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FBI too busy monitoring Twitter to worry about Fentanyl shipments from Mexico.

I'm 60 years old. We've had a Crisis on the border as long as I've been alive. If something has been going on for 60 years, it isn't a crisis.
Ypiu meed to stop watching the main stream liberal news which ignores the situation and watch Fox News. You donā€™t have to take fox Newsā€™ word for it, just look at the mass of people crossing the border and how they end up sleeping on the streets.

The problem isnā€™t that the media is covering anything up. They really arenā€™t. The problem from your point of view is that the news is routine.

40,000 people die in auto accidents every year. If the press reported on every fatality it would be nonstop with no time for anything else. Unless it is something unusual, say four cheerleaders on their way to prom, donā€™t expect the Press to give much notice to the deaths.

I was in Los Angeles when the Olympics came in 1984. The jokes then were that Mexico wasnā€™t sending a team. Everyone who could run, jump, or swim was already here.

It is routine. It isnā€™t a crisis. It hasnā€™t been for decades. Complaining that the media isnā€™t paying attention is just saying they arenā€™t hyping the story you think matters. And frankly they would have to hype it beyond all rationality.

Hysteria aside, the people know what is going on. They know the gardeners they see mowing lawns and trimming hedges are probably Illegals. And they donā€™t care. They know the day laborers at the hardware store are illegals. And they donā€™t care.

So the effort to ramp up the hysteria continues. And nobody seems to notice. It isnā€™t an effort to cover anything up. It is the Press realizing something you havenā€™t. The people generally donā€™t care if someone sneaks into the country and earns a living working hard. And those people believe, or know, depending on your point of view, that a vast majority of the Illegals are working hard.

This nonsense has been going on for all my life. And it isnā€™t going to change anytime soon. We donā€™t have the manpower to stop it. And if we had the manpower we couldnā€™t afford it.

There is nearly two thousand miles of border. Much of it is rugged and difficult to access. Border Patrol uses horses in the 21st Century because they work better than vehicles in some of that terrain.

Letā€™s use some simple middle school math. There are about 2,000 miles. That comes to more than three million yards. That is a lot of length.

If we stationed a man every fifty yards which still leaves gaps for people to sneak through, we are talking about needing 60,000 people. Three shifts per day, and we need 180,000 people. That is just to stand on the line. That doesnā€™t process anyone. Transport food, or anything. That is just people standing on the line.

And that only covers 5 days a week unless you arenā€™t going to give them a day off.

Three army divisions a shift. Three shifts a day.

Nothing in reserve. Nothing to react to any hostility. No backup for the boys on the line.

This is where you lose the people. And the Press knows it. It is virtually impossible. A ridiculous number of people just to have gaps that illegals will still sneak through. An insane amount of money to a system that wouldnā€™t work.

The Press isnā€™t covering it up. Everyone knows what is going on. Everyone knows about the millions of illegals who are here. Everyone sees them everyday. Everyone knows that they are picking crops at the farms. Everyone knows they are in Florida right now working to clean up after the hurricane.

The problem you have is that nobody else has their panties knotted up over it.
There are multiple inaccuracies in your post, now where to start.

First this: a recent survey of college students at a campus embracing wokeism asked random students how many people they thought entered the country illegally this past year. Most frequent answer ā€œabout 1 millionā€, they did not know the real answer and many were surprised to learn it was closer to 2.5 million. Low ball number however you slice it. ā€œCircling backā€ to this as ex WH mouthpiece Red would say (ha)

Do I expect a USMB leftist poster to admit that the leftist media is overtly politically biased and writes known falsehoods? No. I have come to accept a major limitation of this board, there are no leftists who do not use dirty tactics (at least on this board) when discussing politics. You are true to form in words- if you have a lie hold onto it, double down, and get one of your cohorts to back you up. I saw this exact scenario play out live during the one-sided only J6 circus yesterday, with the Democrats doing this live while questioning a fake ā€œwitnessā€. Lol it was a riot watching him stammer and pause because he messed up and didnā€™t give her the right answer they had practiced, so she had to redirect and another (inquisitor) guy jumped in to help correct the response/record, too obvious! Talk about coaching a witness. lol

Are you aware that the FBI paid money to social media -Twitter for one- soon up Google will be under the microscope as well as Facebook, paid executives and middle management to impact the 2020 election, to cover up the Hunter Biden laptop with damaging information about Biden, while at the time he was VP? To proactively ghost and shadow ban cancel accounts anti-Biden? To support the pro-Biden narrative? This is coming to the spot light to a stage near you, stay tuned. Until that time, feel free to deny it.

