FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

Funny....Gretchen, Biden, and snowflakes blame Trump, are still trying to blame Trump, and the would-be-kidnapper turn out to be Trump-haters.

They can't bring themselves to admit her Un-Constitutional power grab and mandates that were just shot down by the court, leading her to go even more 'Nazi' by promising MORE Constitutional and Civil-Rights violating mandates, have pissed freedom-loving Americans.

Just as funny is people calling these militias crazy for forming to oppose oppressive over-bearing government, and their target - Whitmer - and her oppressive and Un-Constitutional actions 'justify' these groups' existence.

By Un-Constitutionally 'going after' / oppressing Americans' Constitutional & civil rights, she sorta brought this response - an armed militia defending their rights - on herself.

(And for the official record, I do NOT approve of this militia or its actions.)
the militia involved played along while informing the FBI of what was going on.

The militia folks did not plan this thing, anarchist did.
"The militia group is not identified in the court filing."

A few nutbars getting together to fantasize isn't much of a criminal conspiracy.


Translation: when it comes rightwing radicals...it's only a few guys fantasizing...when it comes to leftwing radicals, it's a coup.

Hear this every time.

Oh!!! it's the VOICE OF REASON----hi there "voice of reason" I am just awakening to the filth out of the
mouth of kamala-----TRUMP TOLD THEM TO DO IT ----right wing right wing right wing -----Michigan
Right Wing Militia aka who da hell is dey? I am
unable to find any information on these guys other
the usual scuttlebutt from the gutter
Well, to be fair, a "right wing militia group" was involved....By turning the anarcho-communist group planning the kidnapping in to the cops....Then participating in the infiltration of the plot.

And yet another leftbat narrative about "right wing militias" initiating violence goes up on a puff of reality.
the militia involved played along while informing the FBI of what was going on.

The militia folks did not plan this thing, anarchist did.
The militia folks did not plan this thing, anarchist communists did.

Fixed that for ya.

I wish that people could write CLEARLY. Left/Right means nothing, "Militia" means nothing, "antifa"
means nothing unless the person involved is a
CARD CARRYING MEMBER of some organization that
so describes itself. The pictures of the jerks involved shows men-----who look to be in their 20s and 30s
---seem to be caucasian and said that they do not like
the covid rules. That's all I am willing to credit as
factoids until REAL information is provided
the militia involved played along while informing the FBI of what was going on.

The militia folks did not plan this thing, anarchist did.
The militia folks did not plan this thing, anarchist communists did.

Fixed that for ya.

I wish that people could write CLEARLY. Left/Right means nothing, "Militia" means nothing, "antifa"
means nothing unless the person involved is a
CARD CARRYING MEMBER of some organization that
so describes itself. The pictures of the jerks involved shows men-----who look to be in their 20s and 30s
---seem to be caucasian and said that they do not like
the covid rules. That's all I am willing to credit as
factoids until REAL information is provided
The flag in the background in the video of the ranting fool is one of those that have been carried by antifa goon squads across the nation....Were that a Gadsden flag, we could reasonably infer the political bent of the ranter in question.
Joe Biden Smears President Trump after Trump-Hating Anarchist Arrested in Whitmer Kidnap Plot

8 Oct 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft

The FBI announced on Thursday during a press conference that it thwarted a plot by a so-called “right-wing militia” to kidnap and kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the state government.
Early Thursday morning, federal agencies raided a house in Hartland, Michigan and arrested six men: Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta.
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
“Hate groups heard the president’s words as a rallying cry, as a call to action,” Whitmer said blaming white supremacists.
But it turns out Brandon Caserta, one of anarchists who was arrested for plotting to kidnap Whitmer, actually hates President Trump and is on video calling Trump a “tyrant.”
“Trump is not your friend dude,” Caserta said.

