Federal court declares Biden's "student loan forgiveness" scheme illegal

The only people who had cause more debt are the republicans … every bill that the democrats have passed are paid for … ther is no debt … plus the democrats have paid back on the debt 1.3?trillion dollars back … all you republicans did was cause 7 trillion dollars of debt when trump was in office by cutting taxes on I million airs … so when you say we dems cause debt all you are doing is regurgitating the Republican lies

Paid for how? I don't recall them passing any new taxes. How is it paid for, printing more phony dollars that's at least partly responsible for our out of control inflation?
All it did was put it under review by the court of appeals it was never illegal it was never considered a violation of the constitution… the court said that they would put it on hold … to mank a division on if Biden can do this all the house hast to do is pass it now send it to the senate and it becomes law

If he thought that was possible, why didn't he do that in the first place? Then there would be no questions asked.
Don't confuse debt and deficit, Billy :rolleyes-41:
the confusion is yours I speaking of a deficit ... to create a deficit you have to not have money to pay for the program ... by using money from the national budget that you have allocated each year from the national budget ... that's why I said the programs that Biden has passed is paid for... if there is no debt in the program there's no deficit... no deficit no adding to the national debt ...pay attention ... I know what I'm talking about ... when you work within the national budge and you don't cause debt, then it doesn't add on to the national debt ... pay attention ...you republicans see a program being passed and automatically say it's raising the national debt ... when you don't take time to see if it's paid for within the current budget ...
Paid for how? I don't recall them passing any new taxes. How is it paid for, printing more phony dollars that's at least partly responsible for our out of control inflation?
Before a bill is passed by the democrats they send that bill to the CBO pay attention now .. the CBO determines if it will be paid for within the current national budget... if the bill works within the budget they don't need to pass any new taxes ... there is no national deficit created ... according to the CBO these bills are paid for by the current budget ... it's saying they won't need to pass any new taxes ... and printing more money doesn't ever lower the debt ... it's just what you republicans say that makes you look the bigger fools that you are ...
If he thought that was possible, why didn't he do that in the first place? Then there would be no questions asked.
the reason they did that was to stop any current payment to the people who have school debt... that's all they have done ... right now its been moved to the court of appeals to rule on that Texas judge ... if the ruling is for the judge goes in the Texas judge favor then they move it to the next court ... if it doesn't the person who filed the stop of paying on these school loans they have to move to the next court ...haven't you been watching how trump keeps from going to court??? he's not giving up his taxes... he keeps filing suits ... right now trump has filed a lawsuit against the court who has said he has to give up his tax information ... by doing that Trump doesn't have to give up his tax information until they rule ... seems you have no idea how the courts work, anyway they have to review that suit ... eventually, the AG they run out of time to charge them... its the gaming of the courts like trump people always use ...... ???? trump does this all the time ... this texas judge is doing the same thing ... what has happened here now these republicans house and senate has learned from trump how to dodge a courts ruling ... that's how the keep dodging these subpoenas that are given to them ... they keep filing suit to every part of the ruling eventually they either run out of time .. just like steve Bannon when they convicted him ... now he's filing suit on his conviction say it's unconstitutional ... they have to rule on that before he goes to jail ... it seems you have no idea how our court system works ...
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Paid for how? I don't recall them passing any new taxes. How is it paid for, printing more phony dollars that's at least partly responsible for our out of control inflation?
No new taxes are needed for that. We no longer have a gold-backed currency but rather a sovereign fiat currency, hence there is no need for the federal government to tax anyone to forgive student debt. The budgetary constraints of our federal government are defined by our GDP i.e. our nation's production capacity. The reason the federal government still demands an income tax is to maintain the value of the dollar and reduce the risk of inflation by taking some money out of the economy.

Forgiving student debt is an investment in our country's future. Whatever we can do to help our youth succeed in life contributes to the success of our nation. Public colleges and universities should be tuition-free, providing all Americans with a great education. The more educated and skilled America is the better. I would add vocational job training to that as well. If you want to learn a trade you can go to Job Corps, a federal government-funded vocational training program that is free. But most people don't want to go live in a Job Corp facility for two or more years to learn a skill. They want to live at home and attend classes at a vocational school in their community.









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No new taxes are needed for that. We no longer have a gold-backed currency but rather a sovereign fiat currency, hence there is no need for the federal government to tax anyone to forgive student debt. The budgetary constraints of our federal government are defined by our GDP i.e. our nation's production capacity. The reason the federal government still demands an income tax is to maintain the value of the dollar and reduce the risk of inflation by taking money out of the economy.