Prematurely hit the send button. Iā€™m not done.

I apologize for the sloppiness of this post. Not exactly organized but back to my point about the college campuses and the students not knowing the answer. Why didnā€™t they know? Because the leftist media supports the Biden BS that the border is just fine, and so what a million get in each year (2.5 million) who are not vetted. Domestic media sources are owned by leftists. Last I checked the static was 90+ percent (someone posted 90% in another thread but itā€™s more like 93% or more left politics narrative. Also the last I checked, about 8 to 10 New York elitists own over 93% of all domestic media sources and affiliates, sport adverts, communications, Disney etc. This handful of wealthy men replaced true journalism, threw it all under the bus in order to call the shots, sway the populace intentionally, and to win elections. You claim they arenā€™t biased or covering things up? You are not keeping up. These elitists have a major impact about what people talk about, what information they know, and use dirty tactics that real journalists donā€™t use. I have more but Iā€™ll stop for now.
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They're better off looking at where the politicians are wasting billions whilst becoming millionaires at the same time, than be concerned with a stoopid social media platform
We need all hands on deck trying to fix the border. That means stopping the flow of illegal immigrants and Fentanyl BEFORE it shows up at the border.
Ypiu meed to stop watching the main stream liberal news which ignores the situation and watch Fox News. You donā€™t have to take fox Newsā€™ word for it, just look at the mass of people crossing the border and how they end up sleeping on the streets.

FoxNews just video records what is happening at the border. They are literally the ONLY News network covering it. How do the propeller heads spin this into "Fake News"?
During the Hoover reign of terror with the FBI the GOP ran things

The FBI has a long history of partisan terrorism for the populace and nothing is ever done about it.
Doesn't make it right, and the common denominator is the FBI. The FBI that was too worried about prosecuting Napster people to bother with 9/11 terrorists.
FoxNews just video records what is happening at the border. They are literally the ONLY News network covering it. How do the propeller heads spin this into "Fake News"?
They close their eyes, or talk selfies crying hysterically while standing along some unknown location with a high fence for theatrics. Kind of like whatā€™s coming out now about all of the false pics staged to create mass panic and gain instant acceptance of the shutdown and mandates.
Ypiu meed to stop watching the main stream liberal news which ignores the situation and watch Fox News. You donā€™t have to take fox Newsā€™ word for it, just look at the mass of people crossing the border and how they end up sleeping on the streets.

So what?

Most of them will get sent back. The ones who don't will get fair asylum hearings.
The problem isnā€™t that the media is covering anything up. They really arenā€™t. The problem from your point of view is that the news is routine.

40,000 people die in auto accidents every year. If the press reported on every fatality it would be nonstop with no time for anything else. Unless it is something unusual, say four cheerleaders on their way to prom, donā€™t expect the Press to give much notice to the deaths.

I was in Los Angeles when the Olympics came in 1984. The jokes then were that Mexico wasnā€™t sending a team. Everyone who could run, jump, or swim was already here.

It is routine. It isnā€™t a crisis. It hasnā€™t been for decades. Complaining that the media isnā€™t paying attention is just saying they arenā€™t hyping the story you think matters. And frankly they would have to hype it beyond all rationality.

Hysteria aside, the people know what is going on. They know the gardeners they see mowing lawns and trimming hedges are probably Illegals. And they donā€™t care. They know the day laborers at the hardware store are illegals. And they donā€™t care.

So the effort to ramp up the hysteria continues. And nobody seems to notice. It isnā€™t an effort to cover anything up. It is the Press realizing something you havenā€™t. The people generally donā€™t care if someone sneaks into the country and earns a living working hard. And those people believe, or know, depending on your point of view, that a vast majority of the Illegals are working hard.

This nonsense has been going on for all my life. And it isnā€™t going to change anytime soon. We donā€™t have the manpower to stop it. And if we had the manpower we couldnā€™t afford it.

There is nearly two thousand miles of border. Much of it is rugged and difficult to access. Border Patrol uses horses in the 21st Century because they work better than vehicles in some of that terrain.

Letā€™s use some simple middle school math. There are about 2,000 miles. That comes to more than three million yards. That is a lot of length.

If we stationed a man every fifty yards which still leaves gaps for people to sneak through, we are talking about needing 60,000 people. Three shifts per day, and we need 180,000 people. That is just to stand on the line. That doesnā€™t process anyone. Transport food, or anything. That is just people standing on the line.

And that only covers 5 days a week unless you arenā€™t going to give them a day off.

Three army divisions a shift. Three shifts a day.