By this afternoon Joe Biden was blaming President Trump for the anarchist’s plot to kidnap the Michigan Governor.
Via Breitbart.com:
The FBI arrested six named alleged co-conspirators and seven others on Thursday morning for conspiring to kidnap the governor.​
Though it did not name a specific political ideology, the FBI’s criminal complaint alleges that the members of the group “talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient.” Two apparently met at a Second Amendment rally.​
One member of the group, Brandon Caserta, was seen in an online video in front of an anarchist flag.​
Biden, speaking to reporters in Arizona alongside running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), said Trump’s rhetoric was to blame:​
There is no place for hate in America. And both of us have been talking about this for some time, about how white supremacists and these militias area a genuine threat. I want to compliment the FBI and the police agencies for what they did, and how they stepped up. But look –the words of a president matter. Whether they can — you’ve heard me say this before. They can cause a nation to have th market rise or fall, go to war or bring peace, but they can also breathe oxygen into those who are filled with hate and danger, and I just think It’s got to stop. The president has to realize the words he utters matter.
Biden later referenced the Charlottesville “very fine people’ hoax, the false claim that Trump praised neo-Nazis in Charlottesville in 2017 (he had, in fact, said they should be “condemned totally”).
Joe Biden doesn’t care about the truth.
Anything to smear Donald Trump.

Wasn't it just a few days ago that DHS classified alleged "right wing groups" as the most dangerous in the USA....with zero mention of BLM and #Antifa after over 100 days of arson, looting, violence and deaths. Something is smells here and it isn't the Fulton Fish Market.
Just like Hitler false flag Reichstag fires, he blamed the fires on communists so he could arrest them all. Christopher Wray and the Deep State Left are blaming the anarchist violence on the "Right Wing".
Did the Deep State and FBI just get their tit in the wringer by getting caught in a False Flag operation, so they can persist with the “White Supremacist threat” lie?
Blaming your opponent for what you are doing. Standard procedure for Propagandist Marxist Socialist Anarchists and the sole the property of the Left.

Ha fucking ha ha ha. You know these 13 guys were going to vote for Trump. I love it how Republicans won't accept responsibility for anything. Ever consider they didn't want Trump to take the heat for this so they said they don't like him too? Bottom line is they were radical right wingers who tried to take out a Democrat. They certainly weren't liberal progressive Democrats. A lot closer to cons than libs.

This is 13 guys who won't be voting for Trump this November. Michigan is turning blue baby!!!
Joe Biden Smears President Trump after Trump-Hating Anarchist Arrested in Whitmer Kidnap Plot

8 Oct 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft

The FBI announced on Thursday during a press conference that it thwarted a plot by a so-called “right-wing militia” to kidnap and kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the state government.
Early Thursday morning, federal agencies raided a house in Hartland, Michigan and arrested six men: Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta.
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
“Hate groups heard the president’s words as a rallying cry, as a call to action,” Whitmer said blaming white supremacists.
But it turns out Brandon Caserta, one of anarchists who was arrested for plotting to kidnap Whitmer, actually hates President Trump and is on video calling Trump a “tyrant.”
“Trump is not your friend dude,” Caserta said.

By this afternoon Joe Biden was blaming President Trump for the anarchist’s plot to kidnap the Michigan Governor.
Via Breitbart.com:
The FBI arrested six named alleged co-conspirators and seven others on Thursday morning for conspiring to kidnap the governor.​
Though it did not name a specific political ideology, the FBI’s criminal complaint alleges that the members of the group “talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient.” Two apparently met at a Second Amendment rally.​
One member of the group, Brandon Caserta, was seen in an online video in front of an anarchist flag.​
Biden, speaking to reporters in Arizona alongside running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), said Trump’s rhetoric was to blame:​
There is no place for hate in America. And both of us have been talking about this for some time, about how white supremacists and these militias area a genuine threat. I want to compliment the FBI and the police agencies for what they did, and how they stepped up. But look –the words of a president matter. Whether they can — you’ve heard me say this before. They can cause a nation to have th market rise or fall, go to war or bring peace, but they can also breathe oxygen into those who are filled with hate and danger, and I just think It’s got to stop. The president has to realize the words he utters matter.
Biden later referenced the Charlottesville “very fine people’ hoax, the false claim that Trump praised neo-Nazis in Charlottesville in 2017 (he had, in fact, said they should be “condemned totally”).
Joe Biden doesn’t care about the truth.
Anything to smear Donald Trump.

Wasn't it just a few days ago that DHS classified alleged "right wing groups" as the most dangerous in the USA....with zero mention of BLM and #Antifa after over 100 days of arson, looting, violence and deaths. Something is smells here and it isn't the Fulton Fish Market.
Just like Hitler false flag Reichstag fires, he blamed the fires on communists so he could arrest them all. Christopher Wray and the Deep State Left are blaming the anarchist violence on the "Right Wing".
Did the Deep State and FBI just get their tit in the wringer by getting caught in a False Flag operation, so they can persist with the “White Supremacist threat” lie?
Blaming your opponent for what you are doing. Standard procedure for Propagandist Marxist Socialist Anarchists and the sole the property of the Left.

