Federal court declares Biden's "student loan forgiveness" scheme illegal

14 million applications have already been approved.
If Joey pushes it, it will end up in front of SCOTUS where he will lose.

I think that's the plan. They want to blame the "conservative" SCOTUS for denying relief to all the suffering baristas who borrowed money to finance their queer studies and art school degrees, and then were shocked, shocked I tell you, that they would have to pay back the money they borrowed.
Anyone who supported Biden because of this got duped.

A federal judge in Texas on Thursday struck down the Biden administration’s student-debt forgiveness plan, imperiling a key administration priority that would have canceled up to $20,000 in student loans for tens of millions of borrowers.

The Biden administration’s plan is an “unconstitutional exercise of Congress’s legislative power” that also failed to go through normal regulatory processes, Judge Mark Pittman of the Northern District of Texas wrote in a 26-page opinion.

“No one can plausibly deny that it is either one of the largest delegations of legislative power to the executive branch, or one of the largest exercises of legislative power without congressional authority in the history of the United States,” Mr. Pittman, an appointee of former President Donald Trump wrote.
The Justice Department is appealing the verdict, a spokeswoman said.

Just in time for midterms to be over and now he doesn't have to follow through.

That whole thing was a scam to buy votes for the midterms. he was never going to do it but he pushed it to look good and suddenly midterms are over and he can "awwww shucks the court said I can't do it guys. Darn it and I really wanted to. Oh well."
If Republicans want to have a hope in winning more elections then they should give up on this issue.

They sound like spoiled "Karens" on this because they paid their student loans and others are not having to.

I'm not exactly in favor of the Government giving out handouts to overpriced education facilities for frivolous educational studies....but these debts forgiven are actually going to help the average person. Something our politicians have a difficult time doing while shoveling money into their own pockets.

A woman with an EBT card tries to buy some groceries but for whatever reason the EBT card is declined. So the woman behind her offers to pay for the groceries and does. The woman in line behind the good Samaritan gets irate and demands that the good Samaritan pay for her groceries as well....she is obviously an entitled Karen and gets more irate when the good Samaritan refuses.

If the Republicans want to appear and behave like entitled Karen's then so be it....but don't expect to win friends and influence people.
If Republicans want to have a hope in winning more elections then they should give up on this issue.

They sound like spoiled "Karens" on this because they paid their student loans and others are not having to.

I'm not exactly in favor of the Government giving out handouts to overpriced education facilities for frivolous educational studies....but these debts forgiven are actually going to help the average person. Something our politicians have a difficult time doing while shoveling money into their own pockets.

A woman with an EBT card tries to buy some groceries but for whatever reason the EBT card is declined. So the woman behind her offers to pay for the groceries and does. The woman in line behind the good Samaritan gets irate and demands that the good Samaritan pay for her groceries as well....she is obviously an entitled Karen and gets more irate when the good Samaritan refuses.

If the Republicans want to appear and behave like entitled Karen's then so be it....but don't expect to win friends and influence people.

It's not about winning over friends, and legislation should not be. It's the fact he went around the normal appropriation process of Congress to hand out money to likely Democrat supporters. And according to the breakdown of voters, that's exactly what happened. Young people voted Democrat in the 60% range over Republicans that got a 30 some percentage of young voters.

Our country is now 31 trillion in debt and we are heading for default down the road if we keep spending like this. It's estimated that this bailout will put us another half-trillion in debt. All Americans should be concerned about the debt, and printing more money to buy votes only adds to our already out of control inflation.

And no, it does not help your average American. I'm an average American and it's only going to hurt me by printing more phony dollars.
Just in time for midterms to be over and now he doesn't have to follow through.

That whole thing was a scam to buy votes for the midterms. he was never going to do it but he pushed it to look good and suddenly midterms are over and he can "awwww shucks the court said I can't do it guys. Darn it and I really wanted to. Oh well."

They will keep pushing because 2024 is right around the corner.
14 million applications have already been approved.
If Joey pushes it, it will end up in front of SCOTUS where he will lose.

Or they can decide not to hear the case. If the last court ruled it unconstitutional and the SC refuses to hear the case, the last ruling stands.
Anyone who supported Biden because of this got duped.

A federal judge in Texas on Thursday struck down the Biden administration’s student-debt forgiveness plan, imperiling a key administration priority that would have canceled up to $20,000 in student loans for tens of millions of borrowers.

The Biden administration’s plan is an “unconstitutional exercise of Congress’s legislative power” that also failed to go through normal regulatory processes, Judge Mark Pittman of the Northern District of Texas wrote in a 26-page opinion.

“No one can plausibly deny that it is either one of the largest delegations of legislative power to the executive branch, or one of the largest exercises of legislative power without congressional authority in the history of the United States,” Mr. Pittman, an appointee of former President Donald Trump wrote.
The Justice Department is appealing the verdict, a spokeswoman said.


GM has earned a stunning $22.6 billion since the dark days of the financial crisis, when the automaker was bailed out by the U.S. government. Taxpayers didn't fare nearly as well. They'd lost $10.6 billion by the time the U.S. Treasury department closed the books on the $49.5 billion bailout in December.

GM (GM), which filed for bankruptcy five years ago this Sunday, has repaid everything it was obligated to pay Treasury.
Taxpayers came up short because the U.S. decided to buy GM stock to keep the automaker alive instead of giving it a loan and saddling it with more debt.

Although GM has been very profitable since 2009, its stock price never rose to a level that let Treasury to recoup that investment.

In the five years since GM's bankruptcy it made $22.6 billion. But taxpayers lost $10.6 billion on bailout that saved the company.

GM has earned a stunning $22.6 billion since the dark days of the financial crisis, when the automaker was bailed out by the U.S. government. Taxpayers didn't fare nearly as well. They'd lost $10.6 billion by the time the U.S. Treasury department closed the books on the $49.5 billion bailout in December.

GM (GM), which filed for bankruptcy five years ago this Sunday, has repaid everything it was obligated to pay Treasury.
Taxpayers came up short because the U.S. decided to buy GM stock to keep the automaker alive instead of giving it a loan and saddling it with more debt.

Although GM has been very profitable since 2009, its stock price never rose to a level that let Treasury to recoup that investment.

In the five years since GM's bankruptcy it made $22.6 billion. But taxpayers lost $10.6 billion on bailout that saved the company.

We lost billions on GM. Billions. I suppose we could argue for the government to just buy the debt and then lose on it?
If Republicans want to have a hope in winning more elections then they should give up on this issue.

They sound like spoiled "Karens" on this because they paid their student loans and others are not having to.

I'm not exactly in favor of the Government giving out handouts to overpriced education facilities for frivolous educational studies....but these debts forgiven are actually going to help the average person. Something our politicians have a difficult time doing while shoveling money into their own pockets.

A woman with an EBT card tries to buy some groceries but for whatever reason the EBT card is declined. So the woman behind her offers to pay for the groceries and does. The woman in line behind the good Samaritan gets irate and demands that the good Samaritan pay for her groceries as well....she is obviously an entitled Karen and gets more irate when the good Samaritan refuses.

If the Republicans want to appear and behave like entitled Karen's then so be it....but don't expect to win friends and influence people.
couples making over 200 thousand a year get the loan relief ... i seriously doubt your attempt to make the correlation succeeds ...
We lost billions on GM. Billions. I suppose we could argue for the government to just buy the debt and then lose on it?
Are you familiar with bankruptcy law? Like secured creditors?
Obama screwed them over big time at GM.

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