Nothing in reserve. Nothing to react to any hostility. No backup for the boys on the line.

This is where you lose the people. And the Press knows it. It is virtually impossible. A ridiculous number of people just to have gaps that illegals will still sneak through. An insane amount of money to a system that wouldnā€™t work.

The Press isnā€™t covering it up. Everyone knows what is going on. Everyone knows about the millions of illegals who are here. Everyone sees them everyday. Everyone knows that they are picking crops at the farms. Everyone knows they are in Florida right now working to clean up after the hurricane.

The problem you have is that nobody else has their panties knotted up over it.
Explain why under Trump we had a low number of illegal aliens compared to what has happened under Biden.

I was talking to a lady today who gets her news from CNN Headline News. She stated she had never seen pictures of illegals entering our nation in enormous groups and turning themselves over to the Border Patrol.


You say 40,000 people die from auto accidents every year.Thatā€™s terrible. However 100,000 died of drug overdoses in 2022 mainly fentanyl.

This make damn sure the Border Patrol is too busy processing the people who turned themselves in to stop the illegal runners and the drug smugglers.

Border Patrol agents are unable to stop the flow of fentanyl coming across the U.S. border because they are too busy processing large groups of illegal immigrants, the leader of the National Border Patrol Council said.

ā€œIf we seize even 5 percent of whatā€™s coming across the border, weā€™re lucky,ā€ Brandon Judd testified at an unofficial House hearing at FreedomWorks in Washington on Feb. 1. ā€œAnd if thereā€™s nobody there to detect you and apprehend you, the cartels are going to push it through between the ports of entry when they know that there is absolutely no chance that weā€™re going to apprehend that narcotic.ā€
So what?

Most of them will get sent back. The ones who don't will get fair asylum hearings.
Most donā€™t attend asylum hearings.

How many deranged lies can you get from a wingnut?

Explain why under Trump we had a low number of illegal aliens compared to what has happened under Biden.

He didn't. In fact, he had a higher number of illegals crossing compared to Obama because they were afraid they wouldn't get another chance to cross.


I was talking to a lady today who gets her news from CNN Headline News. She stated she had never seen pictures of illegals entering our nation in enormous groups and turning themselves over to the Border Patrol.

Yup, because it's not really happening.

You say 40,000 people die from auto accidents every year.Thatā€™s terrible. However 100,000 died of drug overdoses in 2022 mainly fentanyl.

Sounds like a good reason to have better drug treatment programs

This make damn sure the Border Patrol is too busy processing the people who turned themselves in to stop the illegal runners and the drug smugglers.

Uh, drug smugglers are experts in evading border patrols. They always have been. Why would you need to give it to a border crosser who has a 55% chance of being caught when only 3% of ocean containers and 24% of truck containers are inspected coming into the country?

Border Patrol agents are unable to stop the flow of fentanyl coming across the U.S. border because they are too busy processing large groups of illegal immigrants, the leader of the National Border Patrol Council said.

ā€œIf we seize even 5 percent of whatā€™s coming across the border, weā€™re lucky,ā€ Brandon Judd testified at an unofficial House hearing at FreedomWorks in Washington on Feb. 1. ā€œAnd if thereā€™s nobody there to detect you and apprehend you, the cartels are going to push it through between the ports of entry when they know that there is absolutely no chance that weā€™re going to apprehend that narcotic.ā€

Again, easier to put in in a container than give it to a person to carry it over the border.

Most donā€™t attend asylum hearings.

Recent data shows that asylum seekers continue to appear for immigration court proceedings at high rates. In fiscal year 2018, Department of Justice (DOJ) figures show that 89 percent of all asylum applicants attended their final court hearing to receive a decision on their application. When families and unaccompanied children have access to legal representation, the rate of compliance with immigration court obligations is nearly 98 percent.
Every day I watch pictures of Illegals crossing the border and turning themselves in to the Border Patrol. I also see illegals running through the brush turning to avoid the Border Patrol and many do.

You come along and state that what I am watching isnā€™t happening.I guess I shouldnā€™t believe my lying eyes.

Yes, we can agree we need better drug treatment programs. I personally have known a number of people over the years that grew addicted to prescription drugs and then started taking illegal drugs. Several are dead today. I should be on pain meds myself but I refuse to take anything stronger than acetaminophen.
How many deranged lies can you get from a wingnut?

He didn't. In fact, he had a higher number of illegals crossing compared to Obama because they were afraid they wouldn't get another chance to cross.


Yup, because it's not really happening.