No rightwinger wears hoops in his ears.
That guy is a leftist anarchist.

And anyone who shoots up an abortion clinic isn't a real christian right? LOL.
Joe Biden Smears President Trump after Trump-Hating Anarchist Arrested in Whitmer Kidnap Plot

8 Oct 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft

The FBI announced on Thursday during a press conference that it thwarted a plot by a so-called “right-wing militia” to kidnap and kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the state government.
Early Thursday morning, federal agencies raided a house in Hartland, Michigan and arrested six men: Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta.
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
“Hate groups heard the president’s words as a rallying cry, as a call to action,” Whitmer said blaming white supremacists.
But it turns out Brandon Caserta, one of anarchists who was arrested for plotting to kidnap Whitmer, actually hates President Trump and is on video calling Trump a “tyrant.”
“Trump is not your friend dude,” Caserta said.

By this afternoon Joe Biden was blaming President Trump for the anarchist’s plot to kidnap the Michigan Governor.
Via Breitbart.com:
The FBI arrested six named alleged co-conspirators and seven others on Thursday morning for conspiring to kidnap the governor.​
Though it did not name a specific political ideology, the FBI’s criminal complaint alleges that the members of the group “talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient.” Two apparently met at a Second Amendment rally.​
One member of the group, Brandon Caserta, was seen in an online video in front of an anarchist flag.​
Biden, speaking to reporters in Arizona alongside running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), said Trump’s rhetoric was to blame:​
There is no place for hate in America. And both of us have been talking about this for some time, about how white supremacists and these militias area a genuine threat. I want to compliment the FBI and the police agencies for what they did, and how they stepped up. But look –the words of a president matter. Whether they can — you’ve heard me say this before. They can cause a nation to have th market rise or fall, go to war or bring peace, but they can also breathe oxygen into those who are filled with hate and danger, and I just think It’s got to stop. The president has to realize the words he utters matter.
Biden later referenced the Charlottesville “very fine people’ hoax, the false claim that Trump praised neo-Nazis in Charlottesville in 2017 (he had, in fact, said they should be “condemned totally”).
Joe Biden doesn’t care about the truth.
Anything to smear Donald Trump.

Wasn't it just a few days ago that DHS classified alleged "right wing groups" as the most dangerous in the USA....with zero mention of BLM and #Antifa after over 100 days of arson, looting, violence and deaths. Something is smells here and it isn't the Fulton Fish Market.
Just like Hitler false flag Reichstag fires, he blamed the fires on communists so he could arrest them all. Christopher Wray and the Deep State Left are blaming the anarchist violence on the "Right Wing".
Did the Deep State and FBI just get their tit in the wringer by getting caught in a False Flag operation, so they can persist with the “White Supremacist threat” lie?
Blaming your opponent for what you are doing. Standard procedure for Propagandist Marxist Socialist Anarchists and the sole the property of the Left.

Dems are really Dims
Joe Biden Smears President Trump after Trump-Hating Anarchist Arrested in Whitmer Kidnap Plot

8 Oct 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft

The FBI announced on Thursday during a press conference that it thwarted a plot by a so-called “right-wing militia” to kidnap and kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the state government.
Early Thursday morning, federal agencies raided a house in Hartland, Michigan and arrested six men: Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta.
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
“Hate groups heard the president’s words as a rallying cry, as a call to action,” Whitmer said blaming white supremacists.
But it turns out Brandon Caserta, one of anarchists who was arrested for plotting to kidnap Whitmer, actually hates President Trump and is on video calling Trump a “tyrant.”
“Trump is not your friend dude,” Caserta said.

By this afternoon Joe Biden was blaming President Trump for the anarchist’s plot to kidnap the Michigan Governor.
Via Breitbart.com:
The FBI arrested six named alleged co-conspirators and seven others on Thursday morning for conspiring to kidnap the governor.​
Though it did not name a specific political ideology, the FBI’s criminal complaint alleges that the members of the group “talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient.” Two apparently met at a Second Amendment rally.​
One member of the group, Brandon Caserta, was seen in an online video in front of an anarchist flag.​
Biden, speaking to reporters in Arizona alongside running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), said Trump’s rhetoric was to blame:​
There is no place for hate in America. And both of us have been talking about this for some time, about how white supremacists and these militias area a genuine threat. I want to compliment the FBI and the police agencies for what they did, and how they stepped up. But look –the words of a president matter. Whether they can — you’ve heard me say this before. They can cause a nation to have th market rise or fall, go to war or bring peace, but they can also breathe oxygen into those who are filled with hate and danger, and I just think It’s got to stop. The president has to realize the words he utters matter.
Biden later referenced the Charlottesville “very fine people’ hoax, the false claim that Trump praised neo-Nazis in Charlottesville in 2017 (he had, in fact, said they should be “condemned totally”).
Joe Biden doesn’t care about the truth.
Anything to smear Donald Trump.

