Federal court declares Biden's "student loan forgiveness" scheme illegal

In case you haven't noticed....

Our "representative " government is not very representative any longer.

It's a popularity contest that is won by the person who says things that the largest number of people like. The contest winners have no interest or intention of doing any of the things they say unless it personally benefits themselves.

Then the one time a contest winner actually does something positive for the common man regardless of who they are...the opposition gets upset about it.

I would disagree to some point because President Trump did accomplish many of the things he said he would. The things he couldn't accomplish was stopped by the Democrats or some judge somewhere.

I think the solution to these problems is for us to pay for all this spending via a consumption tax; let's say five cents on the dollar. The money will be strictly used to repay our deficit spending. If there is anything left, it goes to our national debt.

If we spend more than our new tax can cover, the tax automatically increases. If the President wants to spend a half-trillion on student debt forgiveness, the tax increases from five cents on the dollar to seven cents on the dollar. Fund the Ukraine war, it increase to nine cents on the dollar. Free or discounted internet for the so-called underprivileged (code word for poor blacks) it goes to ten cents on the dollar.

The problem now is that when these people spend money on crap we really don't have to have, it doesn't affect you or me. It gets added to our debt and it will be somebody else's problem down the road. If we all had to equally pay for this spending, you'd see how fast people would start paying attention and making their voices heard about all this spending.
I would disagree to some point because President Trump did accomplish many of the things he said he would. The things he couldn't accomplish was stopped by the Democrats or some judge somewhere.

I think the solution to these problems is for us to pay for all this spending via a consumption tax; let's say five cents on the dollar. The money will be strictly used to repay our deficit spending. If there is anything left, it goes to our national debt.

If we spend more than our new tax can cover, the tax automatically increases. If the President wants to spend a half-trillion on student debt forgiveness, the tax increases from five cents on the dollar to seven cents on the dollar. Fund the Ukraine war, it increase to nine cents on the dollar. Free or discounted internet for the so-called underprivileged (code word for poor blacks) it goes to ten cents on the dollar.

The problem now is that when these people spend money on crap we really don't have to have, it doesn't affect you or me. It gets added to our debt and it will be somebody else's problem down the road. If we all had to equally pay for this spending, you'd see how fast people would start paying attention and making their voices heard about all this spending.
We currently are paying for the national debt. Recession sucks in a lot of ways!
Remember when congress balanced the budget and the economy soared as a result?
That was back when Gingrich was Speaker and Clinton was president.

Global inflation currently is eating everyone's lunch currently. Inflation and recession is a tax that everyone pays. It's an indirect tax on everyone and everything. It also shrinks the debt because the money borrowed at 3% interest is in no way outpacing the current double digit inflation rate.

Every nation borrowed heavily when the whole world went into pandemic mode. They all created money by borrowing and set off global inflation because everyone is using a fiat monetary system. But since so few people were actually producing goods and services but the demand remained constant...the commodities skyrocketed. (Lumber prices were one of the few not manipulated but coffee definitely was...which is another subject)

Our Government currently has a regular budget that is in deficit at least 2 Trillion dollars per year last time I looked. It's probably more these days. The reason this causes problems is that there is a shrinking pool of cash flow available to purchase these debt instruments...which in turn causes even more inflation as the dollar is even more devalued. It also eats up available cash flow that restricts investments and job creation.

Who is going to work a high skill job that pays minimum wage of $7/hr? Especially when a barrista is making $30/hr slinging coffee shots.

If that master's degree and decade of skills doesn't pay equitably...you give up trying. You retire early or whatever. You wait until wages are available to attract you back to work. Which is another reason why blanket loan forgiveness was a bad idea. Food is only wanted by hungry people.

I agree that it's a bad thing on a corporate level and that there are much much better ways to have done this. But Republicans need to stop coming across as Karen's.
Republicans didn't cosign student loans.

My husband and I paid ours in good faith, do we get a refund?
Look....I agree that the way the forgiveness was done was bad. If Biden publicly stated that he was going to forgive the school loan debt of certain needed trades (nursing, police, and etc) nobody would have an issue because we need to incentive people entering these trades.

Someone who got their PHD in 12th century French Art? Uhhhh....they can pay for it.

But the whining by Republicans is making them look bad. That's what I'm saying. There are many better ways to legislate the forgiveness. Usually through people's jobs by corporate tax breaks for employee benefits. "Work for a year and get $10k paid on your student loans in a qualifying trade" is a much better plan. One we can tolerate.

The blanket forgiveness is a bad plan and the blanket whining is another.
Anyone who supported Biden because of this got duped.

A federal judge in Texas on Thursday struck down the Biden administration’s student-debt forgiveness plan, imperiling a key administration priority that would have canceled up to $20,000 in student loans for tens of millions of borrowers.

