FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

Look, bitches. The days of being civil and nice are GONE. This is war, and Woden wants me to kill all of my enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla.

Dead commies or Valhalla bitches. Either way, I win.
That is how Trump made you. You are a very nice human being.
I treat mosquitoes sucking the blood out of my skin with more respect than I do communist

There haven't been any communists in the world since Fidel Castro died. The whole movement died when the Soviet Union fell. Why are you still pretending communism is the problem when right wing facism is the problem currently plaguing the west?

Because right wing fascism is a problem and a lot of the people on this board are right wing fascists.

They know that the majority of our nation aren't right wing fascists so the far right wing fascists do their usual projection.

They accuse everyone else of being what the right wing fascists themselves are.

They've been doing it for decades. It's gotten so very old.

If you want to know what a conservative or right winger thinks are wants to do, or is doing, just listen to what they accuse others of doing. The right winger is doing what they accuse others of doing but the people they accuse aren't doing what the right winger accuses them of doing.

It's very twisted.
Democrats are trying to burn free speakers alive and the right is fascist!? Lol are you on crack?

Funny how the Democrats are supposedly doing the burning, but the guys who are getting arrested for the burning are the members of one of same groups that were arrested yesterday for conspiracy to kidnap Governor Whitmer: The Boogaloo Boys. The guys who hate everyone and are trying to start a civil war.

All of the people who are getting arresting for the violence, the burning and the looting are right wing anarchists, affiliated with the Boogaloo Boys and similar groups. The FBI and their arrest records say so.

But Donald Trump, who can't even bring himself to condemn David Duke or Richard Spencer, refuses to even acknowledge right wing terrorism. He has praised and defended another right wing anarchist who is facing murder charges - Kyle Rittenhouse. He said on TV the protestors were chasing him, "I don't know why", and he fell down and they were gonna hurt him worse.

Trump doesn't know why the protestors were chasing Kyle Rittenhouse, but it was in all of the police reports, and news reports. He shot a protestor. That's why they were chasing him. And when he fell down, he started shooting randomly at the people chasing him and he murdered two of them. Rittenhouse crossed state lines with an illegal gun and shot three people with it, and Trump is hailing him as a hero there to protect property, and ordered his people to speaking glowingly of Kyle's Patriotism. They celebrated him at the RNC.

Trump is attempting to blame the violence, the burning and the looting on the left, even as law enforcement, the mayors, the state officials, and the courts, are prosecuting radical right wing fringe groups for all of the above.

But you want to believe it's the left, so you cheerfully believe Trump's deflections, and his dog whistles to the militia because you're incapable of believing anything else, regardless of facts.
Might want to check your internet connection it’s blm and antifa two left wing groups attacking federal agents and getting released.. republicans Aren’t the ones that need to answer for racism that democrats and Richard Spencer
I'm glad she's safe, but had she been kidnapped it might have been like "the ransom of red chief"

Hardly. Their plan was to put her on trial and then execute her. They had staked out her house on multiople occasions to learn her routines. This plot was as serious as a heart attack.

Members of this group have murdered police officers. The shooter who shot and injured the protestor in Albuquerque was a member of the Boogaloo Boys. Like the Proud Boys, these guys show up at protests armed with brass knuckles, semi-automatic weapons, dressed in camo and looking military. Many of them are ex-military.

I met a few hard core "survivalists in the 1980's. One of his buddies was a Captain in the Princess Patricia's Light Infantry. One of my roommates was into this stuff. Him and his ex-military/ex cop buddies would go out into These guys were hard core and I wouldn't mess with any of them. All of them had been in fire fights. They had no mal intent. They enjoyed the challenge of walking into the woods with a backpack full of gear, MRE's, and spending the weekend hunting and foraging. I can easily see a group of guys like this with mal intent doing something like this.

They would certainly have the skills and discipline to pull it off. And this group has repeatedly shown a lack a fear in killing police, government, or protestors.
Look, bitches. The days of being civil and nice are GONE. This is war, and Woden wants me to kill all of my enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla.