Wasn't it just a few days ago that DHS classified alleged "right wing groups" as the most dangerous in the USA....with zero mention of BLM and #Antifa after over 100 days of arson, looting, violence and deaths. Something is smells here and it isn't the Fulton Fish Market.
Just like Hitler false flag Reichstag fires, he blamed the fires on communists so he could arrest them all. Christopher Wray and the Deep State Left are blaming the anarchist violence on the "Right Wing".
Did the Deep State and FBI just get their tit in the wringer by getting caught in a False Flag operation, so they can persist with the “White Supremacist threat” lie?
Blaming your opponent for what you are doing. Standard procedure for Propagandist Marxist Socialist Anarchists and the sole the property of the Left.

Ha fucking ha ha ha. You know these 13 guys were going to vote for Trump. I love it how Republicans won't accept responsibility for anything. Ever consider they didn't want Trump to take the heat for this so they said they don't like him too? Bottom line is they were radical right wingers who tried to take out a Democrat. They certainly weren't liberal progressive Democrats. A lot closer to cons than libs.

This is 13 guys who won't be voting for Trump this November. Michigan is turning blue baby!!!

I thought Michigan was already in brown......shirts
Joe Biden Smears President Trump after Trump-Hating Anarchist Arrested in Whitmer Kidnap Plot

8 Oct 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft

The FBI announced on Thursday during a press conference that it thwarted a plot by a so-called “right-wing militia” to kidnap and kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the state government.
Early Thursday morning, federal agencies raided a house in Hartland, Michigan and arrested six men: Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta.
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
“Hate groups heard the president’s words as a rallying cry, as a call to action,” Whitmer said blaming white supremacists.
But it turns out Brandon Caserta, one of anarchists who was arrested for plotting to kidnap Whitmer, actually hates President Trump and is on video calling Trump a “tyrant.”
“Trump is not your friend dude,” Caserta said.

By this afternoon Joe Biden was blaming President Trump for the anarchist’s plot to kidnap the Michigan Governor.
Via Breitbart.com:
The FBI arrested six named alleged co-conspirators and seven others on Thursday morning for conspiring to kidnap the governor.​
Though it did not name a specific political ideology, the FBI’s criminal complaint alleges that the members of the group “talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient.” Two apparently met at a Second Amendment rally.​
One member of the group, Brandon Caserta, was seen in an online video in front of an anarchist flag.​
Biden, speaking to reporters in Arizona alongside running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), said Trump’s rhetoric was to blame:​
There is no place for hate in America. And both of us have been talking about this for some time, about how white supremacists and these militias area a genuine threat. I want to compliment the FBI and the police agencies for what they did, and how they stepped up. But look –the words of a president matter. Whether they can — you’ve heard me say this before. They can cause a nation to have th market rise or fall, go to war or bring peace, but they can also breathe oxygen into those who are filled with hate and danger, and I just think It’s got to stop. The president has to realize the words he utters matter.
Biden later referenced the Charlottesville “very fine people’ hoax, the false claim that Trump praised neo-Nazis in Charlottesville in 2017 (he had, in fact, said they should be “condemned totally”).
Joe Biden doesn’t care about the truth.
Anything to smear Donald Trump.

Wasn't it just a few days ago that DHS classified alleged "right wing groups" as the most dangerous in the USA....with zero mention of BLM and #Antifa after over 100 days of arson, looting, violence and deaths. Something is smells here and it isn't the Fulton Fish Market.
Just like Hitler false flag Reichstag fires, he blamed the fires on communists so he could arrest them all. Christopher Wray and the Deep State Left are blaming the anarchist violence on the "Right Wing".
Did the Deep State and FBI just get their tit in the wringer by getting caught in a False Flag operation, so they can persist with the “White Supremacist threat” lie?
Blaming your opponent for what you are doing. Standard procedure for Propagandist Marxist Socialist Anarchists and the sole the property of the Left.

