Feb 25 - Is Anybody Watching the Bipartisan "Conversation" today?


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
One thing that seems crystal clear to me so far, is that the President and the Democrats are absolutely NOT interested in what the Republicans want in healthcare reform. So far they have only complained that the Republicans are expressing their views or that what the Republicans want is 'already in the bill'. Of course they don't say HOW it is in the bill, so there is room for some skepticism there.

That's my impression.

What's yours?
So far it is in the "intro" posturing stage. So far the democrats, and the pres, have talked more and said less, imho.
So far it looks like the meeting is for show, rather than for solutions. It looks like the democrats need political 'cover' to let it fail or accept something smaller.
The only real point that has been made, IMHO, is the president stated he had looked at the republican ideas that had been submitted "over the past 6 months", putting the claims from the leftys that the republicans have "offered no ideas" into the lie catagorie.
I have my TV tuned into this but not really watching it but all I hear is Obama's voice.
Obama is doing his share of talking, but so are the others. Obama is actually doing a fairly good job of conducting the meeting.
he "promised" that they would get this worked out today. A statement that is going to come back to bite his butt, imo.
I have it on and am watching it between things I'm doing. So far it appears to be a nice dog and pony show with little, if anything getting accomplished. President doesn't seem to be understanding that his plan is a pile of shit.
I have it on and am watching it between things I'm doing. So far it appears to be a nice dog and pony show with little, if anything getting accomplished. President doesn't seem to be understanding that his plan is a pile of shit.

Your right aboutthe dog and pony show remark, that seems pretty accurate. I think the democrats need "cover" to let the existing bill die. The republicans need "credit' for making it die.
All partisan politics.
I don't think that the president, or the other dems, thinks the existing bill is a "pile of shit". I don't think they will admit what they don't believe.

I do think both sides are looking for a way to use the failed bill to thier advantage in the next election.
I have it on, but have the volume turned down for the most part! So far, I think it's a joke. Most of the participants don't know what the hell they're talking about and His Arrogance doesn't seem interested in hearing from those who do at least have a basic grasp of the subject.

Frankly, the whole damned thing should be dropped and maybe revisited later on in a much smaller scale.

It's not that I'm opposed to those who don't have insurance would become covered, but take care of those people and leave the rest of the country alone - we already have insurance coverage. If you have 10 million people and only 100,000 of them have no insurance, it makes no sense to insist that ALL the people be covered in a "one-size-fits-all" scheme.
I watched about two minutes...Long enough for Boyking to make an absolutely inane and detached-from-reality comment about people with deductibles having to *gaasssssp* purchase some heath services out-of-pocket.

That lamebrain is completely lost without a teleprompter.
Sen. McCain said that he didn't want people to "think their care would be different based on geography". That is unrealistic.
I have heard statements from both sides that seem to be more of the 'I wish this is the way it was' catagory, rather than the ' this is how it really is' catagory.

Too bad we don't have real leaders in office. All we have are a bunch of wanna-be's and posuers.....
This should be a lesson to everyone not to vote for any incumbents come Nov.
They needed to air this after 10pm for it would have been a great sleep aid.

All I hear now is Blah blah blah, obama's swing swang speech
Obama is flustered by the statements that disagreed with his cost analysis. He looks like he wishes he could just shut these guys up, stuttering and actually getting excited.
I wonder how many americans get C-SPAN 3. It seems the corporatocracy is trying to bury this as they do everything that is meaningful. Maybe if they had anounced they would be investigating a missing blonde and gave clues to her wherabouts every few minutes this thing might have at least made it to C-SPAN I or maybe even public television.
Our president is an incomprehensible, naïve, sputtering dilettante.

He made a BIG mistake on this one.

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