Dead commies or Valhalla bitches. Either way, I win.
That is how Trump made you. You are a very nice human being.
I treat mosquitoes sucking the blood out of my skin with more respect than I do communist

There haven't been any communists in the world since Fidel Castro died. The whole movement died when the Soviet Union fell. Why are you still pretending communism is the problem when right wing facism is the problem currently plaguing the west?

Because right wing fascism is a problem and a lot of the people on this board are right wing fascists.

They know that the majority of our nation aren't right wing fascists so the far right wing fascists do their usual projection.

They accuse everyone else of being what the right wing fascists themselves are.

They've been doing it for decades. It's gotten so very old.

If you want to know what a conservative or right winger thinks are wants to do, or is doing, just listen to what they accuse others of doing. The right winger is doing what they accuse others of doing but the people they accuse aren't doing what the right winger accuses them of doing.

It's very twisted.
Democrats are trying to burn free speakers alive and the right is fascist!? Lol are you on crack?

Funny how the Democrats are supposedly doing the burning, but the guys who are getting arrested for the burning are the members of one of same groups that were arrested yesterday for conspiracy to kidnap Governor Whitmer: The Boogaloo Boys. The guys who hate everyone and are trying to start a civil war.

All of the people who are getting arresting for the violence, the burning and the looting are right wing anarchists, affiliated with the Boogaloo Boys and similar groups. The FBI and their arrest records say so.

But Donald Trump, who can't even bring himself to condemn David Duke or Richard Spencer, refuses to even acknowledge right wing terrorism. He has praised and defended another right wing anarchist who is facing murder charges - Kyle Rittenhouse. He said on TV the protestors were chasing him, "I don't know why", and he fell down and they were gonna hurt him worse.

Trump doesn't know why the protestors were chasing Kyle Rittenhouse, but it was in all of the police reports, and news reports. He shot a protestor. That's why they were chasing him. And when he fell down, he started shooting randomly at the people chasing him and he murdered two of them. Rittenhouse crossed state lines with an illegal gun and shot three people with it, and Trump is hailing him as a hero there to protect property, and ordered his people to speaking glowingly of Kyle's Patriotism. They celebrated him at the RNC.

Trump is attempting to blame the violence, the burning and the looting on the left, even as law enforcement, the mayors, the state officials, and the courts, are prosecuting radical right wing fringe groups for all of the above.

But you want to believe it's the left, so you cheerfully believe Trump's deflections, and his dog whistles to the militia because you're incapable of believing anything else, regardless of facts.
Might want to check your internet connection it’s blm and antifa two left wing groups attacking federal agents and getting released.. republicans Aren’t the ones that need to answer for racism that democrats and Richard Spencer

You might want to check the links I posted. It was two military men who are members of the Boogaloo Boys.
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Look, bitches. The days of being civil and nice are GONE. This is war, and Woden wants me to kill all of my enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla.

Dead commies or Valhalla bitches. Either way, I win.
That is how Trump made you. You are a very nice human being.
I treat mosquitoes sucking the blood out of my skin with more respect than I do communist

There haven't been any communists in the world since Fidel Castro died. The whole movement died when the Soviet Union fell. Why are you still pretending communism is the problem when right wing facism is the problem currently plaguing the west?

Because right wing fascism is a problem and a lot of the people on this board are right wing fascists.

They know that the majority of our nation aren't right wing fascists so the far right wing fascists do their usual projection.

They accuse everyone else of being what the right wing fascists themselves are.

They've been doing it for decades. It's gotten so very old.

If you want to know what a conservative or right winger thinks are wants to do, or is doing, just listen to what they accuse others of doing. The right winger is doing what they accuse others of doing but the people they accuse aren't doing what the right winger accuses them of doing.

It's very twisted.
Democrats are trying to burn free speakers alive and the right is fascist!? Lol are you on crack?

Funny how the Democrats are supposedly doing the burning, but the guys who are getting arrested for the burning are the members of one of same groups that were arrested yesterday for conspiracy to kidnap Governor Whitmer: The Boogaloo Boys. The guys who hate everyone and are trying to start a civil war.

All of the people who are getting arresting for the violence, the burning and the looting are right wing anarchists, affiliated with the Boogaloo Boys and similar groups. The FBI and their arrest records say so.

