FBI Reverses – Wray: Reported Domestic Threats Have Surged Following Terrorist Attack on Israel


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

FBI Reverses - Wray: Reported Domestic Threats Have Surged Following Terrorist Attack on Israel - The Last Refuge
15 Oct 2023 ~~ By Sundance

Last Monday the FBI said they did not “have specific and credible intelligence indicating a threat to the United States.” {link} Today, FBI Director Chris Wray says reported domestic threats have surged as conflict in Israel escalates. {link}
The good news is it wasn’t just the CTH audience who laughed at the face of a highly politicalized FBI claiming last week there was no concern. The social media sphere and independent journalists were thoroughly eviscerating the FBI for their politically correct nonsense. The tides have changed, and the majority of the American people now see the naked stupidity of the FBI as a political institution.
The FBI are the domestic terrorism managers, deciding which organization to let run loose (ie Antifa, BLM) and what organizations need to be curtailed (parent attendees at school board meetings).
(Via Politico) – FBI director Christopher Wray on Saturday said reported domestic threats have surged as conflict in Israel escalates.
Wray acknowledged the increase in threats due to the “heightened environment,” calling for increased vigilance and requesting that police continue to share intelligence and observations.

“We remain committed to continue confronting those threats — both here in the United States and overseas,” he said.
“I want to take a moment to offer my heartfelt condolences to the people of Israel and share the outrage I know we all feel at the sheer brutality and disregard for innocent lives there,” Wray added. (read more)

Wray and the FBI have been spending time going after MAGA, Catholics, Pro-Lifers and concerned parents.
Meanwhile, the FBI/STASI once again missed the biggest terrorist attack since 911. Great job, FBI and CIA for that matter. Gross incompetence by the Israeli intelligence and American intelligence. Oh, but we got to remember MAGA is the problem.
The FBI tells us “the targeting of a community because of their (sic) faith is completely unacceptable.” Catholics need not apply.
Obviously Wray would have us believe that these “Domestic Terror Threats” are coming from the “un-deprogrammed MAGA crowd”
No doubt they are coming from the Muslims crossing our open southern border, particularly the Hamas illegals, as well as Minnesota and Wisconsin Obama illegals, and other groups in Michigan.
Don’t forget the Muslim enclaves in the Blue Plantation cities, along with BLM and Antifa, and the moronic idealistic pampered leftist college students who all show up at their silly “Days of Jihad” protests after a night of partying and skirt/pants chasing.
But as usual, the Quisling and bias MSM will just parrot the FBI/DHS line that it is those deplorable MAGA types.
While we're at it can anyone kindly define in legally codified and prosecutable terms “antisemitism?” If you attempt to do so first throw the first amendment into the trash bin.

Sorry bout that,

1. More reason's to hate what USA is offering.
2. And why we want it smashed in its sleep.


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