Feb jobs report

Any Trumpettes want to talk about this yet?
The number is still positive growth, which keeps the streak alive for 101 consecutive months. Hopefully, when next months adjustment figures come out for February, it remains positive.
Lot of factors, weather, govt shutdown, etc. One month is one month see what happens in March
Any Trumpettes want to talk about this yet?
Do you know how to link to an article when starting a worthless leftist traitor hack thread? Dumass?
I'm sorry, I thought you had a fucking brain & could use your fucking computer instead of whining here blaming me for your ignorance.
Wrong dumass. Link your worthless arguments when starting a worthless leftist traitor hack thread.
Since most dims don't work - they just live off other people - what do they care?
Why do you tell lies? Why do you think of the best jobs are in blue states? Why do you think red states are such economic basketcases? If they weren’t able to get rid of EPA regulations and live in filth they wouldn’t even be economically viable.
You know these facts for truth.
Housing starts up 18+%...

Mixed news. Should be better, but it's not a horror show at this time.

‘Don’t hit panic’ — economists find the jobs report wasn’t as bad as 20,000 headline suggests

Seems traders are not taking his advise

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I'm not worried about hourly moves in the market.

Or daily. Or weekly. Or monthly. They mean nothing.

Either way, I'll continue to hope for the best, regardless of the politics.

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