Feb 25 - Is Anybody Watching the Bipartisan "Conversation" today?

Our president is an incomprehensible, naïve, sputtering dilettante.

He made a BIG mistake on this one.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWOQA8S3i4g]YouTube - Obama - Breathalyzer[/ame]

The Man who wants your Health Care Proxy
One thing that seems crystal clear to me so far, is that the President and the Democrats are absolutely NOT interested in what the Republicans want in healthcare reform. So far they have only complained that the Republicans are expressing their views or that what the Republicans want is 'already in the bill'. Of course they don't say HOW it is in the bill, so there is room for some skepticism there.

That's my impression.

What's yours?

My impression is that the Republicans came simply to obstruct.

Time to put the public option back in a reconciliation bill, and ram it through on a majority vote.

Then do the same for job, global warming, and the other problems that need addressed. Since the Republicans choose to be irrelevant obstructionists, let's keep them that way.
he is rushing back to the white house for a smoke on the break, poor guy can't even smoke outside for fear of political reprisals.

If it was me i would roll one up right there in front of the cameras and light it up
One thing that seems crystal clear to me so far, is that the President and the Democrats are absolutely NOT interested in what the Republicans want in healthcare reform. So far they have only complained that the Republicans are expressing their views or that what the Republicans want is 'already in the bill'. Of course they don't say HOW it is in the bill, so there is room for some skepticism there.

That's my impression.

What's yours?

My impression is that the Republicans came simply to obstruct.

Time to put the public option back in a reconciliation bill, and ram it through on a majority vote.

Then do the same for job, global warming, and the other problems that need addressed. Since the Republicans choose to be irrelevant obstructionists, let's keep them that way.

I continue to encourage the democrats to do that.
Our country works best when the congress is of the opposing party to the president, and that would do it come Nov.
One thing that seems crystal clear to me so far, is that the President and the Democrats are absolutely NOT interested in what the Republicans want in healthcare reform. So far they have only complained that the Republicans are expressing their views or that what the Republicans want is 'already in the bill'. Of course they don't say HOW it is in the bill, so there is room for some skepticism there.

That's my impression.

What's yours?

My impression is that the Republicans came simply to obstruct.

Time to put the public option back in a reconciliation bill, and ram it through on a majority vote.

Then do the same for job, global warming, and the other problems that need addressed. Since the Republicans choose to be irrelevant obstructionists, let's keep them that way.
If by "obstruct" you mean republicans reading the bill and hoisting the Fabians on their petards, they're doing a bang-up job of it.
Lunch break.....Betcha Boyking is praying for a snow storm right now. :lol:
I watched about two minutes...Long enough for Boyking to make an absolutely inane and detached-from-reality comment about people with deductibles having to *gaasssssp* purchase some heath services out-of-pocket.

That lamebrain is completely lost without a teleprompter.

They are on their lunch break now. I think it is all going nowhere fast. If you are a Liberal, you think the Dems are making strides and if you are a Conservative, you think the Republicans are making valid points, that in the end, will be ignored. This is all just political theatre.
Oh, there's no mistaking that this is anything more than Kabuki theater.
Like I said before, i think the democrats need cover to let the bill die, and the republicans need credit for making it die.
Political theater on both sides.

We need new elected officials. We need real leaders, not pretenders like we have now.
One thing that seems crystal clear to me so far, is that the President and the Democrats are absolutely NOT interested in what the Republicans want in healthcare reform. So far they have only complained that the Republicans are expressing their views or that what the Republicans want is 'already in the bill'. Of course they don't say HOW it is in the bill, so there is room for some skepticism there.

That's my impression.

What's yours?

My impression is the Republicans do not want insurance reform, though they say they do. My impression is that the Rebublicans support the status quo; they're there representing the insurance industry and not the American citizens, though they say they do. My impression is that John McCain is so worried about his challenge from the right, he puts John McCain first, and the American people a distant second. My impression is Eric Cantor is all form and no substance, my impression is John Boehner is even dumber than I thought and my impression is the Republican agenda is to kill the health care bill, now and forever.
So far it is in the "intro" posturing stage. So far the democrats, and the pres, have talked more and said less, imho.
So far it looks like the meeting is for show, rather than for solutions. It looks like the democrats need political 'cover' to let it fail or accept something smaller.
The only real point that has been made, IMHO, is the president stated he had looked at the republican ideas that had been submitted "over the past 6 months", putting the claims from the leftys that the republicans have "offered no ideas" into the lie catagorie.

I hadn't thought about that, but he did say that didn't he? Which does sort of obliterate the Democrat's constant mantra that the GOP is the "party of no". :)
So far it is in the "intro" posturing stage. So far the democrats, and the pres, have talked more and said less, imho.
So far it looks like the meeting is for show, rather than for solutions. It looks like the democrats need political 'cover' to let it fail or accept something smaller.
The only real point that has been made, IMHO, is the president stated he had looked at the republican ideas that had been submitted "over the past 6 months", putting the claims from the leftys that the republicans have "offered no ideas" into the lie catagorie.

I hadn't thought about that, but he did say that didn't he? Which does sort of obliterate the Democrat's constant mantra that the GOP is the "party of no". :)

and....the republican's, in Alexander's opening statement, gave legitimate reasons for saying "no".
But it won't matter to the partisans on the left, or the right for that matter.

This should be proof positive that we need new leaders, real leaders. All these guys are just pretenders........
I wonder how many americans get C-SPAN 3. It seems the corporatocracy is trying to bury this as they do everything that is meaningful. Maybe if they had anounced they would be investigating a missing blonde and gave clues to her wherabouts every few minutes this thing might have at least made it to C-SPAN I or maybe even public television.