Sounds like a good reason to have better drug treatment programs

Uh, drug smugglers are experts in evading border patrols. They always have been. Why would you need to give it to a border crosser who has a 55% chance of being caught when only 3% of ocean containers and 24% of truck containers are inspected coming into the country?

Again, easier to put in in a container than give it to a person to carry it over the border.

Recent data shows that asylum seekers continue to appear for immigration court proceedings at high rates. In fiscal year 2018, Department of Justice (DOJ) figures show that 89 percent of all asylum applicants attended their final court hearing to receive a decision on their application. When families and unaccompanied children have access to legal representation, the rate of compliance with immigration court obligations is nearly 98 percent.
Every day I watch pictures of Illegals crossing the border and turning themselves in to the Border Patrol. I also see illegals running through the brush turning to avoid the Border Patrol and many do.

You come along and state that what I am watching isnā€™t happening. I guess I shouldnā€™t believe my lying eyes.

Yes, we can agree we need better drug treatment programs. I personally have known a number of people over the years that grew addicted to prescription drugs and then started taking illegal drugs. Several are dead today. I should be on pain meds myself but I refuse to take anything stronger than acetaminophen.

On illegals attending hearings you go back to January of 2019 to find your statistics. This is 2022. Trump was President in 2019. Biden is the President now. The link just below is dated January 13, 2022, the next link is dated July 28, 2021.

I will take the opinion of the leader of the National Border Patrol Council over yours any day of the week. He should know what he is talking about.

Border Patrol agents are unable to stop the flow of fentanyl coming across the U.S. border because they are too busy processing large groups of illegal immigrants, the leader of the National Border Patrol Council said.

ā€œIf we seize even 5 percent of whatā€™s coming across the border, weā€™re lucky,ā€ Brandon Judd testified at an unofficial House hearing at FreedomWorks in Washington on Feb. 1. ā€œAnd if thereā€™s nobody there to detect you and apprehend you, the cartels are going to push it through between the ports of entry when they know that there is absolutely no chance that weā€™re going to apprehend that narcotic.ā€
Every day I watch pictures of Illegals crossing the border and turning themselves in to the Border Patrol. I also see illegals running through the brush turning to avoid the Border Patrol and many do.

You come along and state that what I am watching isnā€™t happening.I guess I shouldnā€™t believe my lying eyes.

Oh, I'm sure that's what you are seeing.

Follow closely here.

IT...IS... NOT...A...BIG....DEAL!

We are always going to have illegals as long as we have shitty jobs Americans don't want to do. Most of them eventually go home... and others replace them.

Yes, we can agree we need better drug treatment programs. I personally have known a number of people over the years that grew addicted to prescription drugs and then started taking illegal drugs. Several are dead today. I should be on pain meds myself but I refuse to take anything stronger than acetaminophen.
but the point is, we don't. Every other industrialized nation treats addiction as a medical issue. We treat it as a criminal one. We gave a whole industry that grows fat and happy putting people in jail.

On illegals attending hearings you go back to January of 2019 to find your statistics.

Well, funny thing, you see, we had this thing called Covid that has pretty much threw a big monkey wrench into the workings of our court system. Heck, I had a legal issue that took a year to resolve because of court issues.

I will take the opinion of the leader of the National Border Patrol Council over yours any day of the week. He should know what he is talking about.
I don't believe anything the corrupt ass border patrol has to say on anything. Half those fuckers are on the take and the other half are racists.

We've had sensible people offering solutions to the immigration issue for years, and they constantly get sunk by dumb-ass racists who live in mortal fear their daughters might fuck a Mexican. that's why I don't take this issue seriously and never will.. I've been watching you all panic over it for 30 years.
Oh, I'm sure that's what you are seeing.

Follow closely here.

IT...IS... NOT...A...BIG....DEAL!

We are always going to have illegals as long as we have shitty jobs Americans don't want to do. Most of them eventually go home... and others replace them.

but the point is, we don't. Every other industrialized nation treats addiction as a medical issue. We treat it as a criminal one. We gave a whole industry that grows fat and happy putting people in jail.

Well, funny thing, you see, we had this thing called Covid that has pretty much threw a big monkey wrench into the workings of our court system. Heck, I had a legal issue that took a year to resolve because of court issues.

I don't believe anything the corrupt ass border patrol has to say on anything. Half those fuckers are on the take and the other half are racists.

We've had sensible people offering solutions to the immigration issue for years, and they constantly get sunk by dumb-ass racists who live in mortal fear their daughters might fuck a Mexican. that's why I don't take this issue seriously and never will.. I've been watching you all panic over it for 30 years.