The Biden administration’s plan is an “unconstitutional exercise of Congress’s legislative power” that also failed to go through normal regulatory processes, Judge Mark Pittman of the Northern District of Texas wrote in a 26-page opinion.

“No one can plausibly deny that it is either one of the largest delegations of legislative power to the executive branch, or one of the largest exercises of legislative power without congressional authority in the history of the United States,” Mr. Pittman, an appointee of former President Donald Trump wrote.
The Justice Department is appealing the verdict, a spokeswoman said.

Yeah, like a Federal Court in Texas is going to be impartial.
We currently are paying for the national debt. Recession sucks in a lot of ways!
Remember when congress balanced the budget and the economy soared as a result?
That was back when Gingrich was Speaker and Clinton was president.

Global inflation currently is eating everyone's lunch currently. Inflation and recession is a tax that everyone pays. It's an indirect tax on everyone and everything. It also shrinks the debt because the money borrowed at 3% interest is in no way outpacing the current double digit inflation rate.

Every nation borrowed heavily when the whole world went into pandemic mode. They all created money by borrowing and set off global inflation because everyone is using a fiat monetary system. But since so few people were actually producing goods and services but the demand remained constant...the commodities skyrocketed. (Lumber prices were one of the few not manipulated but coffee definitely was...which is another subject)

Our Government currently has a regular budget that is in deficit at least 2 Trillion dollars per year last time I looked. It's probably more these days. The reason this causes problems is that there is a shrinking pool of cash flow available to purchase these debt instruments...which in turn causes even more inflation as the dollar is even more devalued. It also eats up available cash flow that restricts investments and job creation.

Who is going to work a high skill job that pays minimum wage of $7/hr? Especially when a barrista is making $30/hr slinging coffee shots.

If that master's degree and decade of skills doesn't pay equitably...you give up trying. You retire early or whatever. You wait until wages are available to attract you back to work. Which is another reason why blanket loan forgiveness was a bad idea. Food is only wanted by hungry people.

I agree that it's a bad thing on a corporate level and that there are much much better ways to have done this. But Republicans need to stop coming across as Karen's.

Without "Karen's" as you call them our country would be in default in ten years the way Democrats are wasting money.

Our federal government is not that much different than our households. When income is limited, you only spend money on necessities and not a new built in pool or fancy European vacations twice a year.

When my niece turned 18, some bank sent her a credit card. She was like Michael Jackson in a boys camp. She bought all kinds of crap she didn't need, and even spent money buying her friends gifts and whatnot. Before she knew it, she was 15K in the hole at 18% interest rate. It took her many years to repay that debt and of course, learned a great lesson.

Our government is like my niece with her first credit card. We don't need to be buying votes for the Democrat party with our tax dollars. We need to spend money ONLY on necessities that benefit most if not all the people in the country. The Karen's have to stand up to this future destruction of our country, and I don't care how bad it makes them look.

We are becoming a more irresponsible society of people every year. It's about time we reverse direction.
Without "Karen's" as you call them our country would be in default in ten years the way Democrats are wasting money.

Our federal government is not that much different than our households. When income is limited, you only spend money on necessities and not a new built in pool or fancy European vacations twice a year.

When my niece turned 18, some bank sent her a credit card. She was like Michael Jackson in a boys camp. She bought all kinds of crap she didn't need, and even spent money buying her friends gifts and whatnot. Before she knew it, she was 15K in the hole at 18% interest rate. It took her many years to repay that debt and of course, learned a great lesson.

Our government is like my niece with her first credit card. We don't need to be buying votes for the Democrat party with our tax dollars. We need to spend money ONLY on necessities that benefit most if not all the people in the country. The Karen's have to stand up to this future destruction of our country, and I don't care how bad it makes them look.

We are becoming a more irresponsible society of people every year. It's about time we reverse direction.
The USA's Government has been running on credit since before Nixon in the '60's. This current generation of Millenials don't know any different. Convincing them that the Budget deficit is an actual problem is an uphill battle....especially when they don't know the real definition of fascist or marxist or if a real fascist regime exists today.
They don't even know that Eugenics is a bad thing....


When these young people don't know the lessons of the past are presented with complicated topics like "budget defecits" where some is good but too much is very bad....but they can recognize a Karen in a tic tok video....who is going to win the day?
Our federal government is not that much different than our households. When income is limited, you only spend money on necessities and not a new built in pool or fancy European vacations twice a year.

Yet you keep voting for Repubs no matter how much they spend.

Why is that?
Anyone who supported Biden because of this got duped.

