FBI Turns Up on Doorstep of Trump Supporter Who Wasn't Even at the US Capitol on January

Being in D.C. is not. Storming the Capitol during a joint session of Congress is.
Except the FBI didn't have a single piece of evidence indicating that. If they had gotten a simple search warrant for her cell phone metadata, they could have established that the “tip” was a lie. That could have been done on line and the phone in a few minutes. Instead they wasted multiple manhours of agent’s time and expensive gasoline for the Suburbans agents typically drive to ask questions of an innocent person,
Liar. She never said they threatened to arrest her.
Cops don’t show up at your door unless they have nearly decided to arrest you. If they have questions, they simply call and ask you to come down to their office for an interview.
It doesn't matter if they put credence on the tip. The tip is nothing but a reason to investigate. Even here, anyone mentioning it said the tip is not evidence. But they did apparently get a tip so they investigated it by talking to the woman.
A phone call is “talking to the woman”. But it’s much easier to say no to an “interview” over the phone than it is when several armed agents show up at your door.
I’m a law-abiding citizen, but my response to cops or federal agents coming to my door to ask questions would be a polite “I have nothing to say without a lawyer present. When can we schedule an interview with my attorney present”. I’m sure they wouldn’t appreciate that, but it’s my right under the Constitution.
Or neither. They got a tip, had nothing else to go on, so they investigated.
They got an ANONYMOUS tip. That lowers the credibility right there. So on the basis of a less than reliable tip, they load three expensively trained agents who average TWENTY NINE DOLLARS AN HOUR each in salary into a Suburban that gets seventeen miles per gallon to go talk to a woman as the FIRST STEP in an investigation? That’s absurd. I wanted to be a cop at one point and nearly got an AA degree in Admin of Justice. You don’t conduct personal interviews with suspects until you have your facts in a row so that you can detect lies from the suspect. Interviewing witnesses is one thing, but this woman was a suspect. The only reasonable explanation for this is that the agents were trying to steamroller her in violation of the Miranda Decision and prevent her from exercising her fifth amendment rights. This kind of conduct on the part of professional LEOs stinks and should not be permitted.
I had a call, and had to show up for "voluntary interview" , which I set up at my local sheriff's office, last year
I had to prove I wasn't in Washington DC on Jan 6.
Because of where I live and how it is set up, I met them in town. Believe it or not, that also makes me suspect. I am on 270+ acres, own my own roads two miles from the house. I been here 9 years and have made preparations for bad things happening. Personally, I would fear chasing someone like me in a place like this.

The new American way, guilty until you prove yourself innocent.
NO, it isn't.
IT'S ALWAYS been that way.
After that experience, I make no secret about defending myself, my property or my animals. A dead cow disappears in 3 days out here, so I imagine it would take the same or less for a human.
They got an ANONYMOUS tip. That lowers the credibility right there. So on the basis of a less than reliable tip,
AND...................You knew this, how?

The police found out AFTER interviewing Gallager, their tip was unreliable, not before.
they load three expensively trained agents who average TWENTY NINE DOLLARS AN HOUR each in salary into a Suburban that gets seventeen miles per gallon to go talk to a woman as the FIRST STEP in an investigation?
That’s absurd. I wanted to be a cop at one point and nearly got an AA degree in Admin of Justice. You don’t conduct personal interviews with suspects until you have your facts in a row so that you can detect lies from the suspect. Interviewing witnesses is one thing, but this woman was a suspect.
NO, she wasn't.
The only reasonable explanation for this is that the agents were trying to steamroller her in violation of the Miranda Decision and prevent her from exercising her fifth amendment rights.
Police only read your Miranda rights, when you are placed under arrest.
NOT for answering questions, on the front porch.
This kind of conduct on the part of professional LEOs stinks and should not be permitted.
So, how in the hell do you expect them to get ANYTHING done, without asking questions?
Kerry's a traitor, almost as bad as Hanoi Jane.
"We've got lots of theories, we just don't have the evidence". Rudy Giuliani.

Kerry went to Vietnam.