No rightwinger wears hoops in his ears.
That guy is a leftist anarchist.

the militia involved played along while informing the FBI of what was going on.

The militia folks did not plan this thing, anarchist did.
The militia folks did not plan this thing, anarchist communists did.

Fixed that for ya.

I wish that people could write CLEARLY. Left/Right means nothing, "Militia" means nothing, "antifa"
means nothing unless the person involved is a
CARD CARRYING MEMBER of some organization that
so describes itself. The pictures of the jerks involved shows men-----who look to be in their 20s and 30s
---seem to be caucasian and said that they do not like
the covid rules. That's all I am willing to credit as
factoids until REAL information is provided
The flag in the background in the video of the ranting fool is one of those that have been carried by antifa goon squads across the nation....Were that a Gadsden flag, we could reasonably infer the political bent of the ranter in question.

Thanks-----so far it is the Trump hating "antifa" jerks?
Joe Biden Smears President Trump after Trump-Hating Anarchist Arrested in Whitmer Kidnap Plot

8 Oct 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft

The FBI announced on Thursday during a press conference that it thwarted a plot by a so-called “right-wing militia” to kidnap and kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the state government.
Early Thursday morning, federal agencies raided a house in Hartland, Michigan and arrested six men: Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta.
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
“Hate groups heard the president’s words as a rallying cry, as a call to action,” Whitmer said blaming white supremacists.
But it turns out Brandon Caserta, one of anarchists who was arrested for plotting to kidnap Whitmer, actually hates President Trump and is on video calling Trump a “tyrant.”
“Trump is not your friend dude,” Caserta said.

By this afternoon Joe Biden was blaming President Trump for the anarchist’s plot to kidnap the Michigan Governor.
Via Breitbart.com:
The FBI arrested six named alleged co-conspirators and seven others on Thursday morning for conspiring to kidnap the governor.​
Though it did not name a specific political ideology, the FBI’s criminal complaint alleges that the members of the group “talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient.” Two apparently met at a Second Amendment rally.​
One member of the group, Brandon Caserta, was seen in an online video in front of an anarchist flag.​
Biden, speaking to reporters in Arizona alongside running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), said Trump’s rhetoric was to blame:​
There is no place for hate in America. And both of us have been talking about this for some time, about how white supremacists and these militias area a genuine threat. I want to compliment the FBI and the police agencies for what they did, and how they stepped up. But look –the words of a president matter. Whether they can — you’ve heard me say this before. They can cause a nation to have th market rise or fall, go to war or bring peace, but they can also breathe oxygen into those who are filled with hate and danger, and I just think It’s got to stop. The president has to realize the words he utters matter.
Biden later referenced the Charlottesville “very fine people’ hoax, the false claim that Trump praised neo-Nazis in Charlottesville in 2017 (he had, in fact, said they should be “condemned totally”).
Joe Biden doesn’t care about the truth.
Anything to smear Donald Trump.

Wasn't it just a few days ago that DHS classified alleged "right wing groups" as the most dangerous in the USA....with zero mention of BLM and #Antifa after over 100 days of arson, looting, violence and deaths. Something is smells here and it isn't the Fulton Fish Market.
Just like Hitler false flag Reichstag fires, he blamed the fires on communists so he could arrest them all. Christopher Wray and the Deep State Left are blaming the anarchist violence on the "Right Wing".
Did the Deep State and FBI just get their tit in the wringer by getting caught in a False Flag operation, so they can persist with the “White Supremacist threat” lie?
Blaming your opponent for what you are doing. Standard procedure for Propagandist Marxist Socialist Anarchists and the sole the property of the Left.

This dude sounds like one of Biden's antifa anarchists. Eff them.

We all know that the fact that someone claims to be in a militia doesn't automatically mean that they are right-wing...

Just look at the black militia that shot themselves up in Louisville!!!



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And you describe why we are doomed as a nation. And you feel justified. In fact you feel justified to “give them a dose of their own medicine”.

It is perfectly acceptable to abuse power when you have it. Because those before you did the same thing. Nothing good can come from doing evil.
I don't know what the fuck you are talking about -- but you missed the entire point...

An ounce of their own medicine would be how everyone clutched their pearls and fainted just because Biden told Trump to shut up......compared to the ton of bullshit Trump has done, telling him to shut up is an "OUNCE" of that

But I just posted a Tweet of an elected republican congressman flat out saying "why should we let you vote when you talk bad about Trump?"

