FBI successfully recovers Clinton deleted emails

Saw on the news this morning the FBI is ready to recommend she be indicted and if the US Attorney refuses they will spill the beans
We shall see, won't we? Just like all the other times that the RW said an indictment was coming any...moment...now.........

You have very poor reading comprehension...I said the FBI will recommend she be indicted. Now go shave your back and cease making yourself look the fool
What I really think is that Mrs. Clinton is totally unaware of what was done that was wrong. I doubt she does any more then just look at her screen and respond. I doubt there is any thought at all into how classified the material may or may not be.

That said, does it matter if it is intentional or not? Nope. She should be aware and if she were not that disqualifies her from having her finger on the nuclear button.

she knew exactly what she was doing. The private server was set up so that no one could see her message traffic. It backfired on her. I do agree that she is disqualified to be president----------for many reasons, the classified data disclosure just one of them
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Stop dry humping the dog when I'm out of town. He's getting a stress rash.

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If you ever want a shoulder to cry on, you know I can relate.

FBI successfully recovers Clinton deleted emails
Knew it all along, that mail server is a part of the vast right wing conspiracy....... along with the FBI, the IG and the entire U.S. Intelligence Community, apparently Her Royal Highness's enemies list extends quite a bit beyond just the NRA, drug companies, health insurance companies, Iran and Republicans.
What I really think is that Mrs. Clinton is totally unaware of what was done that was wrong. I doubt she does any more then just look at her screen and respond. I doubt there is any thought at all into how classified the material may or may not be.

That said, does it matter if it is intentional or not? Nope. She should be aware and if she were not that disqualifies her from having her finger on the nuclear button.

she knew exactly what she was doing. The private server was set up so that no one could see her message traffic. It backfired on her. I do agree that she is disqualified to be president----------for many reasons, the classified data disclosure just one of them

Oh for sure she was trying to hide stuff on her personal server why else have one?

But, her defense will be, none of the emails that were classified originated with her. She can't possibly stop someone from sending her a classified email, so she will say. So some low level flunky will be taken out and shot and that will be the end of it, if even that happens.
sorry dem/libs. HRC is going down, is plugs ready?

Lizzy Cheekbones warming up in the sitting bull-pen
You think even if Hillary is indicted she still stays in race and wins nomination? Shit if Warren runs that will be INTERESTING! Wonder how much time she has to decide.

Of course she stays in, it is her last chance. She will stay even if indicted because she knows that when convicted she sure won't be elected. But if convicted as POTUS she could conceivably pardon herself, or whoever replaces her could, where have I heard that happen?
What I really think is that Mrs. Clinton is totally unaware of what was done that was wrong. I doubt she does any more then just look at her screen and respond. I doubt there is any thought at all into how classified the material may or may not be.

That said, does it matter if it is intentional or not? Nope. She should be aware and if she were not that disqualifies her from having her finger on the nuclear button.

she knew exactly what she was doing. The private server was set up so that no one could see her message traffic. It backfired on her. I do agree that she is disqualified to be president----------for many reasons, the classified data disclosure just one of them

Oh for sure she was trying to hide stuff on her personal server why else have one?

But, her defense will be, none of the emails that were classified originated with her. She can't possibly stop someone from sending her a classified email, so she will say. So some low level flunky will be taken out and shot and that will be the end of it, if even that happens.

having possession of a classified document in an unsecure place is a violation. It doesn't matter if she sent them or received them. It doesn't matter if they were marked or not. She, and everyone with a classified authorization, has a legal obligation to keep the data in a secure place.
sorry dem/libs. HRC is going down, is plugs ready?

Lizzy Cheekbones warming up in the sitting bull-pen
You think even if Hillary is indicted she still stays in race and wins nomination? Shit if Warren runs that will be INTERESTING! Wonder how much time she has to decide.

Of course she stays in, it is her last chance. She will stay even if indicted because she knows that when convicted she sure won't be elected. But if convicted as POTUS she could conceivably pardon herself, or whoever replaces her could, where have I heard that happen?

you just described government corruption at its worst. what Nixon did was nothing compared to what Hillary has done.
What I really think is that Mrs. Clinton is totally unaware of what was done that was wrong. I doubt she does any more then just look at her screen and respond. I doubt there is any thought at all into how classified the material may or may not be.

