FBI's Most Wanted MAGA PICS

The most notorious insurgents from yesterday's attack and siege of our nation's Capital...


I'm certain these folks are rather obnoxious in their regular lives, so it should be quick work to identify and apprehend these treasonous sons-and-daughters-of-bitches.

Any of my fellow USMB posters recognize any of them?

I dontknow who is uglier...these shits or the ANTIABLM fucks.
You can lie all you want but they are all your ilk. All Trumpers to the core. Grow a pair and defend your people.
Pics of your Dimwinger Antifa fucksticks have been posted.
You’re lying:


Grow a pair and defend your ilk.
Your ignorance isn’t my problem, Moron.
Stop posting lies, dimwit.

Here is another link for you to read that proves your postings are lies.

You need to grow a set of balls, Nostra. Defend your ilk.
Your ignorance isn’t my problem.
Lol..you have no defense to your lies. Grow a pair! Defend your people!
Your ignorance isn’t my problem.
The most notorious insurgents from yesterday's attack and siege of our nation's Capital...


I'm certain these folks are rather obnoxious in their regular lives, so it should be quick work to identify and apprehend these treasonous sons-and-daughters-of-bitches.

Any of my fellow USMB posters recognize any of them?
One Antifa communist identified:
Thanks for posting Marc. The arrests of these walking-dead, treasonous, and inferior trump cultists will ultimately mean less are out in the wild.

These idiots are so stupid they are promoting themselves on social media. Kind of reminds me of the dumb trumplicans here on USMB.
It is clear my suggestion flew over your head.

Maybe if I make the letters smaller you will try harder to understand it:

It is the job of the police to figure this out, you need to let it go and relax.

FLASHBACK: Nancy Pelosi Called for 'Uprisings' Against the Trump Administration
Yeah, you're sympathetic to these scum bags.

I thought they were supposed to be ANTIFA, and you hate ANTIFA, right?!??

I see that you can't stop being dishonest, not once have I supported riots from any groups, not in the thread or in any thread in the forum.

Maybe trying be honest in your replies to me is too hard for you?

I presume you read the line several times, but somehow your inability to see my answer amazingly eludes you, here it is again this time massive size and red bolding that might penetrate your feeble brain:

"You reply with a loaded question, it is clear you are investing way too much of yourself in this sadness."
The most notorious insurgents from yesterday's attack and siege of our nation's Capital...

WHAT'S REALLY ODD, there, Marc is that none of those photos show any of these people actually committing any crime! Where is the siege? Or are you suggesting the crime was just white people wearing Trump garb going to their capitol seeking redress of their grievances?


Used to be that Democrats SUPPORTED protests. At least when it suits their agenda.

Pretty odd that folks would go to Washington to lay siege to the city in an attempted coup with no weapons, wearing Trump gear and their faces in plain view of cameras.

Almost like it were a small group of people with the intent of STARTING a riot then being sure they were identified in the media as connected with Trump. Huh.

Kinda like what you're trying to do here.

I MEAN, it's not like ANYONE could go out and buy Trump gear even if they didn't support him and just wanted to do bad stuff while soiling the MAGA movement and Trump himself?

But I'm sure you believe that just plain SILLY.

Again, none of your pictures show anyone doing anything wrong that the Democrats didn't spend ALL LAST YEAR defending when 100X worse!

Gee, it looks like Nancy and the Democrats and the Left couldn't have gotten a better belated Christmas present! And JUST IN TIME AT THE EXACT MINUTE THEY NEEDED to stop the GOP from blocking the EC certification for Biden!

Jigga what!???!?

Don't play dumb, stupid, everyone's on to your little game.
None of them are BLM or Antifa you fucking liar. All of them will be identified, and all of their social media posts from the past few years will be known. So it's not only a lie, it's a transparently bullshit lie. Co-workers of these animals are already coming out saying "oh, yeah, he's a trumper big time". And such.

So stop lying Frank.
If Republicans didn't LIE they'd have NOTHING to say!
Are you daring me? I would slap the shit out of your mouth before I would ever side with a sorry piece of shit like yourself...,.bet me and lose on that one.
Guarantee you that would be your last day vertically aligned on this earth, ya liddle piss aunt.
FBI's Most Wanted MAGA PICS

How many most wanted pics does the FBI have of and arrests made of the THOUSANDS of violent loons who seized control of Portland for months, destroyed hundreds of businesses, burned down police barracks, police cars, lead riots all over the country, blocked highways, maimed and killed hundreds of innocents and police last summer while Nancy and her DNC all stood by and SUPPORTED IT and called it a just and good movement?

Any idea?

And when Trump sent in a few federal police to protect property, he was called a TYRANT!

Now it's a national crisis and darkest day because a few leftist loons infiltrated an otherwise peaceful rally and caused a little commotion. :21:
The most notorious insurgents from yesterday's attack and siege of our nation's Capital...


Marc, you have any pictures of any people actually DOING anything wrong or actually committing an actual crime? Were any of those photos of people even at Trump's peaceful rally?

Just what are the above people guilty of in your book besides standing around in plain view hiding nothing and being white?
Thanks for posting Marc. The arrests of these walking-dead, treasonous, and inferior trump cultists will ultimately mean less are out in the wild.

These idiots are so stupid they are promoting themselves on social media. Kind of reminds me of the dumb trumplicans here on USMB.
You're quite welcome brother.

Your side has declared these traitors to be ANTIFA.

How in the hell did you find yourself in a position of DEFENDING such bastards?
Your side has declared these traitors to be ANTIFA.
How in the hell did you find yourself in a position of DEFENDING such bastards?

Marc, how do you find yourself always LYING and never answering the many questions put to you?

We all know this capitol thing was all the doing of the democrats and the Left. Trump may have a few crazies like all popular and famous people do but no Trump supporter broke into the Capitol and STOPPED the GOPs opposition to the EC certification GUARANTEEING Biden becomes president when that was THE ONE THING THEY MOST WANTED TO HAPPEN AND WERE THERE TO SUPPORT!!

I know YOU haven't the brains to stuff a banana pepper with but don't INSULT OURS.

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