But Donald Trump, who can't even bring himself to condemn David Duke or Richard Spencer, refuses to even acknowledge right wing terrorism. He has praised and defended another right wing anarchist who is facing murder charges - Kyle Rittenhouse. He said on TV the protestors were chasing him, "I don't know why", and he fell down and they were gonna hurt him worse.

Trump doesn't know why the protestors were chasing Kyle Rittenhouse, but it was in all of the police reports, and news reports. He shot a protestor. That's why they were chasing him. And when he fell down, he started shooting randomly at the people chasing him and he murdered two of them. Rittenhouse crossed state lines with an illegal gun and shot three people with it, and Trump is hailing him as a hero there to protect property, and ordered his people to speaking glowingly of Kyle's Patriotism. They celebrated him at the RNC.

Trump is attempting to blame the violence, the burning and the looting on the left, even as law enforcement, the mayors, the state officials, and the courts, are prosecuting radical right wing fringe groups for all of the above.

But you want to believe it's the left, so you cheerfully believe Trump's deflections, and his dog whistles to the militia because you're incapable of believing anything else, regardless of facts.
Might want to check your internet connection it’s blm and antifa two left wing groups attacking federal agents and getting released.. republicans Aren’t the ones that need to answer for racism that democrats and Richard Spencer

You might want to check the links I posted. It was two military men who are members of the Boogaloo Boys.
So the rioters are right wingers white supremacists and they are all black ? Lol
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
Leftists are stupid enough to target anybody....

Remember how the rioters in Portland tried to burn down the mayor's house after he joined their riots????
Remember when a bunch of these assholes stormed the Michigan capital in full militia gear and you loved it?
She would have handled the pandemic better/differently than Trump did. That's why they hate her. She would have done the job Trump should have done. This is all it takes to make them hate her.

So Trump lied to us about the virus in February. HE knew but didn't want it to hurt his economy. So he lied to us. He kept the truth from us. And people died because of that.

Do you guys remember 2 Americans died from Ebola and Republicans wanted Obama to resign? LOL

Trump dismantled the department that dealt with Ebola.
So what she "done" was one of the highest mortality rates in the US at 4.9%. The President's average across all 50 states, including these pathetic Dem led states, is 2.7%.

Do you realize what you are doing you clown? So in Alaska and Montana, people don't live as close to each other as they do in places like Detroit, Chicago and NYC?

You fucking idiot.
Yes of course.....I am the f'ing idiot. And which governors and mayors are in charge of those cities and states? And of course nobody lives close together in Florida or Texas.
Yes, you're an idiot. Desperate.
Wow you liberals sure do resist facts when you are ranting your propaganda.

You guys like to say polls don't matter. Is that because elections are rigged?

Republicans are rushing to save GOP control of the U.S. Senate, spending $20 million in deeply conservative states that have become unexpected battlegrounds as a surge of small-dollar donations gives Democrats the upper hand in states likely to make or break the Senate majority.

As President Donald Trump’s reelection position continues to deteriorate amid his mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, the GOP is watching Democrats seize the lead in Senate races they once hoped to win and turn states previously seen as safe for Republicans into heavily contested battlegrounds. Democratic chances of winning the Senate and seizing complete control of the federal government are higher than at any point this election cycle.

You read too much of your liberal trash and hence you will be shocked when the election results are the opposite of what has been shoved into your tiny brain.
No I really won't be shocked if Don gets re elected. How about you? If Biden wins will you be shocked? I bet you will be.
Biden did the right thing and showed leadership.

Trump is a crazy asshole. *Fact*
For 50 years Biden has shown everything but leadership
He has been a leader in the Senate and VP, you are a blind brainwashed fool.
I am neither blind nor brainwashed, hypocrite.
Then you are really racist or really rich and lying to us.
If I was "really rich" I would be a Democrat.
Yea, that's why Wallstreet went down when Don got corona? And why Fox says Wallstreet wants Don to win? Because the corporations know Joe will tax them and Don doesn't. Stop lying.
Biden did the right thing and showed leadership.