A federal judge in Texas on Thursday struck down the Biden administration’s student-debt forgiveness plan, imperiling a key administration priority that would have canceled up to $20,000 in student loans for tens of millions of borrowers.

The Biden administration’s plan is an “unconstitutional exercise of Congress’s legislative power” that also failed to go through normal regulatory processes, Judge Mark Pittman of the Northern District of Texas wrote in a 26-page opinion.

“No one can plausibly deny that it is either one of the largest delegations of legislative power to the executive branch, or one of the largest exercises of legislative power without congressional authority in the history of the United States,” Mr. Pittman, an appointee of former President Donald Trump wrote.
The Justice Department is appealing the verdict, a spokeswoman said.
that's by the state of texas... means nothing ...they will continue pushing the plan ... now if you want to say Biden's plan failed in texas that's fine ... but to imply they were being duped that's a whole different meaning ... being dupe is telling people you are going to pass a bill to get your vote and never even try to pass it that's being duped by Biden... Biden had the bill written and passed in to effect, only to have a texas supreme court judge say it's not constitutional, that's not duping the people ...know what you're saying first, we are sick and tired of you republicans lying all the time trying to save face because you republicans have never cared about the people ... only the corporations ...
Biden's handlers knew this was unconstitutional from the start. It was a ploy to get cheapskates to vote dem, then blame the republicans.

Notice DOJ is appealing the decision?

it actually shows us your stupidity on how government works ... that's all it does ...
anything any congressmen write can become law and that law can be challenged... that's the only thing that has happened here and the intelligent people know this ... only the stupid people fall for your bull shit post here ...
ignorant rant hewre
it actually shows us your stupidity on how government works ... that's all it does ...
anything any congressmen write can become law and that law can be challenged... that's the only thing that has happened here and the intelligent people know this ... only the stupid people fall for your bull shit post here ...
ignorant rant hewre
So another dem apparatchik steps forward to show all of us their severely limited understanding of the constitution and the separation of powers.

Hey hot dog, Biden can't write law.
that's by the state of texas... means nothing ...they will continue pushing the plan ... now if you want to say Biden's plan failed in texas that's fine ... but to imply they were being duped that's a whole different meaning ... being dupe is telling people you are going to pass a bill to get your vote and never even try to pass it that's being duped by Biden... Biden had the bill written and passed in to effect, only to have a texas supreme court judge say it's not constitutional, that's not duping the people ...know what you're saying first, we are sick and tired of you republicans lying all the time trying to save face because you republicans have never cared about the people ... only the corporations ...

What, you don't think Dementia has lawyers working for him like every other President before him? Of course he knew it would get struck down. Therefore he duped people into voting Democrat. Just like he tried to get Saudi to keep quiet about their oil reduction until after the election. He wanted to rig the election by having them keep quiet. So don't say he's not capable of lying and cheating. It's all the Democrats do.
What, you don't think Dementia has lawyers working for him like every other President before him? Of course he knew it would get struck down. Therefore he duped people into voting Democrat. Just like he tried to get Saudi to keep quiet about their oil reduction until after the election. He wanted to rig the election by having them keep quiet. So don't say he's not capable of lying and cheating. It's all the Democrats do.
Makes one wonder if Gen X will figure out they were used.
The USA's Government has been running on credit since before Nixon in the '60's. This current generation of Millenials don't know any different. Convincing them that the Budget deficit is an actual problem is an uphill battle....especially when they don't know the real definition of fascist or marxist or if a real fascist regime exists today.
They don't even know that Eugenics is a bad thing....


When these young people don't know the lessons of the past are presented with complicated topics like "budget defecits" where some is good but too much is very bad....but they can recognize a Karen in a tic tok video....who is going to win the day?

When this country collapses, those younger people will be older and look into history on how it happened and who is responsible. Spending is spending but throwing money around like it was growing on trees is another subject. Hundreds of billions of dollars on an unproven theory like man can control the climate, billions on giving likely Democrat voters free or heavily discounted cable and internet, millions to the Kennedy center, and the list goes on and on.

So the question is do Republicans try and do something to stop it and look like Karen's, or allow Democrats to continue to buy votes with new debt bringing us closer and closer to bankruptcy?

Trump cut their legs out from under them but still if tomato's are $10, that's capitalism, right?

Pay it now or pay it with your taxes, right?

But always with the hypocrisy.
It's not going to affect me that much, I don't see how these young kids can make it.
Duped? I have long noted there is Constitutional issues here that need addressed by the courts and I don't know how they will play out but duped?

Let's say the courts squash the plan. People would still be deciding to pick a side wanting to help people out and a side that does not.
Who was being helped in this? The clowns being taught they don’t have to live up to their obligations, or the taxpayers Biden tried to put on the hook for loans they didn’t take out?
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