Trump had bone spurs.
BUT, Trump fought hard.

“It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider,” Trump said

“You know, if you’re young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam, we have our own Vietnam — it’s called the dating game,” Trump said.
“Dating is like being in Vietnam. You’re the equivalent of a soldier going over to Vietnam.”
The FBI had no reasonable suspicion of a crime
YES, they did.
When someone calls the FBI, it's their job to check it out.
Just like the police do.
Because attending a rally is not against the law
It wasn't Trump's pity rally at the Ellipse park, they were checking out.
It was the capitol riot that followed.

"FBI agents told her they had received an anonymous tip that she was at the Capitol on January 6. She invited them into her home and showed them her calendars to show that she hadn’t been at the Capitol on that day'.

So, they left.
WTF is the BFD?

MAGA cult hysterics.................as usual.
AND...................You knew this, how?

The police found out AFTER interviewing Gallager, their tip was unreliable, not before.


NO, she wasn't.

Police only read your Miranda rights, when you are placed under arrest.
NOT for answering questions, on the front porch.

So, how in the hell do you expect them to get ANYTHING done, without asking questions?
The story says it was an anonymous tip. No, Miranda warnings have to be given before a SUSPECT is questioned. Police always try to avoid that, it’s why the first words out of your mouth should be “am I a suspect and am I being detained?” if the answer to either is yes, the next and last thing out of your mouth should be “ I want an attorney”.

it’s not a citizen’s job to help police “get anything done”. It’s the job of LEOs to investigate crimes within the boundaries of the law and constitution, not to take the easy road of bullying and/or deceiving intervenes or suspects.
YES, they did.
When someone calls the FBI, it's their job to check it out.
Just like the police do.

It wasn't Trump's pity rally at the Ellipse park, they were checking out.
It was the capitol riot that followed.

"FBI agents told her they had received an anonymous tip that she was at the Capitol on January 6. She invited them into her home and showed them her calendars to show that she hadn’t been at the Capitol on that day'.

So, they left.
WTF is the BFD?

MAGA cult hysterics.................as usual.
The big deal is people trying to cooperate with the FBI have been convicted of lying to the FBI and jailed for simple mistakes and oversights. The only smart thing to do is not talk without a lawyer present to protect you. By inviting the agents into her house, she was allowing them to arrest her for anything illegal they saw lying around. She essentially waived her fourth amendment rights against a cursory search.
The story says it was an anonymous tip. No, Miranda warnings have to be given before a SUSPECT is questioned.
Gallager WASN'T a SUSPECT.

Miranda v. Arizona​

The requirement to give Miranda warnings came from the Supreme Court decision, Miranda v. Arizona, 384 US 436 (1966). In Miranda, the Court held that a defendant cannot be questioned by police in the context of a custodial interrogation until the defendant is made aware of the right to remain silent, the right to consult with an attorney and have the attorney present during questioning, and the right to have an attorney appointed if indigent.

Was Gallager in custody?
Police always try to avoid that, it’s why the first words out of your mouth should be “am I a suspect and am I being detained?” if the answer to either is yes, the next and last thing out of your mouth should be “ I want an attorney”.
You just contradicted yourself.

it’s not a citizen’s job to help police “get anything done”.
That figures, if your child goes missing, I'll keep that in mind.
It’s the job of LEOs to investigate crimes within the boundaries of the law and constitution, not to take the easy road of bullying and/or deceiving intervenes or suspects.
WOW, knocking on the door was "bullying"?
Is the door pressing charges?
The big deal is people trying to cooperate with the FBI have been convicted of lying to the FBI and jailed for simple mistakes and oversights.
Yeah, but Gallager did none of that.
The only smart thing to do is not talk without a lawyer present to protect you.
Only if you're guilty of something.
Do you ask for a lawyer, when a cop asks you for your license and registration too?
By inviting the agents into her house, she was allowing them to arrest her for anything illegal they saw lying around.
Likely wouldn't, she proved she wasn't there, she cooperated, and she was nice.
They aren't going to bust her for a joint lying on the coffee table.
She essentially waived her fourth amendment rights against a cursory search.
So, they didn't do that, (see above) they left.
Gallager WASN'T a SUSPECT.