I don't think Cspan could carry it today because both the House and Senate are in session and they are contractually obligated to carry that. They'll no doubt carry it later on tonight but the Olympics, Suvivor, and the results show for American Idol are also on tonight, and I'm guessing one or more of those will be more interesting to most of the public than listening to a rerun of a bunch of egotistical politicians giving early campaign speeches.

I have also been watching on Fox who is running it without interruption and without commentary.
One thing that seems crystal clear to me so far, is that the President and the Democrats are absolutely NOT interested in what the Republicans want in healthcare reform. So far they have only complained that the Republicans are expressing their views or that what the Republicans want is 'already in the bill'. Of course they don't say HOW it is in the bill, so there is room for some skepticism there.

That's my impression.

What's yours?

My impression is that the Republicans came simply to obstruct.

Time to put the public option back in a reconciliation bill, and ram it through on a majority vote.

Then do the same for job, global warming, and the other problems that need addressed. Since the Republicans choose to be irrelevant obstructionists, let's keep them that way.

Excuse me, the Republicans were INVITED.....even BEGGED to come to this meeting. Some of us were furious that they agreed because it keeps this insanity on the table. But since they agreed, they are doing what they were actually asked BY THE PRESIDENT to do: give their input, suggestions, and problems with the legislation. The very first GOP speaker asked to do that did exactly that--laid out the first six initiatives the Republicans want in healthcare reform. Harry Reid interrupted him and complained that he was filibustering the meeting. His Worship blew him off that all that was already in the bill.

Well it isn't in the bill or the Republicans wouldn't be wanting it put into the bill.

Obama accused McCain of making a campaign speech.

The last GOP speaker was attempting to make his case and Obama was not even listening. He was rudely talking to somebody else while the Republican was speaking, and the Republican should have called him on it.

How many think Obama or any of the Democrats there have ANY interest in GOP input or have any attention of accommodating what any Republican wants?

But they'll tout this as a good faith effort at bipartisanship.

It's enough to make you vomit.
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One thing that seems crystal clear to me so far, is that the President and the Democrats are absolutely NOT interested in what the Republicans want in healthcare reform. So far they have only complained that the Republicans are expressing their views or that what the Republicans want is 'already in the bill'. Of course they don't say HOW it is in the bill, so there is room for some skepticism there.

That's my impression.

What's yours?

My impression is that the Republicans came simply to obstruct.

Time to put the public option back in a reconciliation bill, and ram it through on a majority vote.

Then do the same for job, global warming, and the other problems that need addressed. Since the Republicans choose to be irrelevant obstructionists, let's keep them that way.

Excuse me, the Republicans were INVITED.....even BEGGED to come to this meeting. Some of us were furious that they agreed because it keeps this insanity on the table. But since they agreed, they are doing what they were actually asked BY THE PRESIDENT to do: give their input, suggestions, and problems with the legislation. The very first GOP speaker asked to do that did exactly that--laid out the first six initiatives the Republicans want in healthcare reform. Harry Reid interrupted him and complained that he was filibustering the meeting. His Worship blew him off that all that was already in the bill.

Well it isn't in the bill or the Republicans wouldn't be wanting it put into the bill.

Obama accused McCain of making a campaign speech.

The last GOP speaker was attempting to make his case and Obama was not even listening. He was rudely talking to somebody else while the Republican was speaking, and the Republican should have called him on it.

How many think Obama or any of the Democrats there have ANY interest in GOP input or have any attention of accommodating what any Republican wants?

But they'll tout this as a good faith effort at bipartisanship.

It's enough to make you vomit.

Indeed! Old rocks is just old partisan liberal, based on reading several of his posts over time. That makes my point that both sides will attempt to use this meeting to political advantage, and nothing more.
Obama was flustered when he was challenged, I don't think he is used to that.
he did have to give in and retract his statement about costs rising though.
I hope the liberals keep denying the fact that the country is turning against them in a big way.

I don't say that because I think the republicans are better. It is just my opinion that our government works best when one party holds a majority in congress, and the other party holds the presidency.

The afternoon session should be even more interesting.
masquerade, obama counted his time for what it is really worth.

It looks like he isn't interested in giving an inch, that's what his statement says to me.......
The aims of Obama and his Democrats were clear right from the start. They're always "transparent" in their machinations at least. :rolleyes:
All they're trying to do is to get Republicans to voice agreement on this issue or that issue. Then, when Dems push for reconciliation on Monday... they can come to the cameras and accuse the GOP of obstructionism because they're in such-and-such percentage of agreement and they just don't want Obama to have a 'win'.

Republicans, however, have done a pretty good job of pointing out that they have substantive differences. They've brought facts, figures, and ideas. They've forced Obama to admit that he's already read their plans. They're on topic and passionate.

Obama's looking like shit. He's monopolizing time, sullen-looking, and keeps accusing Republicans of engaging in "talking points", and at one point, actually snarked at McCain about how "the election is over". His back-up team has nothing to offer but their usual sob-stories... (oh, and if you missed the one about the woman wearing her dead sister's teeth, you've missed the comedy-bit of the week! :lol: )... so no help there.

All in all, I have to agree with Rush so far... I was mistaken in thinking the GOP shouldn't show up. They're kicking ass!
Even DNCNBC can see this is a joke....They've switched to covering Olympic women's hockey. :lol:
masquerade, obama counted his time for what it is really worth.

It looks like he isn't interested in giving an inch, that's what his statement says to me.......

I gatta say, I am interested in watching the highlights this evening on the news. I've been keeping up to date with what's going on from here, the Drudge and a friend who's listening has been texting me with updates.

Y'know, the words pompous, arrogant and elitist keep coming to mind.

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