey estimated 1.5 million DGU's annually.)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
.(Lawrence Southwick, Jr.,Guns and Justifiable Homicide: Deterrence and Defense-concludes there are at least 400,000 "fewer violent crimes due to civilian self-defense use of guns" and at least "800,000 violent crimes are deterred each year because of gun ownership and use by civilians.")

Obama's CDC...

from slate.com an article on CDC obama's era...500-3 million defensive gun uses

Handguns suicides mass shootings deaths and self-defense Findings from a research report on gun violence.

7. Guns are used for self-defense often and effectively. “Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year … in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008,” says the report. The three million figure is probably high, “based on an extrapolation from a small number of responses taken from more than 19 national surveys.”
Given the broad range of results these must not be very accurate surveys. If it was really happening so much it would make the news more. Shootings make exciting news.

There is one problem with your point...not one of these studies puts the use of guns to save lives and stop violent crime at anything lower than 500,000 times a year....and that number comes from obama's CDC...an anti gun biased study....

Now the other 13 in reviewed by Kleck for his research, before he did his own study to fix their errors....of the 13, not one put the number of times guns saved lives and stopped violent crime at lower than 760,000 times a year...keep that in mind...

That is the one thing they all have in common...
An nra survey says 34 percent of defenses ends with a dead criminal. That's 238k dead criminals a year with the 700k number. Obviously that is a ridiculous number. The idea so many are shot and killed and not reported is also quite ridiculous.

Given the broad range of results these must not be very accurate surveys. If it was really happening so much it would make the news more. Shootings make exciting news.

There is one problem with your point...not one of these studies puts the use of guns to save lives and stop violent crime at anything lower than 500,000 times a year....and that number comes from obama's CDC...an anti gun biased study....

Now the other 13 in reviewed by Kleck for his research, before he did his own study to fix their errors....of the 13, not one put the number of times guns saved lives and stopped violent crime at lower than 760,000 times a year...keep that in mind...

That is the one thing they all have in common...

Grandpa, not only am I not a liar (I certainly would not bother to be one to impress anyone on this board), but I will not tolerate a discussion with anyone who calls me one. Welcome to "ignore list", asshole.....
COWARD !! only idiot fools put other posters on "ignore", it's just a fucking internet forum, NOT real life, where it will actually hurt you, reconsider your decision, and stay informed. :up:

Why would I waste time talking to an asshole on this board that I would not dignify with a conversation in real life? But, if that is your thing, be my guest....
An nra survey says 34 percent of defenses ends with a dead criminal. That's 238k dead criminals a year with the 700k number. Obviously that is a ridiculous number. The idea so many are shot and killed and not reported is also quite ridiculous.

Given the broad range of results these must not be very accurate surveys. If it was really happening so much it would make the news more. Shootings make exciting news.

There is one problem with your point...not one of these studies puts the use of guns to save lives and stop violent crime at anything lower than 500,000 times a year....and that number comes from obama's CDC...an anti gun biased study....

Now the other 13 in reviewed by Kleck for his research, before he did his own study to fix their errors....of the 13, not one put the number of times guns saved lives and stopped violent crime at lower than 760,000 times a year...keep that in mind...

That is the one thing they all have in common...
Pretty sure they mean 1/3 of defensive shootings ends with a dead criminal. If you put it that way it's not a ridiculous number. The question is how many defensive shootings were there? Evidently the problem with generating such numbers is that unless the attacker is killed or caught or some blood evidence is left, the victim has to be taken at his word. Plus in survey's people might make stuff up.
Last edited:
[QUOTE="zeke, post: 9884646, member: 35352

Cool. A REAL shooter. How many criminals have you shot and killed?
You and that fake former prosecutor speed shooter must be the only ones that have shot criminals. Do tell all. Oh the rush,. the sense of satisfaction you all must have felt. Share.

Hey, finally in a city close to me, an open carry fan stopped a robbery in progress at a Circle K store.
Drew down on the robber and told him to get the fuck out of the store. Why in the fuck did the guy do that? The robber went down the street and robbed ANOTHER store. WTF?[/QUOTE]

Zeke, the Sheriff's Auxiliary is all about crime prevention, not law enforcement. We leave it to you armchair hero's to shoot and kill criminals...in your daydream fantasies.
I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun,
I've been a member on a cop forum for 10 years, it's been my primary forum to read and participate in. The cops come from all over, some over seas, big city, small, sheriffs, detectives, etc. I can say with 100% certainty that you are full of shit. Just because they let you fetch coffee it doesn't make you an expert on what they think. Anyone can check out for themselves, they don't need to take my word for it.

Ice, many years ago, I lived next door to a guy who was a cop in Denver. One night, he and his partner were called out on a prowler report. They both entered the back yard of where the prowler was spotted from both sides of the front of the house. The gun nut who owned the house saw a shadow moving in his back yard, and killed his partner dead, from inside his open sliding glass door. My neighbor came within a millisecond of blowing the homeowner to hell with his service revolver. After that, he left the force and became a prison guard. He told me that he was a lot more comfortable, because in prison, he knew that EVERBODY was a bad guy, and that he did not have to figure out who was a good guy, and who was a bad guy.

So, Ice, it is YOU who are full of shit.

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