That said, does it matter if it is intentional or not? Nope. She should be aware and if she were not that disqualifies her from having her finger on the nuclear button.

she knew exactly what she was doing. The private server was set up so that no one could see her message traffic. It backfired on her. I do agree that she is disqualified to be president----------for many reasons, the classified data disclosure just one of them

Oh for sure she was trying to hide stuff on her personal server why else have one?

But, her defense will be, none of the emails that were classified originated with her. She can't possibly stop someone from sending her a classified email, so she will say. So some low level flunky will be taken out and shot and that will be the end of it, if even that happens.

having possession of a classified document in an unsecure place is a violation. It doesn't matter if she sent them or received them. It doesn't matter if they were marked or not. She, and everyone with a classified authorization, has a legal obligation to keep the data in a secure place.

We shall see, and I hope you throw my words back at me, but I seriously doubt she is indicted. Matter of fact she might be able to play this out to where she has a positive image.
sorry dem/libs. HRC is going down, is plugs ready?

Lizzy Cheekbones warming up in the sitting bull-pen
You think even if Hillary is indicted she still stays in race and wins nomination? Shit if Warren runs that will be INTERESTING! Wonder how much time she has to decide.

Of course she stays in, it is her last chance. She will stay even if indicted because she knows that when convicted she sure won't be elected. But if convicted as POTUS she could conceivably pardon herself, or whoever replaces her could, where have I heard that happen?

you just described government corruption at its worst. what Nixon did was nothing compared to what Hillary has done.

I could be wrong, because at the time I wasn't sure Nixon wasn't to big to fail.
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They don't make XXXL Spanx panties. They laughed at me on the phone.

what Nixon did was nothing compared to what Hillary has done.

Only someone who knows nothing about Nixon could possibly say such an ignorant thing.

he lied about a break in of one political party by the other party. No one died, no one lost money, it was much ado about nothing.

You may not like Nixon the person, but Watergate was nothing compared to what the Clintons have done. The Chinese, Russians, and Islamic radicals have US classified data thanks to Hillary's political greed. She and Bubba owe favors to foreign power brokers in exchange for "contributions" to the Clinton foundation--which ended up in the Clintons bank accounts.

the ignorance being displayed here is all yours.
What I really think is that Mrs. Clinton is totally unaware of what was done that was wrong. I doubt she does any more then just look at her screen and respond. I doubt there is any thought at all into how classified the material may or may not be.

That said, does it matter if it is intentional or not? Nope. She should be aware and if she were not that disqualifies her from having her finger on the nuclear button.

she knew exactly what she was doing. The private server was set up so that no one could see her message traffic. It backfired on her. I do agree that she is disqualified to be president----------for many reasons, the classified data disclosure just one of them

Oh for sure she was trying to hide stuff on her personal server why else have one?

But, her defense will be, none of the emails that were classified originated with her. She can't possibly stop someone from sending her a classified email, so she will say. So some low level flunky will be taken out and shot and that will be the end of it, if even that happens.

having possession of a classified document in an unsecure place is a violation. It doesn't matter if she sent them or received them. It doesn't matter if they were marked or not. She, and everyone with a classified authorization, has a legal obligation to keep the data in a secure place.

We shall see, and I hope you throw my words back at me, but I seriously doubt she is indicted. Matter of fact she might be able to play this out to where she has a positive image.

If the FBI brings forth indictable evidence and the AG refuses to act on it, the FBI will probably go public with it. Do you think Obama wants that?
But, I truly believe she was promised the nomination if she gracefully accepted the bought convention last time for Obama.

I don't think they can stand each other but Dem politics is ruling the day.
I still say it ain't gonna happen. Mrs. Clinton is fully ingrained into Washington, she is one of them and will be protected.

maybe, but you discount the fact that the Obamas hate the Clintons. If HRC continues to drop in the polls it would not surprise me if obozo told the AG to take her down.

Obama would prefer to Biden to follow him, hell, plugs might even make Obama his VP.

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