And we also have another elected Senator -- who at one time wanted to be on the Supreme Court -- outwardly attacking democracy.....as most conservatives do....
View attachment 398739

There is no both sides to any of that shit...

There are always two sides to the story. And sadly both may be telling truth. Although neither side has the market cornered in truth.

You forget. Trump is a dose of your own medicine. Obama’s IRS targeted conservatives and their groups. Demanding information on members and donors. Ten minutes after Obama announced the ACA a Whitehouse hotline was established to report people who were speaking against the ACA. Corruptions and abuses of power existed in that Administration and I voted for Obama. So no. I am not taking the Conservative side. I take the side of the Constitution always.

When Ted Kennedy died the Democrats in Massachusetts passed a law changing the existing law. They could not allow a Republican Governor to name the replacement Senator. Today Nancy Pelosi is claiming to be holding a group discussing how they can remove Trump under the 25th Amendment. Congress has no damned say until or unless the Cabinet decides. But that isn’t stopping Nancy.

Republicans and Democrats have become mirror images of each other. All the things you hate about the Republicans they hate about Democrats. The one thing you all have in common is hate. Neither of you jackasses have any core beliefs left except destroying the other side. You will each say and do anything to win.

You will promise anything to get the voters into the booth to press the screen. So will they. Both sides have become so radicalized as to be unrecognizable to anyone with life experience or knowledge of history. We will get them is your battle cry. And it is theirs.

I called out Obama on his mistakes and errors just as I call out Trump. I called out Bush, and everyone else. Because integrity and honesty matters to me. Everyone is completely full of shit. And like the idiots who wanted to kidnap the Governor of Michigan. You believe the propaganda. The best thing that could happen to this nation is if all of you true believers got together and wiped each other out. Then perhaps this Nation could move forward without the hatred and desire for revenge that drives both the left and the right.

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
Leftists are stupid enough to target anybody....

Remember how the rioters in Portland tried to burn down the mayor's house after he joined their riots????
Remember when a bunch of these assholes stormed the Michigan capital in full militia gear and you loved it?
EVERYTHING they did was lawful. Not smart, but lawful
Proof Republicans can argue in favor of anything. Good try.
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
This is who she is, and why she is despised. Like all Democrats shes more interested in causing trouble for the president than her own safety. Shes
Pelosi just a few decades younger. This state made a huge mistake putting her in office as did NY, and CA
She's not despised by anyone but you right wingers. Nation wide you've tried to use her as a punching bag but here in Michigan, other than right wingers, no one hates her.
the militia involved played along while informing the FBI of what was going on.

The militia folks did not plan this thing, anarchist did.
The militia folks did not plan this thing, anarchist communists did.

Fixed that for ya.

I wish that people could write CLEARLY. Left/Right means nothing, "Militia" means nothing, "antifa"
means nothing unless the person involved is a
CARD CARRYING MEMBER of some organization that
so describes itself. The pictures of the jerks involved shows men-----who look to be in their 20s and 30s
---seem to be caucasian and said that they do not like
the covid rules. That's all I am willing to credit as
factoids until REAL information is provided
The flag in the background in the video of the ranting fool is one of those that have been carried by antifa goon squads across the nation....Were that a Gadsden flag, we could reasonably infer the political bent of the ranter in question.

Thanks-----so far it is the Trump hating "antifa" jerks?
So far....Unless this whole thing is a *chortle* false flag operation.
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
Leftists are stupid enough to target anybody....

Remember how the rioters in Portland tried to burn down the mayor's house after he joined their riots????
Remember when a bunch of these assholes stormed the Michigan capital in full militia gear and you loved it?
She would have handled the pandemic better/differently than Trump did. That's why they hate her. She would have done the job Trump should have done. This is all it takes to make them hate her.

So Trump lied to us about the virus in February. HE knew but didn't want it to hurt his economy. So he lied to us. He kept the truth from us. And people died because of that.

Do you guys remember 2 Americans died from Ebola and Republicans wanted Obama to resign? LOL

Trump dismantled the department that dealt with Ebola.
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
That's why their social media accounts show the BLM and ANTIFA flags with other Anarchist flags.... HMMmmmmmm Did you think for yourself or are these the left wing talking points you have been given?
If I put a Trump hat and commit a crime does that put blame on the Republican party?

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