Miranda v. Arizona​

The requirement to give Miranda warnings came from the Supreme Court decision, Miranda v. Arizona, 384 US 436 (1966). In Miranda, the Court held that a defendant cannot be questioned by police in the context of a custodial interrogation until the defendant is made aware of the right to remain silent, the right to consult with an attorney and have the attorney present during questioning, and the right to have an attorney appointed if indigent.

Was Gallager in custody?

You just contradicted yourself.

That figures, if your child goes missing, I'll keep that in mind.

WOW, knocking on the door was "bullying"?
Is the door pressing charges?
The last was a general statement. Lazy investigators take those kinds of shortcuts.
custodial means a lot of different things, in this case she might have been in custody. If she asked the agents to leave and they refused she would have been in custody. She was frightened according to the story and was more cooperative than she should have been. The whole visit was a means for the agents to get information on her whereabouts when they didn’t have enough evidence for a warrant.
Yeah, but Gallager did none of that.

Only if you're guilty of something.
Do you ask for a lawyer, when a cop asks you for your license and registration too?

Likely wouldn't, she proved she wasn't there, she cooperated, and she was nice.
They aren't going to bust her for a joint lying on the coffee table.

So, they didn't do that, (see above) they left.
She was lucky the agents didn’t try to entrap her.

You are required to present license and registration when driving. Driving is a privilege.

Possession of Marijuana is a Federal Crime. People have been busted for exactly that. It’s called leverage, “cooperate or go to prison for years for possession”. Like I said lazy investigators take shortcuts.
Yeah, but Gallager did none of that.

Only if you're guilty of something.
Do you ask for a lawyer, when a cop asks you for your license and registration too?

Likely wouldn't, she proved she wasn't there, she cooperated, and she was nice.
They aren't going to bust her for a joint lying on the coffee table.

So, they didn't do that, (see above) they left.
As far as being guilty of something, there are so many laws on the books, everybody is guilty of something. The system only works if you force the police and government to obey the restrictions put on them by law and you need a lawyer to do that.

FBI Turns Up on Doorstep of Trump Supporter Who Wasn't Even at the US Capitol on January

12 Sep 2022 ~~ By Nick Arama

We’ve been reporting on the efforts of the federal law enforcement bureaucracy to harass and target Trump allies with reported FBI raids on the homes of supporters to execute search warrants, and the DOJ dropping subpoenas on people.
Now one New Jersey woman, Lisa Gallagher, has come forward saying that the FBI showed up on her doorstep the morning after Joe Biden delivered his “anti-MAGA” speech. Gallagher is not a “Trump ally” — she’s just a regular person and Trump supporter. She appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Monday to share the story.

Gallagher said she was terrified when federal agents showed up on her doorstep. She said that although she knew she had done nothing wrong, she had watched Biden’s speech the night before, so she thought this was political. She explained that the FBI agents told her they had received an anonymous tip that she was at the Capitol on January 6. She invited them into her home and showed them her calendars to show that she hadn’t been at the Capitol on that day.
Now, if this is all true, this is a frightening thing. At this point, after two years, they have to know of anyone who did anything at the Capitol on Jan. 6. Are they truly trying to chase down people because of a random tip from someone? That’s terrifying not only because of the intimidation involved from the FBI, but that anyone could now turn in someone they don’t like with such a seemingly flimsy accusation. That is the kind of thing that happens in fascist and Communist nations.

If she can file a complaint about doxxing, maybe the local police can subpoena the FBI recording of that call in an effort to track down the perp. I would also be suing the FBI for attempted false arrest.
The FBI/STASI use of an “Anonymous tip” without investigation is like the mysterious turd that ends up floating in the punch bowl at a party.
Well can’s stop the FBI/STASI from coming but maybe will giving them a limp leaving...I have been speaking out pretty boldly so I could get a visit...

this is how fascism works

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