FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
Leftists are stupid enough to target anybody....

Remember how the rioters in Portland tried to burn down the mayor's house after he joined their riots????
Remember when a bunch of these assholes stormed the Michigan capital in full militia gear and you loved it?
She would have handled the pandemic better/differently than Trump did. That's why they hate her. She would have done the job Trump should have done. This is all it takes to make them hate her.

So Trump lied to us about the virus in February. HE knew but didn't want it to hurt his economy. So he lied to us. He kept the truth from us. And people died because of that.

Do you guys remember 2 Americans died from Ebola and Republicans wanted Obama to resign? LOL

Trump dismantled the department that dealt with Ebola.
So what she "done" was one of the highest mortality rates in the US at 4.9%. The President's average across all 50 states, including these pathetic Dem led states, is 2.7%.

Do you realize what you are doing you clown? So in Alaska and Montana, people don't live as close to each other as they do in places like Detroit, Chicago and NYC?

You fucking idiot.
Yes of course.....I am the f'ing idiot. And which governors and mayors are in charge of those cities and states? And of course nobody lives close together in Florida or Texas.
Yes, you're an idiot. Desperate.
Wow you liberals sure do resist facts when you are ranting your propaganda.

You guys like to say polls don't matter. Is that because elections are rigged?

Republicans are rushing to save GOP control of the U.S. Senate, spending $20 million in deeply conservative states that have become unexpected battlegrounds as a surge of small-dollar donations gives Democrats the upper hand in states likely to make or break the Senate majority.

As President Donald Trump’s reelection position continues to deteriorate amid his mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, the GOP is watching Democrats seize the lead in Senate races they once hoped to win and turn states previously seen as safe for Republicans into heavily contested battlegrounds. Democratic chances of winning the Senate and seizing complete control of the federal government are higher than at any point this election cycle.

You read too much of your liberal trash and hence you will be shocked when the election results are the opposite of what has been shoved into your tiny brain.
Biden did the right thing and showed leadership.

Trump is a crazy asshole. *Fact*
For 50 years Biden has shown everything but leadership
He has been a leader in the Senate and VP, you are a blind brainwashed fool.
I am neither blind nor brainwashed, hypocrite.
Then you are really racist or really rich and lying to us.
If I was "really rich" I would be a Democrat.
Joe Biden Smears President Trump after Trump-Hating Anarchist Arrested in Whitmer Kidnap Plot

8 Oct 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft

The FBI announced on Thursday during a press conference that it thwarted a plot by a so-called “right-wing militia” to kidnap and kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the state government.
Early Thursday morning, federal agencies raided a house in Hartland, Michigan and arrested six men: Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta.
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
“Hate groups heard the president’s words as a rallying cry, as a call to action,” Whitmer said blaming white supremacists.
But it turns out Brandon Caserta, one of anarchists who was arrested for plotting to kidnap Whitmer, actually hates President Trump and is on video calling Trump a “tyrant.”
“Trump is not your friend dude,” Caserta said.

By this afternoon Joe Biden was blaming President Trump for the anarchist’s plot to kidnap the Michigan Governor.
Via Breitbart.com:
The FBI arrested six named alleged co-conspirators and seven others on Thursday morning for conspiring to kidnap the governor.​
Though it did not name a specific political ideology, the FBI’s criminal complaint alleges that the members of the group “talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient.” Two apparently met at a Second Amendment rally.​
One member of the group, Brandon Caserta, was seen in an online video in front of an anarchist flag.​
Biden, speaking to reporters in Arizona alongside running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), said Trump’s rhetoric was to blame:​
There is no place for hate in America. And both of us have been talking about this for some time, about how white supremacists and these militias area a genuine threat. I want to compliment the FBI and the police agencies for what they did, and how they stepped up. But look –the words of a president matter. Whether they can — you’ve heard me say this before. They can cause a nation to have th market rise or fall, go to war or bring peace, but they can also breathe oxygen into those who are filled with hate and danger, and I just think It’s got to stop. The president has to realize the words he utters matter.
Biden later referenced the Charlottesville “very fine people’ hoax, the false claim that Trump praised neo-Nazis in Charlottesville in 2017 (he had, in fact, said they should be “condemned totally”).
Joe Biden doesn’t care about the truth.
Anything to smear Donald Trump.