Trump is a crazy asshole. *Fact*
For 50 years Biden has shown everything but leadership
He has been a leader in the Senate and VP, you are a blind brainwashed fool.
I am neither blind nor brainwashed, hypocrite.
Then you are really racist or really rich and lying to us.
If I was "really rich" I would be a Democrat.
Yea, that's why Wallstreet went down when Don got corona? And why Fox says Wallstreet wants Don to win? Because the corporations know Joe will tax them and Don doesn't. Stop lying.
Why are they only donating to biden?
They are all a bunch of 2nd amendment militia idiots planning to attack the same governor Trump has targeted for ridicule in the past. Not sure who leftists would target but it would not be a favorite scapegoat of the right.
Leftists are stupid enough to target anybody....

Remember how the rioters in Portland tried to burn down the mayor's house after he joined their riots????
Remember when a bunch of these assholes stormed the Michigan capital in full militia gear and you loved it?
She would have handled the pandemic better/differently than Trump did. That's why they hate her. She would have done the job Trump should have done. This is all it takes to make them hate her.

So Trump lied to us about the virus in February. HE knew but didn't want it to hurt his economy. So he lied to us. He kept the truth from us. And people died because of that.

Do you guys remember 2 Americans died from Ebola and Republicans wanted Obama to resign? LOL

Trump dismantled the department that dealt with Ebola.
So what she "done" was one of the highest mortality rates in the US at 4.9%. The President's average across all 50 states, including these pathetic Dem led states, is 2.7%.

Do you realize what you are doing you clown? So in Alaska and Montana, people don't live as close to each other as they do in places like Detroit, Chicago and NYC?

You fucking idiot.
Yes of course.....I am the f'ing idiot. And which governors and mayors are in charge of those cities and states? And of course nobody lives close together in Florida or Texas.
Yes, you're an idiot. Desperate.
Wow you liberals sure do resist facts when you are ranting your propaganda.

You guys like to say polls don't matter. Is that because elections are rigged?

Republicans are rushing to save GOP control of the U.S. Senate, spending $20 million in deeply conservative states that have become unexpected battlegrounds as a surge of small-dollar donations gives Democrats the upper hand in states likely to make or break the Senate majority.

As President Donald Trump’s reelection position continues to deteriorate amid his mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, the GOP is watching Democrats seize the lead in Senate races they once hoped to win and turn states previously seen as safe for Republicans into heavily contested battlegrounds. Democratic chances of winning the Senate and seizing complete control of the federal government are higher than at any point this election cycle.

You read too much of your liberal trash and hence you will be shocked when the election results are the opposite of what has been shoved into your tiny brain.
No I really won't be shocked if Don gets re elected. How about you? If Biden wins will you be shocked? I bet you will be.
I don't have to worry about Biden being elected. I know there are too many true Americans that will allow something so stupid to occur.
How come they arrest Islamic fundamentalist preachers who in their speech seem to support terrorism, even if they don't have direct contact with the people who have committed acts of terrorism?

I'm nor saying they should not arrest those hate preachers, far from it, but there is obviously a double standard.
Biden did the right thing and showed leadership.

Trump is a crazy asshole. *Fact*
For 50 years Biden has shown everything but leadership
He has been a leader in the Senate and VP, you are a blind brainwashed fool.
I am neither blind nor brainwashed, hypocrite.
Then you are really racist or really rich and lying to us.

Hah, pulling the race card again!!...
Please stop. First you said Democrats were playing identity politics by nominating a woman for VP then Trump nominates a woman to the Supreme Court and don't forget McCain nominated Palin to be his VP for the exact same reason.

And of course check out the Republican running for Senate in MI.

Biden did the right thing and showed leadership.