President Joe Biden wrapped up a record-breaking year resulting in a deadly humanitarian resulting in a deadly humanitarian toll of drugs, devastation and complete dereliction of duty at the southwest border. In fiscal year 2022 (October 2021-September 2022), this administration achieved record numbers of terrorists encounters at the border, copious amounts of drugs seized, and a litany of other tragic consequences driven by politically motivated policy decisions. While this tragedy has compounded and unfolded, Biden never found the time to visit the southwest border to face the devastating results of his partisanship but instead has managed to spend 236 days in his home state of Delaware or on other vacations while in office. While the president refuses to acknowledge the erosion of Americaā€™s sovereign border, Vice President Kamala Harris, appointed as the administrationā€™s "border czar," falsely insists the border is secure.

The last fiscal year topped the charts for numerous records with deadly consequences for border security and the American people. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recorded an unprecedented 2,766,582 border encounters nationwide, not including the nearly 600,000 gotaways who evaded Border Patrol and other law enforcement

Even more chilling, CBP encountered 98 individuals attempting to illegally cross in between ports of entry who are on the U.S. Terrorist Watch list. This is triple the number of potential terrorists encountered over the last five years combined.


If some of those terrorist ever get together and pull off another 911 you open border Democrats will look like the stupid fools you are.


Typical Democrat. You blame the fact that our border is being overrun by illegals on corrupt, racist cops (in this case border agents). All cops are bad and should be replaced by unarmed social workers ā€” riight?

You guys also just love the word racist, donā€™t you. Do you know enough history to know who the KKK was composed of? It was Democrats.


Remember President Johnson who replaced JFK after he was assassinated?

this administration achieved record numbers of terrorists encounters at the border,
Terrorists? Really? Seriously.

Okay, buddy back away from the Fox News, turn off the hate radio, and breath... breath... the Scary Mexicans aren't going to kill you when they are doing some yardwork.

If some of those terrorist ever get together and pull off another 911 you open border Democrats will look like the stupid fools you are.

Again, you've been singing this song SINCE 9/11. Oh, we need to stop these bad old terrorists sneaking in across the border, they are leaving their prayer rugs all over the place. Or maybe that's Aunt Gerdy's old rug she just tossed out there... but scary stuff.

Meanwhile, all the terrorist attacks that have been carried out since 9/11 have either been people who grew up here or recent legal immigrants.

Typical Democrat. You blame the fact that our border is being overrun by illegals on corrupt, racist cops (in this case border agents). All cops are bad and should be replaced by unarmed social workers ā€” riight?

You guys also just love the word racist, donā€™t you. Do you know enough history to know who the KKK was composed of? It was Democrats.

Hey, don't take my word on the corruption of the Border Patrol.

Check out this from the Conservative Cato Institute.

Now, here is my solution to the illegal alien problem, which the right wing will never go for, because it would actually solve the problem.

Forget trying to catch people at the border, that's stupid. The worst you can do to them is send them back, and they try again next week. You whine about the 2 million encounters, but how many of those are the same people who just keep getting caught.

Not to mention the fact that half the undocumented immigrants didn't sneak across the border. They came here on a tourist, work, or student visa that expired and didn't leave.

Instead, put the emphasis on the mostly white people who hire them.
The farmer who hires a bunch of illegals to pick their crops.
The Rich Yuppies who think of Lupe as a member of the family, so that's why they don't pay her taxes.
The sweatshop owner who pays people below minimum wage for harsh work.
The middle class home owner who hires a bunch of day laborers from in front of the Home Depot because that DIY project turned out to be tougher than Chip and Joanna made it look.

Create a National ID Card with biometrics, that you cannot get a job or government benefits without presenting.

Then create a guest worker program like Germany has to allow for low-skill labor to come to this country to fill the jobs the undocumented are currently doing and Americans won't do.
The Democrat Secret Police force (aka The FBI) was too busy policing Twitter and chasing J6 protestors to worry about the Fentanyl attack on our country killing 150 citizens per day. Maybe now that their schedule is opening up, they could do something to benefit America. Not likely, I know since they are still run by the DEMs, but I can dream.
This is a lie.

It's not the responsibility of the FBI to address drug smuggling.
(CNSNews.com) - The U.S. Border Patrol encountered 98 foreign nationals on the terrorist watchlist who were crossing the U.S.-Mexico border between the ports of entry in fiscal 2022, according to newly released data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Really. Seriously.
Tells me that watch list is kind of bullshit.

Tell me, how many of those 98 people did they arrest on the spot.

or did they just find that someone with the same name was on the list?

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