Feb jobs report

Military was not included...I was talking private sector. And I meant I do believe the report undershot the real number. Which means more jobs were created...more good paying jobs. Minimum wage means minimum effort. Pay in the private sector always mirrors amount of effort expected.
Housing starts up 18+%...Mixed news. Should be better, but it's not a horror show at this time.
They can not look beyond the numbers and those like the OP'er want to claim that low number is an indicator of doom to come...
If the report claimed 300,000 jobs added, you would be here bragging about your fat buddy.
And you'd be ignoring them or talking them down, hoping for the worst next time.
Cite the Bill's passed and the political support it had from both sides in terms of ACTUAL VOTES.

You won't of course because it will prove me right.

And if you're going to give Bush credit for it then you also have to give credit for the warnings he put out when the results of those policies became clear!

Face it, I've bested you in yet another grampaMURKEDu debate


It’s cute how you think you bested me after I just quoted Republicans taking credit for the policies which grew real estate markets to record busting levels.


I also like how you post a video about Republican-led Congresses between 2001-2006 ignoring the red flags and passing no legislation to increase oversight on the GSE’s — but then you blame Democrats.


Who wrote the law? Who voted for the law? Who denied Freddie & Fannie were failing? Who fought the GOP effort?

I more than bested you. You're just to dumb to realize it.

Cite the law of which you speak so we can look it up.

And I like how quickly you abandon your own video after it blew up in your face.

The fair housing act that lbj passed the snowball rolling


I didn’t ask you to prove you’re crazy gramps, I asked you for the law that caused the collapse. A 40 year old law did not cause it. Handing out 1% subprime ARMs like candy in the 2000’s after the federal fund rate dropped to 2%, then 1% — caused it.

And the much needed congressional oversight which could have prevented it never came from Congress. You know, the Congress run by Republicans.

I would add to that the deregulation the bush boy did that allowed Fannie Mae to buy sub prime loans.

It was illegal for Fannie Mae to buy sub prime loans before the bush boy.

Those sub prime loans were bundled with a few good ones and ll were marked prime even though it was known that was a lie. The rational was the good loans would cancel out the bad ones. We all know how that worked out.

Before deregulation, sub prime loans were considered predatory lending and illegal in a lot of states.
I would add to that the deregulation the bush boy did that allowed Fannie Mae to buy sub prime loans.

It was illegal for Fannie Mae to buy sub prime loans before the bush boy.

Those sub prime loans were bundled with a few good ones and ll were marked prime even though it was known that was a lie. The rational was the good loans would cancel out the bad ones. We all know how that worked out.

Before deregulation, sub prime loans were considered predatory lending and illegal in a lot of states.

Exactly. ANd F&F bought into the housing bubble late in the game...and like anyone buying into a pyramid scheme late..they got creamed and we got handed the bill.

And they did that not only because they were "allowed" to but because their investors saw all the private lenders making all that money...and demanded a piece.
Which President Created the Most Jobs?

Bush the Lesser was a DISASTER as far as job creation
Up until democrats took over the house.. look at the numbers
Who knows what you’re rambling about now? The economy began collapsing before Democrats took over in 2007. In 2006, we had a record number of foreclosures up until that time. And Republicans were in charge.
Thanks to Dodd and frank democrats
Look you stupid fuck, The Democrats took over Congress in January of 2007. The recession officially started in the 4th quarter of 2007.

So name all the bills the Democrats passed (the Republicans didn't filibuster & Bush signed) that created the recession in just 8 months.

Let me know when you have the list.

I am sick & tired of you stupid ass uneducated jackasses blaming others for YOUR party's malfunction.

Bush inherited a balanced budge & Republican congress & all he did was start two quagmire wars, unfunded tax cuts, unfunded expansion to Medicare , stand by while we nearly had a financial meltdown & housing collapse & you blame Democrats.

What a pathetic. low life, poor excuse for an American you are.

I agree with you however, Democrats always blamed George Bush for the recession in March of 2001, he'd been in office a month and a half. I don't blame any President for a recession or depression, that is way to simplistic and moronic. Policies put into place many years before are usually the cause. Blaming just one party or the other just makes for excuses.
No they didn't.

It’s cute how you think you bested me after I just quoted Republicans taking credit for the policies which grew real estate markets to record busting levels.


I also like how you post a video about Republican-led Congresses between 2001-2006 ignoring the red flags and passing no legislation to increase oversight on the GSE’s — but then you blame Democrats.

Who wrote the law? Who voted for the law? Who denied Freddie & Fannie were failing? Who fought the GOP effort?

I more than bested you. You're just to dumb to realize it.
Cite the law of which you speak so we can look it up.