Trump is a crazy asshole. *Fact*
For 50 years Biden has shown everything but leadership
He has been a leader in the Senate and VP, you are a blind brainwashed fool.
I am neither blind nor brainwashed, hypocrite.
Then you are really racist or really rich and lying to us.
If I was "really rich" I would be a Democrat.
Yea, that's why Wallstreet went down when Don got corona? And why Fox says Wallstreet wants Don to win? Because the corporations know Joe will tax them and Don doesn't. Stop lying.
Most top one percenters are Democrat, a known fact, so you stop lying. Wallstreet is like a bunch of old women, they react to any and everything. And of course anyone with common sense and a job doesnt want Biden to win, he will cause vast layoffs and ship jobs overseas with his hatred of free enterprise and growth companies.
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
This is who she is, and why she is despised. Like all Democrats shes more interested in causing trouble for the president than her own safety. Shes
Pelosi just a few decades younger. This state made a huge mistake putting her in office as did NY, and CA
She's not despised by anyone but you right wingers. Nation wide you've tried to use her as a punching bag but here in Michigan, other than right wingers, no one hates her.

All they are doing is guaranteeing that she will be reelected.

Most of the people in Michigan like her.

The other thing they are doing, driving sane and normal people from the Republican Party. If there are any left.

All they are doing is further destroying the republican party.

If the people like Ms. Whitmer's record of maintaining one of the highest Coronavirus death rates in the country, in spite having the state locked down tight, good for them.
Well in Dearborn, MI Arab Americans weren't listening and they didn't wear masks or social distance.


Donald J. Trump


Nov 8, 2013

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

Whitmer is doing a great job. Trump is to blame for all the coronavirus deaths don't put it on the Governor. Trump has no leadership skills. Hell, he lied to us in January about the pandemic coming.

Remember what Trump said
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
This is who she is, and why she is despised. Like all Democrats shes more interested in causing trouble for the president than her own safety. Shes
Pelosi just a few decades younger. This state made a huge mistake putting her in office as did NY, and CA
She's not despised by anyone but you right wingers. Nation wide you've tried to use her as a punching bag but here in Michigan, other than right wingers, no one hates her.

All they are doing is guaranteeing that she will be reelected.

Most of the people in Michigan like her.

The other thing they are doing, driving sane and normal people from the Republican Party. If there are any left.

All they are doing is further destroying the republican party.

If the people like Ms. Whitmer's record of maintaining one of the highest Coronavirus death rates in the country, in spite having the state locked down tight, good for them.
Well in Dearborn, MI Arab Americans weren't listening and they didn't wear masks or social distance.


Donald J. Trump

Nov 8, 2013

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

Whitmer is doing a great job. Trump is to blame for all the coronavirus deaths don't put it on the Governor. Trump has no leadership skills. Hell, he lied to us in January about the pandemic coming.

Remember what Trump said
Baloney, of course the governor is responsible for what happens in her state. And this windbag went all out in her control freak tactics to "control" the virus and still has a 4.9% mortality rate, no surprise among the idiot Democrat pathetic state leaders.
Biden did the right thing and showed leadership.

Trump is a crazy asshole. *Fact*
For 50 years Biden has shown everything but leadership
He has been a leader in the Senate and VP, you are a blind brainwashed fool.
I am neither blind nor brainwashed, hypocrite.
Then you are really racist or really rich and lying to us.

Hah, pulling the race card again!!...

The only reasons for someone who isn't a billionaire to support Donald Trump are (a) the are too stupid to fact check or realize they've been conned; or (b) they like his policies - all of which are racist, which is why he's lost the black and Hispanic vote except for Cubans, or misogynistic, which is why he's lost the women's vote, or they get people killed, which is why he is losing the elderly vote and the votes of those who love and care for them.

In the choice between stupid, racist, misogynist, or just like killing old people, please tell us why you're voting for Trump.

Economy is off the list - he crashed, it. Immigration is also off the list. There will be war crimes trials over his administration policy there, when he's gone.
And remember his economy wasn't that great. Certainly his 2018 tax cuts didn't produce what we were promised. In 2019 he only had 2.3% growth.

He took over an already good economy. Unemployment was already low. Republcans didn't believe the numbers when Obama was president. Obama created more jobs than Trump did. And when the stock market was up in 2015 Republicans said look at the debt. Well look at the debt Trump's tax breaks created.

The fact my brother makes over $500,000 a year and is not voting for Trump says a lot. He said it took him about 20 minutes to decide but he can't take another 4 years of Trump. Then he said don't tell all our Republican friends.

