FBI successfully recovers Clinton deleted emails

Saw on the news this morning the FBI is ready to recommend she be indicted and if the US Attorney refuses they will spill the beans
Saw on the news this morning the FBI is ready to recommend she be indicted and if the US Attorney refuses they will spill the beans
Which will be the route they take, because only FOX news will report it.
Anyone above a GS2 would have been fired over this.
sorry dem/libs. HRC is going down, is plugs ready?
What are you, delusional?

Do you actually think Loretta Lynch is going to lift her little pinky to do anything about Hillary's malfeasance? Clearly you don't understand how the nation and the application of the law work.
Saw on the news this morning the FBI is ready to recommend she be indicted and if the US Attorney refuses they will spill the beans
Limbaugh said on his show yesterday that the FBI can't indict anyone, it has to go thru lynch.

Lynch has for the most part has been high profile and in front of the camera.
I bet you don't see hind or tail of her until Jan 20
Saw on the news this morning the FBI is ready to recommend she be indicted and if the US Attorney refuses they will spill the beans
Limbaugh said on his show yesterday that the FBI can't indict anyone, it has to go thru lynch.

That's why I said they recommended she be indicted, according to what I saw the FBI will recommend it and if Lynch doesn't follow through the FBI will make the findings known anyway
sorry dem/libs. HRC is going down, is plugs ready?
What are you, delusional?

Do you actually think Loretta Lynch is going to lift her little pinky to do anything about Hillary's malfeasance? Clearly you don't understand how the nation and the application of the law work.

I am not saying that Lynch will prosecute her, I am saying that when the FBI investigation becomes public that the American people (except a few brain dead libs) will turn on her and she will not be the dem nominee and will never be president.

But, you also ignore the fact that the obamas and Clintons hate each other. If obozo sees that Hillary is losing the nomination, he just might turn the AG loose on her.
Could happen to a more deserving woman. If she goes to jail it will be amusing to see what shenagans a free Bill Clinton will do.
What are you, delusional?

Do you actually think Loretta Lynch...

i believe you are a bit delusional! it really doesn't mater what Lynch says or does.., oooh hell.., here it is, plain and simple....,

The FBI is ready to indict Hillary Clinton and if its recommendation isn't followed by the U.S. attorney general, the agency's investigators plan to blow the whistle and go public with their findings, former U.S. House Majority leader Tom DeLay tells Newsmax TV.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/tom-delay-hillary-clinton-indict-fbi/2016/01/25/id/710813/#ixzz3yML1Kyn6

did that help you any?
What I really think is that Mrs. Clinton is totally unaware of what was done that was wrong. I doubt she does any more then just look at her screen and respond. I doubt there is any thought at all into how classified the material may or may not be.

That said, does it matter if it is intentional or not? Nope. She should be aware and if she were not that disqualifies her from having her finger on the nuclear button.
I still say it ain't gonna happen. Mrs. Clinton is fully ingrained into Washington, she is one of them and will be protected.
I guess we'll learn how to make chocolate chip cookies. LOL

FBI Successfully Recovers Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails |

Unless she is indicted, or the FBI walks out in disgust showing an internal fight inside the government, nothing much will change, and that is fine by me politically.


Because besides Bernie, Hillary is the best candidate to insure a GOP victory in November, and she is running as the next coming of Obama. What more could the GOP want!

I do not want any savior coming to the rescue of the DNC, I like exactly what they put up to hold the White House, because their 2 candidates stink when looking at them objectively.

You want the best chance to win the White House and keep the senate in GOP control with coat tails? Then put Hillary 2nd, Bernie 1st up as the DNC candidate. I despise the woman for what she has done, but her and Bernie are the best vehicles we have to get the outcome we want!
I still say it ain't gonna happen. Mrs. Clinton is fully ingrained into Washington, she is one of them and will be protected.

maybe, but you discount the fact that the Obamas hate the Clintons. If HRC continues to drop in the polls it would not surprise me if obozo told the AG to take her down.

Obama would prefer to Biden to follow him, hell, plugs might even make Obama his VP.

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