Federal Aid to State Budgets: the REAL pigs at the trough





Analysis: How Much States Spend on Their Kids Really Does Matter - NationalJournal.com

Republicans are talking about shutting down government to stop spending. Democrats are talking about letting them do it because it's Republicans who would suffer the most.

I'm of two minds about it. First, the people who would suffer the most are the poor, seniors and veterans. Republicans don't really care about those groups even though so many Republicans are very poor and living in poor Red States, and are seniors and Republicans claim they are the ones supporting vets even when we know that is simply not true.

On the other hand, a government shutdown would hurt Republicans the most letting the GOP feel what they insist they want to do to the country. So maybe they need to know first hand how awful their policies are.

So should we support the Republicans effort to shut down the government?

So what does education have to do with it? It just seems strange the highest rated schools are in Blue States who don't want a government shutdown and the worst education is in Red States which does.

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