This was unsolicited so he didn't lie to me. He didn't have to tell me anything. And I stopped years ago trying to convince him the GOP sucks.

And if Trump loses it's his own fault. Besides how he handled the coronavirus he played divisive politics for the entire 4 years. Also all the lies big and small. That turns everyone except for deplorable Trump supporters off. I'm glad he did it because if he didn't he would have easily won a second term.
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
This is who she is, and why she is despised. Like all Democrats shes more interested in causing trouble for the president than her own safety. Shes
Pelosi just a few decades younger. This state made a huge mistake putting her in office as did NY, and CA
She's not despised by anyone but you right wingers. Nation wide you've tried to use her as a punching bag but here in Michigan, other than right wingers, no one hates her.

All they are doing is guaranteeing that she will be reelected.

Most of the people in Michigan like her.

The other thing they are doing, driving sane and normal people from the Republican Party. If there are any left.

All they are doing is further destroying the republican party.

If the people like Ms. Whitmer's record of maintaining one of the highest Coronavirus death rates in the country, in spite having the state locked down tight, good for them.

Michigan, which ranked third nationally for confirmed cases in early April, ranked 11th early Sunday afternoon.Jun 28, 2020

Michigan drops out of top 10 states for confirmed COVID-19 ..
Biden did the right thing and showed leadership.

Trump is a crazy asshole. *Fact*
For 50 years Biden has shown everything but leadership
He has been a leader in the Senate and VP, you are a blind brainwashed fool.
I am neither blind nor brainwashed, hypocrite.
Then you are really racist or really rich and lying to us.

Hah, pulling the race card again!!...

The only reasons for someone who isn't a billionaire to support Donald Trump are (a) the are too stupid to fact check or realize they've been conned; or (b) they like his policies - all of which are racist, which is why he's lost the black and Hispanic vote except for Cubans, or misogynistic, which is why he's lost the women's vote, or they get people killed, which is why he is losing the elderly vote and the votes of those who love and care for them.

In the choice between stupid, racist, misogynist, or just like killing old people, please tell us why you're voting for Trump.

Economy is off the list - he crashed, it. Immigration is also off the list. There will be war crimes trials over his administration policy there, when he's gone.
And remember his economy wasn't that great. Certainly his 2018 tax cuts didn't produce what we were promised. In 2019 he only had 2.3% growth.

He took over an already good economy. Unemployment was already low. Republcans didn't believe the numbers when Obama was president. Obama created more jobs than Trump did. And when the stock market was up in 2015 Republicans said look at the debt. Well look at the debt Trump's tax breaks created.

The fact my brother makes over $500,000 a year and is not voting for Trump says a lot. He said it took him about 20 minutes to decide but he can't take another 4 years of Trump. Then he said don't tell all our Republican friends.

This was unsolicited so he didn't lie to me. He didn't have to tell me anything. And I stopped years ago trying to convince him the GOP sucks.

And if Trump loses it's his own fault. Besides how he handled the coronavirus he played divisive politics for the entire 4 years. Also all the lies big and small. That turns everyone except for deplorable Trump supporters off. I'm glad he did it because if he didn't he would have easily won a second term.
Waah waah waah always crying, more whiny America hating libber propaganda.
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
This is who she is, and why she is despised. Like all Democrats shes more interested in causing trouble for the president than her own safety. Shes
Pelosi just a few decades younger. This state made a huge mistake putting her in office as did NY, and CA
She's not despised by anyone but you right wingers. Nation wide you've tried to use her as a punching bag but here in Michigan, other than right wingers, no one hates her.

All they are doing is guaranteeing that she will be reelected.

Most of the people in Michigan like her.

The other thing they are doing, driving sane and normal people from the Republican Party. If there are any left.

All they are doing is further destroying the republican party.