Forgiving student debt is an investment in our country's future. Whatever we can do to help our youth succeed in life contributes to the success of our nation. Public colleges and universities should be tuition-free, providing all Americans with a great education. The more educated and skilled America is the better. I would add vocational job training to that as well. If you want to learn a trade you can go to Job Corps, a federal government-funded vocational training program that is free. But most people don't want to go live in a Job Corp facility for two or more years to learn a skill. They want to live at home and attend classes at a vocational school in their community.

stop the bull shit ...nobody with a brain buys your bull shit
the confusion is yours I speaking of a deficit ... to create a deficit you have to not have money to pay for the program ... by using money from the national budget that you have allocated each year from the national budget ... that's why I said the programs that Biden has passed is paid for... if there is no debt in the program there's no deficit... no deficit no adding to the national debt ...pay attention ... I know what I'm talking about ... when you work within the national budge and you don't cause debt, then it doesn't add on to the national debt ... pay attention ...you republicans see a program being passed and automatically say it's raising the national debt ... when you don't take time to see if it's paid for within the current budget ...
No Veggie Joe deficit? Yeah, you know what you are talking about.

What a clown.

The amount by which spending exceeds revenue, $1.38 trillion in 2022, is referred to as deficit spending.

The only people who had cause more debt are the republicans … every bill that the democrats have passed are paid for … ther is no debt … plus the democrats have paid back on the debt 1.3?trillion dollars back … all you republicans did was cause 7 trillion dollars of debt when trump was in office by cutting taxes on I million airs … so when you say we dems cause debt all you are doing is regurgitating the Republican lies

I'm not a Republican but they aren't lies. The complaints by Republicans are massively hypocritical but true.
No new taxes are needed for that. We no longer have a gold-backed currency but rather a sovereign fiat currency, hence there is no need for the federal government to tax anyone to forgive student debt. The budgetary constraints of our federal government are defined by our GDP i.e. our nation's production capacity. The reason the federal government still demands an income tax is to maintain the value of the dollar and reduce the risk of inflation by taking some money out of the economy.

Forgiving student debt is an investment in our country's future. Whatever we can do to help our youth succeed in life contributes to the success of our nation. Public colleges and universities should be tuition-free, providing all Americans with a great education. The more educated and skilled America is the better. I would add vocational job training to that as well. If you want to learn a trade you can go to Job Corps, a federal government-funded vocational training program that is free. But most people don't want to go live in a Job Corp facility for two or more years to learn a skill. They want to live at home and attend classes at a vocational school in their community.

Sounds like you don't know much about this. That's why estimates are as high as a half-trillion dollars in new debt for student loan forgiveness. It has to be paid somehow with or without any gold standard.

The reason college costs so much today is because of supply and demand, meaning we have way more kids in college than we actually need. That's why some graduate and can't find work in the field of their study like my niece. I'm a retired truck driver and I can't tell you how many other drivers I came across with a college degree. They gave up seeking a career in their line of studies to drive a truck because it paid much better and a ton more job openings.

So there is no need for taxpayers to foot the bill for college. College is an investment. An investment is when you use YOUR OWN money, hope to get it back with a profit. Not all investments are guaranteed and many times you can end up with a loss. But that's the gamble you take when you make any investment. But for those that made wise investments, their payoff will be making much better money than most that didn't attend college.

If we get to the point we don't have enough kids in college and we really need them, then we'll talk about government. Until then, you want to go to college, you pay for it, just like I'm paying my mortgages, just like I paid off my car, just like I paid off my credit cards and home equity loan.
Sounds like you don't know much about this. That's why estimates are as high as a half-trillion dollars in new debt for student loan forgiveness. It has to be paid somehow with or without any gold standard.

The reason college costs so much today is because of supply and demand, meaning we have way more kids in college than we actually need. That's why some graduate and can't find work in the field of their study like my niece. I'm a retired truck driver and I can't tell you how many other drivers I came across with a college degree. They gave up seeking a career in their line of studies to drive a truck because it paid much better and a ton more job openings.

So there is no need for taxpayers to foot the bill for college. College is an investment. An investment is when you use YOUR OWN money, hope to get it back with a profit. Not all investments are guaranteed and many times you can end up with a loss. But that's the gamble you take when you make any investment. But for those that made wise investments, their payoff will be making much better money than most that didn't attend college.

If we get to the point we don't have enough kids in college and we really need them, then we'll talk about government. Until then, you want to go to college, you pay for it, just like I'm paying my mortgages, just like I paid off my car, just like I paid off my credit cards and home equity loan.

No, it doesn't have to be paid. The American people bailed-out the bankers and now the banks bail out the student debt. The US federal government can just call the fed and tell them to type in the amount of dollars to pay whoever they want but our congress doesn't even have to do that. The banks got bailed-out and now young Americans, our future, gets bailed-out. That simple.