Wasn't it just a few days ago that DHS classified alleged "right wing groups" as the most dangerous in the USA....with zero mention of BLM and #Antifa after over 100 days of arson, looting, violence and deaths. Something is smells here and it isn't the Fulton Fish Market.
Just like Hitler false flag Reichstag fires, he blamed the fires on communists so he could arrest them all. Christopher Wray and the Deep State Left are blaming the anarchist violence on the "Right Wing".
Did the Deep State and FBI just get their tit in the wringer by getting caught in a False Flag operation, so they can persist with the “White Supremacist threat” lie?
Blaming your opponent for what you are doing. Standard procedure for Propagandist Marxist Socialist Anarchists and the sole the property of the Left.

a bunch of guy's get drunk and bitch about life and this happened. Mean while, if you fire bomb a building....nothing
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
This story is turning out to be a hoax.

The “rightwingers” made videos on how they hate President Trump. They were also anti-cop.

This is a Jussie Smollett hoax.
This is what you get when you have a President, mind you, formenting hatred and violence...

From the article...
Federal prosecutors on Thursday announced the arrest of six men who allegedly plotted to violently overthrow the government and kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

The half a dozen men were arrested Wednesday night after the FBI and Michigan State Police reportedly spent hours raiding a Hartland, Michigan, home. As part of the alleged plot, the group reached out to members of a Michigan militia for help, according to a federal affidavit filed Thursday.

Think these are more of the ANTIFA-type or more the Proud Boys-type people that got caught up in the heinous crime?

Funny, one of the “militia kidnappers” sounds just like one of you lefties with TDS:
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
So how many riots did they start? I didn't see it in the article anywhere....
I also didn't see how many millions of dollars worth of property damage they did, nor did they mention how many buildings they set on fire.
In fact, I didn't see any mention of them actually hurting anyone at all.

But they're the ones being thoroughly investigated and vigorously prosecuted..... how about that?

Nope. They just stormed the capitol building armed with long guns, shouting at legislators. I think they call that...intimidation.
And then get pumped by President Stand Up, Stand By. And then a group of them get pinched planning...oh yeah, things that right wing
militias plan.

Nope. When it's rightwing radicals it's a justifiable expression of rights.
President Trump is on the phone talking to top reporter Sean Hannity this evening. He also has to get ready for his 3 hour Rally on the Radio, starts at Noon, ET, on the EIB.

RATFLMAO! Almost the funniest thing I've heard all week. Hannity a 'reporter'. Like Hulk Hogan is a 'wrestler'...

You forgot to add, whoever thinks that hannity or a rally is more important than the life of one of the governors of this nation, is a very disgusting person.

Yet again the far right prove their words about "pro life" are all nothing but disgusting lies.
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Why would he say anything? No one was in any danger, the law enforcement agents that the President had ordered to be moles and informants in the extremist groups did their job and the conspirators were pinched.

Whitmer should be on her knees kissing the president's feet
Yeah totally. Why waste his breath on a dem gov... right?

What would you want President Trump to say about this? He's not going to prejudge the situation or stink up the jury pool if this is a case that goes to trial.

Like I observed. No one was in any danger at any time, and the FBI agents who were moles in the extremist outfit did their job.
Pleaaaaaase. Trump has been throwing accusations left and right since forever ...you remember the 5 kids from central park case ?
I can list dozens of instances where the orange clown jumped the gun. Heck he even accuses judges of bias before the trial starts.
Have some respect for yourself.

The Central Park 5 case was investigated by the Liberal City of New York who said the CP5 were guilty.

Trump was just a neighborhood busybody at the time putting pressure on Tammany Hall to bring the perps to justice.

He was a cop, he wasn't a politicians, just someone commenting on a heinous crime in a park a couple blocks from his domicile.

Trump was calling for the CP5 to be executed, AFTER DNA evidence had exonerated them. He called for 5 innocent men, who the courts and the public now KNEW were innocent, to be executed. He spent $85,000 on a full page ad in a New York newspaper demanding their execution.

SO.........the Media was fucked up back then...........showing a crime done to someone and it pisses people off..........I believe in the death penalty......why the hell should we have to pay for them to live in a cage when they have violated the lives of others.