And I like how quickly you abandon your own video after it blew up in your face.
The fair housing act that lbj passed the snowball rolling

I didn’t ask you to prove you’re crazy gramps, I asked you for the law that caused the collapse. A 40 year old law did not cause it. Handing out 1% subprime ARMs like candy in the 2000’s after the federal fund rate dropped to 2%, then 1% — caused it.

And the much needed congressional oversight which could have prevented it never came from Congress. You know, the Congress run by Republicans.

I would add to that the deregulation the bush boy did that allowed Fannie Mae to buy sub prime loans.

It was illegal for Fannie Mae to buy sub prime loans before the bush boy.

Those sub prime loans were bundled with a few good ones and ll were marked prime even though it was known that was a lie. The rational was the good loans would cancel out the bad ones. We all know how that worked out.

Before deregulation, sub prime loans were considered predatory lending and illegal in a lot of states.

I would add to that the deregulation the bush boy did that allowed Fannie Mae to buy sub prime loans.

Sorry, that bright idea started under Clinton.
Up until democrats took over the house.. look at the numbers
Who knows what you’re rambling about now? The economy began collapsing before Democrats took over in 2007. In 2006, we had a record number of foreclosures up until that time. And Republicans were in charge.
Thanks to Dodd and frank democrats
Look you stupid fuck, The Democrats took over Congress in January of 2007. The recession officially started in the 4th quarter of 2007.

So name all the bills the Democrats passed (the Republicans didn't filibuster & Bush signed) that created the recession in just 8 months.

Let me know when you have the list.

I am sick & tired of you stupid ass uneducated jackasses blaming others for YOUR party's malfunction.

Bush inherited a balanced budge & Republican congress & all he did was start two quagmire wars, unfunded tax cuts, unfunded expansion to Medicare , stand by while we nearly had a financial meltdown & housing collapse & you blame Democrats.

What a pathetic. low life, poor excuse for an American you are.

I agree with you however, Democrats always blamed George Bush for the recession in March of 2001, he'd been in office a month and a half. I don't blame any President for a recession or depression, that is way to simplistic and moronic. Policies put into place many years before are usually the cause. Blaming just one party or the other just makes for excuses.
No they didn't.

No they didn’t what?
Housing starts up 18+%...

Mixed news. Should be better, but it's not a horror show at this time.

‘Don’t hit panic’ — economists find the jobs report wasn’t as bad as 20,000 headline suggests

They can not look beyond the numbers and those like the OP'er want to claim that low number is an indicator of doom to come...

If the report claimed 300,000 jobs added, you would be here bragging about your fat buddy.

The pressure will on March's numbers.

I would be?

Then Dave it should be very simple for you to show where I ever bragged about the charlatan when it come to Jobs reports...

Come on Dave pony up the proof or will you melt and start a profane rant like usual?

Trump just like Obama have little to do with job creation and has more to do with the economies of the States but alas you are too daft to understand that and will put it on one person as usual...
Housing starts up 18+%...Mixed news. Should be better, but it's not a horror show at this time.
They can not look beyond the numbers and those like the OP'er want to claim that low number is an indicator of doom to come...
If the report claimed 300,000 jobs added, you would be here bragging about your fat buddy.
And you'd be ignoring them or talking them down, hoping for the worst next time.

Funny part is Dave make comments about me supporting his view with actual evidence. I swear Dave has more in common with Trump than me...
Housing starts up 18+%...Mixed news. Should be better, but it's not a horror show at this time.
They can not look beyond the numbers and those like the OP'er want to claim that low number is an indicator of doom to come...
If the report claimed 300,000 jobs added, you would be here bragging about your fat buddy.
And you'd be ignoring them or talking them down, hoping for the worst next time.

RealDave is dead right.

I guarantee you that lots of Trumpbots who would have freaked on a 20k Establishment Survey number when Obama was in office, are now praising it.
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The jobs report was a mixed bag, IMO.

Yes, the Establishment Survey was TERRIBLE...with Goods Producing taking it on the chin (and this is Trump's bread-and-butter).

And wages barely went up and average hours went down.

Employment Situation Summary Table B. Establishment data, seasonally adjusted

But the Household Survey was pretty good with 255,000 more people employed.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

So overall, the jobs numbers were a mixed bag. Not good, but much better than the 20K Establishment Survey number indicates.

As I always say on these things...ALWAYS LOOK PAST THE HEADLINES.
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Well well look who took Over the house last month? Democrats no wonder the job numbers are down..

Then what is to blame for the even lower month in Sept of 2017 when the GOP controlled both sides of congress?

Or May of 2016 when the GOP controlled both sides of congress?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I’d have to go back and look at the circumstances .. it it’s no surprise democrats take over and jobs plummeted
Utter horseshit.

When pseudocons were howling over lukewarm jobs reports under Obama on this forum, not a single fucking one of them said, "Well, that's because Republicans are in charge in the Senate."

