FBI Turns Up on Doorstep of Trump Supporter Who Wasn't Even at the US Capitol on January

Or neither. They got a tip, had nothing else to go on, so they investigated.
Yeah, nothing else to investigate! Right, Faun? No crime waves? No terrorists sneaking across the Southern Border? So since they were bored to tears they decided to get out of the office and take a "field trip"? (eye roll)
Yeah, nothing else to investigate! Right, Faun? No crime waves? No terrorists sneaking across the Southern Border? So since they were bored to tears they decided to get out of the office and take a "field trip"? (eye roll)


Oh, for fuck's sake. Stop hallucinating that was all the FBI did that day was question some woman about her whereabouts on Sedition Day.

Far more than they needed to raid Trump's home.

Well, except that their raison d'être is to further the agenda of the democrat Reich.

Cries the forum lunatic who prolly really does believe retrieving classified and top secret documents which could risk national security is not as important as finding Hunter Biden's crack pipe.

Did they need to?
Gee, if the Chinese have the goods on our sitting President because his brother and son have been making millions selling access to the White House but Hunter is a crack addict whoremonger who was too stupid to cover his tracks then YES the FBI needs to investigate to make sure our country's best interests haven't been compromised by a President the Chinese now OWN!
It's a beautiful rainbow! lol
There was a beautiful rainbow here today.

How dare faggots hijack the rainbow which is Gods promise to never flood the world again because there's fucktards like that.

That'll bring some bad karma to them.

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