So you find one case in a massive number to GASLIGHT how wrong the system is ONLY TO ATTACK TRUMP.................TDS.......Sorry.........no sympathy here for Murderers and Rapists........too dang bad...........and in this case NO SYMPATHY FOR A DA that was looking for a quick conviction.

The people he wanted to execute were innocent. They didn’t attack that girl. Someone else did it. DNA proved it.

After were acquitted, Trump still wanted them executed.

They should have been executed. If only for the other crimes they committed the same day.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.

I hope they prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. All crimes need the harshest punishment possible.

Then you had better start calling for the harshest possible punishment for BLM and Antifa rioter terrorists. Because if you don't that makes you a hypocrite on high. Oh, wait a moment . . .

When did BLM try to kidnap elected officials? Must have missed that one. Or...maybe I don't read enough conspiracy theory websites.
Like Mighigan wouldn't be far far better off with their corrupt idiotic governor kidnapped and gone out of office.

WTF? I dislike Whitmer but to wish something to happen to her? You are a freakin idiot.

Not my fault that she is evil and abusing her office----I don't like her either--I like the would be kidnappers better.
Look, bitches. The days of being civil and nice are GONE. This is war, and Woden wants me to kill all of my enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla.

Dead commies or Valhalla bitches. Either way, I win.
That is how Trump made you. You are a very nice human being.
I treat mosquitoes sucking the blood out of my skin with more respect than I do communist

There haven't been any communists in the world since Fidel Castro died. The whole movement died when the Soviet Union fell. Why are you still pretending communism is the problem when right wing facism is the problem currently plaguing the west?

Seriously? Like Communist China among many others doesn't exist.
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Why would he say anything? No one was in any danger, the law enforcement agents that the President had ordered to be moles and informants in the extremist groups did their job and the conspirators were pinched.

Whitmer should be on her knees kissing the president's feet
Yeah totally. Why waste his breath on a dem gov... right?

What would you want President Trump to say about this? He's not going to prejudge the situation or stink up the jury pool if this is a case that goes to trial.

Like I observed. No one was in any danger at any time, and the FBI agents who were moles in the extremist outfit did their job.
Pleaaaaaase. Trump has been throwing accusations left and right since forever ...you remember the 5 kids from central park case ?
I can list dozens of instances where the orange clown jumped the gun. Heck he even accuses judges of bias before the trial starts.
Have some respect for yourself.
Crooked Donald has no problem speaking out against people..... Here's all the people he says should be in jail, without a trial even taking place, or without even an indictment charge.... Hillary, Comey, Strzok, McCabe, Obama, Hunter and Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Kaepernik, Yates, Kamala.....Pelosi, Adam Schiff, ......

Shall I go on?
Nonsense...he doesn't say a trial shouldn't take place....he says they should be in prison and they should be for their various FELONIES and HIGH CRIMES
Look, bitches. The days of being civil and nice are GONE. This is war, and Woden wants me to kill all of my enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla.

Dead commies or Valhalla bitches. Either way, I win.
That is how Trump made you. You are a very nice human being.
I treat mosquitoes sucking the blood out of my skin with more respect than I do communist

There haven't been any communists in the world since Fidel Castro died. The whole movement died when the Soviet Union fell. Why are you still pretending communism is the problem when right wing facism is the problem currently plaguing the west?

Because right wing fascism is a problem and a lot of the people on this board are right wing fascists.

They know that the majority of our nation aren't right wing fascists so the far right wing fascists do their usual projection.

They accuse everyone else of being what the right wing fascists themselves are.

They've been doing it for decades. It's gotten so very old.

If you want to know what a conservative or right winger thinks are wants to do, or is doing, just listen to what they accuse others of doing. The right winger is doing what they accuse others of doing but the people they accuse aren't doing what the right winger accuses them of doing.

It's very twisted.
It's not just extreme right wingers. We aren't exactly living in relaxed, civil times in the battle of America vs China.

Remember this, China has the upper hand. The West has little mass support from the communists.

Actually the problem is that both sides believe the propaganda put out by their own side. If you honestly believe Trump is a Fascist. Truly believe that the Republicans are going full Fascist. Then nothing that you do is extreme in opposing them. If you honestly believe that the Communists or Socialist forces are going to take over. There is nothing worse than losing. Anything you do is justified in stopping them.