No one is buying your horseshit, kid.
Because republicans have a history of creating jobs,, democrats destroyed jobs look at Amazon in NYC
Because republicans have a history of creating jobs,, democrats destroyed jobs look at Amazon in NYC
If Republicans have such a great record of creating jobs and a thriving economy, explain how Hoover's 71st Congress of GOP geniuses in the House and Senate let an unemployment rate of 3.3% slip down to 23.6% in their last year in office, the worst recorded inflation rate of the century of -12.9% after their four years and stagnate the the economy by reducing the inflation rate +0.6% to -10.3% over the Hoover 4 year administration. ~~ Compare Today's Unemployment with the Past ~~

Hoover's inept administration ushered in the Great Depression, fool! And remember, Bush 43 (GOP) was at the helm for ~ seven (7)
years before the wheels came off last time!

So before you go shooting your bullshit loaded finger tips off lauding the GOP tribe's accomplishments, check your fucking facts for some truth. All factions have their own bloody skeletons that can't rise to the glossed over exaggerations of their puffed up sycophants and piss drinkers like yourself!
Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Boston, New York, California, Camden, dc.... all
Democrats all shit holes..

The new deal destroyed black families.. unions have destroyed small businesses... just facts
Which President Created the Most Jobs?

Bush the Lesser was a DISASTER as far as job creation
Up until democrats took over the house.. look at the numbers
Who knows what you’re rambling about now? The economy began collapsing before Democrats took over in 2007. In 2006, we had a record number of foreclosures up until that time. And Republicans were in charge.
Thanks to Dodd and frank democrats
Look you stupid fuck, The Democrats took over Congress in January of 2007. The recession officially started in the 4th quarter of 2007.

So name all the bills the Democrats passed (the Republicans didn't filibuster & Bush signed) that created the recession in just 8 months.

Let me know when you have the list.

I am sick & tired of you stupid ass uneducated jackasses blaming others for YOUR party's malfunction.

Bush inherited a balanced budge & Republican congress & all he did was start two quagmire wars, unfunded tax cuts, unfunded expansion to Medicare , stand by while we nearly had a financial meltdown & housing collapse & you blame Democrats.

What a pathetic. low life, poor excuse for an American you are.
Justs facts bush created economic success his first two years then democrats took over and destroyed it.. they can’t govern
Which President Created the Most Jobs?

Bush the Lesser was a DISASTER as far as job creation
Up until democrats took over the house.. look at the numbers

I couldn't find a crayon drawing so you'll have to settle for this dumshit

Which President Created the Most Jobs?

Bush the Lesser was a DISASTER as far as job creation
Up until democrats took over the house.. look at the numbers

I couldn't find a crayon drawing so you'll have to settle for this dumshit

Again when Democrats took over under Bush they did nothing except yell about the war.. look at today democrats take over the house they yell about trump winning and jobs drop.. democrats can’t govern anymore
tweeting hate, calling people names, being bully, while ignoring your advisors is governing? you must this is is an episode of the Apprentice.
So, you are saying thsat
Do you need a tampon?
Who wrote the law? Who voted for the law? Who denied Freddie & Fannie were failing? Who fought the GOP effort?

I more than bested you. You're just to dumb to realize it.
Cite the law of which you speak so we can look it up.

And I like how quickly you abandon your own video after it blew up in your face.
The fair housing act that lbj passed the snowball rolling

I didn’t ask you to prove you’re crazy gramps, I asked you for the law that caused the collapse. A 40 year old law did not cause it. Handing out 1% subprime ARMs like candy in the 2000’s after the federal fund rate dropped to 2%, then 1% — caused it.

And the much needed congressional oversight which could have prevented it never came from Congress. You know, the Congress run by Republicans.

I would add to that the deregulation the bush boy did that allowed Fannie Mae to buy sub prime loans.

It was illegal for Fannie Mae to buy sub prime loans before the bush boy.

Those sub prime loans were bundled with a few good ones and ll were marked prime even though it was known that was a lie. The rational was the good loans would cancel out the bad ones. We all know how that worked out.

Before deregulation, sub prime loans were considered predatory lending and illegal in a lot of states.

I would add to that the deregulation the bush boy did that allowed Fannie Mae to buy sub prime loans.

Sorry, that bright idea started under Clinton.
F&F didn't start the housing collapse nimrod...they were a victim of it
Just like a contributing factor in the 08 recession was the fact that companies knew Obama was going to be elected.
The Great BUSH Recession started Dec 2007, and Obama hadn't even won the nomination yet!
Just like a contributing factor in the 08 recession was the fact that companies knew Obama was going to be elected.
The Great BUSH Recession started Dec 2007, and Obama hadn't even won the nomination yet!
Dumbfuck communist here is Blow Jobs Cuntons HUD sec.... Andy Cuomo in 1998 admitting that administration STARTED THE WHOLE HOUSING MARKET COLLAPSE!!


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