The so called US government debt is just a record of how much money it has poured into the economy in the last 200 plus years. It means nothing. We have a sovereign fiat currency created by congress or a charterd bank like the fed. Our federal government will never run out of money, or become insolvent. So it's you that needs to take a new course on our monetary system. You clearly don't understand how our federal government funds itself and creates dollars.
the confusion is yours I speaking of a deficit ... to create a deficit you have to not have money to pay for the program ... by using money from the national budget that you have allocated each year from the national budget ... that's why I said the programs that Biden has passed is paid for... if there is no debt in the program there's no deficit... no deficit no adding to the national debt ...pay attention ... I know what I'm talking about ... when you work within the national budge and you don't cause debt, then it doesn't add on to the national debt ... pay attention ...you republicans see a program being passed and automatically say it's raising the national debt ... when you don't take time to see if it's paid for within the current budget ...

Pay attention.....
Read it an weep, Billy, you've been conned.

Debt is rising, not falling

In FY 2022 total government spending was $6.27 trillion and total revenue was $4.90 trillion, resulting in a deficit of $1.38 trillion, a decrease of $1.40 trillion from the previous fiscal year.
the reason they did that was to stop any current payment to the people who have school debt... that's all they have done ... right now its been moved to the court of appeals to rule on that Texas judge ... if the ruling is for the judge goes in the Texas judge favor then they move it to the next court ... if it doesn't the person who filed the stop of paying on these school loans they have to move to the next court ...haven't you been watching how trump keeps from going to court??? he's not giving up his taxes... he keeps filing suits ... right now trump has filed a lawsuit against the court who has said he has to give up his tax information ... by doing that Trump doesn't have to give up his tax information until they rule ... seems you have no idea how the courts work, anyway they have to review that suit ... eventually, the AG they run out of time to charge them... its the gaming of the courts like trump people always use ...... ???? trump does this all the time ... this texas judge is doing the same thing ... what has happened here now these republicans house and senate has learned from trump how to dodge a courts ruling ... that's how the keep dodging these subpoenas that are given to them ... they keep filing suit to every part of the ruling eventually they either run out of time .. just like steve Bannon when they convicted him ... now he's filing suit on his conviction say it's unconstitutional ... they have to rule on that before he goes to jail ... it seems you have no idea how our court system works ...

I know exactly how it works, I also know that the ultimate court is the Supreme were Dementia will never get away with this because it violates our separation of powers clause in the Constitution. But to be honest I don't think he's going to pursue it, at least for now. He only wanted to put on a show to buy votes which he was successful at doing. But you know how Democrats are. Once they get what they want out of you, they throw you in the used heap pile.
No, it doesn't have to be paid. The American people bailed-out the bankers and now the banks bail out the student debt. The US federal government can just call the fed and tell them to type in the amount of dollars to pay whoever they want but our congress doesn't even have to do that. The banks got bailed-out and now young Americans, our future, gets bailed-out. That simple.

The so called US government debt is just a record of how much money it has poured into the economy in the last 200 plus years. It means nothing. We have a sovereign fiat currency created by congress or a charterd bank like the fed. Our federal government will never run out of money, or become insolvent. So it's you that needs to take a new course on our monetary system. You clearly don't understand how our federal government funds itself and creates dollars.

Our federal government funds itself through taxation. When taxation doesn't cover spending, we need to borrow that money. That's how China became our largest lender. As long as we can maintain interest payments on the money we borrowed, we are safe and can even borrow more. If we can't pay the interest rate on the money we borrow, yes, we are in default and nobody from that point lends us a dime.

So unless something drastically changes, we will hit that point, it's only a matter of when, and we can't allow the Democrats to use wasteful spending to get us there faster with vote buying.
Before a bill is passed by the democrats they send that bill to the CBO pay attention now .. the CBO determines if it will be paid for within the current national budget... if the bill works within the budget they don't need to pass any new taxes ... there is no national deficit created ... according to the CBO these bills are paid for by the current budget ... it's saying they won't need to pass any new taxes ... and printing more money doesn't ever lower the debt ... it's just what you republicans say that makes you look the bigger fools that you are ...

If you pay for "this" in the current budget then you can't pay for "that" which was actually in the budget. It's typical lying leftist word tricks is all. We don't have a balanced budget and haven't since Clinton, and many will argue that as well. Under Dementia we went 5 trillion dollars in the hole in just 2 years of his presidency. That didn't happen because every one of their vote buying schemes was "in the budget."
Dementia seems unaware that today's America is hollowed out industrially. "Too many in college" would match the IQ and promiscuity inside the average democrat mind as it scans the horizon looking for things to molest.

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