It is to the minds of the believers like having an opportunity to stop Hitler or Stalin before they commit the horrors we all know about from history. Anything is preferable to that. And that attitude has led humanity down the path of doom more than once. I call it learning the wrong lesson in history.

It is why I am not voting this year. Both sides are wrong. Both sides will lead us to ruination. Too many years of this propaganda has poisoned the nations soul.
I believe that its only elected republicans who say shit like this....
View attachment 398731

As soothing as it may make you feel -- there isn't always a both sides argument for everything.....one side is completely willing to drive the bus off the cliff more so than the other....

One side continuously relies on the other side to have comity and restraint while they themselves say fuck both -- then cry victim when they get an ounce of their own medicine...

And you describe why we are doomed as a nation. And you feel justified. In fact you feel justified to “give them a dose of their own medicine”.

It is perfectly acceptable to abuse power when you have it. Because those before you did the same thing. Nothing good can come from doing evil.
I don't know what the fuck you are talking about -- but you missed the entire point...

An ounce of their own medicine would be how everyone clutched their pearls and fainted just because Biden told Trump to shut up......compared to the ton of bullshit Trump has done, telling him to shut up is an "OUNCE" of that

But I just posted a Tweet of an elected republican congressman flat out saying "why should we let you vote when you talk bad about Trump?"

And we also have another elected Senator -- who at one time wanted to be on the Supreme Court -- outwardly attacking democracy.....as most conservatives do....
View attachment 398739

There is no both sides to any of that shit...

Mike Lee can move to Russia or Turkey with his Donald if he doesn't like democracy. What an idiot
Look, bitches. The days of being civil and nice are GONE. This is war, and Woden wants me to kill all of my enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla.

Dead commies or Valhalla bitches. Either way, I win.
That is how Trump made you. You are a very nice human being.
I treat mosquitoes sucking the blood out of my skin with more respect than I do communist

There haven't been any communists in the world since Fidel Castro died. The whole movement died when the Soviet Union fell. Why are you still pretending communism is the problem when right wing facism is the problem currently plaguing the west?

Because right wing fascism is a problem and a lot of the people on this board are right wing fascists.

They know that the majority of our nation aren't right wing fascists so the far right wing fascists do their usual projection.

They accuse everyone else of being what the right wing fascists themselves are.

They've been doing it for decades. It's gotten so very old.

If you want to know what a conservative or right winger thinks are wants to do, or is doing, just listen to what they accuse others of doing. The right winger is doing what they accuse others of doing but the people they accuse aren't doing what the right winger accuses them of doing.

It's very twisted.
Democrats are trying to burn free speakers alive and the right is fascist!? Lol are you on crack?
Funny, one of the “militia kidnappers” sounds just like one of you lefties with TDS:
He sounds exactly like what he is, a rabid far rightwing nutjob...just like many of you here.

can you write in AMERICAN ENGLISH? the terms
"right" "left" are relative terms and meaningless unless referenced. It is clear that the person ranting,
hates Trump and seems to fancy himself an anarchist.
Classically, anarchists are called considered to be
LEFTISTS ----if you want to use that terminology
Look, bitches. The days of being civil and nice are GONE. This is war, and Woden wants me to kill all of my enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla.

Dead commies or Valhalla bitches. Either way, I win.
That is how Trump made you. You are a very nice human being.
I treat mosquitoes sucking the blood out of my skin with more respect than I do communist

There haven't been any communists in the world since Fidel Castro died. The whole movement died when the Soviet Union fell. Why are you still pretending communism is the problem when right wing facism is the problem currently plaguing the west?

Because right wing fascism is a problem and a lot of the people on this board are right wing fascists.

They know that the majority of our nation aren't right wing fascists so the far right wing fascists do their usual projection.

They accuse everyone else of being what the right wing fascists themselves are.

They've been doing it for decades. It's gotten so very old.

If you want to know what a conservative or right winger thinks are wants to do, or is doing, just listen to what they accuse others of doing. The right winger is doing what they accuse others of doing but the people they accuse aren't doing what the right winger accuses them of doing.

It's very twisted.

fascism is not associated with ANARCHY

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