FDR was the right pres at the right time


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
some would say he luck-out out having the Great Depression and WW2

That was Clintons main regreat -that he didbt have a legacy
FDR was a horrible president. He made the great depression Great. It lasted 8 yrs because he was an elitist, aristocratic prick. He was the first president to make use of the power of broadcast media. He used radio to manipulate a fearful population that was facing hard times in a new age. FDR was an anti-constitutional progressive who loathed the limits placed on the executive branch by the constitution. He was, like many, enthralled by the new academic intellectualism that, inits arrogance, presumed to be smarter and more enlightened than the sum of all human history to that point. That is why they found Marx and Lenin so fascinating. That is why they were so enamored of Stalins Russia. They, like Marx and Lenin, were pretty much wrong about everything. Too bad millions had to die and a bad year had to be turned into a depression...a great depression- before most Americans would stop trusting all the self-described geniuses FDR surrounded himself with.

You leftists might all know this stuff if you ever bothered to crack a book from time to time.

Yea__ I'm glad that thousands of Americans could die b/c FDR didn't have the balls to stop Hitler sooner (let alone take the Japs serious for Pearl Harbor).

I'm also glad that he could fuck up the economic fundamentals of the system for the following generations.
FDR was an unamerican scumbag.

I think he was very pro-American, the problem was he was a product of elitist progressiveness. Seriously, he was so removed from the heartbeat of America, he was clueless. Those in soup lines, those in factories, hadn't anything to do with his 'life.' They were 'America' in his intellect. Like Obama, he didn't understand the underpinnings of the wheels.
FDR was an unamerican scumbag.

I think he was very pro-American, the problem was he was a product of elitist progressiveness. Seriously, he was so removed from the heartbeat of America, he was clueless. Those in soup lines, those in factories, hadn't anything to do with his 'life.' They were 'America' in his intellect. Like Obama, he didn't understand the underpinnings of the wheels.

While I loathe to respond to myself, I think in this case it's appropriate. I do hold that FDR loved the country and was trying his damnedest to right the economy, he failed majorly. OTOH, I do not believe Obama likes or respects most Americans. He believes they are crass, money-grubbing folks out for themselves. They would 'improve' if they all went to work for the government or non-profits.
Someone who is "pro-American" does NOT throw over 100,000 innocent, loyal Americans into concentration camps.
FDR was an unamerican scumbag.

I think he was very pro-American, the problem was he was a product of elitist progressiveness. Seriously, he was so removed from the heartbeat of America, he was clueless. Those in soup lines, those in factories, hadn't anything to do with his 'life.' They were 'America' in his intellect. Like Obama, he didn't understand the underpinnings of the wheels.

While I loathe to respond to myself, I think in this case it's appropriate. I do hold that FDR loved the country and was trying his damnedest to right the economy, he failed majorly. OTOH, I do not believe Obama likes or respects most Americans. He believes they are crass, money-grubbing folks out for themselves. They would 'improve' if they all went to work for the government or non-profits.

I don't believe that Obama is that high minded at all. I think he disrespects virtually everyone who dares to go against him. If he was highminded, he'd have shame. He has no shame.

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