If the people like Ms. Whitmer's record of maintaining one of the highest Coronavirus death rates in the country, in spite having the state locked down tight, good for them.
What should she do if Republicans who live in MI won't listen or wear masks? My nephew and a bunch of his 18 year old friends all got it by partying together. Making out. Sharing joints.
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
This is who she is, and why she is despised. Like all Democrats shes more interested in causing trouble for the president than her own safety. Shes
Pelosi just a few decades younger. This state made a huge mistake putting her in office as did NY, and CA
She's not despised by anyone but you right wingers. Nation wide you've tried to use her as a punching bag but here in Michigan, other than right wingers, no one hates her.

All they are doing is guaranteeing that she will be reelected.

Most of the people in Michigan like her.

The other thing they are doing, driving sane and normal people from the Republican Party. If there are any left.

All they are doing is further destroying the republican party.

If the people like Ms. Whitmer's record of maintaining one of the highest Coronavirus death rates in the country, in spite having the state locked down tight, good for them.

Michigan, which ranked third nationally for confirmed cases in early April, ranked 11th early Sunday afternoon.Jun 28, 2020
Michigan drops out of top 10 states for confirmed COVID-19 ..
And is still among the leaders for MORTALITY RATE at 4.9%. Who cares what the case count is, most people don't have any symptoms.
Biden did the right thing and showed leadership.

Trump is a crazy asshole. *Fact*
For 50 years Biden has shown everything but leadership
He has been a leader in the Senate and VP, you are a blind brainwashed fool.
I am neither blind nor brainwashed, hypocrite.
Then you are really racist or really rich and lying to us.

Hah, pulling the race card again!!...

The only reasons for someone who isn't a billionaire to support Donald Trump are (a) the are too stupid to fact check or realize they've been conned; or (b) they like his policies - all of which are racist, which is why he's lost the black and Hispanic vote except for Cubans, or misogynistic, which is why he's lost the women's vote, or they get people killed, which is why he is losing the elderly vote and the votes of those who love and care for them.

In the choice between stupid, racist, misogynist, or just like killing old people, please tell us why you're voting for Trump.

Economy is off the list - he crashed, it. Immigration is also off the list. There will be war crimes trials over his administration policy there, when he's gone.
And remember his economy wasn't that great. Certainly his 2018 tax cuts didn't produce what we were promised. In 2019 he only had 2.3% growth.

He took over an already good economy. Unemployment was already low. Republcans didn't believe the numbers when Obama was president. Obama created more jobs than Trump did. And when the stock market was up in 2015 Republicans said look at the debt. Well look at the debt Trump's tax breaks created.

The fact my brother makes over $500,000 a year and is not voting for Trump says a lot. He said it took him about 20 minutes to decide but he can't take another 4 years of Trump. Then he said don't tell all our Republican friends.

This was unsolicited so he didn't lie to me. He didn't have to tell me anything. And I stopped years ago trying to convince him the GOP sucks.

And if Trump loses it's his own fault. Besides how he handled the coronavirus he played divisive politics for the entire 4 years. Also all the lies big and small. That turns everyone except for deplorable Trump supporters off. I'm glad he did it because if he didn't he would have easily won a second term.
Waah waah waah always crying, more whiny America hating libber propaganda.
I'm happy I think Biden is going to win now. My brother didn't vote for Trump again and I know 13 guys who won't be voting for Trump next month. LOL.
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
This is who she is, and why she is despised. Like all Democrats shes more interested in causing trouble for the president than her own safety. Shes
Pelosi just a few decades younger. This state made a huge mistake putting her in office as did NY, and CA
She's not despised by anyone but you right wingers. Nation wide you've tried to use her as a punching bag but here in Michigan, other than right wingers, no one hates her.

All they are doing is guaranteeing that she will be reelected.

Most of the people in Michigan like her.

The other thing they are doing, driving sane and normal people from the Republican Party. If there are any left.

All they are doing is further destroying the republican party.

If the people like Ms. Whitmer's record of maintaining one of the highest Coronavirus death rates in the country, in spite having the state locked down tight, good for them.

Michigan, which ranked third nationally for confirmed cases in early April, ranked 11th early Sunday afternoon.Jun 28, 2020
Michigan drops out of top 10 states for confirmed COVID-19 ..
And is still among the leaders for MORTALITY RATE at 4.9%. Who cares what the case count is, most people don't have any symptoms.
Adn masks don't work right?

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